Mentally-ill homeless woman lives in Sacramento park. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
‘What’s Up is Down:’ The Twisted World of Leftist Lies
Voters need to be armed with the truth in California and the entire country in 2024
By Katy Grimes, January 3, 2024 9:08 am
The challenge of muddling through political lies has been exacerbated in recent years. It has taken a lot of digging for those who cared to delve in and find the truth. Trust in our institutions and government has eroded, particularly following the COVID virus and subsequent government-ordered lockdowns, mandatory mask wearing and mandatory vaccines.
During this same time period, George Floyd was killed and Black Lives Matters escalated, using his case to grow and spread their venom. Turns out they are nothing but a group of greedy Marxists who spent their funders’ contributions on themselves. Apparently, only their own “Black Lives Matter.”
However, in the last 8-10 years, the political lies have been injected with steroids and are now larger than life. As deranged as they are, the lies are repeated every day in the media, by left-leaning news outlets and paid propagandists.
Here’s a rundown of just some of the most blatant lies and mutterings of “What’s Up is Down”:
Lie: “Reproductive rights”: “The California Department of Justice remains committed to supporting, expanding, and defending access to reproductive care for all. California has strong laws in place protecting reproductive freedom,” the California Attorney General website says.
Truth: “Reproductive rights” means Abortion, which is not “reproductive care.” Abortion kills the unborn baby, thus “reproduction” is ended. The CA OAG also warns about crisis pregnancy centers, which “do not provide abortion or abortion referral, and often times do not provide birth control or other forms of contraceptives.”

Lie: Affirmative action is racial equality.
Truth: “Race has no place in American life or law.” ~ President John F. Kennedy
Elevating someone based on skin color rather than merit hurts the members of the race, as well as those who were pushed aside.
“The future of our country demands that we reject our endless pursuit of diversity and equity and claw our way back to our values and the vision embraced by Lincoln and JFK. Ending race-based affirmative action is an important first step in that mission.” Ward Connerly
Lie: “The Border is secure.”
Truth: More than 8 million illegal immigrants have cross the open U.S. southern border and are in the United States illegally. That’s the equivalent population of 17 smaller states, or the entire population of the state of New Jersey.
“According to the CBP Enforcement Statistics Fiscal Year 2023, over 3 million enforcement actions were carried out. That’s over a 500% increase since 2017,” IJR reported. “The House Committee on Homeland Security released a fact sheet in October which noted that since the start of the Biden administration’s term in office there have been 7.5 million encounters with illegal immigrants.”
Lie: Big Pharma wants to heal you.
Truth: Today’s health care involves very little medical healing compared to the pharmaceutical pill pushing. When doctors are allowed only 7 minutes per patient, the easiest, most expedient solution is usually a pharmaceutical one.
Lie: COVID was a pandemic.
Truth: COVID was a dry run to lockdown much of the country and world. We are already seeing that some of these same dangerous government bureaucrats and media are agitating for another lockdown – for a climate “emergency,” or another flu. CNN is currently pushing for more “masking and vaccination” as “important preventive measures” as “seasonal virus activity surges across the United States.”
“Progressive calls for climate emergency swell after Biden says he ‘practically’ declared one,” the Hill reported in August. “Well then just do it already,” tweeted Justice Democrats, a group that tries to elect progressives.
“Declaring a climate emergency would help save lives & our environment” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) tweeted. He specifically touted the potential for bans on crude oil exports, expanded renewable energy manufacturing and disaster relief under such an emergency.
You see where this is going…
Lie: Men can have babies.
Truth: Men cannot menstruate, ovulate, nor can they carry a child in the womb they do not have. Only biological women can get pregnant and carry a child in her womb until birth.
Lie: Gender affirming care.
Truth: Gender affirming care is a euphemism, and is transgender ideology. It is nothing more than procedures leading to a sex change: medical transition, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, various genital surgeries. These procedures do not “affirm” a patients gender, let alone care for them.
Lie: Drag queen shows for kids aren’t about sex.
Truth: Drag Queen shows are pornography and always have been, and are not just inappropriate for children, but are harmful to young, impressionable, still developing children. And that is why they do it. Marxists always aim for the children first.
Lie: America was founded in 1619.
