State Capitol Building. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
California Assembly and Senate Putting the Squeeze on Unvaccinated Employees
‘The Coercion and harsh tone of this letter is concerning’
By Katy Grimes, August 18, 2021 12:54 pm
The California State Assembly and Senate leaders have been incrementally ratcheting down on COVID mandates now that the State Capitol building is open. The Globe reported in June:
Unvaccinated Capitol Staffers Sent to One Facility to be COVID Tested Weekly, Together.
In August, the rules inside of the Capitol tightened:
State Capitol Issues Mandatory COVID 2X Weekly Testing For All Staff, Regardless of Vax Status
Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon Monday sent out a new letter to staff noting, “The great majority of staff – more than 80 percent – has already been fully vaccinated against COVID.” I’m proud that this rate is far above the state rate – about 54 percent. It makes our next step clear.”
Then Speaker Rendon dropped the hammer: “I am requiring, with the support of Assembly members, that by September 1 every Assembly employee begin the process of getting fully vaccinated.”
“This requirement is mandatory and violations may be subject to adverse action, up to and including termination of employment,” Speaker Rendon said.
The letter also says Assembly employees not vaccinated must get a COVID test every day they are at work in the Capitol building.
“All unvaccinated employees working in the Capitol or the Legislative Office Building (LOB) are required to have daily testing for infection until they have completed the vaccine regimen.”
And vaccinated employees are still required to be tested twice each week: “Vaccinated employees whose job requires floor and committee hearing participation will be tested twice a week. Once tested, staff must not report to their work stations until they receive a negative test result.”
“Having a fully vaccinated staff will make the California State Assembly a national leader in COVID safety,” Speaker Rendon said. “We cannot end COVID alone, but we can take steps to move us in the right direction and to lead by example. Acting together offers a way to get beyond this pandemic.”
Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins didn’t go as far, but had the Senate Secretary Erika Contreras issue a written warning to Senate employees who are not vaccinated, or only partially vaccinated:
“The Senate is diligently tracking the vaccination rate of our employees in the Capitol, Legislative Office Building and district offices. Knowing the vaccine rate of our workforce is a vital piece of information when making decisions on health and safety protocols, as well as determining quarantine requirements if there is a positive case or exposure to COVID-19. The Senate has completed a review of all COVID-19 vaccine records we have received from Senate staff. It appears that at this time, we do not have a COVID-19 Vaccine Record Card on file from you.”
Contreras’ memo ordered fully vaccinated staff to “submit a copy of their vaccine ‘card’ to Capitol Health Services.”
There is no option in the memo for staff with medical exemptions, or those who had COVID and are opting not to get vaccinated.
“The Coercion and harsh tone of this letter is concerning,” a Senate staffer said to the Globe. “Received this from a colleague who is vaccinated but hasn’t turned in their card. I’m telling you I think we are living in Animal Farm.”
Following Speaker Rendon’s letter to Assembly staff, an Assembly staffer said that the Speaker’s memo obviously went out without the stamp of approval from Human Resources, given that he’s not addressing the many COVID breakthrough cases of fully vaccinated Capitol staff.
The staff member sent the Globe this memo from Assembly Chief Administrative Officer Debra Gravert, sent to unvaccinated Capitol employees:
From: “Gravert, Debra” <Debra.Gravert@asm.ca.gov>
Date: August 16, 2021 at 17:22:48 PDT
Subject: Required Testing
Capitol Health Services Clinic nurses do not have documentation on file showing that you are fully vaccinated, therefore, if you are coming into the office, you are required to test every day (or on the days that you come in if it?s not every day) starting tomorrow.
Testing schedule for tomorrow, August 17 through Friday, September 10 will be Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the Eureka Room.
If you have not tested with the Capitol Health Services Clinic in the past 10 days, the link to register is: https://my.primary.health/l/assembly. You only need to register once (please use your Assembly email address and not your personal email address). After that, just drop in during testing hours, provide your name, show your Assembly ID badge, and be tested. You will receive your results via text or email.
If you are fully vaccinated, you are required to submit a copy of your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card to the Capitol Health Services Clinic nurses, even if you are telecommuting.Several options are available to you:
1) Email a copy to vaccination.record@asm.ca.gov.
2) Drop off a photocopy to the nurses in the Capitol Health Services Clinic, State Capitol, Room 5034.
3) Go to the Capitol Health Services Clinic and show the nurses your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card or a copy of it. You can get a digital copy by going to https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/.
Provide no more information than necessary as proof of vaccination (i.e., just your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, but nothing else that would disclose an underlying medical condition).
One Capitol employee expressed frustration with the Assembly and Senate leaders ignoring those who have medical exemptions from the vaccine, noting they appear to be practicing medicine without a license.
