Covid-19 Vaccine. (Photo: insta_photos/Shutterstock)
CDC Adds COVID-19 Vaccine to ‘Routine’ Childhood Immunization Schedule
‘Given all that we have learned about the dangers and ineffectiveness of COVID shots it is horrifying to see the CDC now recommend this’
By Katy Grimes, February 10, 2023 4:18 pm
Just in time for Gov. Gavin Newsom’s long-awaited end to his Covid emergency powers February 28th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced on Thursday updated recommendations to childhood immunization schedules, including the addition of COVID-19 shots and boosters for babies and children ages 6 months to 18 years.
Will California’s vaccine policy mean “recommended” or “mandated” Covid vaccines for children as young as 6 months, or to attend school?
As Gov. Newsom finally ends California’s Covid State of Emergency, three years after his original declaration and executive order March 3, 2020, the CDC steps in with Covid vaccine mandates.
“In California the pandemic never really ended,” the Globe reported in December. “California Gov. Gavin Newsom still clings to his autocratic emergency powers under his March 4, 2020 Covid State of Emergency order, so why not perpetrate another crisis?”
Coincidence? Collusion? Complicity?
Meanwhile, the Biden administration recently announced it will finally end the Covid-19 public health emergency in (wait for it………..) May 2023.
The CDC says:
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations for the use of each vaccine are developed after in-depth reviews of vaccine-related data, including the epidemiology and societal impacts of the vaccine-preventable disease, vaccine efficacy and effectiveness, vaccine safety, quality of evidence, feasibility of program implementation, and economic analyses of immunization policy (1).
“In-depth reviews of vaccine-related data?” I’m reading many, many reports published by respected physicians warning that no young person should receive a shot because the risks far outweigh the benefits.
One of those physicians, Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH has repeatedly expressed his dire concerns about the Covid vaccines on children on national TV throughout the COVID-19 vaccine campaign. “Chiu et al published a report where both cardiac symptoms and ECG changes were recorded after the first and second injections. The results are alarming. After the second injection of mRNA 17.1% of students reported cardiovascular symptoms.”
Dr. McCullough, a Cardiologist, reported January 26, 2023 “new data estimate 278,000 Americans had life ended by Covid immunization campaign.”
He has also reported on “Sudden cardiac death risk in contact sports increased by myocarditis.”
Children’s Health Defense responded to the CDC announcement:
“The CDC’s addition of COVID-19 shots to the childhood and adolescent immunization schedules may give states the power to make the shots mandatory for school attendance. However, many states have laws on the books prohibiting COVID vaccine mandates for children. It is not known how this new CDC rule will affect children in those states.
“Vaccine makers are not liable for injuries or deaths associated with Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccines but can be held liable for injuries caused by a fully licensed vaccine — unless that vaccine is added to the CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule.
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) President and General Counsel Mary Holland also responded:
“Given all that we have learned about the dangers and ineffectiveness of COVID shots over the last two years, it is horrifying to see the CDC now recommend this as a routine shot to children. Although it is unsurprising given the agency capture, it is nonetheless tragic.
“The childhood schedule is already unscientific and unjustifiable,” said Holland. “Adding this shot may well be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Parents are likely to resist, finally calling the entire childhood vaccine schedule into question. That day has been long in coming, but it is now here. I believe we are now watching the beginning of the end of the reign of Big Pharma over the nation’s children.”
In a 2019 California Globe op ed, Attorney Mary Holland asked, “When a physician decides that a child is too medically fragile to receive a vaccine, but is not allowed to submit a medical exemption because it is not a listed CDC contraindication, and that child suffers a life-threatening reaction, such as multiple seizures or encephalitis (both listed on vaccine manufacturer inserts), is the doctor liable, or the state official, who denied the exemption?”
Her question was never answered by elected lawmakers in the California Legislature – they don’t think they have to answer.
Parental choice and decision making over childhood vaccinations was removed in California because of a state law passed in 2012, and parents were livid. Assembly Bill 2109 by then-Assemblyman Richard Pan (D-Sacramento), orders that California school-aged children will not be allowed to attend public school without proof that parents have been counseled, and children vaccinated, in accordance with the vaccination schedule of the federal Center for Disease Control.
The only exception to the law was a personal belief or religious exemption – the only way Assemblyman Pan could get the bill passed.
But Pan came back when he was elected to the State Senate and insidiously authored bills removing all of the previous compromise agreements for exemptions he made to pass AB 2109.
I guess we know now what that ‘quiet withdrawal’ of Newsom’s threatened mandates for every kid in a CA school was about,” a friend told the Globe. ” The ‘memo’ the Gov. et al received said ‘relax, the CDC will take care of it!'”
“Seems there is always an end-run by these creeps around every painstakingly erected obstacle.”
Here is the childhood “recommended” CDC vaccine schedule – 60 vaccines by age 18. The problem with California is the Legislature made vaccines mandatory well ahead of the Covid pandemic. How could they have known?

‘SAFE STATES FOR CHILDREN: Here’s Updated List of (17) States That Won’t Comply with CDC….”
gatewaypundit.com If people knew what was in vaccines, they would be very disturbed.
Childrens Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org) is another resource that has a plethora of information.
God Bless and protect the children.
“F” that.
How CONVENIENT that the vaccine-happy California governor and legislature led by Sen Richard Pan laid the groundwork for a mandate of the most injurious and often deadly “vaccine” of them all, the Covid mRNA shot, to be unnecessarily administered to children —- as young as 6 months.(!) What, the CDC’s childhood schedule of SIXTY vaccines by age 18 wasn’t harmful and damaging enough? Now they’re really going for broke. And ignoring every study and all common sense along the way. That they are once again selling their souls for a mess of pottage comes to mind. Monstrous.
Let’s hope and pray that the Children’s Health Defense President and Attorney Mary Holland is correct that the result of this latest boneheaded CDC move could very well be the beginning of the end of this nightmare, once and for all.
And this is done one month after Dr. Fauci has paper published explaining why
The explosion of child diseases over the past 20 years has led to the prevalent conversation among young mothers of “whose child is on the most medications” and “who’s child has had the worst symptoms” as the new badge of mother-suffering.
Meanwhile, big pharma just keeps getting bigger and more powerful, creating income flows while destroying the human immune system, one shot at a time.
With all that we now know about the ineffective and often deadly experimental mRNA shots, those in positions of governmental authority such as Gov. Newsom and the CDC bureaucrats who are still mandating and promoting the shots need to be hauled before tribunals and be held accountable for heinous crimes against humanity.
Gov. Newsom, Assemblyman Richard Pan and all the other Democrats in the leglislature should adhere to the CDC’s recommendations and ensure that they and their kids are all vaccinated with COVID-19 shots and boosters. However, those of us with common sense will not comply.
This is premeditated mass murder.