The Gravitas of Actual Virtue versus Gavin Newsom’s Virtue Signaling
California’s own tyrant, wants to be President – A lesson from the Romans
By Katy Grimes, December 9, 2024 2:55 am
California Governor Gavin Newsom indicated last week that he’s still trying to figure out why Democrats lost so badly in the November election.
“A little introspection is in order for Gavin Newsom. Introspection will help him identify his values, what he believes in, and why he thinks and acts the way he does, if it is even possible,” the Globe submitted.
Perhaps the suggestion was a little tongue-in-cheek, because for decades we have witnessed an astounding lack of self-awareness from the ever more radical left following election losses.
Noticeably absent from America society today is virtue. We hear and see too much virtue signaling – especially from the left and media pontificating about climate change, gender fluidity, all forms of “justice:” gender justice, environmental justice, income justice, Reproductive justice, housing justice, criminal justice “reform” – and not enough honor, kindness, ethic and morality.
Roman virtues were the foundational ethical principles that built ancient Roman society. These virtues defined the character of Roman citizens; they were crucial for personal and societal well-being. The significance of these virtues can be traced through various aspects of Roman life, from governance to family dynamics, as they promoted a culture of responsibility, honor, and integrity, according to Exploring the Core Roman Virtues: A Path to Moral Excellence.
These virtues derive initially from Plato in The Republic . (My copy was lost in a basement flood – so here an online link)
The four cardinal virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.They form a virtue theory of ethics.
Prudence is the virtue of wisdom and foresight in decision-making.
Justice embodies fairness and equity, ensuring that individuals receive what they are due.
Fortitude represents courage and strength in facing adversity.
Temperance is the virtue of moderation and self-control.
Additional virtues include:
Fides (Faithfulness): Loyalty and trustworthiness in relationships.
Pietas (Piety): A deep sense of duty towards family, gods, and country.
Gravitas (Seriousness): A demeanor that reflects dignity and respect in actions.
Dignitas (Dignity): A sense of self-worth and honor that influences behavior.
The Chief Virtue Signaler of California, Gavin Newsom, needs to brush up on history and work on self-awareness. Talking to the people through the media about climate awareness and electric vehicles when they can’t afford rent and groceries is as lacking in self-awareness as it comes. It’s another “Let them eat cake” situation.
The relationship between personal virtues and civic responsibility was integral to Roman identity, as these once were in America. Yet, many Americans still believe they are.
The reason the election went to Donald Trump again is because he listened to the people – the very people that Gavin Newsom and Democrat elites find so odious. While these elites have prioritized filling their pockets and bank accounts, enhancing their cultivated lifestyles, and international prestige, Trump criss-crossed the country talking to the people who like him, embody these virtues in their everyday lives, contributing to the greater good of the community through their hard work, dedication to their families and service to their communities.
Donald Trump didn’t just beat Kamala Harris (i.e. the Biden admin), he thrashed her/them. Democrats have been humiliated.
Yet the Democrat Party, as with Gavin Newsom, are not humbled and self-effacing; they are in a state of disbelief. Some deep state Republicans are even chastened… but not enough.
Lacking the ability for self-reflection, they will lash out.
Californians have another problem to manage; Newsom is termed out but with his hunger for the presidency, he will say and do anything for the headlines from the compliant media he believes will help deliver him the White House. He already is, with his “Trump-proof California stunt. The damage inflicted on California is of no concern to him as long as he achieves what he believes is rightfully his.
Plato described political justice as harmony in a structured political body, and that individual justice mirrors political justice.
The human soul is composed of three parts according to Plato: the rational, the spirited, and the appetitive. The rational part of the soul seeks after truth and is responsible for our philosophical inclinations; the spirited part of the soul desires honor and is responsible for our feelings of anger and indignation; and the appetitive part of the soul is associated with desires – hunger, thirst, and sexual desire. It lusts after money most of all since money is used to fulfill any other base desire.
We are not dealing with a “just individual” in Gavin Newsom, in which the rational part of the soul rules, the spirited part of the soul supports this rule, and the appetitive part of the soul submits and follows wherever reason leads.
The most unjust type of man is the tyrant. Plato proves that injustice tortures a man’s psyche, whereas a just soul is a healthy, happy one, untroubled and calm.
The tyrant according to Plato’s political view, is the alter ego of the philosopher. Where the philosopher is only concerned with the common good, the tyrant only cares about himself and his inner circle.
California’s own tyrant, craves the Presidency.
Lest you forget, Newsom was the first governor in the country to lock down an entire state under the guise of public safety over a virus – he shut down “non-essential” businesses including churches, while allowing cannabis businesses, marijuana dispensaries, bars and strip clubs and big box stores to remain open. A Democracy is a government in which state power is vested in the people or the general population of a state – thus we have democratic elections in a representative republic.
