California Governor Gavin Newsom speaking at the State of the State address in Sacramento, CA, Mar 8, 2022. (Photo: Sheila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock)
Governor Newsom Tests Positive For COVID-19
‘It finally caught up with him; that soapbox he has been standing on for all this has now been pretty much been taken away’
By Evan Symon, May 31, 2022 2:22 am
During the weekend, Governor Gavin Newsom tested positive for COVID-19, the first time he has tested positive since the pandemic began in March 2020.
In recent weeks, the Governor had increased his personal precautions against COVID-19, including receiving an additional vaccination booster on May 18th. However, Governor Newsom has also been increasing personal experiences and large-scale meetings in recent months as well, such as a high profile meeting with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern last Friday in San Francisco.
Despite his precautions, a test on Saturday turned positive, with Newsom immediately being placed in quarantine. Newsom is to remain in isolation until at least June 2nd, and will be working remotely during this time. Newsom will also be under a five-day prescription treatment for Paxlovid and will follow the state’s SMARTER plan to leave isolation once negative tests allow him to.
According to his press office and his Twitter account, Newsom is currently experiencing mild symptoms and says that he will be following all health guidelines for recovery.
“This AM, I tested positive for COVID-19 and am currently experiencing mild symptoms,” tweeted Newsom during the weekend. “Grateful to be vaccinated & for treatments like Paxlovid. I’m following health guidelines and will be isolating while I work remotely. Wishing everyone a safe & healthy Memorial Day weekend.”
This AM, I tested positive for COVID-19 and am currently experiencing mild symptoms. Grateful to be vaccinated & for treatments like Paxlovid.
I’m following health guidelines and will be isolating while I work remotely.
Wishing everyone a safe & healthy Memorial Day weekend.
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) May 28, 2022
A further statement by his press office later in the weekend outlined his plans for the coming week, noting that “This morning, the Governor tested positive for COVID-19 after exhibiting mild symptoms. The Governor will continue to work remotely. In accordance with local and state health guidelines, Governor Newsom will remain in isolation at least through Thursday, June 2 and until he tests negative.
“As outlined in California’s SMARTER Plan, which focuses on testing and treatment, the Governor will test prior to leaving isolation. The Governor has also received a prescription for Paxlovid, the antiviral that has been proven effective against COVID-19, and will begin his 5-day regimen immediately. Governor Newsom is vaccinated and has received two booster shots, including as recently as May 18.”
While Newsom is expected to make a full recovery, his positive test has brought attention back to vaccine boosters and the Governor’s long history of breaking COVID-19 protocols.
“It finally caught up with him,” explained Bryce Klein, a researcher in Washington State who tracks which public figures have come down with COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, to the Globe on Monday. “Newsom has been one of the main figures of promoting vaccinations and boosters right up there with Fauci and Biden and Kamala Harris. And, like Harris last month, they finally got it.”
“And Newsom had so far been very lucky. He’s been seen breaking protocol many times, like with the French Laundry thing in 2020 and earlier this year at a football game. Most Americans have broken COVID protocol at some point, but he was a very public figure and one of the leading crusaders for masks and vaccinations, so it stung. Now this.”
“It just all caught up with him. I hope he makes a good recovery and all, but that soapbox he has been standing on for all this has now been pretty much been taken away. If there is another big outbreak and restrictions need to be put into place, Newsom cannot be the one giving the orders. Along with him breaking protocol before, there is now him being positive. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.”
Newsom is expected to be back at work outside of quarantine as soon as the end of the week dependent on future COVID-19 tests.
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Those five shots worked so well he still pursued pharmaceutical treatment. Quarantine and isolation are words used to scare the public. With the seasonal flu, people don’t use those words, haven’t in many years. It is common sense that when you are sick (regardless of disease) you stay home until you feel better. The COVID saga will continue through election time since it worked so well last time in CA.
Stacy you are absolutely correct about this and that’s how it is now with the ever-weakening “Covid” virus too. It’s all theatre at this point. Gotta keep the scam going, right? The “powers” did such a good job of scaring the heck out of the populace in March 2020 and hypnotizing them with all of their “everyone will die” theatrics that no more is needed than to tweak it a little with a touch of post-hypnotic suggestion whenever it starts wearing off. By the way: Has another flu season disappeared? Are we still using the inaccurate PCR test to make it look like we are still having ‘surges’? Etc. What a disgusting mess. But people are wising up and little by little the truth is coming out about ALL of this shameless charade.
Not a big surprise! It’s a known fact the “shot” does not stop the spread of the virus. Interesting to hear them say how grateful they are to have been vaccinated and boosted. What are they grateful for? There usual commentary points to their symptoms being less severe since being vaccinated and boosted. How has “symptoms less severe” been proven??
Will be waiting to see if the words “natural immunity” start to trickle into his rhetoric and press releases now.
Newsom needs more mRNA boosters, he needs to be put under a ventilator, and be given massive doses of Remdesivir? This is the standard Democrat COVID protocal?
Really. LOL.
Well, we know from this study that the potential for the Pfizer vaccine to transform DNA is real; contrary to what Pfizer and the CDC claimed. So, if he keeps being vaccinated, perhaps the New Newsom will become a Human Ninja Turtle? https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-converts-dna-inside-human-liver-cells-according
Kinda looks like that transformation is happening already, ha ha.
Newsom is looking decidedly seedy these days.
Well, Showandtell, we already know that the China virus originated in a wet market (aka the Wuhan Virology Institute) per the Chinese Communist Party narrative. So, since the virus jumped to humans through an intermediary, it follows that there must be some reptile DNA strands in the vaccine, no? Anyway, this is what Alex Jones (InfoWars) would say. Seriously though, we are beyond vaccines at this stage of the mutations – except for Newsom apparently.
How is it possible that a guy who sent the red Chinese a BILLION dollars for masks can get covid? I need to know the “science”.
No kidding!
You guys are making me laugh today with your funny quips. I only wish it weren’t such a bitter, hollow laugh. 🙂
“In recent weeks, the Governor had increased his personal precautions against COVID-19, including receiving an additional vaccination booster on May 18th.”
Many studies have demonstrated that these boosters make those injected SICK… take another booster, Governor!!! Or better yet, take your Remdesivir protocol so you can follow Fauci’s “science”…..