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COVID Tyrants: Governors Responsible for Deadly US Nursing Home Data

Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo grilled on COVID nursing home policies – Why not Gov. Gavin Newsom?

By Katy Grimes, September 27, 2024 3:30 am

Two weeks ago the Globe reported on former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on the hot-seat for ordering Covid patients into nursing homes.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom did the same – as the Globe reported in 2020 and 2021, “Several U.S. Governors ordered COVID-19 patients into nursing homes during the pandemic in 2020. But it was only Democrat governors in blue states: Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania, and California’s Governor Gavin Newsom.”

“The result was deadly for thousands of vulnerable, elderly nursing home patients in these Democrat-run states.”

Tech guru Steve Kirsch has made it his mission to discover what really happened during the three-year Covid flu on his substack pages. He has done a deep dive on the Covid vaccines, as well as the nursing home deaths data.

“They told people that the COVID vaccines would reduce the risk of death by 10x,” Kirsch said.

He put together “a quick summary of the key pieces of evidence that taken together show that the COVID vaccines are unsafe and that the medical community should not be trusted.”

It appears that “vaccine success stories” where COVID infection fatality ratios dropped, mortality dropped, or that myocarditis cases plummeted after the vaccines rolled out do not exist. I couldn’t find even a SINGLE success story! The US Nursing home data shows that the infection fatality rate (IFR) increased after the vaccine rolled out. There is nobody using that data making the claim it reduced the IFR by a factor of 2 or more. At best, the vaccines did absolutely nothing. If you showed someone a graph of cases and deaths, nobody would be able to tell you when the vaccines rolled out! Conversely, after the shots rolled out, the “failure stories” skyrocketed such as Apple Valley Village.

In October 2023, Kirsch did an in-depth article on what really happened in nursing homes.

Here is what he reported:

Statistics for Nursing home 12 week case

    • Fisher Exact Test parameters: 157053 169300 31150 35590
    • One-sided p-value: 4.236409729747196e-12
    • Odds ratio= 1.059
    • 95% Confidence Interval: 1.042 to 1.078

In plain English, there was a 6% higher odds of death in the 12 week period post-vaccine vs. a 12 week period pre-vaccine in the nursing homes.

This is a devastating result. It shows that the US government forced people to take a vaccine that would increase their risk of death from COVID.

An earlier paper showed that the COVID vaccine also increases your risk of getting COVID.

In short, the COVID vaccines were all risk and no benefit.

In California, the California Department of Public Health was directing skilled nursing facilities to take in COVID-19 patients, but at what cost and why with plenty of hospital beds available?

It was far more devious: Newsom’s California Department of Public Health suspended nursing home relegations, and issued a directive to  allow COVID-19 patients to be housed in nursing homes, all but assuring more Covid deaths of the elderly. (Article 6 of the March 30th directive) (That directive is still posted:

CDPH Suspension of Regulatory Enforcement of Specified Skilled Nursing Facility Requirements. (Photo: CDPH)

In 2020, California Globe contacted the Department of Public Health and specifically asked, “Is the CDPH suspending the very regulations that keep patients safe from abuse and incompetence?” and “Does this mean COVID-19 patients may be sent to nursing facilities?”

The April 1, 2020 directive said: “Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 can be discharged to a Skilled Nursing Facility when clinically indicated.”

While the Public health department did respond to some of our questions, they did not answer our very specific question: “Does this mean COVID-19 patients may be sent to nursing facilities?”

In August 2020, the Globe reported:

“We’ve learned that COVID patients are worth $800 per day, compared to the $200 per day for long-term patients with mild health concerns or dementia. It is not a stretch to see that COVID patients are a money maker for nursing homes.”

“With coordinated news reports curiously now claiming there will be another spike in COVID, what better way to ensure the spiked numbers than by sending COVID patients into nursing homes? It’s a death sentence to the elderly.”

Cuomo was grilled during his public testimony before Congress on Tuesday, defending his administration’s nursing home policies during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, ABC News reported.

Cuomo was before the House Committee on Oversight again in September on the issuance of a directive of more than 9,000 Covid positive individuals into nursing homes.

The hearing is brutal:

“The hearing, before the Republican-led House Oversight and Accountability Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, saw a defensive Cuomo who largely stood by his decision-making during the pandemic — including a March 2020 directive to readmit COVID-19 patients back into nursing homes — and blamed the outsized death toll on what he described as former president Donald Trump’s lack of leadership.”

And in 2021, the Biden administration dropped the Trump administration’s DOJ investigation into the five Democrat governors.

“Cuomo previously testified before the subcommittee during a closed-door hearing in June. Transcripts from that interview, as well as with high-ranking officials during Cuomo’s administration, were released Tuesday morning ahead of the public hearing.”

Why isn’t Gavin Newsom being grilled by Congress with Cuomo?

The House committee said they reviewed half a million documents relating to Covid.

“You do not put highly contagious patients in with vulnerable patients,” Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Dr. Brad Wenstrup told Cuomo.

“Governor, you own this. It’s got your name on it.”

When will California Governor Gavin Newsom face this committee?

The Globe received an email from a reader telling us that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz also ordered Covid patients into nursing homes, and found these article links:

Tim Walz doubled down on allowing COVID patients into nursing homes despite 81% of the state’s pandemic deaths occuring there.

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