Rep. Katie Hill. (screen capture, youtube)
California Rep. Katie Hill Allegedly Had ‘Throuple’ Affair With Young Female Staffer
‘Rep. Hill would be an easy blackmail target’
By Katy Grimes, October 19, 2019 11:33 am
Former Congressman Steve Knight (R-CA) must be dumbfounded today. He lost his race for reelection in 2018 in the 25th Congressional District during the California Democrat ballot harvesting slaughter, to newcomer Katie Hill.
RedState just published an explosive story about Freshman Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA), who’s currently in divorce proceedings, and also the Vice-Chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, had “a long-term sexual relationship with a female campaign staffer.”
But that’s not all – apparently Hill and her husband were involved in a “throuple” relationship with the young staffer. A “throuple” is a threesome relationship.
Appearing to be a predatory issue, Hill who is 32, hired the young staffer as a full-time employee in late 2017, and the three quickly became sexually involved as a “throuple.”
Katie Hill came out as bisexual after high school, according to news reports during her campaign, and is touted as California’s first openly bisexual representative.
So this “scandal” may be just that to most people, but not to an openly bisexual woman. However, her judgment is in serious question.
RedState reported:
Photographs and text messages obtained by RedState show that Rep. Hill was involved in a long-term sexual relationship with a female campaign staffer. The woman, whose name is not being released, was hired by Hill in late 2017 and quickly became involved in a “throuple” relationship with Hill and her estranged husband, Kenny Heslep.
Heslep and the staffer, according to text messages provided to RedState, believed the polyamorous arrangement to be a long-term, committed relationship. The trio took multiple vacations together, including to Alaska.
RedState acquired photos and text messages showing that Rep. Hill was involved in a long-term sexual relationship with the female campaign staffer.
Hill’s husband Kenny Heslep was told “by numerous sources” that Hill had been involved in a sexual relationship for a year with her then-finance director, now Legislative Director, Graham Kelly, RedState reported.
Intimate photographs of the women were also provided to RedState, but not published.
According to a source close to the staffer, the throuple agreed to continue their committed relationship when Hill moved to Washington, D.C. in January 2019, but that Heslep and the staffer quickly noticed a difference in Hill’s demeanor. By late May, Hill broke off her relationships with both Heslep and the staffer, claiming she wanted to focus on “this important work” and that it wasn’t fair to be involved in a relationship. The staffer, as these text messages show, was distraught and trying to figure out how to move on with her life.
All of the photos and text messages at RedState are HERE.
As if this story isn’t already strange, one of the photos shows naked Congresswoman Katie Hill sitting on a chair in her office, brushing a female coworker’s hair at work. (Click to view image — Warning: Explicit Image). Now people want to know, who took the photo?
Comments on the articles are running the gamut of snarky, to sincere concerns of the depth of the depravation so many politicians exhibit today.
Sex, Power, Politics
This isn’t the first rodeo for sex scandals in Washington D.C.
Former Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank admitted a long relationship with a male prostitute who ran a bisexual prostitution service out of Frank’s apartment. Frank was reelected many times even after the scandal broke.
In 2005, Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla.) was exposed sending “sexually scandalous” emails and texts to young male congressional pages. Several former pages eventually came forward to say they had “sexual liaisons” with Foley as well. Foley resigned.
Sen. Bob Packwood (R-Ore.) was accused by 10 female ex-staffers that he had sexually harassed them. He denied the allegations, but when more women came forward with stories of his sexual predations, he eventually resigned in September of 1995, when faced with the prospect of public Senate hearings and a vote to expel.
Freshman Rep. Mel Reynolds (D-Ill.) was indicted on Aug. 19, 1994, on charges of having sex with a 16-year-old campaign worker, asking her to take pornographic pictures of her 15 year old friend, and then pressuring her to lie about it. Reynolds, who is black, denied the charges and said the investigation was racially motivated, the Washington Post reported.
He was sentenced to prison, but was later pardoned by President Clinton and hired by Jesse Jackson.
Rep. John Conyers (D-Minn.) resigned in 2018 after 53 years in Congress. Buzzfeed News had reported he settled a female staffer’s sexual harassment complaint in 2015 for more than $27,000.
RollCall reported:
Eight women accused former Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) of sexual misconduct before his resignation in 2018.
Former Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) resigned December 8 after multiple reports of inappropriate behavior toward female staffers. Franks had asked two female staffers to act as surrogates for him and his wife.
Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) resigned four months after news broke that he had settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with taxpayer money. Farenthold had already decided not to run for re-election following a renewed Ethics Committee investigation into sexual harassment, inappropriate comments to staff and discrimination based on gender.
