Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington DC, September 2021. (Photo: Naresh111 / Shutterstock.com)
Are You Kidding? Berkeley Poll Reports California Voters Want Kamala for Governor
This is a last gasp attempt to save Kamala’s fledgling political career, which appears to be going down in flames
By Katy Grimes, November 13, 2024 7:30 am
The 2024 presidential election is only 8 days old and already a new poll doubling down on stupid from the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, co-sponsored by Los Angeles Times, found that if failed presidential candidate Kamala Harris throws her hat in for California’s 2026 gubernatorial race, “nearly half of voters would be very or somewhat likely to support her,” the LA Times reports.
Right. A Berkeley poll claims Californians want Kamala.
Are you kidding me? That ship has sailed. Nobody but her paid campaign staff wants Kamala.
I’d be willing to bet that her family wouldn’t even vote for her unless they were promised high-paid jobs in her administration.
A Berkeley IGS Poll reported Nov. 1st that “Vice President Kamala Harris holds a commanding 22-point lead in her home state over Republican Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential race. “The poll of likely voters and those who already have voted finds that Harris leads former president Trump 57% to 35%, with 3% favoring other candidates and 5% undecided.”
While Harris won California along with its 54 electoral votes, results show voters weren’t at all as enthusiastic about her as they were about Joe Biden in 2020, and even that vote is in question. Harris received about 58% of California’s votes while President-elect Donald Trump received 40% from California voters.
This election found millions more Californians rejected Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris’ and California Democrats’ dangerous Anti-American agenda. Yes, even California is not nearly as blue as it once was, thanks to Newsom, Harris and Democrats.
Eight to 10 California counties flipped to Trump in this election year.
Who paid for this poll – the Harris campaign?
Well, this is a LA Times/Berkeley poll…
The Los Angeles Times says “the idea has been floated by some Californians disappointed that she lost the presidential race,” linking to a letter to the Editor. Seriously.
Already strongly signaling or formally announcing they are in California’s 2026 gubernatorial race are Democrats Lt. Gov. Eleni!, Rep. Katie Porter, AG Rob Bonta, Antonio Villaraigosa, former State Controller Betty Yee, State Senator Toni Atkins, State Superintendent of Schools Tony Thurmond, former California AG – current Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, and Republican Steve Hilton.
But Kamala Harris?
This is a last gasp attempt to save Kamala’s fledgling political career, which appears to be going down in flames. She’s an abhorrent candidate; she lacks any sincerity or even human qualities. She covered up, feigning ignorance for a long time employee’s sex abuse case when she was Attorney General. She has no policy chops and can’t even answer simple questions about the economy, inflation, the environment, crime, the border, nor can she discuss her own terrible record… but…
“I can imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been.”
The LA Times did not link to the poll, nor can the Globe find this poll on the Berkeley IGS Poll website – Yet? We will follow up and link to it when it shows up.
The IGS poll is biased. It over samples Democrats who are in election denial and Gruesome Newscum is their leader. They still can’t figure out how they lost to a “fascist, Nazi, garbage, clear and present danger to democracy, convicted felon” candidate; while pointing fingers at each other for losing. Harris lost by 7 MILLION popular votes nationwide and under-performed both Biden and Clinton in California. These Democrat voters are delusional and should seek psychiatric treatment.
Kevin Kiley
If Kamala runs, the California governorship will be seriously in play for Republicans.
what more could go more wrong with California, these Democrats in California need to wake up an realize they’re causing this state to go down the toilet….
They must have asked their co-workers and decided the “poll results” based upon their limited sample….
Otherwise, NO WAY….
As long as a ham sandwich doesn’t run against her, she has a shot.
As for the LA Times, it appears that just a little bit of common sense is dawning on Marble Head as the owner takes charge of the editorial board: https://justthenews.com/accountability/media/la-times-owner-says-new-editorial-board-coming-soon
Trump suggested the Republicans pay the Democrats amassed debt.
It was a major troll to offer to pay for the democrat shortfall, they can’t accept because it would destroy any tattered shreds of credibility and imagined dignity they have left. It’s like a traffic cop using your own mouth to call you an idiot by the loaded questions they ask and the verbal traps they spring
I don’t much do it anymore, but I used to write political satire a friend published on his blog. My inspiration was the wild accusations and slander the left would fling at the right, so I figured give what you get and mock them while the readers laugh. I would take grains of truth, turn them inside out and backwards and push the wild story far beyond the preposterous to make a point about the truth. The trouble was I had to label it in big letters at the top as satire, some people would take a wild piece I wrote seriously, like how Hillary Clinton stumped for Barry Goldwater in high school and that she was an aide to one of the prominent lawyers defending Nixon during the Watergate affair, as well as linking her to a shadowy group said by reliable sources to burn crosses and such. To those who know the history, the way I wrote the nonsense was rolling on the floor hilarious, but there were people who would take it literally. So, it does not surprise me that someone would take the troll as a sincere offer. If the Harris campaign did take the money, it would put them on their knees in front of their sworn enemy of which they so, with dispicable invention, tried to destroy with every super dirty trick they could think of. It’s not a good look to the leftist base, to do so is unconditional surrender. And, that being the case, it would totally demoralize the leftist base while those who took the money would be ostracized forever as sellouts, kicked to the curb forever. Trump would probably be more than glad to shell out $20 mil to bludgeon them with that sort of permanent damage. After all, what did they do to him?
