Gov. Gavin Newsom, 2024 State of the State address. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
Just How Deranged was Gov. Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Campaign Speech?
It was filled with fairy dust and unicorns
By Katy Grimes, June 29, 2024 2:45 am
California Governor Gavin Newsom finally gave his State of the State speech Tuesday completely choreographed and with soothing music in the background. Only it wasn’t addressed to the people of California; Newsom’s speech was very clearly a campaign job application for the rest of the country, which explains why it was his fairytale, accented with fairy dust and unicorns.
“There’s only one state in the nation with a dream, the California Dream,” Newsom said Tuesday morning in his pre-recorded State of the State speech.
But that dream is now a delusion, filled with terrors, horrors and night sweats in much of the state.
Newsom said:
“People across the globe look to California and see what’s possible, and how to live and advance together and prosper together across every conceivable difference.”
In fact, the images of California’s streets are all over news reports – images of rotting, drug addicted vagrants, living and dying on the streets, in pop-up tent encampments filled with garbage and stolen loot – images of drug deals in city parks, or images of unprovoked violent attacks of people in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Newsom said:
“But the California way of life is under attack. For conservatives and delusional California bashers, their success depends on our failure. They want to impeach the very things that have made us successful, as a tactic to turn America toward a darker future.”
It’s not conservatives who have attacked California’s way of life – it’s solely the policies of Newsom’s left – zero bail, felony crimes now misdemeanors, legalizing drugs, the largest welfare state in the country with the highest cost of living, byzantine, conflicting regulations to build any housing, highest income taxes, exorbitant minimum wage, government created water shortages which cause shrinking agriculture, illegal immigrants flooding the California border, …
Remember that Gavin Newsom was the first tyrant governor to lock the entire state down in March 2020 in the early days of the Covid flu outbreak. And he couldn’t jump fast enough to impose mask mandates, distancing requirements, and cruelly ordered school closures, “non-essential” business closures, church closures, gym closures, and even park closures and beach closures. This tyrannical behavior only increased during the three years California was offline.
Newsom said:
“They [conservatives] do so in the name of “liberty” and “freedom.” They want to roll back social progress, social justice, racial justice, economic justice, clean air, clean water, and basic fundamental fairness. They would cleave America from the principles of freedom and the rule of law. And in the process, throw our economy and, in many respects, society as we’ve known it, into chaos.”
“Social progress.” Newsom has taken up the benevolent goal of manipulating transgender ideology on toddlers, middle schoolers and teenagers. Parents should flee the public schools and the state if possible, now that we are a “transgender sanctuary state.” Conservatives did not do that.
“Racial justice.” Despite that California was never a slave state, the governor and Legislature budgeted $12 million to fund a series of reparations-related bills lawmakers undoubtedly will pass later this year. It’s just another “racial justice” slush fund.
“Economic justice.” That Newsom spouted this dangerous term exemplifies just how radical he is, and how far he’s willing to take his policies. What is “Economic justice?” It includes the “rights to a living wage, housing, education, health care, clean environment, food, and safety.” The lack of economic justice “prevents full exercise of civic and democratic rights, from the voting booth to the courtroom, and is intersectional, impacting identity, gender, sexuality, and reproductive rights. Securing and promoting economic justice informs the work the US Program undertakes on racial justice, immigrants’ rights and border policy, criminal justice, and democracy.”
Newsom said:
“We are a success story exactly because of our universality and our extraordinary diversity, and because we practice pluralism. For generations, we’ve stood for progress: championing women’s rights and LGBTQ rights, protecting the environment, and expanding civil rights. We see this hard-earned progress not as something apart from liberty and freedom, but as their fulfillment.”
Gavin Newsom as Mayor of San Francisco, without the authority, granted gay couples the right to marry. In doing so, he thrust many gay couples into legal limbo when his illegal decree was legally challenged. They married, and then discovered their marriages were not legal. The stunt was merely to give Newsom’s image a boost.
As for women’s rights, Newsom has said ZIP/ZERO about males parading about as females in sports, invading women’s locker rooms, women’s and girl’s bathrooms.
Newsom said:
“…our state and this Legislature are called upon to show America that an agenda of freedom over fear is not only achievable, it’s inevitable. Sadly, there is another way to see the world. Those bent on putting America on a darker course have chosen chaos over stability at every turn.”