Truth: America was founded in 1776. As Dennis Prager corrected, “This is the infamous New York Times lie for which the Times was awarded a Pulitzer Prize. This is the same prize awarded to the same newspaper in 1932 for its horrific lie that there was no famine in Ukraine when, in fact, Joseph Stalin was deliberately starving about 5 million Ukrainians to death.”
Lie: California has a water shortage.
Truth: California politicians have created water scarcity in drought years, refusing to build new reservoirs and other forms of water storage to store water in years of water abundance. California reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019. We had 5-7 years of water in those reservoirs had the state not drained them, even in the face of a drought.
The first 50% of California’s water already goes out to the Pacific Ocean for fish and environmental purposes – something the Public Policy Institute of California verified in 2019: “Water in California is shared across three main sectors. Statewide, average water use is roughly 50% environmental, 40% agricultural, and 10% urban, although the percentage of water use by sector varies dramatically across regions and between wet and dry years.”
Lie: Solar power and wind power are green and clean and can power America’s electricity grid.
Truth: “California helped create the US solar industry, subsidizing rooftop panels at a time when the federal fight against climate change had barely begun,” Bloomberg reported. “Now, it’s leading a sharp sales slowdown that’s threatening widespread adoption [of solar].”
More Truth: Exactly. The state tried to bolster its political agenda by incentivizing homeowners to add rooftop solar. But as we’ve witnessed with every government incentive program, there’s no there there.
Residential electricity prices in California are already more than twice the national average and will only increase by creating electricity scarcity under the guise of green energy. California’s Public Utility Commissioners twisted themselves into pretzels recently claiming they need to rely on renewable energy to meet the state’s Greenhouse Gas/carbon production, but they could do that with more clean nuclear power, more clean hydroelectric power, and more clean natural gas use. More – not less.
Lie: Climate change is caused by human activity and “addiction” to fossil fuels.
Truth: The sun causes the warming of the earth. A study by 23 solar physics and climate science experts from 14 different countries, found the 16 most prominent datasets of solar output show solar energy is more of a cause for global warming than carbon dioxide, rather than carbon emissions from my 2022 Dodge Ram.
Bonus truth: Windmills are killing raptors and endangered species – Eagles, Ospreys and Hawks. A typical wind farm kills thousands of falcons and eagles each year. Ocean wind farms are killing whales. Solar farms fry desert turtles, snakes, and other creatures.
Lie: The Homeless are just unhoused.
Truth: the homeless are drug-addicted, mentally-ill vagrants, often convicted felons, living on California streets. They are allowed to break laws by Democrat mayors. Lack of housing is the least of their problems. Despite spending untold billions on the homeless, we now have 653,000 homeless people in the United States – 70,650 more than last year, a 12 percent increase. This is a government-created crisis, and is being used to redistribute wealth.
Lie: Minimum wage laws help the poor earn a decent living.
Truth: Minimum wage laws price people out of jobs. “Most low-wage jobs are entry-level jobs that young people move up out of, after acquiring work experience and a track record that makes them eligible for better jobs,” Economist Thomas Sowell explains. “But you can’t move up the ladder if you don’t get on the ladder.”
Lie: The Ivy League universities are “a group of elite colleges with connotations of academic excellence, selectivity in admissions, and social elitism.”
Truth: Merit trumps identity – except at DEI run universities where affirmative action hires are running the show (see LIE above: Affirmative action is racial equality). The DEI experiment is blowing up, especially at Ivy League universities, because it cannot survive on its mountain of lies.
Lie: Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned Tuesday because she failed to combat antisemitism at the university following the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel, as well as her own academic plagiarism, documented more than 40 times.
Truth: Former Harvard President Claudine Gay will still earn nearly $900,000 a year despite being forced to resign her position as the school’s top administrator, because she will return to a position on the Cambridge, Mass., school’s faculty.
Michael Goodwin at the New York Post reported in her resignation statement, “she played the victim, offered no apologies and blamed her downfall on those who exposed her misconduct. With such obnoxious self-flattery, she should get a job at the Obama Foundation.”
“Too many campuses and administrators have been taken captive by political activists who aim to turn America into a socialist nation and distort the Constitution and laws to serve their blighted visions.”
