California Gov. Gavin Newsom State of the State 2021 speech at Dodger Stadium. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
California Gov. Gavin Newsom Defeats Recall
The issues were not debated or defended by the governor
By Katy Grimes, September 15, 2021 2:09 am
The amazing 2021 Recall Election of California Gov. Gavin Newsom is over and Newsom survived the recall attempt.
California media called the recall election minutes after polls closed at 8:00pm Tuesday evening announcing that Gov. Gavin Newsom had defeated the recall. The final tally is days or even weeks away, as California has 7 days to accept vote-by-mail ballots postmarked by September 14, 2021, and a full 30 days to complete the ballot counting.
All 22 million of California’s registered voters received vote-by-mail ballots.
The California Secretary of State reported 17,062 of 18,185 precincts partially reporting as of September 15, 2021, 1:15 a.m. The SOS states that Precincts are listed as “partially” reporting since vote-by-mail, provisional, and other ballots will continue to be processed and counted after Election Night.
Results will be certified by October 22, 2021.

The gap will close as the rest of the votes are counted. That is because the votes counted first are the ballots sent in ahead of “Election Day” by mail, or by those who voted early in person. The votes cast Tuesday either in person or by ballots dropped off, will be counted by election officials following the polls closing, as will ballots arriving in the mail postmarked by Sept. 14th.
As Globe contributor Thomas Buckley noted in our live update Tuesday, “So far, the walk-in turnout is a seemingly solid YES on the recall, garnering about 57 percent of the reported vote.”
The Campaign
The Newsom campaign never involved defending the governor’s record and instead went on the attack once it was evident that recall candidate Larry Elder was the frontrunner. The issues at the forefront of the California Recall Election were and continue to be spiking crime rates, school lockdowns and mask mandates, jobs lost and businesses closed due to the governor’s COVID lockdowns, the water shortage, record wildfires, and jobs lost due to AB 5, highest taxes in the country, a homelessness epidemic, endless regulation on businesses, and media home home price of $800,000… among other pressing issues.
These issues were not debated or defended by the governor.
Newsom’s team relied on Democrat heavy hitters invited to the state to campaign for him during the last weeks of the recall: President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and Sen. Bernie Sanders.
2022 Gubernatorial Campaign Has Begun
With less than 18 months left in his term, the recall was a long shot. Expect to see the 2022 gubernatorial race begin. And that is because this was much less of a win for Newsom as it him fighting to keep his job. That the recall even made it to the ballot is the real mandate according to supporters, as millions of voters made sure to let the governor know they didn’t approve of how he has handled the job governing the largest state in the country.
The Globe will continue to update the recall results are they are released.
Gavin Newsom's closing message: "Vote NO for California's future".
Vote no for California's future, Gavin?
Vote YES.
Vote YES for schools that serve our kids.
Vote YES for managing our forests.
Vote YES for safe & clean streets.
Vote YES for California's future.
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) September 14, 2021
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The Democrats are so good at name calling and attacking their opponents with every lie in the world. Newsom called the yes voters “bigots.” What a fine example he is. Huge disappointment. Also woke up to Contra Costa Co, mandating vaccine proof or negative test to get into gyms and restaurants. It has started and these mandates will not be reversed. This mandate is nothing less than lockdown. My friend’s restaurant plans to have reservation only in order to patronize their business. She said easiest cheapest way for them to require proof.
Mandates are not the law. Sue them.
I am a California native, and it’s getting difficult to stay in SoCal. My friends are leaving for states like Colorado, Montana, South Dakota, Nevada, etc. Mail-in voting ballots equals massive fraud and corruption.
It looks like California will be keeping it’s “Biden of The Golden State”.
Please remove this SPAMMER comment as the original comment was removed by Site Admins…. no longer relevant….
Did he win or did he steal it? Demonrats stole the presidency so it is nothing to them to steal a governorship.
