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The Importance of the Gen Z Vote

Woke politicians are actively teaching kids to hate our country

By Jordan Brace, July 10, 2024 9:00 am

Let’s look at the 2024 Presidential election and the importance of the Gen Z vote.

The weak Biden Administration and his failed policies have destroyed our country. We are faced with losing our freedoms so many take for granted. Biden opened our borders, violent crime doubled, record high homelessness, inflation, taxes, interest rates and wars have taken over where we once had peace.

We have the Department of Education targeting kids and prioritizing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion over education. Sexually explicit books in grade schools replace history books and drag shows are the norm instead of giving kids the quality education they need. When parents stand up against grooming and fight for their kids they are labeled domestic terrorists. These woke politicians are actively teaching kids to hate our country. They burn our American flag and fly flags from terrorist organizations. Jewish students are being attacked and prevented from attending classes in Universities across our country, how did this go so far so fast?

The Obama-Biden Administration started dividing us based on race and religion telling us we are bad if we are white and we are victims and oppressed if we are black. Isn’t dividing us based on race and religion and attacking Judeo Christian values as these liberals are doing the definition of racism? The Democrat left claims to be the party of unity and acceptance are actually the party of hate and violence.

We can put an end to this but it’s up to Gen Z to get out and vote and put America First.

Why is the Gen Z vote so important? It is our future, our families, our communities and country at stake and it’s up to us to save it.

I see my home state of California fall victim to the same far left policies of Gavin Newsom that have destroyed us across our country under Biden. High interest rates and taxes make it almost impossible to buy a home in California and other leftist blue states. Businesses and families are leaving California because they can’t afford to live here. Many Californians who already own homes can no longer afford them and businesses are closing from the $20.00 per hour minimum wage hike employers can’t afford to pay. Jobs are lost from businesses shutting down or moving jobs out of state or overseas. Citizens that stay have to work multiple jobs just to pay the bills.

We are forced to use tax dollars to support illegals in an already collapsing economy.

Criminals are released onto our streets from Newsom and other leftist politicians who tell us climate change and abortion are more important than our economy, open borders and our safety! They are completely out of touch with reality as they live in their gated mansions with tax payers funding their security.

We have record high homelessness and violent crime worsened further by their failed left policies like catch and release. My family is living the nightmare these policies have caused. My Uncle Kevin was murdered because of it.

We are told to ignore what we see with our own eyes but to instead believe what woke politicians are telling you to believe. Our country and my state are in crisis, and we have the largest deficits in history. California started out with a $100 million dollar surplus and under Gov. Newsom, we now have a $36 to $73 billion dollar deficit!

Our country has a $1.7 trillion deficit over the past 12 months under Biden, and $348 billion dollar deficit just in May. Where are the billions of dollars unaccounted for? Will it be your job, your parent’s jobs, your family home being lost? Will it be your family member, your friend or even you who fall victim to violent crime? We think it can’t happen to us until it does.

This will continue until you stop it. Please stop dividing the black vote, the white vote, the Hispanic vote, the Jewish or Christian vote when it should be the American vote because as Americans we are all one.

Under President Trump we had low crime, we supported our law enforcement and a strong military. We had cheap gas, no inflation, emphasis on quality education, record low unemployment for all including historic lows for minorities. We had closed borders, a remain in Mexico policy, and we were energy independent. We had peace in the Middle East and we had a strong leader in President Trump who kept us safe and kept his promises.

Under Biden we have millions of illegals including terrorists flooding our country. Our military, ICE and law enforcement can’t keep up or stop what’s inevitably coming. Do you ever wonder how all of these illegals crossing our borders from countries thousands of miles away get to the border they’re crossing, who is funding this invasion?

Think for yourselves, don’t let the far left tell you what you can and cannot think or believe when the truth and the corruption is right in front of you.

We have the White House, DOJ and FBI weaponizing our justice system to destroy political opponents! This happens in communist countries but now it’s happening here. You should be able to make your own choices and vote for a candidate based on facts, not lies and propaganda? Gen Z and all voters, it is up to every one of you to vote. You can save our country with every vote for President Trump. We are a country being destroyed from within and only you can stop it.

My mother and I had the honor of walking along acres of our fallen Heroes in Arlington National Cemetery. These brave men and women fought and died for our freedoms and Constitutional rights. Please don’t let them take those away. We should come together to protect our Constitutional Republic as our fallen heroes did. I am so proud to be an American with strong Conservative values and I will continue fighting for our country and all of you. I hope you will join me and remember we are the change, we are the future. President Trump 2024! MAGA!

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One thought on “The Importance of the Gen Z Vote

  1. Another Spot On Column from an amazing young Patriot who has re-invigorated hope for the country’s next voting generation. Keep up the fantastic patriotic efforts Jordan 🙂

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