CADEM Chairman Rusty Hicks (Photo: https://rustyhicks.org/)
Gov. Gavin Newsom Gives Rare Early Endorsement For Assembly Candidate Rusty Hicks
‘CADEM really wants Hicks to win this even though they can’t say it’
By Evan Symon, January 24, 2024 12:28 pm
California Governor Gavin Newsom gave a rare pre-Primary election endorsement on Wednesday to California Democratic Party (CADEM) Chairman Rusty Hicks, who is currently running for the Assembly in the crowded 2nd District race.
Hicks, who has previously been a state political director for the Obama presidential campaign, a legislative aide, the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President, and, since 2019, the Chairman of CADEM, first announced his intent to run for Assembly in November. Earlier in November, Assemblyman Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa) said that he wouldn’t run for reelection because of a sick mother and wanting to spend more time with his family. With the deep blue 2nd district, which encompasses much of Northwest California including all of Del Norte County, Mendocino County, Humboldt County, and Trinity County, as well as part of Sonoma County, having a rare opening, many Democrats jumped at the chance.
“My life’s work has been dedicated to uplifting and empowering those around me- ensuring they got a helping hand when they needed it most,” said Hicks on X. “In the State Assembly, I will bring my experience as an educator, organizer and veteran to help our North Coast neighbors and all Californians. I’m dedicated to tackling the challenges our North Coast communities face. And I’m ready to bring my experience of getting real results for real people to the State Assembly.”
Today, I officially launch my campaign for CA’s 2nd Assembly District.
I’m dedicated to tackling the challenges our North Coast communities face. And I’m ready to bring my experience of getting real results for real people to the State Assembly.
Join us! https://t.co/E37Im6b9jq pic.twitter.com/zd2Fbs8BvL
— Rusty Hicks 🇺🇸 (@rustyhicks) November 21, 2023
Joining Hicks in the primary around the same time were several big names from around the district: Healdsburg Mayor Ariel Kelley (D), Mendocino County Supervisor Ted Williams (D), Santa Rosa City Councilor Chris Rogers (D), Yurok Tribe Vice Chairman Frankie Myers (D) and Del Norte County School Board member Michael Greer (R). And over the next several months the race showed that Hicks, despite his high status as CADEM Chairman, didn’t exactly have the full support of the voters.
Surprisingly, Rogers proved to be the candidate to beat, as support came pouring in from residents, with other Assemblymembers and local Mayors and City Councilmembers giving endorsements. Myers received support from his tribe, and both Kelley and Williams came in with bases in their respective county and city. Greer, the lone Republican in the race, received the party endorsement from CAGOP, alongside built in support from Del Norte County.
Rogers has already gotten dozens of endorsements from other Assembly members and lots and lots of Mayors and city council members in the area. Kelley and Williams both have crucial support, and Greer already has a lock on conservatives and a lot of centrist voters. While there has been no poll for the District primary, the amount of local support drawing away from Hicks has been a major problem. Hicks has gotten some endorsements himself, most notably Assemblyman Wood, former Assemblywoman Patty Berg, several Congressional members, and civil rights leader Dolores Huerta, but it has proven to fall short for what he needs for a victory in the primary, let alone the general.
While being a Chairman of the state party is prestigious, Hicks has drawn ire for having no prior elected experience as well as for several prominent fumbles while as Chairman of CADEM. In addition, most voters see him as someone who doesn’t visit the District often and thus believe that he hasn’t caught up on District-wide concerns.
Newsom endorses Hicks
“A state party Chairman running for a state office should be a shoo-in. Especially if they are running in a district where their party outnumbers the other 3 to 1, which the Democrats have in the 2nd Assembly District in California,” said Ellen Griffin, a pollster who focuses on races in Southern Oregon and Northern California, to the Globe. “If he loses, you know, it doesn’t look good. You can’t get elected based on having a big-time position alone. It looks like he was kind of banking on that, and it isn’t especially helping him right now.”
As there are a number of prominent Democrats in the race, and because the party endorsing their own Chairman would be viewed with suspicion from voters, CADEM has not endorsed a candidate in the race. As an official party nomination helps solidify candidates, Hicks moved to the next biggest thing: an endorsement from Governor Newsom.
While Newsom rarely gives many early endorsements, usually waiting for after the primary to give candidates his support, Newsom made a rare exception for Hicks on Wednesday because of Hicks struggling in the race.
“I support Rusty Hicks for State Assembly because he delivers real results for working families – such as his leadership in raising the minimum wage for one million workers,” said Governor Newsom in a statement on Wednesday. “He’s the one we can count on to help make housing, health care, prescriptions, college, and broadband more accessible and affordable. He doesn’t back down from big fights. We can count on Rusty to protect our air, water, forest, and coastline — and tackle the climate crisis head on.
“Rusty Hicks has a different life story and will bring a fresh perspective to the State Legislature. Raised by a single mom, Rusty has dedicated himself to service as a union leader, veteran, and educator. His father was incarcerated as he was growing up. Now, Rusty teaches students at Pelican Bay State Prison because he believes in the power of a second chance.”
Experts told the Globe on Wednesday that while Newsom’s endorsement will likely give Hicks a boost now, it’s not a good sign that he had to resort to getting such an endorsement this early and that, if another candidate manages to build momentum back up, the campaign will have already exhausted their biggest potential endorsement.
“CADEM really wants Hicks to win this even though they can’t say it,” added Griffin. “They don’t want their Chairman losing his first race, especially one in a safe district for Democrats. North Coast voters have always had a bit more of a maverick streak in them. And, like any large district encompassing several counties, people tend to look at the people they voted in their county or local city. Hicks, while from there, is coming in as this big shot who, to them, thinks because of that he should win. They don’t like that. They don’t like that attitude, even if it is just a perceived one. Hicks could have all the endorsements in the world, but what he needs to do is be more down to earth up there. Go to some local City Council meetings. Do those VFW breakfasts. He can’t be seen as someone who just swoops in for the race, and from what people down there have told me, that’s what many of them think.”
More endorsements for the 2nd Assembly District race are expected soon.
Rusty Hicks is another leftist carpetbagging lawyer who moved to LA from Texas in 2003 where he was president of the L.A. County Federation of Labor and lived in Pasadena. He has absolutely NO prior connections to the North Coast’s 2nd Assembly District! He’ll probably be installed into office with the usual Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines? The only white men left in the Democrat Party are corrupt to the core?
The north coast’s 2nd district, which encompasses much of Northwest California including all of Del Norte County, Mendocino County, Humboldt County, and Trinity County, as well as part of Sonoma County, is well known for cannabis being the lifeblood of the area’s economy along with the multitude of illegal marijuana farms controlled by the cartels. It curious as to why CADEM Chairman Rusty Hicks would move there from LA supposedly to teach at Pelican Bay State Prison? More than likely the cartels and the criminal Democrat mafia gang that controls the state made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse?
Gee, another leftist Dem running for office in CA? How unusual, let the fireworks of excitement begin! And a carpetbagger on top of everything else. Great, so the guy is utterly useless in every possible way. So sick of this ridiculous nonsense, these stupid re-runs of terrible ideas and destructive results. You too?
He’s Gavin 2.0? No wonder gruesome Newsom endorsed him?
Really. He is also Chairman of the CADem Party, or was. Heaven help us from these people.
No doubt CAGOP Chair Jessica Patterson and the rest of the traitorous RINOs will support Hicks and maybe even secretly fund his campaign instead of the lone Republican that is running?
Probably. Sigh