I’ve looked more into Larry Elder’s background, and I’ve come to the conclusion he was recruited by Newsom to run. It’s similar to when Newsom ran Amanda Renteria to split the Latino vote in the jungle primary. This turned the recall into an anti-Elder campaign rather than an anti-Newsom campaign. A majority of Californians would have voted to recall if there was a Faulconer as a likely new governor, but for most, the prospect of Elder was akin to a Trump.
This was a foregone conclusion. The Left successfully rigged the national elections last year, why wouldn’t they do it again? 94% of precincts reporting. How is that possible, when they couldn’t possibly have counted all the mail in ballots yet, and more will continue to arrive and be accepted up to seven days after the election? Because the ‘winner’ was chosen months ago. Keep watching, as the numbers shift, “new” batches will magically arrive to push the count back in Newsom’s favor.
This recall has not scared Newsom into better behavior. On the contrary, the Sacramento and D.C. swamps will now be looking to punish all of us who dared defy them. Moving out of the PRK now, or even having moved out months or years ago, won’t protect anyone from that. Nor can we expect 2022 to fix anything. Next year’s mid-terms will simply be a rehash of the 2020 fraud. I’m afraid we’re down to that last box…
The recall election gave us a peak into the future of elections. Mail in ballots, people finding that they already voted when they went to the polls, CNN chopping off 300,OOO “yes” votes, CNN calling the election minutes after the polls closed. A repeat of the National election. You might as well sit at home on election night because your vote won’t count.
Thomas, I think that’s pretty insulting to Larry Elder. Why in the world would Newsom recruit a black Republican/Libertarian to run against him? Your suggestion that Elder would comply with such a scheme is beyond cynical; it’s a fantasy fuelled by conspiracy theory thinking.
California is in the grip of lawmakers who will do anything to keep power and turn the state into a progressive utopia, aka third world trash heap. The unhappy and fed up voters that we need to fight them are leaving in droves. Not that voting against these people does anything now; mail in ballots for all are a fraud mechanism created for Covid. This fraud mechanism is here to stay. Lawsuits are basically the only way to fight the progressive legislature’s agenda. These arrogant lawmakers just ignore voters’ wishes on everything – the death penalty, infrastructure issues, economic issues, etc.
The CA Republican Party is absolutely useless at fighting for the state. The way to win elections like this is to go door to door talking to people, giving them the facts, offering an alternative to the policies that hurt them. The way to win is to be out there talking to people continuously, countering the media lies with facts. It astonishes me that they weren’t decrying the racist attacks on Larry Elder from the rooftops. People don’t even recognize real racism anymore.
Thomas, don’t put Larry Elder in the role of traitor. Give that part to all of the useless Republicans who didn’t have his back when he was being attacked. Cowards.
Few people answer their doors and are terrified to discuss politics. Democrat Cancel Crowd are domestic terrorists. You can’t get anyone to talk politics in this state any longer. Just bunker in and hide. Larry Elder actually drew crowds of several hundreds which shocked local Democrats. They could not even believe there was that much support for anything other than the teachers union-SEIU agenda.
Yesterday morning at about 9a.m., I took my mail in voter ballot to my local polling place and was directed by poll workers to deposit my ballot in a unsecured cardboard box. Today, I checked online at the website wheresmyballot.sos.ca.gov and my ballot only shows it was mailed and NOT received by the county voters registrars office. My ballot has NOT been counted as of this date and time.
I know I should take Kevin Kiley’s advice and rest up and recharge to keep on fighting after the recall but I am so darned annoyed about the way the election is being reported. Within minutes of the polls closing the election was called for Newsom. But ballots are still being counted. This isn’t over. The SOS has thirty days to count everything and certify the results. If everyone spends the next thirty days thinking that Newsom beat the recall, what happens if the SOS has to report that he actually lost at the end of the whole process. It could be close! I dont think I am being unreasonable here. I just want all the votes counted and the results certified before people go around proclaiming that Newsom is still the governor.
