California State Capitol (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
About Last Week…
Let’s cleanse the palate for tomorrow…
By Thomas Buckley, September 3, 2023 7:50 am
This is the first in a new series that takes a look back at the previous week to maybe cleanse the palate for tomorrow…wait, it’s a holiday Monday…good timing…duh…well, anyway – enjoy!
Last week, Joe Biden walked into the Oval Office and found Gavin Newsom measuring for curtains and it suddenly dawned on His Feebleness that maybe – just maybe – this Newsom kid might not quite be the utterly loyal, only doing what’s best for Joe and Kamala person he has said – repeatedly – that he is.
Hence the piece in Politico saying that folks in the Biden-Harris camp are miffed that Newsom’s shadow campaign is overshadowing their own efforts to – God help us – get four more years in DC.
Newsom’s proposed debate with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis seems to have finally touched a nerve – specifically Kamala’s – in the administration.
Realizing that Newsom V. DeSantis completely sidelines and insults her and her office and makes it clear to everyone on the planet who really is the candidate-in-waiting, Harris backers (there’s such a thing still? Hmm…who knew? well, different strokes, I suppose) have belatedly begun squawking about the proposal.
Actually, she does have a point – would you want his mistress to give your husband’s eulogy?
That would be awkward.
But there really isn’t anything she can do about it – Gavin will need an Attorney General, you know – and even if she could do something given her track record she would just make things worse.
Speaking of making things worse, Attorney General Ron Bonta decided he would sue the Chino Valley Unified School District board to force them to let their kid’s teachers keep secrets from parents.
And not “okay, we don’t have to tell you mom the reason you are wearing different pants than the ones you left for school in is because you were laughing so hard you peed a bit, well, more than a bit – we can just spill White-Out all over them and tell her that, okay?” kind of secrets.
Important ones – very important ones – life-altering ones, like changing your gender.
The suit is absurd for any number of reasons –targeting parental rights, the goosestepping over the people elected by the actual community, and that the factual bases for the suit are simply wrong, etc. What makes it truly Dadaesque is that in most schools a kid can’t even take an aspirin at school without parental permission and adult supervision.
Aspirin – you need to talk to your parents and get them to sign this form.
Change your gender – let’s make sure we do that on the QT, no need for them to know.
It seems “health care” hypocrisy has hit a new low.
Speaking of low, that is exactly the volume of the state’s response to the Reedley “bio-meth” lab situation.
Save for the hysterically incorrect correction request, that state has said extremely not much about the issue.
This probably has to due with the state offer of funds to the lab’s precursor – the now-bankrupt Universal Meditech – and the generally embarrassing fact that the state – with all its regulators and money and staff and power – was not the agency that found and shuttered the lab – that was the small city of Reedley.
But we can imagine a scenario in which Gavin and his flying monkeys would be talking about how horrible and dangerous the situation was and how the state should have known about it and it’s a sign of systemic something or other:
Just change “Reedley” to “Pensacola” and that is exactly what would have happened.
Thanks for reading the Globe!
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