“Freedom over fear.” Newsom is using the same language leftist as philanthropic organizations like the Ford Foundation, which says, “fear constrains social movements.” They continue: “fear of imprisonment or physical harm is intended to keep people from organizing and speaking out, from being themselves, from fighting for what’s right.”
Newsom said:
“political pandering means cutting health care benefits and telling a woman she’s not in charge of her own body. When it comes to reproductive rights, their lies are designed to control. Their draconian policies are driving women to flee across state lines, as fugitives from laws written by men more than a hundred years ago. Some even go so far as to force victims of assault to give birth to their rapist’s babies.”
Words do not adequately describe Newsom’s lies. No one is taking away “women’s rights.” But abortion, even in the 9th month, is really the only issue the left has. And Newsom turned California into an “Abortion Sanctuary State,” as abortion is now an industry in this state.
Newsom can’t talk about inflation, the economy, or high housing costs, or high gas prices, or staggeringly high energy costs without acknowledging that his policies have been devastating to the cost of living in California for middle and working class families.
Newsom said:
“When it comes to America’s homelessness problem, California’s detractors have similarly offered nothing but rhetoric, moaning and casting blame. No state has done as much as California in addressing the pernicious problem of homelessness that too many politicians have ignored for too long. Let me remind you that when I became Governor in 2019, there was no state homeless strategy, no state plan.”
Gavin Newsom was a disaster on homeless in San Francisco as Mayor, and he’s been even worse as governor. His “housing first” policies and $24 billion in homeless spending have exponentially increased the number of drug addicted, mentally ill homeless on California’s streets. But contractors have been well-paid to convert hotels into homeless housing.
Newsom said:
“people are gunned down at higher rates in Republican states than in Democratic states. Eight of the ten most violent murder states in America are red states. Cities like Jacksonville and Memphis have significantly higher homicide rates than San Francisco and Los Angeles.”
He is deliberately gaslighting – California no longer prosecutes crime thanks to his Proposition 47 which effectively decriminalized many felonies, bumping them down to misdemeanors, which removed tools from prosecutors for charges and convictions. Instead of supporting the reform Prop. 47 ballot initiative in November, Newsom and Democrats in the Legislature are shoving through 14 “retail theft” bills, when one good one would do, and now are threatening with a competing watered down initiative. Apparently Newsom and Democrats support the escalating and dangerous crime in the state. Sounds a little Marxist, doesn’t it?
Newsom said:
“Catering to big business and the rich is also why red states tax their lowest earners far more than California does. They punish you when you’re struggling, but give you a free pass when you’re wealthy. Here’s the truth Republicans never tell you: California is not a high-tax state.”
Red states with low to no income taxes benefit everyone, and not just the rich. And it’s the wealthy who create businesses and hire people.
Newsom said:
We’ve got more business starts in California than any other state in America and among the highest average wages in America for working people. We’ve added 63,000 new millionaires in California since 2019, and retained our place as the 5th-largest economy in the world. We’ve achieved record-breaking tourism, and our population is growing again.
But nowhere in his campaign state of the state did he acknowledge that the San Joaquin Valley is the top agriculture producer on earth. That should be worthy of a mention except it doesn’t fit Newsom’s narrative or the sex-appeal of Venture Capital starts, millionaires, and tourism. He might also have to explain why under his reign the state has withheld water to growers and ranchers in the San Joaquin Valley, creating fallowed land, destroyed crops, less food, and encroaching bankruptcy for far too many who count on agriculture for their living.
California is a high tax state, with some of the highest taxes in the entire country. California taxes everything it can – income, businesses, energy, gasoline, alcohol, services, sales, property, autos, highways, estates, retirements, and lawmakers attempt every year to pass a death tax. California even has a “millionaire’s tax.”
Effective July 1, 2024, California will begin to levy the nation’s first separate state excise tax of 11 percent on any retail sale of firearms, ammunition, the Tax Foundation reports.
Newsom says:
“We’re holding Big Oil accountable for their lies and for their price gouging. We’re suing them for defiling our planet, but also defending ourselves from their profit-driven greed, drilling their oil rigs next to houses and daycare centers.”
That statement is just so ridiculous. “Big oil” powers the country – it powers the world, and lifts people out of poverty. Wind and solar only create power intermittently and aren’t nearly as “green” as Newsom claims… batteries, rare earth minerals, dead dessert tortoises, and mangled eagles and hawks are the byproducts -solar dominating once good grazing and farmland, and wind marring ocean views and causing deadly harm to the whale population.
