Eleanor Rigby claims the turkey as her own. (Photo: Katy Grimes)
Remember Gov. Newsom’s 2020 Thanksgiving Stay-Home, No ‘Gatherings’, and Curfew Order
‘Stay home, no singing, no shouting, no music, no parties, eat outside and keep a mask on’
By Katy Grimes, November 22, 2023 11:00 am
It was only three years ago when Governor Gavin Newsom defied his own idiotic COVID edicts as he partied at the French Laundry restaurant in Napa, one of the few restaurants he failed to force out of business. Shortly after the governor’s hypocritical idiocy, he issued a stay-home order for Thanksgiving 2020.
Gov. Newsom claimed to be following science when he and his Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly issued tyrannical orders to the 40 million residents of California for Thanksgiving to stay home, no singing, no shouting, no music, no parties, eat outside and keep a mask on.

Around the state, Sheriffs said they would not enforce Newsom’s absurd order, including then-Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones. The Sacramento Sheriff issued a statement stating that the Sacramento County Sheriff’s office will not be enforcing Governor Gavin Newsom’s holiday “gatherings” orders to stay home… alone… and eat chicken instead of a large turkey. (Actually the chicken statement was LA Mayor Eric Garcetti’s directive).
Sheriff Jones’ statement was as delicious as homemade stuffing:
“The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office will not be determining—including entering any home or business—compliance with, or enforcing compliance of, any health or emergency orders related to curfews, staying at home, Thanksgiving or other social gatherings inside or outside the home, maximum occupancy, or mask mandates. Further, we will not dispatch officers for these purposes—callers will be advised to call 3-1-1 and be routed to County Health. Of course, if there is potential criminal behavior or the potential for impacts to public or personal safety we will continue to respond appropriately.”
Sacramento residents were very thankful for the Sheriff that Thanksgiving.
Newsom’s order was patently ridiculous, and dangerously authoritarian:
Gov. Gavin Newsom and California Department of Public Health Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly just issued new stay-at-home orders and a curfew for the State of California, effective Nov. 21st through December 21st, for the 41 counties in the restrictive purple tier.
“Non-essential businesses and personal gatherings are prohibited between 10 PM and 5 AM beginning Saturday, November 21 at 10 PM,” the statement says.
“Does the virus go dormant after 10:00PM?” we asked.
Calling it a “limited Stay at Home Order,” the CDPH says this is justified because of an “unprecedented rate of rise in increase in COVID-19 cases across California,” the CDPH is taking “immediate actions to prevent the spread of the virus.”
Gov. Newsom was the first Governor in the country to declare a COVID emergency, install himself as a virtual dictator by seizing this unilateral power, and completely ignore the democratic process.
As the Globe reported at the time, Gov. Newsom announced that California was “pulling an emergency brake” on reopening because of rising COVID “positivity” cases. Not deaths. And he did a soft-sell on hospitalizations. Newsom admitted that California is nowhere near the national average on “positivity” or hospitalizations, but said he was still moving 41 California counties back into restrictive tiers.
Claiming that stay-at-home lockdowns work, Health and Human Services Secretary ghoul Dr. Ghaly said:
“We know from our stay at home order this spring, which flattened the curve in California, that reducing the movement and mixing of individuals dramatically decreases COVID-19 spread, hospitalizations, and deaths. We may need to take more stringent actions if we are unable to flatten the curve quickly. Taking these hard, temporary actions now could help prevent future shutdowns.”
Right. Only a corrupted doctor could have pushed these perverted orders on the general public.
Here was our summation of the restrictive orders in Nov. 2020:
- The governor has put more than 94 percent of California’s population in the most restrictive tier.
- The governor ordered beefing up the face covering guidance to require individuals to wear a mask whenever outside their home, with limited exceptions.
- The governor issued a travel advisory, along with Oregon and Washington, urging people entering the state or returning home from travel outside the state to self-quarantine, and also warned against non-essential out-of-state travel, asks people to self-quarantine for 14 days after arriving from another state or country, and encourages residents to stay local.
What Totalitarian state and country was this? Forced business closures, countywide lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, mandatory mask-wearing outside, a 10:00PM curfew, limiting holiday gatherings with family and friends in private homes… while Gov. Newsom and his wife attended a large birthday dinner party in Napa Valley violating his own restrictions? It was evident that Governor Gavin Newsom did not believe in the veracity of his own orders.
