Gov. Gavin Newsom. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
It’s Not a ‘Republican Recall,’ Mr. Hastings
Newsom and his woke gang of billionaire allies, perseverate over ‘disproportionate outcomes,’ demanding redress and restitution and reparations
By Edward Ring, July 28, 2021 12:09 pm
Consumers of broadcast television were treated to a barrage of ads over the past week lambasting the “Republican Recall.” Revealed at the close of these ads was the source of major funding for the ads, Netflix founder and billionaire Reed Hastings. Compared to other Silicon Valley notables such as Mark Zuckerberg, who spent $400 million to tilt the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, Hastings flies mostly under the radar. But that’s changing fast.
Last year, Hastings contributed nearly two million to a dirty campaign that got George Gascon elected to Los Angeles County District Attorney not by extolling his virtues and qualifications, but by maliciously maligning the incumbent. Angelenos are paying an awful price, as Gascon implements a crime friendly regime that has aroused open rebellion among his subordinates and enraged so many residents that the vast county teeters on the precipice of political realignment.
Not content with supporting the problematic Gascon, Hastings now has his eyes on the whole state. But what motivates him to do this? Why is keeping Newsom in office so important to Reed Hastings that he’s willing to throw additional millions into a statewide political campaign? Hastings, like dozens of his progressive billionaire counterparts in the Silicon Valley, is not stupid. So what part of Newsom’s legacy is he so determined to protect, and what is it about the recall movement that he consider so toxic?
It’s fair to wonder the rhetoric you’ll hear from the fringes of any movement. California has its share of extremists and eccentrics, although it’s hard to imagine they’re any crazier on the Right than on the Left. But not only are the extremists on the Right in California given inordinate levels of attention and condemnation, they are portrayed as representing the entire Republican party. This is absurd and unfair, and Gavin Newsom has angered far more people than the small percentage of California’s conservatives that qualify as extreme.
Consider these basic facts relating to California’s electorate. As of February 2021, Republican statewide voter registration stands at a pitiful 24 percent. And yet two recent polls show voters almost split 50/50 on the question of a recall. The Emerson Poll, released on July 22, has 43 percent of Californians supporting a recall, vs 48 percent opposed, with 9 percent undecided. An LA Times / UC Berkeley poll released on July 27 is even closer, showing 47 percent supporting a recall vs 50 percent opposed.
You may interpret those results any way you like, but alliteration aside, you can’t call this a “Republican Recall.” Because Republican voters, even if they were monolithically in alignment, would only account for half of the people polled who support a recall.
Something else is going on. Reed Hastings, and the entire progressive elite that are, now more than ever, using their billions to swing state and national elections, are advised to reconsider the true sources of discontent with politicians like Newsom. As the summer wears on, and the forests burn, water rationing takes full effect, and the streets of every major city become even more impassable, here are some questions they might ask:
Why is Governor Newsom inviting the homeless and dispossessed of the world to come to California, when his plan to help them involves spending hundreds of billions to build shelters in the most expensive parts of town? How’s that going to work?
Why isn’t Newsom facing reality, acknowledging human nature, and recognizing that when you decriminalize crime and don’t get drug addicts off the street, your fair weather state becomes a magnet for every predator and drug user in America?
When the forests start burning again, will Newsom convene the lobbyists and legislators that have conspired for the last thirty years to destroy the timber, biomass, and cattle businesses in California and demand they negotiate a pathway to reviving these taxpaying, job creating, forest thinning industries?
When water rationing becomes extreme, will Newsom tell the truth to the environmentalists that have held up water projects for decades: that Californians cannot solve water scarcity merely through conservation, that it’s time to set an example to the world of environmentally sustainable desalination, water reuse, runoff capture, and yes, even expansion of surface reservoirs, and it needs to be done in years, not decades?
