Home>Articles>Sacramento 2021 Crime Spike: Murder, Rape, Assault, and Shootings Significantly Increase

In California’s major cities, homicides rose by roughly 17 percent in the last year. Homicides in Los Angeles reached their highest total in 15 years. (Photo: Eva Carre/Shutterstock)

Sacramento 2021 Crime Spike: Murder, Rape, Assault, and Shootings Significantly Increase

Sacramento had 58 homicides in 2021 – a 31% increase over 2020, highest since 2006

By Katy Grimes, June 2, 2022 11:48 am

The city of Sacramento saw significant increases in 2021 over 2020 in murder, rape, assault, and gun-related crimes compared to previous years, according to the Sacramento Police Department.

On Wednesday, the Sacramento Police Department released a video covering the city’s 2021 crime statistics, with stunning increases in violent crimes.


Sacramento had 58 homicides in 2021 – a 31% increase over the 44 homicides in 2020.

Sacramento Police Department crime statistics 2021. (Photo: screen capture, Sacramento Police Department)

The Sacramento Police Department said Sacramento’s crime and homicide statistics are unfortunately consistent with increasing national crime trends.

The U.S. homicide rate increased 5% in 2021 over 2020, but 2020 homicides increased 44% over 2019.

Sacramento Police Department crime statistics 2021. (Photo: screen capture, Sacramento Police Department)

Shooting Reports

In 2020, there were 600 shooting reports. In 2021, the 752 shooting reports amount to a 25% increase.

The Sacramento Police Department said there were 256 victims shot in 2021 – a 17% increase in victims shot over the 219 shot in 2020.

2021 Crime Statistics

Sacramento Police Department crime statistics 2021. (Photo: screen capture, Sacramento Police Department)

In 2021:

Rape increased 31% over 2020.

Robbery increased 27% over 2020.

Total Assault increased 16% over 2020.

Motor vehicle theft increased 26% over 2020.

Larceny (burglary, robbery, theft) increased 9% increase over 2020.

Firearms Seized

In 2021, SacPD said 1,673 firearms were seized – up 34% over 2020 firearms seizures.

There were 1,166 arrests in firearms possessions – a 38% increase over 2020.

Of the 1,166 firearms possession arrests, 410 were privately manufactured firearms, making them untraceable.

2022 Statistics

The Sacramento Police Department sends out daily crime activity reports, as well as monthly totals.

Of these, the most violent and devastating criminal event was the April 2022 gang shooting in which six people were killed and 10 were wounded, turning several blocks near the State Capitol into a massive crime scene. Three arrests have been made in this shooting, with SacPD continuing its investigation.

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg’s reaction to the shooting was to blame guns, as did Governor Gavin Newsom. Both seized the opportunity to call for even stricter gun control laws.

A smattering of other recent “daily” crime activity in Sacramento includes:

  • (EOD Callout): 900 Block of Seamas Ave on 05/29/2022 at 10:13 hrs. EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) Officers responded for a possible explosive device. Evidence was collected for further investigation. Crime report generated.
  • (Brandishing Arrest): 2900 Block of N Meadows Pl on 05/29/2022 at 16:24 hrs. Officers responded to a report of a suspect brandishing a knife. Officers located and safely detained the suspect who was arrested for related charges.
  • (Robbery Investigation): Marysville Blvd / Harris Ave on 05/29/2022 at 05:48 hrs. Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The suspect pointed a firearm at the victim and stole the victim’s personal property before fleeing. Crime report generated.
  • (Threats Arrest): 700 Block of Broadway on 05/29/2022 at 10:20 hrs. Officers responded to a report of a suspect chasing and threatening children. Upon arrival, the suspect fled from officers and was safely detained. After investigating, the suspect was arrested for multiple related charges.
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3 thoughts on “Sacramento 2021 Crime Spike: Murder, Rape, Assault, and Shootings Significantly Increase

  1. These are very significant crime increases, and that’s assuming the numbers are accurate. Word on the street is that lot of people down here in L.A. County are apparently not even bothering to report crimes anymore, which would reduce the numbers, which officials like to exploit, saying crime has gone down, of course. Riduculous. I’m very sorry to hear about this situation in Sacramento. Time to get DEADLY SERIOUS, voters.

  2. Sadly, Sacramento natives have seen their quality of life and their personal safety decline under the Democrat cabal that have completely controlled the city for decades. It’s got to be Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines that keep them in power?

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