We will stop here. Newsom’s campaign speech is long and full of dishonesty, deceit, and political pretense. And tellingly, he says, “All of those facts fly in the face of the California haters who want to tear us down because they know our success is a spotlight on their own failures.”
“Our success” is apparently Newsom’s success.
Actually success would be a well-managed state without a $73 Billion budget deficit or $1.5+ trillion in unfunded pension and long term healthcare liability.
Gov. Newsom is clearly burning the state down now, so naturally, he just announced this week that he and his family are moving back to Marin County…
Newsom’s only goal has been to elevate his own image. I predicted in 2018 that Newsom would “burn it down and leave.”
- CA Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Legislation Authorizing $50M Legal Slush Fund to ‘Trump-Proof’ the State - February 7, 2025
- Is Sacramento Mayor Kevin McCarty Violating Federal Immigration Law - February 7, 2025
- Special Envoy Ric Grenell Says No DEI in LA Fire Cleanup: ‘That Bullsh*t Can’t Happen’ - February 7, 2025
Politicians will always behave in their own interest, instead of the public. But, there is a simple solution which can be enacted by a ballot initiative in the next election… Every elected official should be tried by a jury of voters when they leave office. If the politician benefited the people, then the jury will acquit them. If the politician did more harm than good while in office, then instead of getting lucrative government retirement benefits, they should serve their time after leaving office in jail. (This is sort of like how religions judge you when you die and decide where you belong in the next life.)
Actually, we don’t need a ballot measure, Michael. The Biden Demoncrats are using lawfare against Mr. Trump. This sets a precedent for local prosecutors to indict any Dem in any California county, after they leave office. Do any of these politicians have unpaid taxes or have they committed other hidden felonious acts in the past? At any time? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth…..fight fire with fire. Dems are concerned about “revenge”. Well, instead of just talk, let’s actually give them something to REALLY be afraid of. Pick one likely Dem – like Newscum or better yet, some of his minions – and burn them at the stake “lawfully”.
Excellent article — fantasy vs. reality.
Ditto! Perennial conflict: what to embrace Fantasy or Reality? Regardless your religion, ethics, voting preferences-Fantasy lets us fly. Reality keeps us grounded and. boring. We choose.
This Katy Grimes piece is EPIC and most welcome, let me tell you. The method used here of breaking it all down and annotating each preposterous Gov Gruesome assertion is also much appreciated, because to attempt to watch or hear his pack of lies in a never-ending stream —- one that has doubtless managed to offend EVERY SINGLE RESIDENT of the State of California —- is way too much to digest in one painful gulp. But as Katy noted, this “State of the State” wasn’t really about bringing Californians up to speed, was it? We all know it was in service to that presidential Dream Job of his.
The NERVE of this guy. Really amazing.
I’m tempted to make this comment personal, and I think I will, because as a DIRECT RESULT of the blustering, boasting Gavin and the dangerous, destructive policies he champions and is responsible for, we just had three armed robberies in one day in my town; each crime venue a spot that I habitually frequent. One victim, a mild 73 year old woman, had a gun pointed at her abdomen from someone who sneaked up behind her in a grocery store parking lot in broad daylight. It’s a very good thing she is still with us today because she instinctively (twice) didn’t want to surrender her purse; obviously the result of not being familiar with the routine of being mugged at one’s neighborhood market. The other two victims, one of them an elderly man, had similar reactions of slow processing before giving up the cash and/or the car keys, and the gas station attendant victim even had an instinct to “talk back” (“now why would I want to give you cash,” or words to that effect) before the actual gun was revealed.
The local police are earnestly on it, but as long as that lowliest-of-the-low bottom-feeding D.A. Gascon is still in office we expect no charges or prosecutions or, of course, prison time. But let’s not forget that when someone surprises you by sticking a gun in your ribs or at your head and threatening to shoot you unless you do exactly what they say when they say it, it’s not so easy getting past that trauma even WHEN perpetrators are caught and charged and convicted and punished.
So many many thanks Gov Newsom for the bounty of your leadership! I’m confident it will continue. And hey, you be sure and have a great day today looking over luxury many-acred properties in Marin County until you find something that is JUST RIGHT, okay? A-hole.
P.S. Also, let’s please always remember and never forget that Gavin Newsom, in his last political act as S.F. Mayor before being sworn in as Lt. Gov., appointed George Gascon to the S.F. D.A. position when the office opened up (after Kamala). 24 hours later Gascon was sworn in as D.A. by Newsom. But for that Newsom mentorship and appointment, delivered with generous but puzzlingly suspicious dollops of TLC, Gascon would doubtless still be languishing in some small potatoes police department in Arizona as we speak.
