Gov. Gavin Newsom glamour shot at the Great Wall of China 10/26/2023 (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
Gov. Gavin Newsom will Fiddle his Way to Rome While California Incinerates
Newsom is taking his climate change road show to the Vatican
By Katy Grimes, May 6, 2024 2:55 am
Gov. Gavin Newsom is taking his climate change road show to the Vatican where he was invited to speak by Pope Francis at a Summit of mayors and governors. The Summit, which will be held from May 15th to May 17th, will cover “the impact of rising temperatures” in local communities, and “climate resilience.”
According to Newsom’s office, the Governor is expected to address Pope Francis and talk about the recent fires, floods, and droughts in California. The speech overall is likely to mention his numerous climate policy dates ahead, including his 2045 goal of California being 100% green power and carbon neutral, as well as his 2035 goal of the state no longer selling new gas-powered cars, the Globe reported last week.
There are a few problems with this plan.
The first is Newsom is parroting the tiresome United Nations talking point that temperatures are rising. He does this a) because he is not a scientist; and b) because he needs a distraction from the living hell he has turned California into.
And perhaps most important, how does Gov. Newsom galavanting across the Atlantic to a Climate Change Summit at the Vatican help or benefit Californians? When polled, voters never rate Climate Change as important or even relevant in their lives, despite legacy media pushing the agenda. Voters also are savvy enough to know that there is no settled science about Climate Change, the way Newsom and the Left claims.
Let’s start with one important fact, and my favorite: Greenhouse gasses aren’t destroying the world – greenhouse gasses trap heat, making Earth habitable.
Even as important, James E. Enstrom, PhD, MPH clears up some of the governor’s climate change notions with this list of Major Facts About California Air Pollution:
1. California has record low levels of air pollution that are below the threshold of human health effects
2. Published evidence from six California epidemiologic cohorts has found that PM2.5 is NOT related to total mortality.
3. The 2019 Age-Adjusted Total Death Rates (deaths per 1000) in California are among the lowest in the US. California has the second lowest rate of any State (6.02); Los Angeles County 5.75; California Hispanics 5.23; Los Angeles County Hispanics 5.07. All of these rates are far lower than the US rate (7.15). More Data & References for Facts 1-3: (http://scientificintegrityinstitute.org/CARBProp012323.pdf).
4. Major risk factors for coronary heart disease are blood pressure, blood cholesterol, tobacco smoking, diabetes, family history of heart disease, obesity, age, gender, and stress. Air pollution is NOT a factor. (www.msn.com/en-us/health/condition/coronary-artery-disease/hp-coronary-artery-disease).
5. The causes of asthma are unknown. Factors known to trigger asthmatic symptoms are dust mites, animal dander, pollen, molds, cigarette smoke, certain chemicals, cold air, and sinusitis. Air pollution is NOT an established factor. (www.msn.com/en-us/health/condition/asthma/hp-asthma)
6. Objective cost-benefit analysis of CARB air pollution regulations shows that the assumed health benefits of these regulations are less than the costs to the businesses that have been economically impacted by these regulations.

I’m no more of a scientist than Gavin Newsom is, but I research credible scientists and talk with them. All of this greenhouse gas deception is based on the purely speculative future threat that global warming supposedly poses to low-income nations. It’s a wealth redistribution scheme by and though the UN, taking money from the U.S. and other Western Nations, supposedly going to Third World countries.
So, a rousing Thank You to Dr. Enstrom for these facts.
California is in a world of hurt – and not from Climate Change, or any future threat from it. California has high crime, high taxes (on everything), high housing costs, high college students (legalized pot), high college tuitions, high inflation, high outbound migration, high gas prices, high homeless population, high rate of State mandated secrecy of gender transitioning children from parents, high illegal alien population, high illegal alien population on state funded healthcare (Medi-Cal), high energy costs, high sex trafficking, high unemployment fraud, high abortion procedures (abortion.ca.gov), high public school teachers strikes, high porn in K-12 curriculum, high Water rationing… (and some say a high governor)…
Need we keep going for anyone to see just what a sh*t-hole state California has become under Gov. Gavin Newsom? Too many of our cities look like Mogadishu, rather than the beautiful classic California coastal enclaves the state is known for.