Never forget.
There was a little bit of joy – Newsom was savaged on Twitter:
Is this gathering essential? Asking for you — the governor in this photo without a mask with lobbyists from the healthcare industry at a restaurant that many unemployed Californians can't afford to eat at. pic.twitter.com/6Bw3Xtj2pA
— Dave McCulloch 🇺🇸 (@dtmcculloch) November 19, 2020
One of the Globe’s readers described Newsom’s torment:
“OMG, if only we had known that the illusive Covid19 comes out between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. we could have avoided the pandemic.! How many lives over the age of 75 and in nursing homes could we have saved sooner? Darn old folks they sneak out and party all night! ????????????
Seriously it gets more ridiculous! Newsom and his cronies must have concocted this new form of control while sippin’ on Silver Oak and munching on 800.00 dollar bites at the French Laundry. After all, most of his dining partners were from the California Medical Association.
Maybe he keeps a notebook, 1001 ways to control my citizens.”
The sane voices were cancelled on social media by corrupt tech giants and toxic members of the legacy media.
“We’re at a place where our civilization is at risk, where the bonds that unite us are at risk of being torn,” Dr. Jay Bhattacharya with Stanford said. “We shouldn’t be afraid. We should respond to the COVID virus rationally: protect the vulnerable, treat the people who get infected compassionately, develop a vaccine. And while doing these things we should bring back the civilization that we had so that the cure does not end up being worse than the disease.”
Isn’t it curious that Gov. Newsom could have consulted Stanford’s Dr. Bhattacharya – an actual epidemiologist – but chose instead to go with the ghoul.
California was even named the most restrictive state of 51, with the most COVID restrictions (lockdowns, mandatory masking, mandatory vaccines) in a survey of all of the states (including the District of Columbia).
It was only one year later in November 2021, while California was still locked down and Gov. Newsom had ordered all students ages 5-11 to receive vaccinations in order to attend in-person school, and mask mandates and vaccine requirements were still in place, that Gavin Newsom and his family vacationed in Cabo San Lucas in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur for Thanksgiving. The Globe received several photos and a now-removed Tweet from sources who were there and took the photos.
Gavin Newsom’s French Laundry moment wasn’t confined to dining out – besides multiple vacations out of the countrywhile he locked down Californians, in Feb. 2022 he starred in “MaskGate” at the NFC Championship game in Los Angeles – despite his own face mask mandates.
Newsom and other government tyrants want to do it again – they want to lock down the people as a control measure, as the Globe reported in February:
Newsom’s SMARTER Plan will maintain California’s operational preparedness to address the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to guide the state’s work to support communities across the state. Additionally, COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and treatment continue to be available at sites within local communities across the state.”
The SMARTER Plan should give you chills, as Newsom’s Covid19.ca.gov website explains:
“The SMARTER Plan is not just for COVID-19. We can use these strategies and systems for future emergencies.”
This Thanksgiving 2023, we still have much to be thankful for, no thanks to Gavin Newsom.
If you need a Newsom refresher course, be sure to read the Top 50 Disasters Gov. Gavin Newsom Has Ushered into California. And yes, that is my cat Eleanor Rigby sitting on top of the Brannigan Turkey.
Thank you for keeping the memory fresh.
Unfortunately Joe Public’s memory is about 6 months at the most.
Maybe Hannity can steer the conversation towards the contrast in 2020 between the Red and the Blue Govs.
I love it. A trip down Memory Lane under Dictator Gavin and Friends really hit the spot this Thanksgiving Eve as I take a break from the preparations. Hard to believe it actually happened. It’s so preposterous it sure SOUNDS like fiction, and written by a comedy team, too, as well as all the other “do as I say, not as I do” Gavin et al stories that were a part of that era. Which actually haven’t gone away, so there’s that. But never mind that for now..
As I recall, even down here in L.A. County for Thanksgiving 2020 we ignored and mocked Gov Gav and his Public Health Turkeys as usual and had a lovely Thanksgiving in spite of the dictators’ best buzzkill efforts. And we will have a lovely Thanksgiving this year, too, “no thanks to Gavin Newsom,” as Katy said. So stuff that in your turkey and eat it, Gavin.
