Homeless transient camp, Sacramento. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
City Residents Refuse to Press Charges Against Homeless Criminals
By not pressing charges, they contribute to the next crime these people commit
By Katy Grimes, July 25, 2022 8:20 am
“Why aren’t women in upper income neighborhoods pressing charges against transients who attack them in the park or break windows to their home?” a friend asked after learning of a violent break-in attempt in our residential neighborhood. “What is this phenomenon?”
These are valid questions.
Lining many streets in Sacramento are battered old RVs, campers and trailers, vans, and passenger vehicles, which have become homes for many. Homeless transients live in parks and along rivers. Mayor Darrell Steinberg calls them “guests” as if they were invited to live on the streets. He calls them “Unhoused residents,” and “People experiencing homelessness,” as if it was just an accident that they ended up living on the streets.
Recently women have been attacked by violent homeless vagrants in William Land Park, a very large Sacramento Regional park. There are reports all across the city of violent homeless attacking women and children.
In June, a woman I see on my daily morning hikes in William Land Park in Sacramento was attacked by a homeless man. She also refused to press charges even though golfers had to physically intervene and pull the guy off of her.

In September, a “homeless” transient guy out on the streets despite his recent violation of parole, was arrested for raping and murdering a Kate Tibbitts, a Sacramento woman in the Land Park neighborhood, killing her dogs and setting her house on fire. He was a parolee at large, let out on zero bail in June for stealing a car, even with his long history of violent crimes, and having recently been in prison for a violent felony.
I’ve had run-ins with drugged up, mentally-ill violent transients in my own neighborhood. And when it happens, I report the incidents to Sacramento police.
My friend was talking about a harrowing experience a neighbor had with a violent homeless vagrant in her neighborhood. She was awakened very early on Saturday morning by a homeless vagrant breaking glass trying to get into her home. Her dog barked and she yelled at the guy to leave. She called police but declined to press charges even though she could identify him.
However, her refusal to press charges prevents the police from doing anything. What if the transient is known to police? What if others filed charges against him? This guy is still on the street.
This is the woman’s account of her terrifying experience:
But she wasn’t terrified enough to press charges, even though she was concerned that he knows where she lives, and knows she reported him to the police.
We still see neighbors handing homeless transient panhandlers money, even though neighborhood leaders and the neighborhood association have implored neighbors to not hand out cash to the homeless as it encourages them, and it almost always goes to purchasing more drugs. They have instead been asked to donate to the numerous local non-profit organizations who help the homeless.
“And why don’t these women consider (or care) that by not pressing charges, they contribute to the next crime these people commit?” my friend asked.
While this woman may have felt she was being magnanimous, refusing to report a crime is selfish.
Police departments across the country agree. Because this woman did not report the crime, it’s as if it never happened and the violent vagrant criminal is free to commit more crime, targeting another home, damaging more property and terrifying other women and families.
It’s also important to report crime to get a police report number so an insurance claim can be made.

This homeless woman lives in the park, and frequently screams at people, while making violent slashing movements. The park is home to the Sacramento Zoo, Fairytale Town, Sunderland Amusement Park and a 9-hole municipal golf course.