Rep. Robert C. Scott (D-VA) remains in office following allegations of sexual harassment by a former staff member. Former fellow M. Reese Everson with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation accused the representative of sexually harassing her. Scott confirmed that Everson had worked for him. Everson said she was “wrongfully terminated,” “blackballed and blacklisted” after the harassment.
As RedState noted in the Katie Hill scandal, “In addition to the legal and ethical issues raised by allegations of a congresswoman having not one, but two extramarital affairs with people on her staff, concurrently, there are issues of national security. Hill serves on two influential committees in that regard: Oversight and Reform and Armed Service. She has access to extremely sensitive national security information. If people who don’t have our nation’s best interests at heart had access to the photographs, text messages, and other information provided to RedState, Rep. Hill would be an easy blackmail target.”
The damage control process will be interesting to watch.
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There can be little doubt that Katie Hill has lost her aura. And while it normally takes years, and often decades, for politicians to lose their aura and respectability, Katie Hill lost it in less than one year. She has been a Congresswoman for less than ten months when she suddenly lost the aura and the respectability that is crucial to a legislator at the federal level.
What has come to light are photos and stories. Photos of Katie Hill romantically kissing women and a photo of Katie Hill in the nude sitting on a sofa combing the hair of a woman who is on her staff. The nude photo of Katie Hill doesn’t show a great deal of nudity. The young woman whose hair she is combing is sitting directly in front of her so Katie Hill’s genitalia is concealed by the young woman. Katie Hill’s breasts are blurred for purposes of concealment.
Nor, of course, do we get to see Katie’s buttocks. She is sitting on a sofa. But it is a gorgeous bottom, no doubt.
And so we don’t get to see all that we wish to see of Katie Hill in this so-called “nude” photo. But Katie Hill is fully disrobed and the picture is sufficient to set the male sexual imagination on fire. We must not forget that Katie Hill is a gorgeous woman. And that she was an intense sexual fantasy even when she was fully clothed. But since the surfacing of that “nude” photo she has overwhelmed our lives. We have been thinking about her constantly. And dreaming about her without pause.
Katie Hill is stunning. The most exciting photos of Katie Hill that we have seen.
But why have those pictures suddenly surfaced? We can only conjecture. Katie Hill is the Vice Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Reform. Elijah Cummings, who died a few days ago, was the Chair of the Committee. The new Chair of the Committee will be Carolyn Maloney. She is 73 years old. Katie Hill is 32. And Katie Hill is stunning in her beauty.
As Katie Hill’s nude photo surfaces at exactly the moment that there is a change in leadership at the Oversight Committee, is it possible that Carolyn Maloney wants to torpedo the career of the young and outstandingly beautiful Vice Chair of the Oversight Committee?
We wonder how Katie Hill will deal with this massive PR nightmare that has suddenly been heaped upon her. She is absolutely gorgeous in the nude.
But it is not just the nude photo. Katie Hill’s extraordinary intimate life has been laid out in the open for all to see. It is an intimate life that is embarrassing for a legislator legislating even at the state level. And it is an intimate life that is even more embarrassing for a legislator legislating at the federal level.
Katie Hill has been portrayed as hooking up with a 22-year-old staffer who is just out of college. Too much has been made of the age difference. But this is unjustified because at 22 the staffer is certainly of legal age for consensual sex. And at 32, Katie Hill herself is quite a young woman.
And much has been made of Katie Hill using her position of power to get her subordinates in bed. But this is objectionable only when a man does it. When a woman does it, it is okay. A woman using her authority to satisfy her desires is very exciting.
What is revealed is that Katie Hill, who is married, was having sex with her husband and her female subordinate simultaneously. But, again, too much has been made of this type of arrangement. First, Katie Hill has never kept her bisexuality a secret. So a sexual liaison with a woman was never going to be detrimental to her career. Nor would a three-way amorous relationship be detrimental to her career. Katie Hill has told us in advance that she is not just bisexual but that she is also Queer. For those who never quite understood what she meant by “Queer” they certainly have a better understanding now. She always claimed to belong to the LGBTQ community and not just to the LGBT community. The added “Q” is for Queer.
And so for those who are shocked by the current revelations about their Congresswoman they needed to pay close attention to the “fine print.” Katie Hill has told you in advance that she is Queer. You just never paid attention. You simply focused on her bisexuality and were not paying attention when she told you that she is also “Queer.”
But there is more to the story. Katie Hill has decided to divorce her husband and simultaneously break up with her female lover. When things are going well and the sex is simultaneous it makes sense for the break up to also be simultaneous when things are not going well. The story is that Katie Hill is in a new intimate relationship with her legislative director.
And so if the nude photo is not embarrassing enough for the freshman Congresswoman, her love life is a love life that she surely would have preferred to remain private.
And it is not clear what forces are out to get Katie Hill.