When blackouts and brownouts return on the hottest days, will Newsom have the courage to suggest maybe California can keep more of its clean burning natural gas power plants operating, figure out a way to keep Diablo Canyon operating safely for another thirty years or more, and, gasp, permit construction of new and modern nuclear power plants?
And as investment banks gobble up single family dwellings across the state, pricing ordinary working families out of home ownership, Newsom pushes to destroy “exclusionary” zoning laws, so these banks can demolish these homes to build fourplexes and fill them up with rent subsidized occupants. Never mind the neighbor who worked their whole life like a dog to pay their mortgage to live in a nice neighborhood. After all, they’re “privileged.” Their lives don’t matter.
Instead, Newsom, joined by his woke gang of billionaire allies, perseverate over “disproportionate outcomes,” demanding redress and restitution and reparations. Apparently they think that unaffordable housing, unreliable electricity, $5.00 per gallon gasoline, and rationed water, or forest fires that choke half the state in unbreathable filth, or power brownouts that last for days, or streets overran with criminals and drug addicts are problems of which only “Republicans” are unreasonable enough to object.
Gavin Newsom is fighting for his political life. Why he is getting cover from billionaires like Reed Hastings is anyone’s guess. Newsom, Hastings, and the entire moneyed ruling class in California are invited to ponder the preceding questions, and other questions of that ilk, and decide what they stand for. Don’t blame this recall on Republicans. Look in the mirror.
- Ringside: The Easy Impossible Path to Water Abundance - February 27, 2025
- Ringside: Rehydrating the Los Angeles Heat Island - February 21, 2025
- Ringside: Twelve Scarcity Enabling Laws to Scrap - February 13, 2025
Hastings is part of the globalist elite, Edward. They have grand global “reset” plans and Newsom, as a darling of the World Economic Forum, is their whore. Don’t forget to mention George Soros and Bill Gates with their new joint venture into a Covid19 testing company. What REALLY scares me is the guy who started the WEF; old Klaus Schwab. He’s the diabolic “put a microchip in every person’s brain” nut case.
P.S. If anyone thinks Klaus’s idea is a “conspiracy theory”, think again: https://youtu.be/UmQNA0HL1pw
Thank you Edward Ring for another great column.
It all adds up to more compelling reasons to recall Gov Gav.
We’re awaiting September 14 with much anticipation.
It will turn out to be either Christmas or Groundhog’s Day.
That’s because these rich progressives are consumed with appearances and being “social justice warriors” …
That’s why they were consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome – Trump was “mean” …
These snowflakes are a major danger to the rest of us however, as they are ultimately emotionally unstable, and devoid of logical thought process…
Sorry, here we have a republican (conservative) think tank claiming the recall isn’t republican!
And the Diablo story was dead decades ago due to seismic concerns. Even the Republican attempt to resurrect the issue 15 years ago with an initiative ballot died, but before that agreed the entire Pacific Coast would not be viable for any facility. And Diablo? Yes! Drive the price up for the state’s electricity even higher – as PG&E would have to spend at least $7 billion to deal with its outdated and illegal cooling system that is killing aquatic life for miles around the facility.
A “think tank”? LOL. Typical reaction by the easily duped left-wing environmental activists. The uncontrolled “protected” sea otters and sea lion allies have done more to devastate the California Abalone industry than anything done by PG&E or even Standard Oil. Abalone must now be farm-raised in California since they are essentially non-existent in the wild, where your cute furry friends indiscriminately collect and consume immature shellfish.
@ abalone alliance clearinghose
Fuck Diablo canyon. I dare you to try and answer for your “progressive” party’s ability to run a state. If 25% of California is conservative, and “wrong”, then how the fuck did the other 75% of the state manage to fuck so much up? You guys are running the show, and it’s looking like a real pig. But, as long as you woke pussies are “on the right side of history”, the the blinders come up and all you see is evil trumpeters. You morons should take a long look at why the state is in the shape it is. Not the conservatives. Most have moved out!