In California’s major cities, homicides rose by roughly 17 percent in the last year. Homicides in Los Angeles reached their highest total in 15 years. (Photo: Eva Carre/Shutterstock)
California’s Blue City Crime Wave is On the Ballot
Sacramento murders, robberies, shootings are spiking
By Katy Grimes, November 7, 2022 8:11 am
Massive spikes in violent and retail crime is one of the most important issues on the ballot this November, and especially in California. Crime is spiking across the state.
In Sacramento’s Midtown residential neighborhood, a woman was robbed Thursday. She screamed for help. Neighbors stood and watched.
KCRA reported:
Victoria Mapson said the more upsetting part of the incident was how bystanders reacted. She told KCRA 3 that when she was screaming for help and crying, her neighbors did not jump into action. She even described how one man called her crazy and said he couldn’t do anything.
“That was just so deeply upsetting and hurtful, that someone could look me in the eye as a human and say I’m not going to help you,” Victoria said.
“Left-wing politicians and their backers recognize that rising crime rates and the lack of a general sense of safety that follows are a problem for them and their chances for reelection,” the Heritage Foundation reports. “In fact, recent polls show that voters care a lot about rising crime—an issue that is second only to rising, rampant inflation and the lackluster economy. So the Left is engaging in political traditions as old as time: obfuscation, finger pointing, and blame shifting.”
The new study by the Heritage Foundation titled, “The Blue City Murder Problem,” debunked a recent leftist claim that red states have the highest crime, which Gov. Gavin Newsom relished in restating. The Heritage Foundation found that 27 of the 30 cities with the highest murder rates are controlled by Democrats. Three of the 30 Democrat-run violent cities are located in California: Oakland, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
“A super majority of those cities, even in otherwise red states, are deep blue and run by left-wing ideologues,” Heritage exposes.
Last March, left-wing advocacy organization, The Third Way, published a short study with the title, “The Red State Murder Problem.” The Heritage Foundation exposes the leftists behind the paper: “Written by Jim Kessler, a long-time Democratic policy director to Senator Charles ‘Chuck’ Schumer, and Kylie Murdock, a former intern for Congresswoman Barbara Lee and volunteer for Elizabeth Warren for President, the study states that ‘murder rates are far higher in Trump-voting red states than Biden-voting blue states.’”
Only this isn’t true.
“Those on the Left know that their soft-on-crime policies have wreaked havoc in the cities where they have implemented those policies. It is not hard to understand why ‘reforms’ such as ending cash bail, defunding the police, refusing to prosecute entire categories of crimes, letting thousands of convicted felons out of prison early, significantly cutting the prison population, and other ‘progressive’ ideas have led to massive spikes in crime—particularly violent crime, including murder—in the communities where those on the Left have implemented them,” Heritage said.
The Third Way blames Republicans for the spike in murders across the country, Heritage reports. “The not-so-subtle suggestion the study pushes is that those on the Left are not responsible for rising crime rates because crime is rising everywhere—especially in Republican-led states. Fighting for their political survival, Left-wing politicians such as Gavin Newsom and Larry Krasner have recently started to parrot the ‘results’ of this study.”
California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who some say will be running for President in 2024 despite his feeble denials, ran with the leftist report and posted a pompous Tweet – as if he was imperiously imparting the shocking truth:
“The @GOP love to campaign on being “tough on crime.” But here’s the truth — their policies don’t work. 8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates are red. Murder rates were 40% higher in red states than blue. Gun deaths are almost 2x as high in red states.”
The @GOP love to campaign on being “tough on crime.”
But here’s the truth — their policies don’t work.
8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates are red.
Murder rates were 40% higher in red states than blue.
Gun deaths are almost 2x as high in red states.
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) October 18, 2022
The actual truth that is the Democrat-run cities in all states, including Red States, are sucking up the bulk of the air (and city resources) when it comes to crime. Gov. Newsom also fails to acknowledge the disproportionate number of mass shootings in California, which not only has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, but continues to pass dozens of unconstitutional gun control laws every legislative session.
Gov. Newsom isn’t talking about California’s Homicide Rates by State, 2014–2020, ranking either: California is 25th in homicides per 100,000 population.
It’s no coincidence California’s crime rate increased almost immediately in 2014 when Proposition 47 was passed by misinformed voters. Prop. 47 reduced a host of felonies to misdemeanors, including drug crimes, date rape, and all thefts under $950, even for repeat offenders who steal every day, decriminalized drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor, also removed law enforcement’s ability to make an arrest in most circumstances, as well as removing judges’ ability to order drug rehabilitation programs rather than incarceration.
Gov. Newsom also ignores the crime infiltrating middle and working class neighborhoods. Fugitives were holed up in the backyard of a home in a lovely suburban Sacramento neighborhood Sunday. A Sacramento man Tweeted about this:
Fugitives holed up in a backyard in #CollegeGreens. Apparently two kids got in a car accident and started shooting at each other. They came down our street and went into a neighbor’s house. Everyone is safe. Thank-you @SacPolice #Sacramento
Fugitives holed up in a backyard in #CollegeGreens. Apparently two kids got in a car accident and started shooting at each other. They came down our street and went into a neighbor’s house. Everyone is safe. Thank-you @SacPolice #Sacramento pic.twitter.com/7EdfhIUCSU
— Steve D-Emanuel (@rivercitysteve) November 6, 2022
There was another homicide Friday in Sacramento. Sacramento Police Department patrol officers responded to reports of a shooting in a South Sacramento neighborhood. Officers located the victim, a 25-year-old male, suffering from a single gunshot wound. Sacramento Fire Department personnel responded and transported the victim to an area hospital in critical condition. Despite their efforts, the victim was later pronounced deceased, SacPD reported.
Just since November 1st, the Sacramento Police Department has had a bustling crime log including two robbery investigations and four shooting investigations – that we know of.
Sacramento had another homicide October 30th, when SacPD responded to reports of an vehicle that had collided with a fence, and found a dead male adult in the driver’s seat, with a gunshot wound.
Sacramento counted its 50th homicide October 21, 2022. At this rate, we may lose count soon.
Gov. Gavin Newsom doesn’t have to travel far to see the evidence of increasing violent crime – it’s right under his nose, and the nose of Sacramento’s Democrat Mayor, former State Senator Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento). Because the more politicians obfuscate and lie about actual crime, the more people are in fear and will be voting to protect and save their families.
These most recent examples of violent crimes are absolutely sickening. And most of us have seen before, on video(!) or wherever, the incredibly disturbing spectre of a person on the street being attacked or robbed while onlookers did NOTHING. Except maybe film it. Sometimes we hear laughter in the background.
I think we know, at least in part, why that happens: When the disgusting leftist policies that we are currently living under are in place, life becomes cheaper for many people than it was before. Contributing to that, too, in CA, is the Covid fallout of death and uncaring policies, our new “abortion sanctuary state,” and the list goes on.
I’ll never understand how Gavin Newsom, who supports and is largely responsible for all we are experiencing now, can look himself in the mirror every morning. But I guess for conscienceless sociopaths it’s not a problem. As long as he can picture the image he sees as occupying the White House, it’s all good. For him, anyway. Definitely not for us.
College Greens used to be a quiet and safe middle-class suburban subdivision back in the 1960’s and 1970’s before the Democrat cabal took over Sacramento’s government and turned the city into lawless hellhole. It’s so sad to see what Democrats have done to Sacramento and other cities in California.
I was recently mugged in a BART station in San Francisco. Dozens of bystanders did nothing. Cops did nothing after taking a report. We live in a society without consequences.