California Governor Gavin Newsom speaking at the State of the State address in Sacramento, CA, Mar 8, 2022. (Photo: Sheila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock)
Gavin Newsom Measures the Drapes in the White House, While Keeping California Under State of Emergency
Newsom is hedging his bets, but he hasn’t really ever been tested
By Katy Grimes, July 20, 2022 2:50 am
While President Joe Biden was visiting the Middle East last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom traveled to Washington D.C. “to accept an award from the Education Commission of the States in recognition of California’s transformative improvements to education.”
The governor who closed California schools for nearly two years received an award for improving education. Ironic, to say the least.
While in D.C., Newsom also made a trip to the White House to meet with Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain, and First Lady Jill Biden. Some in the media said Newsom was “White House hunting” while in D.C.
The Globe reported on his trip, and noted some other state education policy failures making the education award seem absurd:
- California ranks 50th in literacy.
- Only half of public school students in California meet the state standards in English, and only 40 percent are proficient in math.
- University of California dropped SAT and ACT scores for admission last year.
- The California Supreme Court issued an order to permanently lower the passing score for the state’s bar exam by 50 points.
- State curriculum writers and teachers are drilling critical race theory into the heads of kids.
Even with these glaring education breakdowns in California, Newsom paid for a 30-second television ad which aired in Florida July 4th, directed the ad at his freedom-loving nemesis, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his policies. In the ad, Newsom claimed “Republican leaders are banning books, making it harder to vote, restricting speech in the classroom, even criminalizing women and doctors.”
The ad really served to draw a stark contrast with California, which is still under Newsom’s COVID State of Emergency order – more than 840 days – while DeSantis never locked Florida down, and kids went to school unmasked.
Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin) also noted how odd the education award for the California Governor was, and he caught something else – “On Saturday, Gavin Newsom admitted the State of Emergency is illegal,” Kiley said. “In an interview with Fox 11, Newsom said he’s only keeping the emergency in place because the Legislature won’t pass the laws he wants; therefore, he must retain the dictatorial power to make laws himself.”
Newsom just admitted the State of Emergency is illegal. He says he's only keeping it in place because the Legislature won't pass the laws he wants. https://t.co/kt3a5Nt6UW
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) July 16, 2022
The interview with Elex Michaelson of Fox LA was bizarre – not Michaelson, but Gov. Newsom (interview below). When Michaelson tells Newsom that with President Joe Biden polling so poorly, “you know there are a lot of people talking about you running there and potentially being comfortable there, what do you say?”
“I’ve tried to say ‘no,’ ‘no way,’ in every way I possibly can, including saying ‘sub-zero’ … I don’t know what other language – in fact I may need advice and counsel on what’s the language to express ‘absolutely no,'” Newsom said while awkwardly laughing a little too boisterously.
The Governor doth protest too much, methinks. The false modesty came off as “But they want me.”
Watch our interview on @TheIssueIsShow here: https://t.co/BmKLLjM8CF
— Elex Michaelson (@Elex_Michaelson) July 16, 2022
The question by Michaelson was perfectly appropriate given all of Newsom’s national barbs and banter directed at red state governors, and particularly at DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
One aspect of Gavin Newsom that hasn’t been addressed is that he hasn’t really ever been tested. Every political race Newsom has run has been in a safe California Democrat stronghold: after being appointed to the board by then-Mayor Willie Brown Newsom ran for San Francisco Board of Supervisors; then San Francisco Mayor; then Lieutenant Governor, and then California Governor in 2018. Even during his 2021 recall election, Newsom was not truly tested – the recall election was still in California with a media practically acting as spin doctors, and 46.5% registered Democrat voters.
Should Newsom run for President, he will be tested by voters and states in the rest of the country – fly over country – most of which despise the State of California – as well as other state and national media. Newsom has skeletons in his closet, and has not made many friends in politics, even in Sacramento. In the State Capitol, staffers and members say Gov. Newsom does not play well in the sandbox with the other kids.
And there are many who now recognize the stranglehold that the San Francisco political machine has in California and Washington, and deeply resent it.
Kiley continued:
“I spent almost a year prosecuting a lawsuit against Newsom and know he tends to put his foot in his mouth. But this critical error comes at an auspicious time: three weeks before a court will rule on the State of Emergency in a case brought by the OC Board of Education.”
“Newsom’s blunder also comes as LA County is about to impose yet another mask mandate. We’ve seen this movie before: Whenever LA does something insane, Newsom is not far behind with a statewide order.”
“Several large school districts are also reimposing mask mandates. Yesterday, San Diego Unified’s Board President even said that students who do not want to wear a mask should not return to school at all.”
“Without the State of Emergency, the authority to issue those mandates is gone. That’s why in addition to the court case, I’m pressing the Legislature to stop this madness by passing my Resolution, ACR 46, to end the emergency once and for all.”
“We’ve always known the likes of Newsom would try to make the authoritarian control adopted in the name of COVID permanent. We’ve been preparing for this moment – we’ve built a movement – and we’re not going to let it happen.”
Newsom’s rhetoric toward Florida Gov. DeSantis is all the more ludicrous given the perspective Assemblyman Kiley provided.
“It’s Independence Day, so let’s talk about what’s going on in America,” Newsom says in the ad open, attempting to goad DeSantis.
Newsom told Floridians, “Freedom is under attack in your state.”
Actually, freedom is under attack in California by the guy voters hired to manage the state.
It’s been 841 days since Gov. Newsom issued his Covid State of Emergency, and it looks as if he is planning on dragging Californians right back in to the Covid abyss of indefinite masking and lockdowns.
Looking forward to Governor Newssolini on the Democrat debate stage with Hillary? Or better yet, Michelle Obama? (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21160764/). A total three-ring circus.
Oh yeah, Raymond, I heard about this too. God forbid! But forewarned is forearmed. Thanks for the link.
It’s true, our Bubble-Boy Gov Gav hasn’t been tested on the national scene and he will probably melt down from a pressure that is unlike anything he has experienced before. Especially because the megalomania he is cursed with from having one of the worst cases of narcissistic personality disorder EVER is likely going to contribute to his meltdown.
On the other hand, I have Dem family members all over the U.S., who are nice and usually sensible people. Many of them live in red states and, with the way the governor is presenting himself here, I can just, just imagine them climbing on board the Gruesome Train as an alternative to their (unstated) disappointment with Biden-Harris and the Gang. Obviously I’m generalizing about other Dem voters and I could be wrong but it is disturbing. If I’m correct, no amount of horror stories from the likes of me or anyone who has personally experienced the destruction of this governor is going to change that new allegiance. In fact, it might make them hang on harder. That is the group he seems to be carving out here. Luckily we know they are still not as numerous as they seem. We’ll see…
Newsom doesn’t have to actually win a majority. He just needs to get enough votes so they can close the gap with fake ballots without setting off alarms in the battleground states. Just like last time.