GOP Senate Candidate Steve Garvey (Photo: Garvey for Senate)
Media Now Rushes To Garvey After Months Of Ignoring Him
Garvey finally receives widespread media attention on par with candidates polling below him
By Evan Symon, February 26, 2024 6:18 pm
For months, U.S. Senate candidate and former Los Angeles Dodger and San Diego Padres star Steve Garvey (R) was almost completely ignored. In early 2023 that can be forgiven since he hadn’t even announced a run at that point.
Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA), and Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) all announced their runs, as did some candidates who got a little early traction like lawyer Eric Early (R). Going into the summer of 2023, every analyst and pundit knew that it was likely going to be Schiff battling Porter next November, with Lee coming in a close third in March. This became especially true after then-Senator Dianne Feinstein announced that she wouldn’t be running for reelection.
Then, in June 2023, Garvey announced that he may be running. The story ran for a day and then quickly cycled out. The media continued to be dismissive of GOP candidates, instead focusing on the Schiff-Porter-Lee show.
However, following Feinstein’s death in late September, a window seemed to open up for candidates to join, leading to Garvey announcing his run for Senate on October 10th. And then it happened again. It was in the news for a day, then cycled out, with no one mentioning it much again. Even after Feinstein-replacement Senator LaPhonza Butler (D-CA) announced she wouldn’t run again and Garvey quickly moving up in the polls that November.
The media was pretty silent on Garvey going into December except for that October announcement. Garvey got a quick 10% in polls in November with Lee falling to 4th behind him, yet she was still snagging more headlines and mentioned as one of the top three candidates in the race. Google Trends always had a constant number of searches and articles with Schiff and Porter in them, and a slightly lower number for Lee. And Garvey? Well, let’s see what Google Trends showed about him:

And it wasn’t just Google picking that up. Garvey’s own website linked in all the major outlets mentioning him and only had a few roll in in November and December. The Globe had several stories of his fledgling campaign and rise in the polls during this time, and besides one or two other outlets, all Garvey seemed to get in stories was a “Oh yeah, he’s here too” line near the bottom of the article.
But then something happened in December that few Democrats saw coming: Garvey, a Republican, began polling in second place. It took a few polls to really pick up traction, but if you look at those blips in Google Trends, you can see the mentions start to begin to go up in late December. Here’s the 90-day from Trends:

Until then, Garvey was a manageable problem for Democrats. However, his quiet rise and sudden second-place showing made everyone pay attention. For the last few months, outlets have now been covering him in total. It was no longer a guaranteed Schiff-Porter race in November, and to their Chagrin, both Porter and Schiff had to begin shelling out a ton more than expected for ads this early. Even after a poor showing in the first debate last month, Garvey went through a lot of debate coaching and learned what did and didn’t work with the other candidates. After polls found that he won the second debate, and performed well in the third debate. During the last debate, he also did not get roped into a debate with Porter, while she successfully managed to get the normally collective Schiff to argue with her. Lee was being rarely mentioned now as well.
Schiff, Porter, Lee, and Garvey
In the last 5 polls, Garvey has been ahead in three of them by a significant margin, with the other two only showing Porter either tied with Garvey or up by a single point. Porter has charged the Schiff campaign with boosting Garvey up by attacking him personally and not mentioning Porter, but these charges have been laughed away by the other campaigns. Besides, Porters ad machines are running full steam right now too. The last few months of Garvey now being included in the Senate coverage has been what everyone has been what the few other outlets covering him extensively in 2023 already knew: he’s a contender with a lot more support behind him than people think.
But Garvey being treated as a lesser candidate, or even below Porter, is still being seen. In an AP article today with Garvey’s name in the headline. Headline picture? Schiff. NBC article with a sub-header mentioning Schiff, Porter, and Garvey. First picture? Schiff, Porter…and Lee. Articles on him from prominent outlets tends to mention him being a baseball player, rather than him as a candidate in the headline.
“Most outlets didn’t include Garvey until, you’re right, late December,” said Stephanie Lewis, a pollster in Southern California, to the Globe. “Early on, you know, there was still a question if he would even run or how well he was doing after joining in, so that can be explained away. Not easily, but it can be. But it got really noticeable in November. Everyone was still discounting and still calling it a Democratic three-way race when he was polling above Lee. It was only when Garvey was beating Porter in polls did everyone reevaluate coverage.”
“And, you know, California is a state with around double the registered Democrats than Republicans. A lot of readers wanted to hear about progressives like Lee and Porter. They were all still expecting, for sure, that Schiff and Porter would be facing each other in November. But they underestimated the guy. He has a low-key campaign and is barely spending any money on it and is focusing more on message. And yes, he has some issues. His family life in particular is rough to hear about. But the three Democrats are far from saints too, especially Lee, which probably helps explain those low polling numbers. And he’s been running circles around Porter in recent weeks much to her frustration.”