Full Stop, I want all the votes counted too and I appreciate your patience and positivity. I wish I did not have the defeated feeling of “my vote does not count.”
It appears mandates are coming from County, not State . Contact your county Sheriff about this?
Article from Sac Bee. State Assembly is pushing back mandates for now.
California Democrats are postponing a plan to require people to prove they’re fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter indoor businesses and require workers to either get the shots or be regularly tested.
Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks, D-Oakland, confirmed to The Sacramento Bee on Monday that the idea is dead for 2021. She was among the lawmakers who floated language for the concept last week, but did not formally introduce legislation to carry it out
My county Sheriff says he’s not enforcing mandates but some pharmacy, grocery stores and banks STILL require them. The fact that the county board supervisors called it prevention, not punishment is pretty insane as there is zero chance that a vaccinated person will die or even go to the hospital. Think it’s probably better to go to a different county or a state like Arizona or Texas.
This election was rigged as all will be going forward!
CNN showed over 350,000 votes for the recall erased in real time right on TV. How about reporting on that?
California is a cesspool of electoral corruption enabled by the ignorant, dependent, ambivalent or just plain crazy voters. In a free, fair and in person voting election Newsom would have been throw out of office.
So what to do…stay and fight systemic corruption by getting politically active? Stay and accept the corruption? Leave California for another state? I really don’t know…but the thought of staying and paying state income taxes to this insane state government is truly repulsive.
I am shocked how low the turn out was…be interesting to see what the turn out for Republicans and Independents was.
Some remarks…the recall was a big disappointment. But there were few reasons. Elder was anti immigrant and anti choice and Newsom took advantage and manipulated voters thinking it’s about stopping a Trump acolyte into office. Furthermore, it didn’t help that the statement by Orrin Heatlie sent to voters information ballots literally said that the state favors “foreign nationals”, so it drove many to the polls from the anti immigrant rhetoric.. Mail in ballots sent to everyone, bombarding ads on TV/YouTube and the radio and friends were telling to vote no on social media also were reasons.
The California Globe is Great, but, it is but a tiny percentage of “The Media”, The Mass-Media, meaning ABC-through-PBS, (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, HLN, NPR, PBS, et al). Add in Salon, Media Matters, and Huffpo! All very seriously on The Left in their politicized “Fake News”! My Eastern European Immigrant friends all say that watching ABC-through-PBS is just like watching Stalin’s Pravda back behind The Iron Curtain~!!!!!!! I call ABC-through-PBS, “American Pravda!!! As an “Awakened”, no-longer-CA-democrat, I clearly see that the weak CA republicans, and, CA “conservatives” decide to ‘grow a set’, and,work to quit enjoying “losing the cultural war”, and, to go after the advertisers, which fund ABC-through-PBS, (like my former party began doing at least 40 years ago), American Civilization is going by the wayside!!!!!! Katy Grimes, please keep up your great work~!!!
Your right Mike. Yesterday I cancelled my subscription to my local newspaper who supposedly endorsed Larry but did not write one story on him. So yeah Boycotts work , but so many want to just go along to get along. Also I just received my first copy of The US Constitution pocket book. My 3 books now are the Bible, the Constitution and the Art of War by Sun Tzu.
The recall election gave us a peak into the future of elections. Mail in ballots, people finding that they already voted when they went to the polls, CNN chopping off 300,OOO “yes” votes, CNN calling the election minutes after the polls closed. A repeat of the National election. You might as well sit at home on election night because your vote won’t count.
OK, I quickly glanced at all the comments, here’s one I didn’t see.
There are 58 counties in California….. 40 of those counties use DOMINION VOTING MACHINES/TABULATORS! HAS anyone looked at the “California Secretary of State Recall election results?”
Which brings you to a PDF chart of election equipment used in our RECALL Election/SELLECTION!
DOMINION for the win!!!
Aptly named, just as Satanic entities usually do…
Hidden, in plain sight….