Sacramento weather, July 2, 2023. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
Media Climate Change Hysterics Claim July was the Earth’s Hottest Month Ever
Who is funding this propaganda?
By Katy Grimes, August 6, 2023 11:25 am
The Sacramento Bee is reporting “July was Earth’s hottest month ever.”
At the same time the California media and weather forecasters are breathlessly talking about the “hottest July ever,” excitedly awaiting more “extreme heat waves,” telling people to avoid going outside, stay inside air conditioned homes, and order food in, a federal District Court Judge issued a temporary restraining order against the City of Sacramento, stopping them from clearing homeless camps, leaving them on the streets.
You are told to stay indoors where it is safe and cool, away from the “extreme heat” temperatures (most of us just call this “Summer” in Sacramento), but Sacramento’s Homeless Union applied for and got a Judge to order the homeless to remain right where they are – outdoors, living on the streets in flimsy tents in the “extreme heat” temperatures.
So which is is – dangerous heat, or not?
The Bee continues: “The hottest three weeks on record. The hottest three days on record. The hottest ocean temperatures for this time of year. That all happened to the Earth during one single month in July.”
Where is the Bee getting this information, and how does it apply to Northern California, which is actually experiencing a rather mild summer?
They went straight to the top of the propaganda heap:
According to a statement from the World Meteorological Organization, July was the hottest month ever recorded across the globe — from heatwaves that baked portions of Northern California, Asia and Europe to the wildfires that burned Canada and Greece.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is an agency of the United Nations.
It’s been a “cruel” and “disastrous” summer, said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. Less than a month before, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) declared June 2023 the hottest June on record.
In June, a UC Berkeley/LA Times Poll claimed “Californians Fear Worsening Weather Swings Due to Climate Change.” In fact, the Los Angeles Times claimed, “Nearly 70% of registered voters say they expect that volatile fluctuations between severe drought and periods of heavy rain and snow — what some call weather whiplash — will become more common in the future due to climate change, according to a new UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Times.”
The poll was released as justification for the state to enforce its water conservation policies and programs for residential, commercial and agricultural water users in the coming years, rather than on environmental users, which use 50% of the state’s water.
First the facts about very different climate regions in California:
Sacramento has a Mediterranean climate with dry hot summers and mild winters. The Sacramento region is covered by approximately 75 percent of grasslands, more than 20 percent crops, and about two percent forest land. Average Sacramento temperatures swing from a low of 38 degrees in January, to a high of nearly 100 degrees in July, and most summers reach days of triple digit heat.
San Francisco occupies the tip of a peninsula halfway up the coast of Northern California, surrounded on three sides by bodies of water.
While Sacramento is arid, dry and flat, San Francisco is laid out in a grid over more than 40 hills, which causes wide variations in temperature and sky conditions in different places in the area. San Francisco’s average temperature swing is significantly less dramatic than Sacramento, from a low of approximately 55 degrees, to an average high of just 65 degrees.
Of course San Francisco residents use less water than Sacramento Valley residents.
While the weather in the Southern California region is usually mild, especially in the winter, and dry, with rainfall ranging from moderate in the coastal regions to almost none at all in the desert, parts are often hot, dry and windy. The Southern California Coast enjoys warmer Mediterranean temperatures.
The Bee reports Meteorologist Kate Forrest with the National Weather Service said July 2023 was the 14th hottest July on record with an average temperature of 77.4 degrees.
NO! Not 77.4 degrees! That’s deadly… comfortable. And a lot of the state’s agriculture loves 77 degrees. Notably, June 2023 in the Sacramento region was one of the mildest, most beautiful months I can remember.
As the Globe recently reported:
In July 1973, Sacramento’s hottest day was 107 degrees.
The Highest Temperatures in Sacramento in 1973 were also pretty typical:
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 1983 was 104 °F which happened 3 different times.
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 1993 was 106 °F which happened on Aug 1.
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 2003 was 105 °F which happened 3 different times.
The highest temperature recorded in Sacramento, California in 2013 was 109 °F which happened on Jul 4.
You can see that summer days in Northern California are traditionally hot – and if it is “extreme heat,” we are used to it. It is normal. We just say “it’s hot.”
But the bigger problem is the mask-wearing climate hysterics at The Sacramento Bee and other media propagandists who take their marching orders from the UN Climate propagandists and report it as news.
Interestingly, the San Diego Union Tribune just reported “July was the ninth straight month of below-average temperatures in San Diego.”
The National Weather Service reports only a “moderate heat risk” for the Sacramento region, Saturday August 5 to Monday August 7, 2023.

The Bee also claims “Meteorologists forecast that the remainder of the summer and the beginning of fall will bring above-normal temperatures to California. According to NOAA, there’s between 33% and 50% chance weather in California will lean above normal for this time of year. Outlooks show “equal” chances of above-normal, near-normal or below-normal rainfall for August and September.”
Here’s that map from the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center:

Notice that there is no category for “normal” seasonal temperatures. California is in the least “leaning above” normal category, which should just say “normal.”
This is Climate Change propaganda.
The tone and tenor of the Bee’s reporting, and nearly every other legacy media outfit is doom and gloom, and a disastrous climate predicament, when in fact, we are experiencing some really normal temperatures. Parts of the world may be experiencing hotter-than-usual temps – it happens every year. And some summers in California can be really hot.
The Weather Channel admits “Summer can be a time of scorching heat across the U.S.” They have an interesting map showing the years of warmest summer average mean temperatures:

The claim that “July 2023 is set to be the hottest month on record” came straight from the United Nations, and now media outlets which formerly reported the news are leading with this propaganda.
For what purposes? Control. They are working overtime to convince everyone that there is a Climate Crisis worthy of another pandemic-level response – lockdowns, confinement, business closures, loss of rights and freedoms.