Happy Thanksgiving, EVERYONE!
Ms. Eleanor Rigby is quite the turkey connoisseur. Well, I’m very thankful this Thanksgiving that we have since returned to some semblance of normalcy. Three years ago, I decided to thumb my nose at the Governor’s directives and have Thanksgiving supper at Paul Martin’s American Grill in Roseville, since Placer County was in a “less restrictive tier.” I hope we never return to such madness.
Good for you Rick for seeking out a wonderful place to have your Thanksgiving back in 2020 – there are many of us who thumbed our noses at Newsom’s directives and lived and enjoyed and thrived in spite of his cruelty.
Happy Thanksgiving 2023 – Katy
Far worse that Gavin Newsom’s tyrannical mandates to stay home during the holidays, something that his mentor Xi Jin Ping would be proud of, I will never forget or forgive his reign of terror across the state during the entire 3 years of the pandemic which originated in Ping’s China. Tens of thousands of Californians died unnecessarily thanks to Newsom’s policies, I knew 3 of these people personally. Even Left Wing universities confirmed this thanks to their studies on how the government handled ( or mishandled ) the situation. Harvard, Stanford and John’s Hopkins Universities ran independent studies that were pier reviewed proving that the government caused far more harm than good. These studies concluded that the government’s actions killed far more people than it helped. Newsom should always be remembered in the same way as Pol Pot, Joeseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. He’s a cold blooded murderer with no shame or remorse for what he’s done. I wish I could tell you what I REALLY think of him.
Newsom is by far the worst governor this state has ever had. The carnage is so bad, people are leaving.
Yep. It’s so bad even my cousin’s liberal school teacher wife despises the guy. And many of her teacher friends do too.
The article was maddening because Newsom’s actions (and his dining and vacation choices)were indefensible. Sure hope Governor DeSantis brings this up at the upcoming debate.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I (and we) have the incredible misfortune of being subjected to the two greatest frauds committed by mankind on mankind. Those are the Covid fauxdemic and the insidious and evil Climate scam. The fact that so many people worldwide bought this crap lock stock and barrel (and continue to do so) does not bode well for us.
How many of us are thankful for Katy Grimes and California Globe documenting Newsom’s three year lockdowns which were very undemocratic, very authoritarian, autocratic, oppressive and tyrannical? Newsom needs to be hauled before a tribunal and be held accountable for his many crimes against humanity that includes locking healthy Californians and small businesses down (while excluding himself and his cronies) during the Covid scamdemic and for mandating experimental mRNA shots that have injured and killed thousands of innocent Californians. He and his soul have a lot to atone for.
Agree with you, Samantha. Extremely to thankful Katy Grimes and The California Globe for that (and for coverage of other very important CA topics too. As for the Covid Era, we were not only informed about it and all of its tentacles, but what was written here helped us to navigate what was going on, which was personally helpful to so many of us.
Giving thanks this Thanksgiving for California Globe editor Katy Grimes and California Globe’s reporters and contributors who keep us informed. Their reporting enlighten us while helping to keep Democrats and RINOs accountable for their actions!
Well said TJ.
I as well am very grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving, All.
Katy Grimes nurturing grievances at every opportunity.
Happy Thanksgiving, Gavin!
Ha ha
Never forget theTyranny lest it happen again. Funny how Tyraants and their fan boys want us to forgive and forget their Crimes. We Won’t!!!
Keep it up Katy!
There are many who to this day are still hurting from Newsolini’s diktats.
Let us not forget the elderly isolated from family and those in nursing homes killed because his policies failed to protect our most vulnerable!
There is much to be aggrieved when it comes to this narcissistic, egomaniac governor!
Many families have been forever changed by the unscientific based covid restrictions.
I have family members that are still afraid to be in public places for fear of SARs Cov-2, 3, 4, and 5…..
The California Globe is a godsend! It is by far the best news source I have ever found on the web. The articles are well researched and well presented. The california Globe covers subjects no one else will touch.
Keep up the great work!
And now, laughably, Newscum claims that he didn’t shut down California!! He “allowed” local authorities to make those decisions! What a liar he is! THEY followed HIS mandates, which were not laws, since he isn’t able to make laws. Some people followed them to the letter, but not rebels like me! I knew the law and thumbed my nose at them!