School Walk Out Rally. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
California’s Education Revolution
‘Schools have kids for 9 months out of the year; parents have their kids for a lifetime’
By Katy Grimes, September 22, 2022 2:50 am
Many parents want to know why public school teachers can’t just let their kids be kids without forcing sex and an inappropriate sexual agenda on them in grade school, middle school and high school.
This, as well as the Critical Race Theory agenda, is what led to the astounding parent revolution first witnessed in Virginia, but now never so prominent as it is in California.
California lawmakers even passed the quixotic Assembly Bill 367 by Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens), the Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021, which now requires that one boys’ bathroom in every middle and high school have tampon dispensers.
Christopher Rufo with the Manhattan Institute and City Journal, has chronicled the shocking sexualization of school children as young as pre-kindergarteners. And it’s not the birds and the bees radical teachers are exposing the kids to.
In his most recent report, Rufo exposes the National Education Association promoting a how-to guide for “anal sex,” “bondage,” “sadomasochism,” and “fisting” in public schools.
Rufo says the NEA and its local affiliate in Hilliard, Ohio, which have been providing staff in the Hilliard City School District with QR code-enabled badges, “which point to the “NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus” website and resources from gender activist organizations including Scarleteen, Sex, Etc., Gender Spectrum, The Trevor Project, and Teen Health Source.”
Rufo continues:
One of these linked resources, Teen Health Source’s “Queering Sexual Education,” which promises to “empower youth” and includes a how-to guide for performing “anal sex,” “bondage,” “rimming,” “domination,” “sadomasochism,” “muffing,” and “fisting.” The materials are extremely graphic, explaining how to, for example, “[put] a fist or whole hand into a person’s vagina or bum.”
The Teen Health Source page would make the most hard-as-nails, grizzled longshoreman blush.
This is a screen capture of the NEA LGBTQ+ website, showing the partners: CTA, the California Teachers Association labor union, as well as California Casualty, auto and home insurer.

It appears that the more parents reveal the fanatical sexual agenda in public schools, the more extremist it becomes.
California is ground zero for all around wackiness
President of the non-profit California Teachers Empowerment Network, and education analyst Larry Sand, writing recently in American Greatness, reports on a recently published PDK International survey which reveals that only 50 percent of all adults have confidence that teachers can teach civics, and just 38 percent believe that they can handle “gender/sexuality issues.”
“What could possibly be causing such negativity?” Sand asks. “For the most part it is due to the ‘woke’ revolution that is impacting the lives of American children.”
Sand explains that California, “ground zero for all around wackiness is where the state puts its stamp on an endless parade of perversity.” He offers these examples:
- In Los Angeles, the school district proudly hosts a “Rainbow Club,” which is a 10-week district-wide virtual club for “LGBTQ+ elementary school students, their friends and their grown-ups.” The poster specifies that it is for children in TK-5th (“TK” or transitional kindergarten is comprised of 4-year-olds.)
- A high school teacher in the Capistrano school district has a “queer library” in her classroom. It is filled with over 100 books—some of which contain sex imagery, information on orgies, sex parties, and BDSM.
- Also, the state’s education department is recommending books to young students that teach expanded sexualities and gender identities. For example, the state recommends “Julian is a Mermaid” for preschoolers and kindergarteners. The book describes a young boy who wants to be a sea-dwelling creature, after he sees a parade of people dressed up as mermaids while out with his grandmother. The boy puts on lipstick, makes himself a mermaid costume, and his grandmother gives him a beaded necklace to complete his outfit.
This is fanaticism. But Sand correctly points out, “On a local level, parents hold the key.”
“The grassroots parents revolution is real and it is going to erupt in all parts of California,” Lance Izumi, the Senior Director of Education Studies at the Pacific Research Institute, told the Globe. He continued:
“It was parents in San Francisco who threw out far-left extremist school board members who were totally out of touch with the education concerns of the community. Now you are seeing slates of parents running for their local school boards popping up all across California. These parents are fed up with the politicized curricula and ideological indoctrination their children are receiving. They are also fed up with the special-interest agenda of the teachers unions, plus the wholesale failure of the public schools to improve the achievement of their children. Parents have brought their energy to school board meetings and have demanded that their districts be accountable and transparent. Now they will be bringing that energy, focus, and commitment to the polls in November. I predict that there will be wholesale turnover in school boards in many districts and that parents will end up holding the reins of power. It will then be up to them to effect real change in the public schools and ensure that children and parents come first.”
California Superintendent of Public Instruction
The outsider candidate for California Superintendent of Public Instruction, Lance Christensen, told the Globe Wednesday, “everything that touches education curriculum comes from the Superintendent’s office,” as the Superintendent sits on the California Board of Education.
Christensen, a father of five said:
“As education policy continues to spiral to things inconsistent with community values and parents’ desires, they realized recourse was not coming from their school boards. No one else was going to stand up and save their kids.”
“So in the year of the parent, people are stepping up to fight for kids and bring sanity back to schools,” Christensen said. “I personally endorse anyone running for school board who supports parents rights and school choice.”