Speaker Memo to Assemblymembers and Assembly Staff 8-16-21
Are these legislators out of their &#$%* minds? Don’t do it, legislative staff. Don’t. Do. It.
They know darn well —- as well as you do, if you do —- that there are a variety of COVID treatment options. But they will have to drop the vaccine push if the treatment options are widely acknowledged. And they don’t want to do that. Ivermectin is cheap and effective. They don’t want a solution that is cheap and effective. They don’t want to help you. They don’t care about your well-being. Isn’t it obvious by now?
They know darn well that having had COVID —- if you have — your immunity is far superior in robustness, endurance, and breadth than anything the vaccine has to offer. Ask these people WHY is there a push for booster shots now? You know, so soon after millions of people just got vaccinated? Who knows what they will tell you but the reason is because the limited efficacy of the mRNA vaccine is WEARING OFF. Already. I thought they promised the vaccine would work? That those who were vaccinated would be free from masks and would be able to go wherever they want, unfettered? Well, either they lied or they were WRONG.
Stand up to these people if at all possible. Please. Do it for yourself if you want to guard your health and don’t want or need the vaccine and do it for us so we can all stick together against this outrageous tyranny.
I agree Showantell, it is time to stand up and fight. It is not legal to require or fire a person for an unauthorized experimental drug. Until people understand this and fight, you are right, we know where this is going. Biden said today, the booster shot MIGHT protect you against NEW variants. Now why would anyone believe this when the first to shots provided little to no protection for the current variants. It is laughable. It is about as believable as the Taliban “promising” to let Americans return home safely!
You’re absolutely right, Stacy, these people have lost ALL credibility. That alone should be enough reason to resist. They cannot be believed at this point.
@Showandtell yes, these legislators out of their &#$%* minds. Also much of governmental and business leaders have also lost their minds. In my case, I will not allow injection of any of these experimental nRMA gene therapeutics or the JNJ vax. My current employer is chasing federal contracts and have be leaning toward mandatory vaccinations. I am presently not allowed in any offices.
If needed, I will force my company to terminate my employment and yes I will pursue legal action. My advice to anyone in this situation is to save as much money as possible. Understand your legal rights and do whatever you can to prepare to some very difficult times.
Owed Nothing, I’m cheering for you to get through your ordeal relatively unscathed and with a good ultimate outcome, and I know many others on this forum must be doing that, too. I’m glad you posted, because there must be SO MANY people in California who are in your exact position and they will be glad to know what advice you have to offer them. Also readers need to know how these insane policies are affecting fine individuals such as yourself who are only going about their business — working hard and trying to live their lives without this ridiculous, harmful, and completely unnecessary interference.
May God bless you through this and be with you always, Owed Nothing.
@ Showandtell and Owed Nothing –
I am a State employee and luckily my new agency I started with is still working remotely. However, in the next few months if I am “required” back in the office, I will be expected to get tested weekly. (Which I will not do, of course.) I will simply refuse to go back. My boyfriend used to work for the CA Assembly and I am so glad he’s out of there. He’s in the military now and we have a whole other battle to fight now, though. I thought we had longer until the FDA would approve the jab, but it could be as soon as September. I’m advocating for him as much as possible and looking into our options. I can’t believe this is the world we now live in. But it is….
Hi K: So glad to hear from you. This may sound odd but I was actually thinking about you yesterday, wondering if you had successfully escaped CA. It’s selfish, I know, but can’t help being glad you are still here with us —– for as long as you’re able to stay, anyway.
Thank you for posting your story. I like your plan and will be cheering you and your boyfriend too to navigate this ridiculous nonsense we are facing now. At least he is out of the State Assembly although in today’s military, a new challenge. One way or another I do think we will get through this. We’ll see what happens with the Recall although I am very optimistic. But if it should fail at least we’ll KNOW then that we need to go to Plan B.
Best of everything to you and yours, K.
@Showandtell, thank you for the well wishes and support. @K thank you for also sharing your story. There are so many people that will understandably submit to the vaccination to ensure they can feed their family. This threat is evil and oppressive. Government, corporations, educational institutions must not take a person’s “millstone”. I will be ok, I have always thought one must be prepared to confront a hardship or two.
@ Showandtell: Oh that made me smile and laugh!! I was hoping to be out of CA by now, but, we will see what happens. I am still actively reading the Globe, just from afar, not commenting as much as these days. The commentary is already entertaining enough and I had a good laugh the other day, LOL.
I strangely feel optimistic too, even with what we are seeing. I like to think that sometimes things get far worse before they get better and that’s when you know you’re on the brink of change. All the narratives are collapsing now. I’m trying not to give in to the fears about all the possible scenarios relating to the military mandating the jab. I keep telling myself, I’ll just deal with it when it comes. And there are so many of us in the same boat. Wishing you health and peace during this chaotic mess! We will find a way.
