Home>Articles>Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Delusion: California’s ‘Golden Economy’

Sacramento homeless living under W/X freeway offramp, April 15, 2022. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Delusion: California’s ‘Golden Economy’

‘There is No More Toxic Politician in America’

By Katy Grimes, September 13, 2024 9:06 am

Gavin Newsom claimed in July that California simply has no peers, across the spectrum. The Globe reported on Newsom’s conceited email in which he listed the Orwellian “Ten Ways California Leads the Nation.”

California may be leading the nation – off the cliff into 3rd world status, we stated, especially as Newsom’s and Democrat’s policies have pushed out some of California’s greatest businesses.

Rep. Kevin Kiley noticed and said Thursday, “Perhaps he took inspiration from David Letterman because the list is, to put it mildly, laughable.” Kiley wrote:

One item is “belonging and unity.” Another, unbelievably, is high-speed rail (we’re investigating that disaster in the Transportation Committee). Conveniently, Newsom fails to mention an area where the Census Bureau just announced California actually leads the nation: poverty.

Kiley notes that Newsom didn’t mention homelessness, crime, taxes, gas prices, housing costs, illegal border crossings, and more:

“Today I gave a speech on the House Floor correcting these omissions: listing all the ways California truly ‘leads’ in Newsom/Kamala’s “model for the nation.”

Perhaps ironically, on his official California Governor’s website, Newsom does list some of these issues, as though he has fought valiantly and slayed the dangerous beasts. He also includes a rather unhealthy dose of narcissism… (have a barf bag handy):

“Newsom is widely recognized for his willingness to lead – repeatedly developing, advocating, and implementing innovative and groundbreaking solutions to some of our most challenging issues.”

“On a wide range of topics including same-sex marriage, gun safety, marijuana, the death penalty, universal health care, access to preschool, technology, criminal justice reform, and the minimum wage, Newsom stuck his neck out and did the right thing, which often led to sweeping changes when his policies were ultimately accepted, embraced, and replicated across the state and nation.”

This sounds as if he is running for President of the World… but he’s running in the wrong direction. From his website:

Newsom’s top priorities for his administration include:

  • tackling homelessness and building more housing,
  • keeping California safe,
  • creating opportunity for all,
  • building a healthier California, and
  • standing up for California values — from civil rights, to immigration, environmental protection, access to quality schools at all levels, and justice.

“Tackling homelessness…” we see how that has played out with Newsom succeeding in exponentially growing more drug-addicted homeless vagrants in the state.

“California values.” Gov. Newsom neglects to include the word “legal” in front of “immigration.”

Notably, Gov. Newsom expanded the state’s Medi-Cal low-income health system to include illegal immigrants. And his public utilities commission is expanding the California LifeLine Program, which gives discounted home phone and cell phone services and discounts on their phone bills to low-income households, to illegal aliens… at taxpayer expense – while at the same time, approving a 4th utility rate increase to Californians.

And California’s public school systems hasn’t been “quality” for three decades, especially now that Newsom and Democrats have turned public elementary education into a giant social “gender” experiment on California’s children.

Rep. Kiley addresses this:

“In the Education Committee, I spoke about the need to counteract Newsom’s vile new law that forces schools to keep secrets from parents. We then passed the PROTECT Kids Act, restoring parental consent for any change to a child’s gender markers or sex-based accommodations.”

California Democrats passed Assembly Bill 1955 by Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego), the bill to prohibit schools from notifying parents if their child is “gender confused.”

AB 1955 specifically:

prohibits public schools and school employees from being required to disclose a student’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person [the parents] without the student’s consent.

AB 1955 is pure evil, designed to drive a wedge between parents and their children. Gov. Newsom signed it into law. His children attend expensive private schools.

Gov. Newsom claims:

“California is the tentpole of the American economy. Home to the world’s greatest higher-education system. A place where people can love who they want, access the reproductive freedom they deserve, and pursue a dream of a safe and prosperous life – their California dream. Across the spectrum, California simply has no peers.”

In Gavin Newsom’s delusion:

  • the world’s greatest higher-education system is actually the DEI leader in the world and producing stunningly ignorant, unemployable graduates;
  • “where people can love who they want” is a reminder that on “Feb. 12, 2004, then-Mayor Gavin Newsom upended the raging national debate over gay marriage when he directed the San Francisco County Clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.”
  • “access to reproductive freedom” is secret code for abortion up to/through the 9th month of pregnancy;
  • “pursue a dream of a safe and prosperous life” – no one in California is allowed to pursue a safe and prosperous life with record retail and violent crime across the state, and businesses fleeing California in droves; and
  • California’s $20 fast food minimum wage… fast food businesses are closing across the state and laying off employees.

Newsom claims California’s economy is “Golden.” He says:

“California has one of the most equitable tax systems in the entire country, and is #1 in the nation for new business starts, #1 for access to venture capital funding, #1 for manufacturing, #1 for high-tech, and #1 for agriculture.”

All of those links in Newsom’s statement on “California’s Golden economy” link back to his own website (a form of “because I say so”). However, his ludicrous claim “California has one of the most equitable tax systems” links to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy in Washington D.C., a non-profit organization which claims, “Tax justice is critical to racial justice.”

10 states with the highest personal income tax rates

  1. California: 13.3%
  2. Hawaii: 11%
  3. New Jersey: 10.75%
  4. Oregon: 9.9%
  5. Minnesota: 9.85%
  6. District of Columbia: 8.95%
  7. New York: 8.82%
  8. Vermont: 8.75%
  9. Iowa: 8.53%***
  10. Wisconsin: 7.65%

Here’s a visual of “California’s Golden economy” from the Tax Foundation:

Here’s another visual of “California’s Golden economy:”

Homeless camp, F St. and 30th, Sacramento. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)

Rep. Kiley wraps up with Newsom’s recent comeuppance:

“Newsom, meanwhile, suffered further humiliation. After the Democrat leader of the Senate blew off his “Special Session” to raise gas prices, the Democrat Governor of Arizona has joined with the Governor of Nevada to oppose it as well.

There is no more toxic politician in America.”

***The Tax Foundation notes “As part of its comprehensive tax reform, effective January 1, 2024, Iowa consolidated its four individual income tax brackets into three (H.F. 2317). As a result, its top rate decreased from 6 percent to 5.7 percent. The state is currently transitioning to a flat income tax system with a rate of 3.9 percent by 2026.
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2 thoughts on “Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Delusion: California’s ‘Golden Economy’

  1. Newsom has to say something. President Trump is in California right now highlighting the many ways California is going down the toilet, and pointing out the many failures of Kamala Harris as AG.

  2. I find it odd that Newsom would mention being number 1 in agriculture. If he had his way with water policy Ag will take a big hit. Just as at one time California could have been considered a major player in the timber industry. Now we export smoke from the tree fires as the trade winds blow east. I had a forest ranger tell me recently when visiting the Grand Canyon that there have been times when you cannot see across the canyon because of the smoke from fires in California.

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