Guns and ammo. (Photo: Kiattipong/ShutterStock)
LA County Board Of Supervisors Passes Package Of New Firearm Ordinances
‘None of these proposals will make us any safer’
By Evan Symon, February 7, 2023 7:56 pm
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed several gun control measures on Tuesday in response to several recent mass shootings in the County including the Monterey Park shooting that left 11 dead last month.
Two ordinances are expected to come into law soon:
- Prohibition of the sale of .50-caliber handguns in unincorporated parts of the County where it is currently still legal.
- Prohibition of carrying firearms on all County property, ranging from beaches to department buildings. The prohibition extends to those with concealed carry permits, but also does give an exception to law enforcement officers.
Others were agreed to but will need more time to implement as they need more County planning and vetting. These include:
- New zoning restrictions of having gun stores needing a 1,000 foot buffer zone of being near anywhere children typically gather, such as schools and playgrounds.
- Stricter regulations for those selling firearms in unincorporated parts of the County, including having security cameras and needing a fingerprint law.
Three other ordinances are now also to begin the drafting process:
- New firearm store requirement to display warning signs saying that “having a gun in the home increases the risk of suicide, homicide, death during domestic disputes and unintentional deaths to children.”
- All gun owners would need to have liability insurance, similar to an ordinance passed last year in San Jose. This would likely also bring a new class for owners on gun safety and storage.
- New Requirement stating that all guns at individual homes need to be either in a locked container or have a trigger lock
New gun control measures in LA County

Supervisor Janice Hahn, who authored the motion along with Supervisor Hilda Solis, said on Tuesday “Here we are. Facing a gun violence epidemic that continues to devastate our communities. Today we’re taking steps forward in our fight against gun violence.”
While many praised the initial vote on Tuesday, several of the motion supporters contested that the bills would only stop some instances, with the new laws not going after the root causes of mass shootings.
“When we do things like this, my concern is we are not getting to the root cause of what is going on,” noted Supervisor Kathryn Barger on Tuesday. “The impact is it’s a false sense of security. I support the package but I want to see the county do more to crack down on guns that are illegally purchased.”
Supervisor Hahn was also concerned about the legality of the the motion, specifically the action on gun storage and gun lock requirements As the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen found that gun laws requiring applicants for concealed carry permit to show “proper cause” were unconstitutional and a violation of the second amendment, it could bring new lawsuits to the County. Already, several gun restrictions in California have been stripped in court due to the ruling, as well as many cities acting early and expanding on local gun rights to avoid a lawsuit. For LA County, legal action is now a major concern.
“As a husband and father, I can only imagine the pain the victims of criminals misusing firearms feel,” explained President and Counsel of the California Rifle & Pistol Association Chuck Michel in an interview with the Globe on Tuesday. “I care, but none of these proposals will make us any safer, and all of them will run headlong into the First and Second Amendments when my clients challenge them in court. Ultimately, we must all choose how to mitigate the small but unavoidable risk of becoming a victim, and decide whether to give ourselves a chance by having a firearm available when gun control laws inevitably fail.”
“Gun storage is not a one size fits all proposition. Locked storage is appropriate for some, but for others it just makes accessing a firearm to defend your family impossible when seconds count.”
“Insurance mandates are already being challenged in San Jose and the required policies are largely unavailable.”
“Civilian firearms deter violent crime. Making lawful gun ownership more difficult just empowers violent criminals. Legal guns save lives.”
“Larger caliber firearms are already heavily regulated by the state, and are never used by criminals.”
The board is due to take a final vote on the measures in two weeks.
This will put the stomp on those gang-bangers!
There is no gun violence epidemic in LA County as Democrat Supervisor Janice Hahn falsely claims. There is an epidemic of crime in LA County that has been caused by Democrat policies that attacks law enforcement and cuddles criminals. Supervisor Janice Hahn and the other radical leftist Democrats on the LA County Board of Supervisors are once again targeting law abiding legal gun owners instead of criminals. An armed citizenry gets in the way of the Democrat cabal’s Marxist agenda of complete control?
Right again, Mario.. And have you noticed these scoundrels keep passing what’s unconstitutional? Apparently just to tweak the law-abiding?
First, the police cannot and do not protect everyone from crime. Second, the government and the police in most localities owe no legal duty to protect individuals from criminal attack. When it comes to deterring crime and defending against criminals, individuals are ultimately responsible for themselves and their loved ones. Depending solely on police emergency response means relying on the telephone as the only defensive tool. Too often, citizens in trouble dial 911 . . . and die.
New firearm store requirement to display warning signs saying that “having a gun in the home increases the risk of suicide, homicide, death during domestic disputes and unintentional deaths to children.”
You forgot; and may save your life.
By design…suggest you look at C-40 cities (Los Angeles, San Francisco)- Climate Leadership Group
WEF plans for smart 15-minute cities, carbon credits (watch video at Chris Sky (chrissoccoccia1 Twitter), digital everything, electric everything… for control. It can’t happen if people are armed and/or fight back… the true
meaning of the 2nd amendment is to protect from govt overreach.
More illogical behavior by Commucrats. Prisons are being closed in the state, but the mentally challenged Commucrats can’t figure out what to do.
id be a republican if they didnt have such radical right wing Christian views about everything. Keep religious beliefs and views where they belong, in church. when you allow religious groups to make radical decisions that impede on this country making advancements in technology and medicine its a problem. when republicans disregard everything about the continuous pollution increase on this planet and act like its not going to do any harm thats absolutely ridiculous. Deregulations on oil companies and pollutant emitting manufacturing facilities is dumb. allowing them to dump into rivers and creeks, and destroy state parks for oil drilling is dumb. I am more of a middle-ist on guns. making it harder for me to buy a gun is dumb. yet a criminal can get their hands on a gun faster and cheaper than I can. hows that solving anything? Its really infuriating. its not the guns that they should make hard to get its the ammunition. each shell casing should be tagged and registered to a single owner. if they get stolen, give authority the registered casing numbers. yes, of course their are some flaws by my idea but at least its some sort of start. then make it so you have to register gun powder, and ammunition fabricating machines. im prettt sure that wouls make it a lot harder for criminals to get what they need to use their firearms. law abiding citizens shouldnt have a problem registering their ammunition for legal gun recreations. let criminals buy all the guns they want and they will he throwing them or even not waste there ammo so easily or recklessly. its a start. better idea than ive seen from dems or repubs. both sides havent changed a damn thing in this country for the better for any of us. dont think your side, dem or rebup, is actually helping you for the better. nothing has changed for the better, ever. we need a smart and educated leader with the ability communcate with class and dignity, who also has republican economic ideals and a good democratic ideals on education and infrastructure. politicians who are too far left and too far right are completely useless in todays society. they achieve absolutely nothing but taking everything away from us that helps us get ahead just a little. sick of it. consistently picking at the middle class that it almost non existent. intelligent leaders is what we need not old rich white men
This is not about gun laws. This is about punishing the law abiding citizens that own guns like myself. I’ve had guns my entire life and I’ve never killed anyone. How about we go after the criminals and the gangs that bring there illegal guns into the country, not us who want to protect our families and property and do it the right way. Also how about we check on people who have guns and have psychological issues. Maybe just maybe you can leave us proper guns owners out of your stupid bills. 2nd Amendment all the way!!!