Newsom’s lockdowns lasted just shy of three years. Very undemocratic. Very authoritarian, autocratic, oppressive and tyrannical. California was even named the most restrictive state of 51, with the most COVID restrictions (lockdowns, mandatory masking, mandatory vaccines) in a survey of all of the states.
And Gavin Newsom was leading the charge in California – a one-man-band – locking down 40 million people, and sending COVID patients in to nursing homes, condemning an untold number of seniors to their deaths.
Newsom’s record is clear – he is unjust and tyrannical – a hostis publicus, public enemy, acting against the interests of the people and the nation.
I agree I only wish we had recalled him I have no idea who still supports him. rich people I guess who don’t get it.
Cheating in an election via ballot harvesting, fake bomb threats ( as in Orange County) bringing in more ballots than registered voters, jailing abortion protestors, censoring your opponents, and harboring criminal illegals, while flaunting national immigration laws are not the actions of a virtuous political party, but instead of totalitarianism. And once in office, violating their own rules by violating Covid lockdowns, failing state audits, running up huge deficits, violating the rights of parents, or profiting from inside stock information cannot in any way be justified. With information flowing more freely now, they cannot hope to hide their activities any longer, nor are these same leaders, drunk on power, capable of reforming.
To quote Newsom “It’s true because it’s true.”
“…if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded.”
Noah Webster
When we speak of Plato and the Rise of The Republic, we also need to speak of the Caesars and the Fall. Where are WE on that continuum…..the rise or fall; and why?
“Donald Trump didn’t just beat Kamala Harris (i.e. the Biden admin), he thrashed her/them. Democrats have been humiliated….Yet the Democrat Party, as with Gavin Newsom, are not humbled and self-effacing; they are in a state of disbelief. Some deep state Republicans are even chastened… but not enough.”
History repeats. The fact that Democrats and their followers cannot understand and accept their defeat is easily explained……by Maximus and Quintus:
Quintus: People should know when they’re conquered.
Maximus: Would you know, Quintus? Would I?
I have met sleazy snake oil salesmen in my life.
Newsom could be the poster child for this untrustworthy group.
Gavin “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom and the rest of the criminal Democrat mafia that controls California are completely devoid of honor, kindness, ethics and morality. Cosmic justice will eventually catch up with these Draco reptilians who act like petty totalitarian dictators?
If my experience is any indication we are still, even more than four-and-half years later, living the fallout from Gavin Newsom’s blind arrogance and power-mad tyranny. Like so many others did I’m sure, while longing for freedom and a return to normal life, I can remember racking my brains, during Covid lockdown, vaccine and mask mandates, and you know the rest, for some way that we hadn’t thought of to BREAK OUT of the sadistic cruelty that was being done to us mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually during that time, and always coming up empty. And ALL of what we endured was entirely unnecessary. As you know.
Gavin Newsom is a husk, a shell, a programmed robot. He has gooey runny smelly slimy stuff where his soul should be. Look at how he continues to operate in the same way he always has, doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on USING us, the ones he is supposed to be serving, to ONLY prop himself up for his own stupid ambitions, which WE all know he will NEVER achieve. Our advantage is that we see exactly who he is, that we will never forget how he tortured us when he should have done the exact opposite, and we can continue to publicize our experience. We can even adopt a “forgive him for he knows not what he does,” but still not forget, and retain the desire to see justice done where he (and others) are concerned. What form that will take we can’t predict, but one way or another, he and his power-mad megalomaniacal Smart Set will pay the consequences for it.
A lot of people love to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” at this time of year, where the Jimmy Stewart character is given the chance to realize the importance of his life through the presence of an angel who shows him what the profound effect on his loved ones, his town, and even his country would have been if he had not been born.
I hate to say it, but with Gavin Newsom’s profoundly negative and damaging effect on our once-Golden State, a similar type of movie would have to be called “It’s An Awful Life.” And we wouldn’t be watching it at Christmastime or probably at all. We don’t need to. We’re living it.
Sing it sista!
Yes, we are living it. I know my life and family will never be the same! Thanks Gav the loser governor!
He may think he has won many earthly rewards but there will be accountability waiting for him in the next life. He really abides on the behalf Lucifer. Gavin, you can change, repent, confess your sins for you have much blood on your hands, innocent blood of the unborn!
What action has he brought that brings, peace, love and joy?
Clarence the angel has already earned his wings. Gavin you may just be sh*t out of luck.
No kidding, Cali Girl, a pair of angel wings are probably not in Gavin’s future.
You’re right, though, he always has the chance to turn things around.
Stranger things have happened I’m sure, but I’m not gonna hold my breath on this one. 🙂
The fine folks at Shield Republic should enhance this t-shirt with Newsom’s likeness… I’ll bet they’d sell MILLIONS of them in California…
I abhor very few people in the world, but Gavin Newsom is at the head of that short list…
That’s a good one, CD9. And they SHOULD add Newsom’s face — they would sell like hotcakes.