“And it is going to be at the local level that we take our schools back, and I am going to be the voice of that movement,” Christensen added. “Having a massive bully pulpit for parents’ rights is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
The rights of parents
“This year, the rights of parents are on the ballot like never before,” Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Granite Bay) says on his endorsements page of school board races. Kiley recently announced he was supporting and endorsing outstanding pro-parent, pro-student candidates running for school board throughout California, and says he will continue to do so.

Kiley’s initial endorsements grew into his “Champions for Kids” directory, which is available on his website.
“The role of school boards has never been more important, and in the upcoming election we have an opportunity to set education in California on a new course,” Assemblyman Kiley said. “I’m proud to be supporting several hundred pro-parent, pro-student candidates for school board throughout our state.”
This catastrophic learning loss
Shawn Steel, California’s committeeman for the Republican National Committee, recently wrote an op ed at the Globe exposing the UTLA, the L.A. teachers’ union, which “strongly opposed standardized tests during the COVID-19 pandemic. That testing data could have sounded the alarm on the catastrophic learning loss caused by remote learning,” Steel said. “At every turn, UTLA aggressively blocked plans to reopen schools. In March 2021, 91 percent of UTLA members opposed reopening schools and remained in distance learning programs that were causing kids to fall behind.”
After denying that learning loss, the UTLA then opposed extra teaching days to help kids catch up. “There is no such thing as learning loss,” Cecily Myart-Cruz, president of United Teachers Los Angeles told Los Angeles magazine last year.
“This catastrophic learning loss should be the greatest concern for teachers. Instead, the top teachers’ union brass denies that it exists at all,” Steel said.
CA Teachers Union Did Oppo Research On Parents Who Wanted Schools To Reopen During COVID
The Globe recently reported that Reopen California Schools exposed via emails received through California Public Records Act requests that the California Teachers Association labor union conducted opposition research on parent groups pushing for school reopening during the government ordered COVID school shutdowns in California. Instead of a healthy reaction and response to so many parents’ concerns, the CTA doubled down and went on offense and politically targeted moms and dads protecting their children.
The Globe talked with Dry Creek School Board candidate Jean Pagnone (above) on why she made the decision to run for her school board – she definitively spells out her determination:
“I made the decision to run for the Dry Creek School Board when I realized that I could no longer watch state and local schools fail our children, parents, and teachers. Schools have kids for 9 months out of the year. Parents have their kids for a lifetime. I think one of the things we learned from the pandemic is that we don’t have the luxury of blind trust when we send our kids off to school each day. What we’re seeing are parents being ignored and not respected – whether it’s a lack of transparency on subjects that are controversial or sensitive or medical decisions that belong with the parent. I’ve also heard from a lot of teachers who have quit or are thinking of leaving because they aren’t comfortable with what they’re being told to teach. And let me tell you, there are a lot of great teachers out there who are fighting for the kids, but they cannot speak out publicly.”
“The kids that are being left behind are breaking my heart. We saw what school closures and mask mandates did to our children. 2020-2021 Dry Creek numbers show that 56% aren’t meeting grade-level standards in math. 43% are not meeting grade-level standards in reading. We need to address those failing rates, focus on the basics, and provide an education that values the success of EVERY child.”

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Masses of fiery and determined parents stepping up in response to this unbelievable nightmare brought to us by hellish school boards and districts controlled by teacher unions with sick and twisted intent is a reassuring outcome of this dark time for children in our public schools. Grateful to know from this article that there is the beginning of a sea change afoot and I am praying that it will turn out to be even more powerful and upending than predicted.
Powerful and corrupt teacher unions and their effect on arrogant puppet school boards and district administrators have typically been overlooked by voters, even voters who have children in public school, because pre-Covid most parents really didn’t know what was going on beyond the superficial and have been influenced by, for example, wanting to keep their child’s teacher happy and conforming to parent peers. Without a huge block of parents making demands and running for office the few who did complain were intimidated, dismissed, shut down and were thus powerless. So in a way I guess we should be grateful that the potent combo of a sick school curriculum and Covid-response overkill served to reveal the stinking rot and bring out the ticked-off crowds.
Appreciate so much this coverage, Katy Grimes, and so glad to see that Kevin Kiley has passed along SPECIFIC school board endorsements so that voters who are not intimately involved with their districts know who to vote for to start making some big changes in the present poisonous public school environment.
Not inflation, not immigration, not abortion but parent control of the classroom should be the #1 issue on the political soap box of every candidate!
Case in point: Youngkin’s success in a blue state!