Hi K,
I share in ShowandTell’s sentiments! It is so good to see a post from you. I too thought you had escaped this madness but you are in the thick of it.
I hope you stay strong and wish you a huge win in the battle of “My Body, My Choice”.
Be well and may God protect you and your boyfriend!
Resist until September 15. Then these ridiculous illegal overreaching requirements will no longer be an issue.
Agree with you; this seems like it is the best advice for employees (and others) who are in this position.
Assuming a successful Recall of “Lord Fearquat”. (Newsom)
Denmark abolished all Covid Idiocy as of Sept. 1st. The Vaccines were suggested to keep you from getting and spreading Covid per the CDC back in April, now in August they admit that the Vaccinated are getting and spreading Covid. The Politician’s have illegally changed CalOsha and Hippa laws to force this Vaccine on Californians, Do they work for big Pharma and Facci, or do they lack intelligence? Looking at the State of Affairs in California, I would think its the latter. Follow the Science, not the agenda!
Yes, Fiction becomes reality.
It is my hope that many state capitol employees stand together vaccinated or not and not turn in their vital, personal health information. Once you let go and email or photocopy it, it is out of your control, the potential for misuse is great. We are to believe that your information will be protected, the same government that has lost 30 Billion Dollars of EDD money to criminals!
Then we have the issue of coercion. In order to keep your job, your house, your dignity you must agree to an experimental mRNA gene therapy shot. Will your employer be responsible for your health if you become vaccine injured?
Last but not least the Nuremberg code is being violated by the government!!
1. Know your rights.
2. Plan a walk out. Healthcare professionals all over this country are doing this.
3. Files Lawsuits.
4. Do not quit your job! Force them to fire you and then take action with a lawsuit.
this is horrible! stay strong employees!! shame on the tyrants
In L.A. City the council voted 13-0 to require that all city employees be vaccinated to keep their jobs.
Pasadena is following, Long Beach is looking to follow, and it is growing. It’s becoming impossible to keep up with this tyranny. We see where they are going with this, don’t we?
Private businesses in Carmel/Monterey are not requiring masks, not policing masks. They have signs that say mask or no mask, vaccine or not, we welcome your business! So nice to see.
Sounds nice, Stacy, and I wish I were there right now. Love Monterey and Carmel… and Pacific Grove, too. I guess we can be glad that even though the majority of the Carmel and Monterey populace likely voted a straight Dem ticket at least the local governments recognize that their coffers are entirely dependent upon tourist dollars.
Nuremberg 2.0
No coercion
Ability to opt out of Emergency Use Authorization products
Time to take a stand people – be prepared to walk because this creeping tyranny is a slippery slope to Communist totalitarianism….
These are NOT “just a flu shot” – these are GENE-MODIFICATION therapies which are generating more and more adverse reactions in those that have succumbed to the propaganda campaign – which probably explains their maniacal focus on getting everyone shot up with a clot-shot, to reduce the non-vaccinated control group that is not experiencing the “variants” as much as their propaganda narrative is touting…
This is a complete psy-op for some evil combination of financial manipulation or WEF de-population planning in alignment with their Agenda 2030 blueprint…. which, when we think about it, is also congruent with Brown & Newsom’s depopulation of California, as they’ve chased THOUSAND of residents out of state….
Or BURNED them out with their assistance from PG&E up North….
Class Action Lawsuit – Mandates are not laws, cannot legally enforce
Too many doctors/researchers have come forward revealing that it is the spike protein transmission from the vaccinated, that are creating variants They don’t meet qualifications as a vaccine (gene therapy). Newsom and Health Officials know this, and should be criminally liable.
If “Covid-19” has never been isolated, what test are they using? Is it from Chyna? or Mologics, UK (Gates, Soros)?
And after insider reports (re: PCR test results) from the new Valencia lab, are the tests even accurate?, or are they manipulating the cycles again to create false positives?
There is another reason these state legislators, as well our other, more local city and county politicians, need to think long and hard about this outrageous policy: It is de facto racial segregation. Only 28% of blacks have been vaccinated. It’s easy math, that even a politician can do, for people to see how this would bar the majority of an entire minority group from access to employment and participation in daily activities if successfully instituted. Is this really something the race-baiting, table-pounding Dem politicians want? Get in their faces and ask them. It would be interesting to see how they answer. If they dare to answer, that is.
Anybody else see the Dems push, push, pushing at everyone’s collective nerves, in an attempt to get someone, or a group of someone’s, to “go 1776” so they can then renounce the 2A and attempt to collect firearms???
Might there be an even BIGGER objective to their elaborately planned steal of an election, and all the Covid theater???