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Presidential Debate: Satire is Now Truth in American Politics

ABC let Kamala Harris lie her face off – sans fact checking

By Katy Grimes, September 10, 2024 10:05 pm

“Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” That’s a pretty straight forward question that most Americans are able to answer with an unequivocal “No.”

Vice President Kamala Harris refused to answer that question in Tuesday’s Presidential debate with former President Donald Trump. Instead she talked about how she was born to a middle class family and would help other families – even though she’s been one-half of the Biden/Harris presidential administration for three and 1/2 years, and ushered in record inflation, record energy prices, causing millions of American families actual hardship.

I didn’t have high expectations of the ABC moderated debate, yet even I was  surprised at how they let Kamala lied her face off sans fact-checking the entire debate – she lied saying 140 police were injured on January 6, 2021, regurgitates the “fine people on both sides” lie in Charlottesville, Project 2025, the “bloodbath” hoax, how Trump will become a dictator… where does it end?

Harris failed to address record inflation, the war on energy – even after delivering the tie-breaking vote to pass the Green New Deal hidden in the Inflation Reduction package – and the wide open border and the crime, murders, sex trafficking, and gang violence.

And when Trump called Harris a Marxist, it was crickets from her side of the stage.

ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis insisted on “moving on” every time Trump was nailing an answer.

Muir even asked Donald Trump whether he would support Ukraine – a war that broke out under the Biden/Harris administration. There was no mention that tomorrow is September 11th, or other national security discussion.

Kamala Harris came off as scripted, trite, and delivered the same on important policy issues.

Or as the Babylon Bee said, “ABC Moderators call timeout to huddle and discuss strategy with Kamala.”


Often called the real newspaper of record, the Babylon Bee wasn’t far off. The ABC moderators were complicit in Kamala Harris’ debate performance devoid of facts whether the question involved abortion, defund-the-police, ICE, or the open border.

Harris is even running campaign ads showing Trump’s border wall, claiming she now wants to close the border – after 3 1/2 years of letting 20+ million illegal aliens cross into the U.S.

When the ABC moderators brought up abortion, Harris refused to answer if she would back abortions in the 7th, 8th, 9th month or up to the moment of birth. Instead, the ABC moderators jumped in to save Harris.

Trump, however addressed abortion head on: “For 50 years they’ve been trying to get Roe v. Wade into the states,” he said referring to the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision to send Roe v. Wade back to the states as abortion is not a right, and states should vote on it individually. Trump even said that 85% of Americans believe in some restrictions to mid-to-late-term abortions.

“Each individual state is voting on it,” Trump said. Before he got out the last word, ABC moderator Linsey Davis interrupted saying, “it isn’t legal to kill a baby in any state.”

ABC then reneged on the agreed-to deal to mute the microphones, and allowed  Harris to talk over Trump. “Trump abortion ban – Donald Trump shouldn’t be telling women what to do with their own body. If Donald Trump is elected, he will be monitoring your abortion.”

“There she goes again,” Trump said. “I’m not signing a ban. Every legal scholar wanted abortion to be back in the states. The states are now voting…”

Moderator Linsey Davis interrupted him again: “JD Vance says you will not veto a ban…”

Plenty of journalists recognized what was going on.

“David Muir is criticizing and attacking Trump more than Kamala is. Kamala can relax because the ABCmoderators’ are handling the debate for her,” Glenn Greenwald Tweeted.

Greenwald wasn’t alone:

And some saw the absurdity.

“This is the abc playbook: Moderators: ‘Mr T, you did or said smthg that was absolutely terrible. Aren’t you terrible?’ DT answers. To KH: ‘would you like to weigh in on how terrible he is?’ ‘Thank you,’” Megyn Kelly Tweeted.

At one point Kamala Harris interrupted Trump during border debate, when he mocked her lackluster rallies and her campaign having to bus people in to events. When she interrupted, Trump said, “I’m talking now. Does that sound familiar?”

As satisfying as that was, Trump got right back to the border: “She’s had 3 1/2 years to fix the border – why hasn’t she done it?”

There was no answer, and no demand by the moderators that she answer.

Incumbent Kamala Harris was never held to account. ABC helped her out throughout the debate.

Even on the gun confiscation issue – Kamala Harris denied being a gun control advocate, yet said point blank she supported mandatory gun buy back plans in 2020. “We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program,” she said, NBC News reported.

Even MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace admitted that the ABC News moderators were in the tank for Kamala Harris.

America deserved a legitimate debate on crucial issues. But the left can’t allow that, and lies and manipulates every step of the way. We hope the American people are fed up with this way of life.

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