Katy’s “Are you kidding?” is exactly right. Not only did Kamala LOSE BIG, but her campaign was a dumpster fire as Kamala herself was a dumpster fire, on every conceivable level one can think of, as Katy Grimes pointed out.
Are we sure this poll wasn’t a Babylon Bee parody? It sure as heck sounds like one. These people are delusional as usual. But I wonder if the pollsters and their backers meant to show their cards this way; meaning with this particular psychedelic poll we have rather convincing proof that the purpose of the IGS-Berkeley/L.A. Times poll is not to REFLECT opinion but to AFFECT it. Big mistake.
I admit it’s tempting to hope she’ll run, though, because of what Raymond posted above about Kevin Kiley’s observation, and maybe we should encourage it! On second thought, nah. Everyone’s had more than enough of Word-Salad Kammy and it probably not a good idea to make CA even more of a laughingstock to the rest of the country than it is already.
I’m not sure how she will be able to run for governor from prison. She has covered up illegal activities that will cause her to be in legal peril.
Cue scary movie music. The eeeh, eeeh,eeeh….
Kamala is the sinister character that just keeps coming back even though it has been put down several times. 😳
I hope for Hal’s scenario above to become the reality but I have a bleaker picture. She very well could be a candidate for Governor. Lets’s not forget they installed her as the Presidential candidate. They had other options but the CORRUPT dems in charge chose to go with Kackling Kamala, the shape shifter!
I would not be to hasty to count her out! Heaven help us.
There is a glimmer of hope the map above is returning to red! Yay! We must keep spreading the word and encourage our friends and family to tune out the MSM liars and the academic elites who have a marxist agenda to uphold! Looking at you , UC Berkeley Institute of Government!
This poll is to signal just what they have planned for California, the testing ground for all things marxist. They are setting the stage. Hopefully, more residents of this state are waking up!
chk-chk “Say hello to my little friend!”
Need to get rid of the machines.
Victor Davis Hanson said that with the influx of conservative migrants, we’re going to turn red. Just not the way most people thought.
It’s time for Republican leadership. This state is in horrible condition, and needs fixing. There is too much unemployment, too much poverty, too many criminals, too many drug addicts, too many bad roads, too high gas prices, too many high school dropouts, too high cost of living.
Recall Newsom in 2025 – we can’t endure another TWO YEARS of this asswipe Governor and his failed policies and unelected CARB minions…
I fully concur that we need a Republican governor (not a RINO) as well as Republicans elected to other statewide offices. However, the real focus needs to be on electing Republicans to the State Legislature. The Assembly and State Senate with Democratic supermajorities having been authoring and passing all these woke and asinine laws that have made life in California so challenging for everyday, hard-working, reasonable people.
“Already strongly signaling or formally announcing they are in California’s 2026 gubernatorial race are Democrats Lt. Gov. Eleni!, Rep. Katie Porter, AG Rob Bonta, Antonio Villaraigosa, former State Controller Betty Lee, State Senator Toni Atkins, State Superintendent of Schools Tony Thurmond, and former California AG, current Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.”
How do we get John Moorlach to put his hat in the ring, and get some REAL adult LEADERSHIP who has a BRAIN and not just “feelings” like the awful rogue’s gallery of failed and washed up Democrats listed in the quote…
I thought his name was Javier Bockhorrhea…..that’s what President Poopypants said…
Good grief, California is doomed with these Democrat hacks who are vying to be the state’s next governor? No doubt the deep-state Democrat cabal will try to install that cackling dimwit Kamala into office with their usual voter fraud? We can only dream that someone like John Moorlach would be able to overcome Democrat voter fraud and somehow miraculously get elected?
This is spit out your coffee funny.
This poll was not taken by “real” California citizens, please don’t insult our intelligence! Kamala Harris is not wanted as a governor for California and should not hold ANY position that creates policy! She has done enough harm and should perhaps retire and take up knitting or something.
The former state Controller is Betty YEE, not Lee.
I don’t know who would be worse, her, Katie Porter or Rob Bonta. Going to be a wild ride as we lead up to 2026 with the clown show we will have. Sadly, most CA voters will vote for whoever has the (D) next to their name on the final ballot and then will wonder why they can’t afford gas or groceries while being mugged at the same time.
As a native of California, and a no party voter, I pray that the good people of California will survive this reign of economic terror by the self-serving thugs that make up the demo-rat party leadership. With the constant attack on the working class, I do not believe that it will be much longer before the state is bankrupt and the state employees will finally see an end to the gravy train and help vote these thugs out of office. Sorry state employees, your jobs are needed but not 3 people to 1 job, we cannot afford the excessive overhead, not when your leaders pander to the green coalition at the expense of jobs in the private sector. Soon the tax dollars that pay your salaries and pensions will dry up.
No way!!! She would be horrible for California.
We need to turn this state Red before it’s too late!!