“Now though, everyone is doing a bunch of stories about him, positive, neutral, and negative. But he still seems to have that GOP stigma attached to him. A lot of people still think that he wasn’t supposed to be here or, if he beats Porter next week, he’ll give Schiff the election. But we need to remember that we are a Democracy. A lot of people like what Garvey is saying and would do, and they are voting accordingly. Porter can complain all she wants, but at the end of the day, the people decide. So what if there are ads out there mentioning Garvey, or that more articles are including him? She could have done more to avoid that.”
“I will say though, Garvey is finally getting the attention he has deserved since at least November, to be on par with the rest. Better late than never.”
The primary is due to be held next Tuesday, March 5th.
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Have to admit I’m intrigued that this race may not go as many have rather confidently and dismissively predicted it would. But of course we’ll see..
Schiff does not perform well under pressure. Garvey threw him off balance in a prior debate. It will not be a good F2F between these two. Schiff gets all bug-eyed, and that brings back too many bad memories about his prior Congressional malfeasance..
You’re right about Schiff. But, weirdly, Schiff seems to be operating under the idea that if Garvey is the opponent his job is done and it’s all wrapped up in his favor. And that does not seem to be what is developing here, does it. Looking forward to more surprises in this race —- there have certainly been plenty so far.
Anyone but Adam Schiff, has to be worth at least 67% if polling only sane people.
Schiff just raised Garvey’s profile, after sending out two very weird TDS mailers to GOP households.
Missing motive for the two weird Schiff TDS mailers:
1. Does Schiff really want to run against Garvey, instead of Porter as the easier candidate to beat?
2. Is Schiff starting to fear Garvey after all, after Garvey nailed Schiff to the wall in a prior debate?
Smug Schiff’s Achilles Heel seems to be his TDS. He loses control, have you noticed? It’s not merely politically strategic anymore it seems. Instead it looks like he has incorporated all the Trump lies and maybe it has affected his psyche. We’ll see
Seems that Garvey’s strategy is to not get drawn into a debate about President Trump and to keep his focus on issues that Californians should be concerned about. This could be one reason that he is gaining in the polls. He deflected questions about seeking Trump’s endorsement, for example. I think this is probably a good strategy to get into the finals. If/when he gets into the fall election, I believe this strategy could change…..interesting if it happens.
Am I the only one who sees Steve Garvey’s interest in politics as literally coming outta left field?? And dare I hope a celebrity politician can turn out to be more a “Reagan Republican” than a “Schwarzenegger Rino”?
Actually, Michele1L, Garvey’s political leanings are not surprising if one looks at his career in baseball and also his personal life. He has always seen himself as the team leader and sought to promote himself that way. He was an excellent player that part is clear; as he set a couple of major league records. But he also caused team friction in the locker room. I am not surprised as many Dodger fans may agree, that he has gravitated into politics…..finally. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Garvey
It would be good if the media would take a look at Eric Early. While not as well-known as Steve Garvey Mr. Early has some interesting qualifications.
Schiff has been Garvey’s leading marketing firm as Schiff’s campaign runs AT LEAST ONE TDS-related Garvey ad EVERY NIGHT during Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, which probably appeals to anyone with a brain that remembers how WELL the economy was running during Trump’s Presidency….
Garvey lives RENT-FREE in Schiff’s fevered and bug-eyed brain, and hasn’t had to spend a dime to get free publicity on major media outlets that favor conservative viewers (in spite of ABC’s DEI contestant focus)
Garvey performs well in debates (which apparently he has) and Schiiff is gonna panic and Garvey coasts to a November election….
Porter’s ads are also TDS and she runs them incessantly as well, but she comes across as a completely UNPLEASANT SHREW….
If Garvey remains on-point, and deflects Schiff’s TDS tendencies, he will give ol “bug-eyes” a run for his money…and thanks for the free campaigning….
Contrary to Schiff’s messaging, Garvey IS NOT “too conservative” for California…. Schiff IS TOO UNHINGED for California….
so far I have received 3 of those mailing from Schiff….what a scumbag.
People in this state are just asleep.
Adam Schiff is in frog-brain panic mode. He is acting recklessly now.
Garvey’s family life is nothing compared to the shenanigans that the three members of the criminal Democrat mafia are guilty of.
Pencil neck and bugged eyed Adam Schiff is serial liar who looks like a creepy Democrat groomer? He never produced any evidence to support his baseless accusations against Trump and he needed to be expelled from Congress for it?
Obnoxious Democrat Congresswoman Katie Porter has zero charisma and she reportedly not only abused her staff in sordid ways but also her ex-husband. Porter is reminiscent of the character Violet Beauregarde from the “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory movie” who was the know-it-all who blew up into a giant blueberry after eating too many blueberries?
Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Lee is a radical leftist from the crime infested hellhole of Oakland who was associated with the violent Black Panthers and has nothing to campaign on other than reparations and black supremacy?
In defence of the Democrat open border policy, Katie Porter is coming out strong by minimizing numerous battery/murder incidents on women and girls… so her daughter was correct, but not due to the climate but because of politicians just like her mother.