Rather than asking for a climate change blessing from the Pope, Gov. Newsom should offer a few “Hail Mary’s” and “Our Fathers,” and an act of contrition, and ask for some divine intervention for a miraculous recovery of the State of California.
Because the “impact of fire, flood and drought on California” is more about government’s failures – failure of infrastructure maintenance; failure of forest management, and failure to build more water storage. These are all things Newsom could have focused on when he was elected in 2019.
But Gavin Newsom doesn’t work for the people of California – we are only paying his salary. He works for higher powers – China, the WHO, WEF, the UN. He’s even a graduate of the World Economic Forum’s Young Leaders program.
As for the United Nations, its goal is “To avert catastrophic warming,” so the world’s scientists have concluded we must reduce GHGs to 80 – 90% below 1990 levels by 2050.”
That goal did not come from the U.S. or even California. This is the handiwork of the United Nations. And California Gov. Gavin Newsom is only too happy to fulfill this made-up goal, while forcing California residents and all Americans into higher taxes, more controls, and a diminished way of life.
Bon Voyage Gavin. May Peace Be With You. (Don’t forget your Rosary beads…)
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For those in power the “climate catastrophe” becomes a rationale for exerting enormous power and control over people. All those in power have to do is mention climate in conjunction with their edicts and voilà no one dares to criticize them. For the mindless masses climate has become what anthropologists describe as a cult religion. Reasonable and informed skeptics of the climate scam become what Galileo and Copernicus were in the dark ages. The high priests of the climate scam scream “Burn them!” and the idiot masses grab their torches.
Never mind that there is no climate crisis. People are experiencing weather just as they have done for millenia. Never mind that we are still technically in the tail end of an ice age. Never mind that textbooks used to inform us that the Earth was several degrees (Celsius) warmer during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods when life flourished. (Good luck finding that fact in one of today’s textbooks.) Never mind that all life on Earth depends on carbon despite the cult proclaiming it is the root of all evil.
Now go thee forward and worship at the climate alter and stop reading this article lest you be burned to a crisp.
Gov Gavin Gruesome is such a lightweight and at the same time so obviously phony and over-the-top in everything he does and says he must be getting really bad performance reviews from the “bosses.” A trip to the Vatican for “global warming” or “climate change” or WHATEVER, a very thin scare tactic that has been repeatedly debunked for two decades and was easily dismissed even at the beginning through “exculpatory evidence” is so absurd, who is even paying attention at this point? From the polls it kinda looks like no one is except the ever-present percentage that still thinks Elvis is alive. Apparently we have arrived at the point where we have to do some brain work to figure out just how we, the rabble, are SUPPOSED to be perceiving and reacting to these clownish moves. If we don’t get it and aren’t scared and yawn instead they aren’t doing their job very well, are they. But who wants to spend one second of time getting into the heads of preposterous comic book villains to try to determine how scared we’re supposed to be when they say “boo” for the millionth time?
Seems to me the worst that could happen to these freaks is for them to be totally ignored in their ridiculous efforts —- that is, if Gov Gruesome and ‘Mr. Big,’ and the rest of ’em are trying to impress or influence us with this crap. If they are not trying to impress or influence and we have no say or power anyway (don’t THINK so!) and the “globalists” are going to put us on a leash and throw us into the gulag no matter what, then I guess it doesn’t matter what we do and they might as well just save their breath and energy on these theatrical presentations.
Showandtell, every time I watch these clowns in action I am reminded of H.L. Mencken’s observations:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
and –
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it …”
Yes, Fed Up, such timely classic quotations.
When it comes to such manipulations from the local Dem/Marxist politicians, their strings pulled by “the globalists,” sane people are always at the mercy of ‘the gullible,’ otherwise known as ‘the sheep,’ but over time as things get worse more sheep wake up and join the ranks of the sane, because even they can’t ignore the reality behind the charade any longer.
One thing we can do today, that might seem like a little thing, but with many participants it becomes a big thing, and that is to take the time to “opt out” of your utility’s “Community Choice Aggregator” if you have one. If you have one you were enrolled without your knowledge or permission. The proceeds go to a slush fund to promote more of this nonsense. But we can “opt out” so we should be sure to do that. Saves money and gives the finger to the govt/utility thieves all at once!