Looks like this curriculum was copied from Scott Weiner’s personal library…
Pedophiles ain’t a strong enough word for these sick people…
Sex education is not the only problem progressives have caused. There was rampant bias in the California University system last year targeting white students many who had. 4+ GPA grades and very high test scores. Most were from average families. Diversity practices denied them entrances but allowed students in if they were the first generation to attend college even if their grades were lower. As a result the tax paying parents had to send their children out of state to college at the price of $39,000 tuition and up. One out of state University said their incoming class had the highest GPA in their history and half the class was from Ca. Many of these talented students will never return to California. The parent vote is the great silent number maybe the biggest in the next election,
Thank you for that, Kay Walsh. It’s true, and has been going on for a long time. It’s completely wrong and unfair and doesn’t help our future, either, because we desperately need competent, well-educated people whatever their race, heritage, etc. A very bad policy that eventually will come home to roost for everyone, whether they have kids competing for college spots or not.
Home schooling is the way to go if parents can manage it? It’s doubtful that the residents and voters of Bell Gardens requested that Democrat Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia sponsor that Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021, which now requires that one boys’ bathroom in every middle and high school have tampon dispensers? No doubt Assemblywoman Garcia got a payoff from some source…but who and why? Is she another one of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum globalist minions?
Great, informative, detailed article Katy Grimes, about our Cal-Ed K-12 schools are not only failing our young folks, our children & grandchildren, but, that the teachers unions, admin unions, etc, are Purposefully Harming our children’ life-long education~!! There is a reason why Cal-Ed’s statewide student test scores are 50th in the nation, The Bottom of the Nation~!! “Gavin” is blocking the public display of this info until AFTER the election~!!
Wait a minute. Sex education became popular only after teens were found to be having far too much sex, pregnancy and sex-related diseases. Something serious had to be done. Parents and churches were turning a blind eye to the problem except to say No, which didn’t work. And still doesn’t. So that left it to the schools. And of course that means including non-hetero kids. Parents and churches saying No to them is just as ineffective as saying it to hetero kids.
Since we started down that road, things have definitely gotten screwy. For instance, remember “playing doctor” at 5 or 6? Don’t we want to teach young kids something about different sexes, since they’re already discovering the differences behind the barn or in their bedrooms? If parents and churches won’t do that, who will? There’s no network of institutions who can do it, except for the schools.
I definitely think some of the woke sex instruction is out of bounds, but I fear that the concern of parents and others is going too far the other way, wanting to stop everything instead of just the extremes. We could wind up with the
There are ‘glitches’ in Newsom’s matrix and 2024 presidential aspirations….
‘Group Using West Virginia Model Create “New California” Serves Gavin Newsom Notice of Constitutional Default’
(gatewaypundit 9/23)
”Newsom is Pushing Hideous New Extreme Abortion Bills’ -Infanticide (The Epoch Times)
Jordan Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice working to stop it
The ‘lockdowns’ were intended to weaken the will and make citizens compliant to WEF whims…. It has instead awakened the masses. Lack of formidable education is a ‘goal’ to that end.
Best uplifting reminder I’ve had all week —– that what these tyrants intended to weaken and destroy us has actually had the effect of awakening those who were asleep. Not everyone, but certainly enough. Thank you, Marilyn.
WATCH: ‘GAYS AGAINST GROOMERS’ Demolishes Trans Ideology at CA School Board Meeting’ bitchute.com
(from Breitbart) – Conejo School District
I WOULD TAKE A QUICK MOMENT TO POINT OUT THAT THIS DID NT HAPPEN OVER NIGHT NOR IN THE LAST 20 YEARS. I GRADUATED HS IN 72 AND IT WAS NOT LONG AFTER THAT I recall California instituting Sex Ed in the High Schools and there were parents at the time very very concerned about it leading to just this. Of course they could not foresee today but they ought to be given some credit for being correct about it morphing into this. As anti-Communists of the 50s & 60s we pummeled with insults we now have close to 50% of our Youth heartily approve of the murderous doctrine. We are so in need of a reality check it may be doubtful we can return.
All this depravity and screeching about abortion – what is the actual result? Stop procreation. Eugenics. Sterilization of the trans people. It is the same obsession caused by the same type of groups, mostly eugenicist “doctors” aka psychs that caused the atrocities of WWII including the gassing/sterilization of certain races and sick/disabled/mentally “inferior” people. Two-thirds of Hitler’s henchmen were “doctors” Three-fourths of the teachers were Nazis promoting the agenda. These same groups are doing it today, dramatizing (acting out, without awareness) the same things – depopulate, i.e. no procreation from gays and sterilization of trans kids by chopping them up and inhibiting hormones, abortion. Don’t think for a minute that this is about “inclusion” and “diversity.” They are obsessed creeps living in a deep, dark alternate universe of yesteryear, acting out (dramatization). They are not in the present. They are not rational. You do not try to reason with the insane.
List of hundreds of psychiatrists and physicians responsible for the Holocaust.
Public criminal records on psychiatrists: http://www.psychsearch.ne
Because California is within grasp of the coveted “Last place in Education” national trophy.
Kids can’t read but they can remember a dozen pronouns.
Progressives are actually repressives…….and kinda stupid. How can anyone teach non-hatred of a race/group by teaching utter hatred of another race/group?
The ‘progressives’ are becoming more and more like Hitler’s nazis.