Sacramento weather, July 2, 2023. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
Mass Media Hysteria Over ‘Dangerously Hot’ Summer Heat
Long before ‘climate change hysteria,’ Sacramento had such hot summer days, we kids couldn’t walk barefoot on the sidewalks
By Katy Grimes, July 14, 2023 9:35 am
Meteorologists forecasted June would be unseasonably hot. It wasn’t – we had lovely cool weather in June.
Now that Summer has finally arrived in California, many of these shameless green agenda forecasters are warning of a “dangerously hot” summer.
Yesterday this dangerously hot weather hit 94 degrees in Northern California after being told it would be 102. Today is is predicted to be 101 degrees. “Dangerously hot.”
The Sacramento Bee, one of the climate hysterics, reports:
“After two years of severe drought, record winter rains and now sweltering heat, more than four in ten Californians reported being personally affected by an extreme weather event in the last two years, a poll by the Public Policy Institute of California found. The survey released Thursday showed that nearly 80% of adults think climate change is contributing to extreme weather in the state and 82% consider the climate a top or near-top concern.”
The PPIC poll was funded by the Arjay and Frances F. Miller Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the Windy Hill Fund. The Arjay and Frances F. Miller Foundation is not rated on Charity Navigator or Guidestar, despite an IRS ruling year of 1957. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, created in 1964, supports environmental causes and population control programs, according to Influence Watch. The Windy Hill Fund is a total mystery.
The hyperbole in the PPIC poll is ripe as they claim “Californians are facing ‘weather whiplash’ and heat waves as the global climate changes.”
Despite historical polling responses finding that climate change is always far down on a list of concerns, the PPIC reports:
When asked how much climate change is affecting their local community, 25 percent say “a great deal” and 46 percent report that is having “some” effect. Overwhelming majorities believe that climate change is a “very” or “somewhat” serious threat to California’s future economy and quality of life; however, partisans differ on these issues.
Perhaps this mass hysteria is bolstered by Governor Gavin Newsom’s “extreme heat warning and ranking system.”
Last September, Gov. Newsom signed a bill into law to create an extreme heat warning and ranking system in California. The Globe reported:
Assembly Bill 2238, jointly authored by Assemblywoman Luz Rivas (D-North Hollywood) and Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella), will create a ranking and advance warning system in conjunction with the Department of Insurance and the Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP), a wing of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) that focuses on climate change impacts. Such a system will be developed by January 2024 and will also require ICARP to develop a public program around the ranking system and work with local and tribal governments in implementing the system locally, develop guidance in preparing and planning for extreme heat, and recommend adaptation measures.
Pay particular attention to this: Newsom’s Department of Insurance and the Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP), a wing of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) that focuses on climate change impacts.
And we wonder why our insurance rates are skyrocketing…
California’s Missing-in-Action Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara opined:
“California is once again leading the world in fighting climate change and its deadly effects. Ranking heat waves will be a powerful new tool to protect all Californians alongside Governor Gavin Newsom’s Extreme Heat Action Plan. I applaud the Governor’s and the bill’s joint authors’ continued leadership on these necessary extreme heat investments and policies that will save lives and close the protection gap for our most at-risk communities as we face more heat waves in the years ahead.”
My weather app, which is far more accurate than most television meteorologists – and a lot less hyperbolic – reports that is will be 101 today.
Oh NO!!!
This “dangerously hot” day precipitated the Sacramento Zoo to announce it will close early today at 1:00pm.
Last summer city officials imposed a soft lockdown on city residents: The parks were closed due to the forecasted heat wave. Parks are where people retreat when the weather is hot, to get out of hot homes and apartments.
It was 106 degrees in Sacramento July 2nd. Today it could be 101 degrees. This is what is known as hot summer weather in California. We native Californians also know this is normal.
As a kid, I remember such hot Sacramento summer days, I couldn’t walk barefoot on the sidewalks.
But no one cautioned us to “be safe” or “stay hydrated.” In fact, back when I was a kid, parents told us to put shoes on and to stop being stupid.
In July 1973, Sacramento’s hottest day was 107 degrees.
The Highest Temperatures in Sacramento in 1973 were also pretty typical:
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 1983 was 104 °F which happened 3 different times.
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 1993 was 106 °F which happened on Aug 1.
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 2003 was 105 °F which happened 3 different times.
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 2013 was 109 °F which happened on Jul 4.
You can see that summer days in Northern California are traditionally hot – and if it is “extreme heat,” we are used to it.
Let’s pick some random years, before air conditioning:
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 1930 was 106 °F which happened on Jul 14.
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 1920 was 108 °F which happened 2 different times.
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 1877 was 103 °F which happened on Jul 12.
As the Globe reported last summer, between 1972 and 1992, over 20 years, every summer in Sacramento was in the triple digits, and there were four summers that had days hotter than 110 degrees.
Radio and television weather reporters are now medical professionals telling us how to be safe under these “extreme” heat conditions:
- drink fluids
- stay inside
- stay hydrated
- stay in an air-conditioned room
- stay out of the sun
Even my dogs are smart enough to stay out of the sun.
I also remember the 1970’s when media screeched about a “New Ice age,” and droughts where government officials instructed residents to put a brick in the toilet tank, obnoxious campaigns of “if it’s yellow let it mellow; if it’s brown flush it down,” and required people to drain their backyard pools… during the heat. Think about that.
