Gov. Gavin Newsom. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
How to Kill a State in 5 Easy Steps: Gavin Newsom’s California
Expand government, raise taxes, decrease gas supply, kill-off ag, cut water supply
By Katy Grimes, October 29, 2024 8:36 am
As California’s job openings declined 30% this year, as unemployment spiked, Governor Gavin Newsom gave fast food workers a minimum wage increase to $20 per hour. As private sector businesses and residents have been fleeing California’s high taxes and high cost of living, Newsom hired more state employees, expanding the size of state government.
California had 641,000 job openings in August, compared to 920,000 in August 2023, according to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed, the New York Post reported. “Meanwhile, the year-over-year unemployment rate in September increased to 5.3% from 5% — more than a percentage point above the national rate of 4.1% and the second worst in the US, the data showed. Only Nevada had a higher jobless rate at 5.6%.”
Since September 2022 – while Newsom had the state on full lockdown – California has lost a net 154,000 jobs in the private sector and gained 361,000 jobs in the public sector, according to California’s non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office.
A very worrisome trend, according to the LAO: “large and mounting private-sector job losses that have been offset by continued hiring in public sector (and publicly supported) fields. Since its post-pandemic peak in September 2022, California’s private sector has lost a net 154,000 jobs (1.2 percent) while the public sector has gained 361,000 jobs (7 percent).”
The LAO continues:
Nationally, Private-Sector Employment Continues to Grow. Compared to the California private-sector industries that have shown job losses since 2022, nationwide, these industries have continued to expand. The following figures highlight the divergence between California and national job growth in a few key private-sector industries.
But WAIT! There’s MORE!
Californians also already pay the highest gas prices in the entire country – even higher than Hawaii, according to AAA today. While Gavin Newsom dubiously claims this is because oil companies are price gougers, the governor pushed a new law to decrease the state’s gas supply, which will clearly result in even higher gas prices at the pump.
Texans currently pay $2.69 per average gallon of gas – Californians pay an average of $4.59 per gallon, and over $5.00 per gallon in many counties. That’s a difference of $2.00+ per gallon that Californians pay a premium for. That’s $40 additional per fill-up.
As the Globe has asked repeatedly, “If the ‘Big Oil’ companies are so greedy, why are they only greedy in California and not greedy in every state?”
In May the Globe reported that Gavin Newsom’s Air Resources Board is mandating an additional 50 cents per gallon be added to the price of gas in California in January.
Newsom is facilitating the real gas price gouging.
Newsom is also demanding more water conservation from urban users – residential homes, small, medium and large businesses.
Newsom’s State Water Resources Control Board issued statewide water restrictions recently. The title of their document even says this:
Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment of
Proposed ‘Making Conservation a California Way of
Life’ Regulation
This is a non-starter because urban water use is the smallest amount of water accounted for. Restricting even more water from urban and ag users doesn’t even move the needle, but does make a lot of lives much worse off.
And here is why: 80% of California’s water supply goes to environmental uses, 4.5% is urban use, and agriculture is only 15%.
Note: the environment (and not agriculture) gets 80% of the water in the state. Urban users – us – are being asked to conserve more when we only use 4.5% of California’s water. We and agriculture already conserve water.
Newsom’s connivance to constrict the state of water is evil – especially when there is plenty to go around.
California is one of five unique Mediterranean regions in the world (with no rain for six to eight months of the year). California produces high-value “specialty crops” including fruits, nuts, and lettuces. Many of California’s specialty crops are not grown anywhere else in the country.
Newsom is killing off California agriculture when it the number 1 state in the nation for agriculture outputs: $51.1 billion in cash receipts, according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
As for California’s highest-in-the-nation taxes, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that he is even more giving taxpayer-funded tax breaks to Hollywood.
350 company headquarters have left California for good, and Gavin Newsom just smugly watched them go.
Gavin Newsom is killing California.
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He is not a Governor of the people for the people. He is an elitist who is beholden to the United Nations not the United States! He is a destroyer doing the work of the World Economic Forum!
Newsom is a sadist!
Katy again does an excellent job pointing out just what destruction of a state looks like and who has led us to that destruction? Gavin Newsom and his progressive supermajority in Sacramento.
We are still waiting to get the true number of the deficit he created! What is it? 30 billion, 60 billion, 80 billion? What is his next step? To give the Hollywood creeps a hand out of 750 MILLION DOLLARS!
Our tax dollars, flushed down the aqueduct into the ocean!
I do not know about you all but I appreciate the farmers that contribute to our well being not the fake, lying actors and producers of mostly propaganda and trash! The farmers are not asking for a handout but for life, WATER.
You nailed it.
My husband and I sold our home in No Ca and left one year ago. We took a hit financially, doing so, but we had had it. The trash from SF was spilling over into our coastal community. We saw the writing on the wall, and had for quite a while. Human garbage, piling up, people defecating along side Hwy 1, crime skyrocketing. Oracle, X, Tesla pulling out for the same reasons we did. Newsom, and Aunt Nancy. Where did the surplus that Newscum bragged about in 2020 go? What about the mask that he purchased from China, scam? Or, the shutter in place, while he’s out with his family enjoying meals and vacations. He is a self appointed elite, not a brain cell in his head, and his Aunt isn’t any better. They are good for nasty things: Lying, cheating, blaming others, crapping all over the good people of CA, the taxpayer, the stewards of the beautiful land that I miss dearly. However, we discovered, that CA is not the only beautiful state in the Union, there are equals, and they have decent, common sense policies, where we still feel free and safe.
Noisome is doing the bidding of Klaus Schwab his boss. I have no doubt when he goes to trial for treason and corruption that he will say “I was just following orders”. Hmm, seems like I have heard that defense before, I wish I could remember where.
Greg Abbott, the TX governor is also a Schwab deciple: TX literally going to to hell and in fact much talk about TX going blue soon.
my prediction
If Harris wins the presidency, he is headed to DC for a cabinet job. Time to get out of CA the same way he left SF.
Yesterday the Cali insurance commissioner launched an attack against Farmers Insurance relevant to their corporate funds transfers. This move is similar to the aggressions against the petroleum refiners by Newsome.
Driving insurers out of California is an effective method to destroy the value of real estate.
The destruction of California would not have occured under the goverence of Larry Elder.
You’re right in your observation that this is a way to destroy the value of real estate. This has been discussed elsewhere but it is worth repeating. The insurance mess means the “buyer” won’t be able to get a mortgage if insurance is unavailable in CA or too expensive. The “seller” will not be able to sell to those who need mortgages. This eventfully leaves only cash buyers. Who would they likely be? Foreign investors whose motives may not exactly be pure or straightforward and who, furthermore, we certainly do not want fully and quickly taking over and destroying neighborhoods just for huge returns anyway. Hmmm…… more California-killing. Sounds like this will go just as our Usual Suspect Dem-Marxist politician leadership in California desire.
Correction: “eventually* leaves only cash buyers. sigh
we’re in perilous times
Katy Grimes effectively enumerated the many ways that Gavin “Hair-gel” Newsom is doing to kill the once great state of California as a demonic WEF globalist minion who does the bidding of his globalist masters. It’s a battle between good and evil–and one that Newsom and his satanic cult are going to lose.
Someone please tell me when California voters are going to get their heads out of their butts and vote for Republicans so we can have a nice state again.
They named it “dominion” for a reason….