I appreciate the personal anecdotes.
It brings to life the day to day disaster we are living.
I appreciate this for the very reason that many of us can relate.
This is not just happening in the greater Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco regions. It is happening all suburban areas.
Have you noticed that most women no longer carry handbags and are using sling bags and fanny packs? There is a universal reason for that.
Newsom is the arsonist burning this state down. Will he get burned by the flames he ignighted?
Yup, CG, I have no doubt — and in fact we know — this is happening everywhere
Not surprised to see that women are not carrying handbags much anymore, but more likely wallets and such that are hidden under jackets or close to their bodies.
So much for Gov Gruesome and his ‘freedom and liberty’ B.S. —- this state of affairs is only ONE MORE of MANY already-existing reasons under his sadistic jackboot that we see individual freedoms and the ability to pursue happiness diminishing every day, more and more, to the size now of the head of a pin. If that.
Newsom’s days are numbered. While the presidency is within his grasp he will not be installed or elected. He will be sifted as flour in the wind and will be found to be the chaff. Newsom has had several opportunities to have a change of heart, but his heart has hardened. Being in Rebellion to God and pretending to be a god is not a good place for a man to be.
Amen, Hal.
–“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell
Great quote.We are living an Orwellian nightmare.
Fiction has become reality.
I guess these dirtbags like Newsom took it as a guidebook on how to rule over the masses.
“I will continue to be your governor, and you will continue to love me.”
He’s a narcissist who is shifting the blame. He’s probably raging behind closed doors. Search up “narcissistic rage”.
From the Mayo Clinic’s webpage on Narcissistic Personality disorder:
“At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they view as criticism. They can:
Become impatient or angry when they don’t receive special recognition or treatment.
Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change.
Withdraw from or avoid situations in which they might fail.
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection.
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed as a failure.”
Instead of giving state of the state spiels full of lies, Newsom should instead be hauled before a tribunal and be held accountable for his many heinous crimes against humanity that includes locking healthy Californians down and selectively locking down small businesses down during the scamdemic and then mandating experimental mRNA shots and boosters that have injured and killed thousands of innocent Californians. He and his wretched soul have a lot to account for!
He sure uses the word ‘dark’ a lot.
Right now, I am thinking that I wish Thomas Massey was running.
Great article!
Newsom, like Biden, Pamela Price, Sheng Thao all seem to have the same line-Trump supports are the problem and we are the destroyers. It is clear the Democratic party and their friends in the central banks are in big trouble.
I am running for Oakland City Council at Large and I stand with Donald J. Trump for President 2024. Check out my press release below!
Press Release: Mindy Pechenuk for Oakland City Council at Large-
July 1, 2024
“I Will Put All on the Line to Save Oakland From Hell.”
“Just a short glance at recent headlines and media reports shows what all residents and visitors have experienced with their own eyes and ears over the last few years in Oakland. There is no escaping the fact that the City is Oakland is ‘ A Living Hell for All Who Live Here'” :
-Oakland Corruption Scandal: Democrat Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and Government Officials Allegedly Funded by Sex Trafficking Drug Ring (Gateway Pundit)
-Andy Duong, a key member of the Duong family and the self-proclaimed proprietor of the now-defunct Music Cafe, is accused of using the cafe as a front for a sex trafficking and drug operation. This establishment, which also functioned as a karaoke lounge, was linked by state authorities to drug dealing, pimping, and human trafficking before its closure in early 2019, the Mercury News reported. (Mercury News)
My Record Stands
I said it before when I ran in the March 5, 2024 Primary for State Assembly #18 against Mia Bonta. This destruction of Oakland and California is deliberate and intentional and enough is enough. Now the truth is starting to come out. Join my campaign for strong leadership. Join with Donald J. Trump for President, so we can have a Federal Government we can work with.
Time to shut down the offshore markets and these drug cartels, human traffickers.
Time to clean out the cartels from California.
Time to clean out Oakland City Council and other elected officials who are going along with the ” Pay to Play” schemes and destroying our Oakland.
Check out my video from my State Assembly #18 Campaign!
Paid for by Pechenuk for City Council 2024. FPPC # 1469153
Heard this author interviewed on KFBK today. Very good!