Governor Gavin Newsom (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Gov. Newsom Announces State Mask Mandate To End On June 15th
‘It’s obvious he’s trying to turn his own popularity around at this point’
By Evan Symon, May 12, 2021 5:57 pm
Governor Gavin Newsom announced on Tuesday that the state’s mask mandate, which has been in place since June 2020, will officially be ending on June 15th.
In an interview with the Los Angeles Fox affiliate, Newsom said that while large indoor gatherings will likely still need masks due to the increased risk, the mandate would be moved to being a recommendation. The Governor even specifically noted that businesses both large and small businesses would be covered by the mandate reduction.
“We’re not wearing face coverings. We’re not restricted in any way, shape or form from doing the old things that we used to do, save for huge, large-scale indoor convention events like that, where we use our common sense,” said the Governor on Tuesday. “Only in those settings that are indoor. Only in those massively large settings where people from around the world, not just around the country, are convening and where people are mixing in real dense spaces. Otherwise we’ll make guidance, recommendations but no mandates. There will be no mandates and no restrictions in businesses large and small.
“It will look will look a lot like the world we entered into before the pandemic.”
NEWS: @GavinNewsom tells me CA's mask mandate will almost entirely go away on June 15th.
"Only in those massively large [indoor] settings where people from around the world are convening & people are mixing in real dense spaces. Otherwise…no mandates"
More @TheIssueIsShow pic.twitter.com/17yyyt0Unb
— Elex Michaelson (@Elex_Michaelson) May 12, 2021
The end of the mandate comes as COVID-19 rates in the state continue to fall, and 46.1% of all Californians currently eligible for the vaccine, or 14.6 million people, are already fully vaccinated while 62.3%, or 19.8 million people, have had at least 1 dose, according to the California Department of Public Health. In addition, the state also now has the second lowest case rate in the country according to CDC data.
While the health factors, as well as new CDC regulations allowing for vaccinated individuals to not wear masks at outdoor restaurants and events, likely played a large part in Newsom’s decisions, many critics pointed out that Newsom, facing pressure from the impending recall election, may have decided to end mandates earlier as a way to boost popularity.
“A lot of things he did during the pandemic, including business closures and some of the strictest mask mandates in the country, made him unpopular,” Carla Martinez, a Latinx political advisor to several Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Malibu organizations, told the Globe on Wednesday. “Latinos in particular didn’t like it, as many have small businesses or are employees in businesses affected by the lockdown. Many other groups, especially Asians and whites, were also heavily affected by the lockdown and forced masks, but Latinos really rallied against these decisions, and he really can’t lose the Latino vote.”
“That’s why you saw the stimulus checks on Monday and the mandate end yesterday. He’s trying to win back favor. One surprise announcement that would get him positive attention, okay, that’s a surprise. But two or more this close together? It’s obvious he’s trying to turn his own popularity around at this point and trying to get support in places where he has been waning.”
The end of the mandate is currently set to coincide with California’s reopening date of June 15th. The mandate will end more than three months after other states such as Texas and Florida ended their own mask mandates.
COMMON SENSE he now refers to! Ha! Where has that been all year?
We find out that our altruistic CDC and local health officials mislead the citizens on the spread of Covid outdoors! Studies published months ago, cited a point percent chance of contracting it outdoors! Yet the sheep keep their double masks on proudly while walking outdoors a way from all humans!
Yes sir I am MINDFUL OF Newsom’s B.S.
He’s kissing butt now that he’s in danger!!!
Yes SIR!
“A lot of things he did during the pandemic, including business closures and some of the strictest mask mandates in the country, made him unpopular,” Carla Martinez, a Latinx political advisor to several Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Malibu organizations, told the Globe on Wednesday. “Latinos in particular didn’t like it, as many have small businesses or are employees in businesses affected by the lockdown. Many other groups, especially Asians and whites, were also heavily affected by the lockdown and forced masks, but Latinos really rallied against these decisions, and he really can’t lose the Latino vote.”
The Latino vote could be the key to removing Newsom.
Hey, Gavin, where’s “the science” that says this is OK? WHAT? You mean there never was any science behind your arbitrary and capricious knee-jerk navel-gazing decrees? You just did it for your own jollies? You look into the mirror when you jack off, too, I bet. June 15 — THEN we’ll be safe! Not the 14th or the 1st of June, but June 15!!! Oh, Hairgel, you’re so awesome!
So, I’m confused, sorry, but on June 15th does the virus diminish, go away, stop at risk people? Why not June 12? Good good, maybe his hair stylist is coming back to work on June 15th.
No kidding. It’s all so phony.
I agree CaliGirl, now we have common sense but not until June 15th. Why not now? Is he hoping numbers will rise so he can have a reason to keep his “one man rule?” He is doing everything he can to buy votes and polish the CA turd he made this past year.
You watch. The paranoid sheep that are so used to them will continue to wear them.
PDR, I agree with the “psyops” people on this. It’s conditioning a population to accept something based on fear. It’s institutionalizing hypochodria through subtle and not-so-subtle propaganda.
Can he now predict the future too?? How does he know there won’t be a rise in “cases” before that? Maybe he inadvertently just let it slip that this has all been Bullshit….
Fun Loving Comrades
So now…..reschedule Cinco De Mayo, St. Patty’s day, all graduations into blow out holiday weekends for one glorious month of festivities…..no politicians or bureaucrats invited…
I guess I should have paid more attention to the “almost entirely” from Newsom on masks being gone June 15th. I just left one of my favorite restaurants and the manager there told me they were so excited to not have to work in masks after June 15 until a different set of rules were conveyed to them today. Details were not shared with me as they were frustrated and did not want to ruin my lunch.
So infuriating!
Newsome, you destroyed lives, family businesses, imposed ridiculous unscientific restrictions on citizens while ignoring them to self indulge. You also made dubious deals with the CCP for PPE for $$$$. FU and your latest attempt to retain your political power. http://www.recallgavin2020.