Senator Scott D. Wiener. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Bill to let 12-Year Olds Get Vaccine Without Parental Consent Passes State Senate
Assemblyman Kiley vows bill won’t pass Assembly
By Katy Grimes, May 13, 2022 8:03 am
SB 866 by Senators Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) to allow children ages 12 to 17 to take the COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent, just passed the California State Senate Thursday.
California legislators formed a “vaccine working group” earlier this year, claiming they wanted “to facilitate coordinated action and bring thoughtful, comprehensive approach to save lives.”
SB 866 was one of several bills introduced in the Legislature designed to increase vaccinations by Californians aged 18 or younger. However, as the number of COVID-19 cases in California drastically plummeted throughout the first several months of 2022, vaccine legislation efforts quickly lost steam. Support dried up as more scrutiny on the bills exposed mandates and the erosion of parental rights, in many cases.
But Sen. Wiener kept on with SB 866.
As Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute explained to the Globe in March, “This legislative body is relentless in their pursuit to strip away parental rights as they also fast-track SB 866, a bill that will give minors as young as 12 years-old the ability to consent to any FDA approved vaccination WITHOUT parental consent. This bill not only strips parents of their right to make important decisions regarding their child’s health, but it also places minors in a potentially dangerous situation. If a minor were to have an immediate adverse reaction to a vaccine, the parent would not know. Parents MUST be allowed to be the decision makers when it comes to the health of their children.”
Senator Melissa Melendez gave a passionate floor speech Thursday during Senate debate, centered on the government encroachment into parental rights. And then she spelled it out on Twitter:
For those who don’t understand the opposition to lowering the age for kids to get a vaccine without parental knowledge or consent, I will explain…
— Senator Melissa Melendez (@senatormelendez) May 12, 2022
Melendez, a mother of five, spoke about parental concerns over vaccine side effects:
“More importantly, any vaccine can have side effects, sometimes life threatening. That’s why parents are required to furnish information on the child’s medical history, prior allergic reactions, and the child’s overall well- being.”
“Do we believe all 12 year olds will know what they’re allergic to and communicate that to the person administering the vaccine? Do we believe they will be aware of any past reactions to vaccinations received as a toddler?”
“We do need to be honest about all kinds of parents who are out here, and some really do need legislative circumvention … Young people know when they’re in trouble…they know when they are with a parent or guardian that is not loving them,” said Sen. Sydney Kamlager (D-Los Angeles) during Senate debate.
Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Granite Bay) assured parents the Assembly will stop the bill:
The bill removing parental consent for 12-year-olds to get vaccinated just passed the Senate by a single vote. We will stop this obscene legislation in the Assembly.
The bill removing parental consent for 12-year-olds to get vaccinated just passed the Senate by a single vote. We will stop this obscene legislation in the Assembly.
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) May 12, 2022
The bill passed the Senate 21-7.
SB 871 by Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) Forced Vaccinations for School Enrollment: would have required all school-aged children up to age 17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine(s) to attend school and child care. But Sen. Pan withdrew the bill due to its unpopularity, and possible legal conflicts.
The Globe will follow up and report on SB 866 in the Assembly.
Why do Wiener and Pan keep getting these totalitaristic bills past in the Senate?
How do they ever get out of committee to the floor?
Are all of the Democratic Senators controlled by the same communist idealism?
Is it CCP dark money that keeps these Senators in office?
Are Scott and Richard parents?
These two will probably end up very wealthy, living in splendor in Bejing someday.
Unless your Assembly member is Kevin Kiley, ha, contact him/her to Vote NO on SB 866. In an election year it could have an effect. And if they hear from you it should give some oomph to Kiley in his constant battle with this completely unacceptable nonsense.
Find your Assembly rep here:
Wiener and Pan are child groomers, pedophiles, and child sexual abusers. Only explanation for their sick, anti-parent, anti-child, and anti-family law proposals. We need to have protests in front of their residences. It’s the DemocRAT way.
I have witnessed in person and virtually the trickery that goes on during these committee hearings. Half of the committee members do not even bother to show up and if they are there they sure as hell do not give the public the respect of listening to their concerns! It boils down to a super majority strangle hold.
It is hard to watch but we must all keep sending in emails and making those phone calls.
I hope Assembly member Kiley can stop it but that is unlikely due to the SUPER MAJORITY!
They do not care about our inalienable rights because they believe they are SMARTER than the rest of us.
Cali Girl: There’s nothing like seeing these people’s clown show, is there? When attending meetings and hearing like this I often used to think I was hearing wrong until someone who had been doing it longer assured me I had heard right.
Some of these ridiculous arrogant legislators, however, may have some election surprises coming this year that could very well take the wind out of their narcissistic sails. Pride comes before the fall.
Nothing like it ShowandTell.
It stops you In your tracks like you describe and you have to ask did I see that right, did that just happen?
Total disregard for the everyday citizen.
State Senators Scott Wiener and Richard Pan are always pushing legislation that involves the state taking away parental rights? It is now known that the mRNA “vaccines” are ineffective against the C-19 virus and they have resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries. Legislators like Weiner and Pan need to held accountable for imposing medical tyranny and they need to be brought before tribunals for crimes against humanity?
Is there any compensation for people who experience adverse reactions?
Can a minor access this compensation without an adult to represent the minor?
The politicians DO NOT have their ear to the ground or their thumb on the pulse
of yet another important issue thar erodes the rights of Californians.
You can’t send your kid to school with a aspirin, but your kid can get a injection without your knowledge or consent.
And when your child experiences side affects and you have no idea what’s going on here comes CPS claiming child neglect.
With a super majority of Demonics it’s no wonder this pass the Senate. They told parents F off and they will determine what’s best for the kids.. Two options; either move out of State or Home School.
Our state and world would instantly be a better place without Pan and that other piece of ????. I bet you more than half the parents in this state are unaware this even passed. Good luck to those kids who’s parents cannot afford to put them in private school.
Weiner boy sure has a thing for young children.