One astute Globe reader said, “Some of us native Sacramentans of a certain age remember life when most people did not have air conditioning in their homes or cars. We were able to survive hot Sacramento summer days without Democrats in government telling us what to do.”
From today’s Sacramento Bee:
Welcome to Summer.
“In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Love this Katy take-down of our red-bulb-nosed fright-wigged Bozo-the-Clown politicians (such as Gov Gruesome) and their super-cooperative friends. The Dem/Marxists never miss an opportunity to try to scare us and lead us around on a leash, do they? While they have their hands in our pockets, of course. But we know they are doing it all in hopes of serving their climate change/green B.S., the giant container that carries so many wish-list items on their ruinous agenda. Not sure most people are buying it anymore though.
Of all the normal, varying things in life that these freaky clowns have irritatingly politicized, their attempt to politicize the WEATHER (!!!) is the MOST IRRITATING of all. And by the way, are they the only ones on earth who are not familiar with the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”?
Wouldn’t you love to cover these “climate experts” in layers of black wool, take away their cooling devices and send them on a midday walk in the central valley?
This hysterical climate change narrative follows thru in the weather apps. I use both Carrot and Apple’s weather apps. Bothe will give severe heat warnings if the temp is expected to be in the high 70’s to 80’s
More and more of us are not buying the left’s climate alarmist nonsense and we’ve been awakened to the WEF globalist’s evil agenda of trying to control humanity.
Thanks for putting the cheese on the cracker, Katy. I’m glad I’m not the only one that the weather prognosticators and local TV news stations are driving insane with their tips and warnings about how to survive these catastrophic Climate Change temperatures that I’ve been dealing with for 72 years (yeah, born in Califorrnia and never lived anywhere else).
I sure wish these brainwashed young climate alarmists would review what the temps were here in the 30s, when internal combustion engines and their carbon emissions were nearly non-existent. Maybe that would shut them up. Or maybe just get them to realize that the sky may not be falling after all.
California had below normal temperatures from December all the way into June and the media said nothing!! It’s finally above normal and all you hear about is global warming and disaster. If the media was worthless it would be an improvement!
“The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, created in 1964, supports environmental causes and population control programs, according to Influence Watch.”
WTH??? “population control programs”??? What’s with all these tech-weenies being eugenicists??? Probably ticked at the world because they couldn’t get a date in High School, so they want to kill everyone in their adult years, after they’ve gotten filthy rich….
It’s good to have smart people in charge who are thinking long term and wanting to make the world a better place. Unfortunately the ones we have in charge now are complete psychopaths only concerned about being in complete control! The “environment” is just a tool they discovered to get what they want. They could otherwise care less!
Check it out, folks… many of these “heat records” were hit DECADES ago, before “climate change” was a political religion…
We should organize an HVAC army to shut down systems of the clowns pushing the big hoax so they’ll roast like the nuts they are.
Perhaps the Globe can report on weather manipulation!!
Welcome to California, the land of earthquakes, floods, fires,and an occasional draught. While working in the San Fernando Valley, sometime around 1964, the temperature sign on a bank said it was 118 deg. unofficial of course.. It gets hot.. So what else is new?…
I, too, was born and raised here…in Sutter County, and at a time when A/C wasn’t a given. During days like we’re having now, we kids drank water that we kept in the fridge, then went outside to play with the garden hose. Remember the Slip-n-Slide? Why do you think that was invented? And squirt guns. And the municipal pool. Funny how, no matter how hot it got, we kids never missed the Yuba-Sutter Fair, either. Etc., etc. Now almost 70, I just dismiss with a wave 99% of what I hear, see, and read these days. But, I still like to come to this site daily.
Even two days ago as I was mowing the grass, my wife — not from here, and younger — saw me drink from the hose. I thought she was gonna blow a gasket. I said, “Look, it’s fine. You just gotta let it run for 15 seconds to cool down and also give it a chance to wash the dirt and spiders out, then it’s all good.” She now thinks I’m from another planet, but I remind her that she’s the immigrant, not me. Get small kicks out of life sometimes.
Hopefully, the destruction of below average school systems will lead to better educational opportunities in private schools, charter schools, home schooling, etc.
Thanks to the state’s blind and ignorant spending on K-12, California has the coveted “Last place in education” rank nearly within it grasp.
Time to go back to our American roots*- before the swarm owned propagandizing weather channels- when if we were working out in the 100’s and just adjusted to it. We are in a war, an information war. They want us to be weak and fearful of the weather vs rising to the challenge. “Netherlands has already fallen” and we are next? We can use this weather to train for what may be coming our way. We can “turn our weaknesses into strengths.
* https://rumble.com/c/MySelfReliance
** BREAKING: Dutch Gov’t Collapses, WEF & CCP Waging War on Europe — Michael Yon Interview
California’s heat is usually dry. Hot but not humid. Lived in Massachusetts for 3 years. The humidity is what makes it unbearable during the summer.
I was born here in Sacramento in 1947, pre ordinary homeowner air conditioning. We had a swamp cooler if we were lucky. Ordinary people did not have air conditioning, and somehow we survived to make life safe for democrats.
Our weather suddenly got dangerous to the quality of people we raised to take over this country.
Now they want to live in an air conditioned, padded world, often behind gates, and cry, cry, cry that they don’t like the weather: “Change it, mommy! I’m scared!”
We are turning into a nation of wimps.
It is quite a feat to look people in the eye and knowingly try to scare them with what you know is a lie.