Certainly her intimate life is one that would have been better kept private. And she enjoyed enormous respect while it was kept private. Her immense beauty combined with her congressional power made her a woman with enormously high self-esteem. To what extent the latest revelations have affected her self-esteem, we do not know. She has not made any public appearances since her intimate life became public.
There is, of course, the possibility that there is more to be revealed. That photos even more shocking are waiting to be made public. Normally photos come in bundles. Bundles and albums.
Someone could be putting the squeeze on Katie Hill. It is quite possible that someone is getting from her what we all want from her. With the threat of publishing more intimate photos, a man could easily blackmail her into giving up that gorgeous body. It is possible that she is currently being blackmailed. It could be monetary or it could be sexual. But if she is giving her blackmailer sex to keep him from bringing more pictures to light, she could be digging a bigger hole for herself. The sex that she is giving in exchange could itself be fertile ground for the production of more intimate photos.
Or it could be political. If it is indeed Carolyn Maloney who is behind all this, and if she has more material, she could be waiting to see whether she has done enough damage to get the gorgeous Katie Hill out of politics. Or whether she needs to put more intimate photos out there.
But don’t count Katie Hill out. A woman as stunningly beautiful as Katie Hill has plenty of ammunition in her arsenal.
We must never forget how Katie Hill came into politics in the first place. This is a completely unknown woman with no previous political experience whatsoever who instantly became a Congresswoman. And she defeated an incumbent Republican in a conservative-leaning district.
So who exactly is behind the extraordinary rise of this remarkable Congresswoman?
His name is Michael Bloomberg. He is the former New York City mayor. Michael Bloomberg is an American businessman, politician, author, and philanthropist. His net worth is $51 billion.
In the last two weeks of her campaign to unseat the incumbent Republican, Katie Hill was behind in the polls, and she was fighting for her life. Michael Bloomberg came to her aid. He spent $5.1 million dollars on ads promoting her in the last two weeks of her campaign. It was enough to send a triumphant Katie Hill to Capitol Hill. The job she always wanted.
Michael Bloomberg was there for her when she needed him most. But now Katie Hill needs him more than ever before. Now she is in big trouble. Now she is fighting for her political survival. The sexual revelations are enough to sink a freshman Congresswoman because revelations that were far less shocking have ended the careers of seasoned politicians.
If Michael Bloomberg comes to her rescue once again, she will survive. If he doesn’t, then the forces of envy and hatred will ultimately bring her down.
Arshad Sherif: Your op-ed above is interesting but highly speculative, and frankly, your comments on Rep. Hill’s physical attributes are unnecessary and more than a little disturbing.
Actually, his ramblings are bizarre. She violated House rules regarding sexual contact with staff and should resign. End of story.
You are required to be a mentally ill, disgusting pervert in order to hold office in California if you are a Democrat. It’s the law.
Hill is butt-ugly, morally perverted, and a filthy communist.
Look a little bit closer and probably find criminality as well.
She should be removed.
You are free to do / think what you want. So is Hill – nothing she is doing is illegal. And if she is already openly LGBT, how is she going to be blackmailed? Another CA house member (Duncan Hunter) was recently caught in an affair, too. Should he resign for that reason? I don’t think so. But he should if he is convicted of campaign fund misuse.
Congress passed a law forbidding sexual relationships between elected members and their staff. This was done to prevent sexual harassment lawsuits.
The 22 year old is a subordinate staffer. That makes it illegal.
She broke the law by having a sexual relationship with a staffer…it ain’t situational ethics, it’s a predatory practice that has been banned when men do it.
I think she’s going down ….so to speak
Put on your thinking cap: Infidelity is not just a personal problem it’s a major cause of distraction, if not the blackmail scenario the author refers to. If this is how a public servant treats their “loved ones” — and in this case lying to multiple intimate parties at the same time !— they will have NO problem lying and/or cheating in other areas.
Pathological liars are on a spectrum, of which serial infidelity is just one potential manifestation. People who compartmentalize private “indiscretions” and maintain that the public person can be more “focused” (loyal) are kidding themselves. This is WHY sex scandals have traditionally been career ending for politicians.
Around the time the “Teflon Man” entered the Oval office, supporters argued that what he did with Ms. Lewinshky had nothing to do with his job as president. That MIGHT have been worth arguing if it was an extramarital affair on par with Prince Charles carrying on a long-term affair with a single object of affection (Camille, whom he later married). But with Bill Clinton, like Katy Hill, sexual addiction appears to be in the driver’s seat — meaning that it’s a constant preoccupation to continue a behavior that is personally and professionally destructive (think, also, of Harvey Weinstein and of NBC’s former host Matt Lauer). Like any addiction, lying to keep the activity away from the light of day is a constant preoccupation and, yes, in that case it DOES impact a person’s ability to do their job (i.e. the consequences will catch up). People who argued that President Clinton could carry on with a subordinate and still do the job of president justice neglect the fact that his actions brought upon him an urge to lie (perjury), and ultimately impeachment. (The proof that it would hinder his job performance was in the fact that even before Bill Clinton entered national politics, he was dogged by allegations, some of which resulted in settlements with victims and ultimately cost him his law license.) Meanwhile, there were other scandals from Whitewater to the more recent Jeffery Epstein sex trafficking case, which only ended — sheer coincidence! — when key witnesses died (Vince Foster, suicide; Jeffery Epstein, suicide).