See Chris Bray’s substack for more information, and go to his first link to read his previous column for more of an explanation:
“Looking Under the Hood: What is Community Choice Aggregation Meant to Do?”
Here is a commenter’s experience:
“Just looked at my PG&E bill and found the “Central Coast Community Energy” charges of $45.91 on my bill due 4.2. Had to wait on hold with PG&E for 20 minutes, they admitted that they are forced to enroll me in this scam. I was able to call CCCE or (3CE) and opt out. Took a total of about 7 minutes following telephone prompts. Thank you for your article. I will report back on what happens on my next bill(s).”
Thanks Showandtell. I’m checking into that.
I also wonder why Newsom is traveling while the State is $73 billion in the red. Surely by now the State has a travel moratorium in place. I wonder what the travel costs are for Newsom and his travel companions are to go to Rome? Is that State picking up the tab on this? If so, it can’t be cheap. Just another act of hypocrisy on Newsom’s part
Hal, I’m pretty sure the DNC is underwriting this trip as a campaign expense…
You know, for (p)resident???
Gov. Nuisance and wife, LIKE to travel and lead the ‘good life’ while they KNOW that others are suffering with his POOR LEADERSHIP for the State of Ca. >>>>>NOT for his Euro Buds that he’s pandering to, as a WEF Younger Leader, along with Justin Trudeau, Macron, Pete Buttigieg, as they take “OVER for the Old Geezers, like Soros, Founder(WEF)Klaus Schwab, the Pope, etal. who want to KEEP that Global Warming Hoax/Climate Change going as they deem taxes for ALL World Citizens……Except them!
They use Cl. Change for AnYTHING and Everything-The Gov’s Wife, is an arrogant one, who dined at the French Laundry w/him and 12 people(dinners @$800 easily-and when they “GOT CAUGHT ON CAMERA….the Ex actress wife was annoyed and said: “GET A LIFE”….
Well, we ALL in Ca. Wanted to but were put IN LOCKDOWNS with the Deliberate Xi’s CCP Virus, meant to Disrupt the Great Economy we HAD by POTUS Trump-Just as Evil Soros said he WOULD DO-a Month before the ‘rigged Dem./U.N. 2020 election!!!’
Another home run, Katy!
I find it interesting a religious institution such as the Catholic Church promotes such heresy!
It begs the question does the Pope even read the bible anymore or is it just simply about power and control!
Climate Change is the new religion for those that have little to no faith in God’s divine plan!
Figures that Newsom would meet with this Pope, as both appear to be WEF stooges and they’re probably collaborating on the best way to bring about the “Great Reset” by pushing the economic catastrophe that the “Green New Deal” and “climate resilience” plans call for….
Newsom is the laziest governor this state has ever seen. He literally does no work. The state is completely falling apart socially and economically, and where is Newsom? Now he’s in Rome.
Newsom, get your *ss back in the office and GET TO WORK YOU LAZY BUM!
No! Please don’t! If he did absolutely nothing for the rest of his term, we’ll be much, much better off.
Did you see Newsom doing is best American Psycho routine touting California tourism (never better, according to him) from the top of the Golden Gate Bridge? Hair not moving in the wind. Biden aviators covering his eyes…
I’m sure he and the Pope can have a great heart to heart about transgender surgery and California as the abortion center of the USA.
The people of California had several opportunities to remove that anti-democracy dictator from office through recall elections. But they voted him back in EVERY TIME!!!! THEY DESERVE HIM!!!!!! BTW, even though I live in Connecticut, newsom scares me!!!!!!!
Great article with many proven facts; however, one that you mentioned that has been disproven, is regarding high cholesteral being a risk factor for heart disease. That has been debunked by cardiologists, some of whom have apologized to their patients for putting them on the risky statin drugs. A link has been shown between statins and Alzheimer’s Disease, and that is rampant in my extended family, most of whom took statins. The pharmaceutical companies, aided by the media, scared people with high cholesterol numbers into thinking they had to take statins or they would die. Sound familiar? Same with the covid jabs. Statins are the most prescribed drugs in America today, making Big Pharma very wealthy, along with the doctors who get a kick back for each prescription they write. The people are very gullible when something scares them, so they just do it instead of researching it. The pharmaceutical companies count on that!