Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer. (Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
California’s Rotten Districts Result in Rotten Result
Dems who ‘abstained’ on child sex traffic all vote from safe seats
By Thomas Buckley, July 13, 2023 7:03 am
In theory, if an elected official does something unpopular they could lose their re-election bid.
If they do something unconscionable – like blocking harsher penalties for convicted child sex traffickers – they should lose their re-election bid.
But for the six Democrats who “abstained” (same as a no but now they can lie and say they didn’t technically vote against it) from voting on SB14 by Republican Senator Shannon Grove, that is – horribly – not a concern.
That’s because all six represent safe to the point of rotten Democrat seats.
They literally do not have to care what the public thinks…about anything.
Let’s start with the chair of the Assembly Public Safety Committee, Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles), the man caught on tape chuckling after a member of the public yelled “Horrible!” after Tuesday’s vote. Jones-Sawyer represents the 57th district, which runs south from downtown Los Angeles. Last fall, he ran unopposed for re-election in a district that has a population of about 508,000 but a “citizens of voting age” rate of only about 48% and one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the state.
Jones-Sawyer, a former union rep, got about 40,000 votes, the fourth lowest number of any Assemblymember – and the other three actually had opponents.
Assemblywoman Liz Ortega represents the 20th district – in and around Fremont in the Bay Area. Her opponent in the general election was another Democrat and she got about 65% of the vote.
Assemblyman Rick Chavez Zbur hails from the 51st district, which includes part of the westside of Los Angeles and Santa Monica. He, too, faced another Democrat last November.
Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, 54th district (Boyle Heights, downtown Los Angeles) Assemblyman got 54,000 of the 68,000 votes cast in November against a write-in candidate.
Assemblyman Isaac Bryan, 55th district, Culver City and the surrounding area, actually had a Republican opponent. He beat him 84 to 16 percent.
And now Assemblywoman Mia Bonta, 18th district assemblywoman and wife of Attorney General Rob Bonta. Rob held the seat before her until he was tapped by Gavin Newsom to become the Attorney General after Xavier Bockarrhea – sorry, Becerra – was picked by Biden to be the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Biden didn’t actually get that right, either, throwing in an “education” when he made the announcement.)
Mia won a special election in 2021, defeating fellow Democrat Janani Ramachandran. That particular race was highly-charged, with cries of nepotism, sleaze, and other political shenanigans from Ramachandran – https://www.ebar.com/story.php?ch=news&sc=latest_news&id=306908 .
While that race was close, last fall she faced only token write-in opposition and took nearly 90% of the vote.
In other words, they all have safe seats due to the supposedly “independent” California Redistricting Citizens Commission so they ain’t going anywhere.
Their placement by Democrat leaders on the potentially controversial public safety committee is not a coincidence. Since their re-election is never in question, they can safely do the dirty work of enforcing the progressive/woke/equitarian “empty the jails, no cash bail, victims be dammed” party line without forcing the few other Democrats who are not in safe seats to actually cast a vote that could enrage the public.
These six rotten districts are far from the only ones created by the redistricting commission. Based on the most recent available figures (in their latest report, for whatever reason, the commission did not break out that figure) “citizens of voting age” equals about 85% of the number of people of voting age. These figures, however, are not consistent statewide while some districts have higher – or much lower – number of citizens of voting age – let alone voter turnout – even though they all have just about the same number of people.
From a 2021 story on the issue:
An average district has about 275,000 legal voters. Districts that have more than 300,000 legal voters (about 10 percent higher than the average) returned seven Republicans, 16 Democrats, and one independent, results roughly in line with statewide party registration figures.
But districts that have fewer than 250,000 legal voters showed a very significant tilt, electing three Republicans and 17 Democrats, more than twice the difference that could be expected vis a vis statewide party affiliations.
It should be noted that the turnout and citizen rates appear to be intertwined. The competitive districts with the highest percentages of citizens had the highest turnouts, with the top eight turnout districts showing an average citizenship rate of 87 percent, while the lowest 10 districts by turnout carried a citizenship rate of 62 percent (Republicans and Democrats split the top eight districts four to four while the lowest went Democrat by nine to one).
And that’s why they abstained.
That and they’re evil cowards, of course.
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Great commentary, Katy.
I cannot help to think that the donors who help to secure their seats year after year put pressure on them to abstain. Could Assemblyman Isaac Bryan, 55th district who ran as a community organizer on a social justice platform be pressured by donors? He most likely will vote to protect the violators each and every time in the name of “social justice”
Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, 54th district (Boyle Heights, downtown Los Angeles). Also a “social justice” warrior.
Liz Ortega said she felt 3 strikes was too harsh of a sentence!! Who thinks like this when minors are involved or really anyone for that matter! She has shown she has no empathy for the abused! Sick!!
Many of these districts demographics are immigrants from south of the border. Many of the sex trafficked victims come from Central and South America. The cartels are mow making more money in human trafficking than drug trafficking.