The Bee reported: “In Sacramento, temperatures will steadily increase throughout the weekend until the area reaches a high near 105 degrees on Sunday. The area is forecast to exit triple-digit conditions on Tuesday with a high near 89 degrees.”
Oh heavens. According to the National Weather Service, this is “moderate.”
And there is this:
Former US government insider, Marc Morano, summarises how unelected globalists are using the #ClimateScam as a pretext to deliberately collapse the food supply, so people will have no choice but to eat insects and lab-grown "meat".
"This is the intentional collapse of food,… pic.twitter.com/sR61cTQBIn
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) August 5, 2023
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It got as high as 70 degrees Fahrenheit in San Francisco on July 2nd — the highest temperature recorded for the month so far this year! I had to lie down the whole of the afternoon. Whew!
Every year the climate alarmists say this is the hottest year ever and the BS main stream news media repeats it. Where I live in the Bay Area is one of the hottest. In June we average temperatures in the 90’s and usually have two or three days in the 100’s. This June it was mostly in the 70’s and we had three days in the 80’s. It never hit 90 and I used my AC twice. July 1 it hit 103 here and the local TV weather people immediately said it was the result of global warming, climate change or whatever they are calling it this week. Whether it is the weather, Covid, or Donald Trump the news media is in the “hysteria sensationalism” business.
It is conditioning the sheep to takes orders from the global elite. Covid almost worked amd nay have laid the foundation for tracking our movements.
I have a suggestion for the homeless hanging out in 107* weather in Sacramento, maybe ask an NGO like Catholic Charities for a bus ticket to San Diego where the weather has been unseasonably cool and comfortable. Of course I say this in jest since those in charge of helping them are asleep at the wheel!
I like your style. The keep trying to get us to stay indoors. There is also a climate related outbreak of Valley fever that they want us to stay indoors because breathing outside is dangerous. These guys really are the prophets of doom and gloom peddling snake oil. Keep pushing back and taking it to them.
Quick! Give up your freedom, money, possessions and your mind and everything will be ok. “ You will own nothing and you will be happy (or else)”.
Nope , not gonna happen!
I know someone who lives near Fresno. She says that they report those high temperatures but the thermometers read 10 degrees lower. In Italy they have been caught taking readings at ground surface. That reading is several degrees higher than the ambient temperature that we feel, and that they used to report. In my area (farming) they claim that we are in an extreme drought. But, we are getting rain every two or three days.
All lies. I know that they are engineering a famine. It appears they want to convince people that climate change is the cause of everything they are lying about.
More and more of us have been awakened to the WEF globalist’s evil agenda of trying to control humanity by using their mockingbird propaganda media like the Sacramento Bee push their lies.
Meanwhile, the Biden administration sold at least six million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to Unipec, an affiliate of the state-controlled China Petrochemical Corporation with extensive connections to Hunter Biden. US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s just released calendar shows that she engaged in multiple conversations with the Chinese government’s top energy official just days before the Biden administration announced it would tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Hilariously, in response to the leaked calendar, in a statement the DOE said the meeting was broadly part of the agency’s effort to combat climate change, but didn’t share what was discussed at the meeting. “Solving the climate crisis means engaging with competitors and allies in clear and substantive discussions — especially among the nations emitting the most carbon pollution into the atmosphere,” a DOE spokesperson told Fox News Digital. “We must all address the transnational challenge of climate change to our planet.” It was unclear just how the DOE is “solving climate crisis” and “addressing climate change” by engaging with China when Chinese CO2 emissions are double those of the US and rising exponentially? (https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/biden-energy-secretary-secretly-consulted-top-chinese-energy-official-spr-release-sales)
Back in those days men and women were made out of tougher stuff. We had no one to tell us we “can’t do that because it is too hot”. Homes had no air conditioning, cars had what was called a “wing vent” to direct air into the car… but it only worked when you were moving. My dad ate limburger cheese and onion sandwiches in front of a swamp cooler to drive me and the dog out so he could watch the baseball game in piece! I pushed a lawn mower in 100 plus degree heat for .50 a lawn.
I can see why with a snap of a finger, Newsom ordered you all to “go in your rooms untilI tell I you to come out!” AND YOU DID! Today’s Californians are wimps.
The climate change is the biggest hoax ever made up it is a lie .Climate changes every day and always has .It wasn’t that long ago that they were telling us we were all going to freeze that a new ice age was just around the corner no one bought that so they changed it to we are going to die from heat or rising sea water from the melting ice caps that has not happened either. Algore tried to tell us ten years ago that we would all be dead by now we are still here and the BS has just got deeper.
Good stuff Katy! Interesting that we just came off one of the coolest winters in many years with the climate cult crazies ever mentioning it. In fact the Sacramento area did not reach 100 degrees until the last day of June which was very unusual since it normally occurs in May.
As soon as we hit the first 100 degree plus streak the climate BS’ers come out in droves with non stop warnings to the homeless, hikers, exercisers and the ever present government opens the cooling centers for all the ‘victims’ of climate change. Such total BS. It would sad if it weren’t so pathetic and an outright swindle designed to implement more government control over our lives.
Has anyone ever checked where the thermometers are located and verified the readings. They’re putting them in artificially high temperature locations such as near asphalt or concrete which radiate heat and tend to have higher readings. Locations that would have, 50 years ago shown lower temperatures. You can’t even trust that the temperatures they are claiming are even accurate.