California Gov. Gavin Newsom atop Golden Gate Bridge. (Photo: ca.gov)
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s PR Stunt Against President-Elect Trump
He’s the most unserious governor California has ever experienced, and shows no interest in running the state
By Katy Grimes, November 25, 2024 12:21 pm
A California newspaper on Monday asked Is California’s battle against Trump a PR stunt?
The easy answer is YES. The legacy media up and down the state will cover California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s claims that he will fight and sue Trump over any policies the Republican President endorses that conflict with Newsom’s and California’s radical leftist ideology.
Voters and residents aren’t interested in Gavin Newsom’s PR stunts, proclamations, threats and hyperbole – voters and residents want a governor to run the state efficiently and effectively… something Gavin Newsom has demonstrated he is incapable of doing. So he turns to PR stunts, hyperbole and bravado.
Following Donald Trump’s big win Nov. 5th, Newsom wasted no time harassing and threatening the soon-to-be 47th president.
As the Globe reported Nov. 7th, Newsom issued a bridled threat “to stand with states across our nation to defend our Constitution and uphold the rule of law.”
He followed that subtle threat with specifics – lawsuits against the Trump administration:
Newsom issued a proclamation convening a special session of the California Legislature “shoring up California’s defenses against an incoming federal administration that has threatened the state on multiple fronts.”
This has become standard operating procedure with Democrats. The behavior is childish and connotes a petulant child taking his ball and going home rather than losing another game.
Who learns from losing by threatening and harassing the winner?
Trump won because Americans have been suffering under the disastrous and deadly Democrat policies the last four years – the open border in which 10+ millions of illegal aliens have entered the country; the criminal illegal aliens allowed into the country who are killing Americans; the Fentanyl coming across the border killing Americans; the highest record inflation in 40 years; cutting energy production resulting in no energy security or independence, massive budget deficits; rampant violent crime on the streets;
Trump vowed to not only overturn these policies, but he assured Americans he will bring American jobs back from overseas, unleash our energy production making the US energy independent again, get DEI and woke policies out of the military, out of government and out of schools, support police to get crime under control, close the border and deport criminal illegal aliens first.
It is quite telling that California’s Democrat supermajority, together with Gavin Newsom, is prioritizing frivolous lawsuits against the future president rather than cleaning up their own very messy house.
In 2016 following Trump’s first presidential election, California’s new Democrat supermajority Legislature used the usually congenial legislative swearing-in ceremonies to rush through Assembly and Senate resolutions insisting President-elect Donald Trump abandon his immigration deportation policies–at least in California, I reported at the time.
President-elect Trump vowed at the time to build a border wall and deport immigrants with a criminal record, which he estimated to be two-three million. Today that number is likely quadrupled – or worse.
California is home to the largest illegal-alien population in the country, and is a Sanctuary State, end-to-end. Newsom even declared that California is an abortion sanctuary state, and is using taxpayer funds to pay for women from other states to travel here to get free abortions.
California’s sanctuary city movement hinders immigration enforcement and shields illegal aliens from federal officials as a matter of policy. Beyond the legalities, illegal immigrants are a severe economic drain on California’s perpetually strained budget, billions of dollars in the hole.
But Newsom has no interest in shoring up the budget, cutting crime, opening California back up for oil and Natural Gas exploration and extraction, cutting welfare entitlements or deporting criminal illegal aliens, removing dangerous, pornographic, sexual grooming curriculum in California schools, or being honest about California’s highest gas prices and highest gas taxes in the nation… he’s the most unserious governor California has ever experienced, and shows no interest in running the state.
Gavin Newsom prefers PR stunts, hyperbolic messaging, gaslighting voters, and pretending that climate change is a threat rather than a redistribution of wealth scheme.
Newsom will get lots of press for fighting Trump and his administration – while California continues to sink further in debt, streets remain unsafe from criminal illegal aliens and vagrant drug addicts, while the cost of living increases in California, as we lose more residents moving to other states, as housing costs increase, and gas prices rise, while businesses continue to leave and the once Golden State continues to degrade into third-world territory.
Remember, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the compliant Democrat Supermajority in the California Legislature closed your children’s schools, shut down your businesses, ordered your churches closed, cancelled holidays, masked your kids, mandated Covid shots to go back to work and school… while they exempted themselves from these mandates.
“The behavior is childish and connotes a petulant child…”
This just PERFECTLY described the contemporary Democrat party, and Gavin Newsom SPECIFICALLY…
Newsom is a traitor to our Constitutional Republic.
He has abdicated his first responsibility to protect the residents of California.
He is a petty, narcissistic, unserious man!
I for one will NEVER FORGET what he foisted upon us!
Don’t forget that under Hairdo’s guiding hand, California also became a Trans Sancturary so that nutjobs could kidnap children from other states to bring them here to be chemically castrated and surgically mutilated without having to face any consequents.
There is nothing Noisome fears more than the rule of law. What he calls law is treason, corruption and insurrection.
I would like to establish a C-DOGE (California Department of Government Efficiency) to take a large Department eliminating/cutting instrument to the State of California. In 2010 California had expenditures of $85 billion dollars, in 2020 the budget was $202.1 billion dollars and finally in 2024 the budget was $291.5 billion dollars. Assuming that back in 2010 that there was no waste or fraud in the budget and an annual increase of 3% each year for the last 14 years the current budget should be about $120.7 billion dollars. California’s budget is bloated by approximately 41%. Could you imagine what the overall health of California would be if we had 41% less government working for us? At this point in time, we can either accept status quo and believe that this is California, and we will not/cannot change or begin planning for a better tomorrow. I humbly submit that we should begin planning.
Excellent idea, Hal.
“lawsuits against the Trump administration.” So, what’s new?
What Hal said
To be fair Katy mentioned this first. I added a few numbers.
He has stolen TAXS sent them to china and it has been proven during COVID
For worthless products
A very red army has literally walked across the border and is ensconced
Just outside the eastern end of Camp Pendleton , they con-troll the pac Hiker trail that runs the length of THE LEFT COAST USA.
TREASON if TRUMP even bothers to look
Just like they did in vE
he cannot win a federal election on the 62% of cali-for-nia voters who will vote for anyone labeled demo-rat.