As voters, we are far too trusting for our own good. But that doesn’t change the reality: Pathological liars need therapy, not elected office.
She likes ******* the young stuff
What kind of Apologetic BS are you spewing. This is illegal in every way possible.
The nude photo in her PUBLIC office says it all, resign.
The many women whose victimization by men in positions of power gave rise to the #Metoo movement will well understand the impropriety of Hill having sex with a subordinate staffer. We should all condemn Ms. Hills sexual relations with her male subordinate. It is unethical. It flies directly in the face of House Ethics rules forbidding such conduct. These rules were passed to ensure that the House maintains a work environment free of sexual harassment. Of course Congresswoman Hill should be investigated and, if the affair is proven to have taken place, she should be removed from office.
She was having sex with a female subordinate, not male. Not that you’re wrong to condemn anything, it’s equally wrong if it’s a queer relationship. But also it’s worth reading the article too. Her bisexuality is a weirdly prominent focus of the writing and you might find that interesting.
The article also says Hill had been involved in a sexual relationship for a year with her then-finance director, now Legislative Director, Graham Kelly.
President Clinton pardoned a rapist and they’re worried about Trump pardoning Gen. Flynn or Paul Manafort?
I remember back in the 1990s all those chain emails talking about the Clinton enemies who had met a premature demise under suspicious circumstances. Maybe that was overkill — although one really must admit that Vince Foster was a bit too convenient in light of the impeachment hearings. Nonetheless, HOW did Hillary Clinton get to have a career, let alone a presidential run, on A) the heels of her husband’s many sex allegations — which came with lawsuits, witnesses, settlements and the loss of his law license — and B) how did Hillary Clinton manage to have a career after bragging, back in her Arkansas days, about getting a sex offender off for raping a 12-year-old girl? For anyone else that would have been career ending BEFORE these two clowns rose to the national political level. Fast forward to 2019, and why did the death of Jeffery Epstein result in the end of the reporting? Isn’t that a bit too obvious — suspect dies and now the child trafficking allegations, which undoubtedly involved some very prominent individuals — dies with it? Epstein allegedly had a photo hung in one of his homes of Bill Clinton dressed drag for crying out loud, and yet the media — in the #MeToo era, no less! — did not pursue ANY QUESTIONS after Bill Clinton was caught in a lie in which he denied taking the “Lolita Express” even though his name was allegedly on the manifest? Is journalism dead? Seriously!
In news of the predatory sort, NBC — who’s top executive Oppenheim allegedly ran interference for Hollywood’s biggest creep, Harvey Weinstein, according to an NBC producer who wrote a Vanity Fair tell-all after resigning, speaks of how the “news” network allegedly tried to shut down their own reporters for reporting on Weinstein even *after* it became headlines everywhere else. Why?
Moral to the story: Predators never pay — but God forbid the evil Donald Trump is reelected vs. impeached! This world is full of sick, sick people who have sent a clear message to freshmen members of Congress and the Bill and Hillary Clintons of the world alike: Come to Washington if you want to screw around on the taxpayer dime. If perversion isn’t your cup of tea, there’s plenty more to do and see — take the Biden family cue and trade quid pro quos with Ukraine and then claim it ain’t so! No problem, you can even run for president afterward! Who needs to legislate when there are junkets to take, throuples to be had, pork to be delivered and impeachment, impeachment, impeachment?
If anybody still thinks Donald Trump is the biggest political problem we have, they haven’t been paying attention.
Maybe it’s time for another American Revolution.
The only thing about this that is unethical is that she was having a relationship with a staffer and having sex at work. Her bisexuality, her polyamory and her photos are a non issue, but yes the power dynamic here is very problematic and must be taken seriously.
Her sexuality otherwise is only blackmail-worthy because of the sort of stigma that is not questioned in this article.
Editor Grimes … how do you know the pic shows Katie “sitting on a chair in her office, brushing a female coworker’s hair at work” ??? I haven’t heard those specifics reported anywhere else.
As I explain in the article and provide links to, RedState reported on the photos and discovered the naked pic was taken in her work office.
She appears to be qualifed for an “acting” position in the Trump administration.
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