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A possible answer, they let their misdirected compassion override common sense and sense of duty. It is our duty to hold criminals accountable no matter what their living situation is.
These women contribute to the lawlessness and escalate the problem. I will will even suggest they embolden the criminal to commit more heinous crimes exampled in the murder of Kate Tibbitts.
The woman who was awakened by the glass shattering, was one if the lucky ones she is alive. Will the next potential victim sitting in their home be so lucky? The women who do not press charges ARE a part of our societal decline. It behooves all of us do what is moral, just and yes difficult.
Perplexing, indeed. When my license plate was stolen, I called, the police came, and I filed a complaint report. The officer said that there was a car-theft ring operating in the area (this was news to me) and the perpetrator(s) who stole my plate probably knew these criminals. She asked me who I thought might be responsible. I would think that violent criminal acts, like the ones described here, should call for at least filing a complaint. My guess is that the victims have been “conditioned”, somehow, to accept this type of behavior; which leads to violence against them and others. The other possibility is that these victims are fearful of some type of “blow back” or negative consequences in cooperating with law enforcement?
These people who do not file charges, are now the prisoners in their own homes. Very sad what the left has done to California as it circles the rain.
“My friend was talking about a harrowing experience a neighbor had with a violent homeless vagrant in her neighborhood. She was awakened very early on Saturday morning by a homeless vagrant breaking glass trying to get into her home. Her dog barked and she yelled at the guy to leave. She called police but declined to press charges even though she could identify him.’
A 9MM round through his forehead would have been more efficient than “yell(ing) at the guy to leave”…
The fact that she declined to press charges is indicative that this individual is living in fear of reprisals from the “violent homeless vagrant”, which reinforces my belief that Sacramento, and much of California has descended into “Mad Max” territory where individuals need to be prepared to defend themselves against those that would do us harm, or wish to steal our property/possessions ….
Prepare and train accordingly….but don’t use too much ammo as TPTB are doing their best to restrict supply and making replenishment as difficult as possible in this bass-ackward state of dysfunction….
I think Katy Grimes is absolutely correct that it is selfish to not report such crimes or to make a point of not pressing charges, whether from fear or virtue signaling. Do such people really want to risk others being victims? The fear angle is more of a reality here in L.A. County given that criminals are quickly released and may never be charged or prosecuted, as is the case now under L.A. D.A. George Gascon, but I’m guessing is NOT the case for the very-much tougher Sacramento D.A. But look at it this way —— most of the transient druggies are so addled they won’t remember where they were anyway and thus won’t be able to retaliate. We owe it to future potential victims to do everything we can to get these people off the street for as long as possible. For some, the arrest alone may deter them from future attempts.
Even in my own town governed by leftist robots and low law enforcement morale the police response was quick, muscular, and efficient when there was a daytime home invasion in the house next door to mine. I saw officers with guns drawn hugging the side of the house as they stealthily approached the back yard and the intruder was rather quickly smoked out of the house and arrested. That’s good, especially since there was a young woman at home alone. The intruder apparently didn’t see parked cars and thought the house was empty. After, there was a police report and cooperation by the neighbor. But the police officer did tell me that the guy would probably be released, without bail, before day’s end. Because of Gascon policies. Sacramento has a decent D.A. so there is even less reason to not report crimes or not press charges. Those who decline are NOT being generous or helpful to ANYONE. They are ONLY making the neighborhood more dangerous. Is that what they want?
“A 9MM round through his forehead would have been more efficient than “yell(ing) at the guy to leave”…”
If this is something a person would consider doing, it’s probably a good idea to be somewhat familiar with California self-defense law (https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/legal-defenses/self-defense/).
Thank you for providing that link, which goes on to state :
“Note that the Castle Doctrine is a set of laws in California that apply to the situation where people use self-defense inside their homes. Under this doctrine, a person:
does not have to retreat when someone breaks into his/her home, and
may use deadly force in defense of himself or someone else in the home.
In addition to using deadly force in defending one’s home, a person can legally use this force in self-defense when:
he/she believes he/she, or someone else, is in imminent danger of being killed or suffering great bodily injury,
he/she believes he/she must use deadly force to prevent death or injury, and
he/she uses an appropriate level of force (under the circumstances) in self-defense.”
Darrell Steinberg is a proven Marxist sympathizer. This is all just part of the “Managed decline of America”
This is as good an explanation as any, DL. Liberal women in upper income communities – Steinberg supporters who are following the Party line.
“…to keep your doors locked”.
Neither a locked door or a closed window will keep a determined scum from entering a house. Glass breaks and a few well placed shoulders to a door can defeat many door frames. The whole idea is to act as a warning that something is, shall we say, afoot. A warned occupant can have options such as barricade and call the cops; exit the house; chamber a round, etc. But if your response is “I don’t want to press charges”, then the logical response of the bad guy may be try, try again. I mean, if there is no consequence, why not?
Poverty does not create crime.
Crime creates poverty.
Poverty will arrive in Land Park, property values will decline, old woman will be murdered, as long as people stay locked in their houses.
It is past time for action not words.
Power to the people as we used to say!
I agree with all above.
I also think that it may be a fear of being labeled a ‘Karen”.
Down here in the Bay , we have had a similar problem.
The scary part is how quickly these criminals are released ,IF they are even arrested to begin with.
Do they pay rent or property taxes? That alone forces them to become more responsible “guests”.
Gov Desantis said it best:
Do not come to Florida and expect life to be easy. We enforce our laws.
Back a few decades, California voters strongly supported law and order, three strikes and you are out.
That same shift is happening again in this state after too much liberal lawlessness. People are now terrorized in their own homes, neighborhoods and cities up and down this state.
Politics follow culture – the cultural shift is now underway. Law and order is replacing two past decades of weaponized victimhood.