Lie: Socialism is good for the people. “Socialists, like liberals, want to protect, strengthen, and expand social services and public goods.” Everything the left wants to do aligns with the goals of good governance that are set out in the preamble to the Constitution.
Truth: Capitalism: “The great promise of socialism is something for nothing,” Thomas Sowell explains. “Socialism has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food, people complaining that they cannot feed their families.”
Sowell continued: “People who attribute income inequality to capitalists exploiting workers, as Karl Marx claimed, never seem to get around to testing that belief against facts — such as the fact that none of the Marxist regimes around the world has ever had as high a standard of living for working people as there is in many capitalist countries. ”
Capitalism: “an economic system in which capital resources that are the means of manufacturing and distribution of goods and services are owned and operated privately, rather than by the government.”
Socialism: “an economic system in which capital resources are either owned or predominately dominated by the government.”
Bonus lie
Lie: The 2020 presidential election was fair.
Truth: 2020 election shenanigans around the country were documented on video, in person and from first hand accounts. Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote just won their lawsuit Tuesday in Georgia against Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias, and the far-left Fair Fight organization in a landmark election case.
It was a decisive victory. They reported, “A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.”
The decision was based on data showing over 364,000 voters appeared to be ineligible to vote due to change in residency, and in Georgia, Joe Biden won by only 11,000+ votes.
Extra bonus Lie: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson support equal rights based on the content of ones’ character.
Truth: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are charlatans, frauds and shakedown/extortion artists.
The Lies show just how desperate the Left is getting – it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. As we’ve said, every cloud has a silver lining, and in these very challenging times, as we search for truth, the lies, frauds and charlatans are being exposed and bubbling to the surface.
The Globe will frequently update this list as the lies are coming at us quickly and repeatedly.
- Gov. Newsom Hands Out Another $76M ‘Safeguarding Californians From Hate-Motivated Incidents’ - March 25, 2025
- San Francisco Assemblyman Proposes Tax Breaks for ‘Dying’ California Cannabis Industry - March 24, 2025
- Is Governor Gavin Newsom ‘Newsom-Proofing’ California for the Next Republican Governor? - March 24, 2025
LOVE LOVE this matter-of-fact take on leftist lies v. sensible truth. Juxtaposed this way it made the wackiness we are contending with —- actually being bombarded with —- as clear as a bell. Amusing, too — the one-two-three punch of “lie,” “bonus lie,” “extra bonus lie” against the welcome “truth,” “more truth,” “extra bonus truth” pummeling.
So glad to see feisty stuff like this piece in the midst of the left’s pumped-up propaganda-on-overdrive attempts as this election year proceeds —- it’s EXACTLY what we need to recover energy and commitment for the battle.
You should write a book Katy! A “Liberal Detox” book for people who are destransitioning from Liberal / Democrat / Woke ideas back to reality. It would be also be great for college graduates to know what reality is so they can better function in the real world. Especially after they spent 4+ years having their minds brainwashed!
–“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” Vladimir Lenin (Dem Party thought leader)
–“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” Plato
–“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell
–“We know they are lying,
they know they are lying,
they know we know they are lying,
we know they know we know they are lying,
but they are still lying.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
–“In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
–“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
And, of course, disputing their lies is “dangerous misinformation.”
No doubt the truths that Katy Grimes and California Globe listed are all serious threats to the Democrat/left’s definition of “democracy” and would be deemed by them to be disinformation that needs to be censored?
Awesome list Katy!
I look forward to your future add ons.
I think your bonus lie on the 2020 is one of the greatest lies told in the last decade!
Elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences!
The evidence is out there!
Thank God for you and thank God for True the Vote who are exposing the great cheat.
You could have added another lie- Ukraine is winning/a democracy/their border is more vital to America’s interests than our own border
There’s one more necessary step (beyond identifying the lies) – expose them at every opportunity. Confront those who repeat the lies with facts and figures.
There will be no debates this election cycle. Biden can’t afford to be exposed. Instead surrogates like Newsom and Karine Jean Pierre and others will simply espouse their false talking points over and over. The economy is great, the border is closed, America is back, etc.
Citizens must speak out.
Great now do an article on the Rightwing bullshit now!
Bet you wont.