A spot light is now being shone on these horrific criminal enterprise. These Assembly members that either voted no or abstained will be shown to be on the wrong side of history and the hardworking people in their districts need to awaken to the crimes happening in their cities.
Shame on all who abstained! This is not a partisan issue!
Also everyone should see the movie, Sound of Freedom, it will bring awareness to many who have no idea this is happening in such an organized manner.
Sorry Thomas Buckley, I had just read Katy’s write up as well. Great commentary.
Thank you for writing this up.
We must shine the light on these so called legislators.
Democrat Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer was caught on a hot microphone laughing after he voted against protecting children from trafficking crimes. How did Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, who is Black and originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, get elected to represent the 59th Assembly District which is over 75 percent Hispanic/Latino? It’s curious? Even if he was installed with Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines, why would did he not vote to protect children from human trafficking? Maybe he’s getting financial incentives from some source? Could it be from the cartels? Could it be from the WEF globalists? Maybe from Soros? Will Democrat Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer ever be held accountable?
Laughing at the idea that children are in the worst kind of danger imaginable is something we’ve seen elsewhere recently…..where was it? As I recall a woman “psychiatrist” working for an LGBTQ+ adjunct to a Sacramento school(?) eerily laughed and smiled at the idea of being allowed to keep parents in the dark about their child’s gender-change “preference.” (This was covered here at The Globe not that long ago I think.)
And we have seen other examples of this of course.
Looks like demon-possession and it probably is.
Yes, demon possessed for sure.
The silver lining in their grotesque display allows us to see who these people really are and where they stand.
Even demented Scott Weiner voted yes, so what does that tell us?
Gee, C.G., I sure hope it’s not telling us that Wiener is pathetically trying to pave the way to run for CA Gov or other statewide office — heaven help us.
Yikes! Now that would be a nightmare scenario! Can you imagine that? Who would take California seriously as most
In the nation already think it is a progressive dumpster fire.
Katy Grimes (and Thomas Buckley) said it all so well on the subject of “safe districts” in the Bay Area and L.A. that have unfortunately benefited from the corrupt Dem/Marxist redistricting described, which then produces “safe” politicians who are then appointed by corrupt Dem/Marxist governors for key committees who proceed to do any reckless %&*#@ thing they feel like doing, which destruction then affects the People of the ENTIRE State of California.
As a side note, IF anyone sensible should SOMEHOW manage to win enough votes in such districts (fat chance) the bad guys would simply whip out their towering pile of vote-by-mail ballots and put the kibosh on THAT eventuality. Remember these skunks had to roll out full-on Covid Theatre to install — just as one example — CA vote-by-mail and, having used such desperate measures to install it, they’re sure as heck not taking it back now (duh). This failure alone —- the failure to rescind vote-by-mail —- should be, by itself, proof enough for any sane person of its central use in schemes of election manipulation.
For what it’s worth, though, just want to add that here’s the sorta good news that is also the sorta bad news and shows you where we are now in CA: Rumor has it that the super-odious Asm Reggie Jones-Sawyer is planning to run for the now-vacant L.A. City Council seat of the equally odious and corrupt Mark Ridley-Thomas. Will Jones-Sawyer win if he runs? Probably, the way things are going. If he does he will at least be out of Sacramento’s hair —– to unfortunately land in L.A.’s hair.
Will any of it matter? Who knows, I guess we’ll see! The infamous Asm Jones Sawyer will probably be replaced in Sacramento by someone equally sociopathic, and as we know there is no shortage of such Dem/Marxists in the legislature to choose from. And his addition to the L.A. City Council would probably not make things any worse in L.A. than they are already at this point.
Happy Times! Sigh.
I first read the apocryphal quote about California political district maps in “Willie Brown: a Biography” by Richard James – Phil Burton called his whacked out maps of new districts in 1980 his “contribution to modern art”.
If you aren’t gaming the process, apparently, you aren’t playing the game properly. This isn’t a D versus R thing, it is a power thing. Isn’t it ever thus?
It wouldn’t take too much money to unseat some of these helicopter legislators (they get helicoptered in to a district by power brokers in party leadership). In fact, there is likely one or two billionaires and a half dozen union meta-level leaders behind the supermajority in Sacramento right now. They launder their financial control through non-profits, charity work, etc. but the corrosive influence of all their relative wealth has reverted us to a modern day robber-baron cyber dystopia.
Despair doesn’t fix anything. There is a political path to reverse the stupidity we have been subject to.
Of course they dont care. They know their elections will be rigged anyways and they wont be voted out. Democrats literally do not have to do anything to win over constituents anymore because their constituents dont exist. Their constituents are a bunch of mules who harvest ballots and steal elections. I have voted every election since I was of age, but now I just dont feel like it matters anymore. Our votes dont count. You cant win against cheaters.