Attorney Derek Tran (Photo: derektranforcongress.com)
Rep. Michelle Steel Concedes 45th District House Race to Dem Attorney Derek Tran
Tran wins by fewer than 700 votes
By Evan Symon, November 27, 2024 4:27 pm
In one of the closest races in the county, Attorney Derek Tran (D) defeated Congresswoman Michelle Steel (R-CA) in the 45th Congressional District Race on Wednesday, narrowly unseating her by a vote of 157,960 to 157,347.
In this year’s 45th Congressional District race, which covers parts of both Orange County and Los Angeles County, Tran took on the incumbent Steel. While Steel was up in May in polls, by July it was a 47%-47% tie. Tran, aided by targeting Asian communities in the District and Vice President Kamala Harris’ goodwill going down ballot, was soon up, with him being two points ahead in September. However, that began to change last month when Tran went from scandal to scandal, including lying about being able to speak fluent Vietnamese, false claims about his military record, and then the biggest roadblock so far, his legal career – such as representing a rapist for profit and defending someone who had put up a noose in his office.
Tran, fueled by money coming in from the national party, drastically increased ads in response. In mid-October, a new poll found that Steel was four points ahead 45% to 41%. This only caused them to break out more last minute ads. However, that flurry of activity has brought to light some of Tran’s more questionable claims, with one including his traffic commission attendance. With Tran’s 60% commission attendance exposed and compared heavily to Steel’s 99% voting attendance in Congress, the Tran team latched to the only major allegation to rise since – one that dated back to her time as an Orange County Commissioner. Desperate, Tran tried a last minute gambit alleging that she gave a senior meal program contract to a printing company she used in order to regain the majority vote.
Early on, results after election day showed that Steel had all but won. On the day after election day, with 66% of the vote in, she was over 10,000 votes ahead, with 123,361 compared to Tran’s 113,225. However, this swiftly changed. As more votes were counted, Steel’s lead progressively narrowed. Her all but called race soon turned out to be the closest race in the entire nation. In mid-November, updated voting results from the state showed her to be only 236 votes ahead with 93% of the vote in. In total, this is 152,021 votes to 151,785 votes, with it all but being a tie percentage-wise.
The closeness of the race has even led to some accusations by members of Congress. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (D-GA) posted on X this week that “The Democrats are stealing a House seat right out from under us in CA. We barely control the House and will have a 1 seat majority in January when Trump takes office while we fill 3 seats through special elections. We have to stop election rigging, this is a continuing battle.”
However, new results last week had Tran go slightly ahead of Steel by 519 votes with 98% of the vote counted. While Steel had hoped for a reversal this week, it ultimately didn’t happen, with Steel conceding the race on Wednesday following the latest count showing Tran with a razor thin yet insurmountable 157,960 to 157,347 vote total, or 50.1% to 49.9%.
“From the moment I came to the United States, I knew that giving back to the country that welcomed me with open arms would be part of my future,” said Steel in her concession on Wednesday. “Because of the opportunities offered by this great country, and God’s great blessings, I was able to go to college, start a family, and build my own American Dream. I embarked on a mission to assist First Generation Americans, stand up to our adversaries, and defend human rights.
“The journey to work on behalf of legal immigrants and struggling families took me somewhere I never could have imagined – and for which I will always be grateful — the United States Congress. Everything is God’s will and, like all journeys, this one is ending for a new one to begin. I owe a debt of gratitude to my supporters, my staff, my family, my daughters and especially my husband, Shawn, for standing by me through endless campaigns.
“And, to the voters, thank you. I will never stop fighting for you.”
Tran wins 45th district
Tran also declared victory this week. In his own statement, he noted that “This victory is a testament to the spirit and resilience of our community. As the son of Vietnamese refugees, I understand firsthand the journey and sacrifices many families in our district have made for a better life. My parents came to this country to escape oppression and pursue the American Dream, and their story reflects the journey of so many here in Southern California.
“Throughout this campaign, I heard from voters who wanted representation that prioritizes our community’s unique challenges. From the need for affordable healthcare and housing to the importance of an economy that includes everyone, people here are looking to the future with hope and determination. I look forward to representing that optimism and working tirelessly to ensure that our communities’ voices are heard in Washington.
“I want to thank every volunteer, supporter, and voter who believed in our campaign’s mission. This victory is a powerful reminder of what we can accomplish together. I am honored to represent you and eager to get to work and put people first.”
With the seat now officially flipped, the Democrats have successfully taken back one of the Orange County Districts they have wanted back since 2020. However, the win did little to boost their standing nationally, as the GOP had already flipped the House. Statewide though, the victory did finally give the Democrats their first boost in House seats in California since the 2018 midterms.
“The Democrats poured a ton of money into this race, but ultimately what it seemed to have come down to is the small Vietnamese-American minority in the county,” explained James Garcia, a pollster who works in Orange County and San Diego County, to the Globe on Wednesday. “Tran had a distinct advantage with them and fought for their vote mercilessly, and it paid off. Steel had an Asian voter advantage in 2022, but Tran managed to crack it this year.
“The problem is, that now, Tran needs to hold onto the seat. It remains one of the closest contested ones in the nation, and remember, the GOP has flipped it before, like with Steel in 2020. So the GOP will be gunning for it back in 2026. Remember, Steel beat Harley Rouda in 2020. Tran just needs a few slip ups and the GOP will have it back.”
As of Wednesday evening, only the California thirteenth district remains as the only not decided House seat, with Congressman John Duarte (R-CA) and former Assemblyman Adam Gray (D) currently locked in a near tie.
This is crazy. The Marxists aren’t even trying to hide anymore that they are back-filling the vote with their fake ballots to win the seat. There’s no way in a clean-enough race between these two candidates that Derek Tran would have prevailed. It wouldn’t have been close. Tran has WAY too much baggage and Steel is a solid candidate who is also an INCUMBENT. Why is it when it is supposedly neck-and-neck like this, and with ridiculously extended time for vote-counting, the Repub candidate never wins? As if I didn’t know……
Way to go Nancy!
Your screwed another Republican!
Please improve your methods so we don’t have to wait 2 weeks for you to count all the ballots that were stolen.
We need a proposition on the ballot that will change the voting laws in this state.
The one party system has had decades now to refine their ability to manipulate the vote.
The one and only way to get back to fair elections in this state is with a ballot proposition.
A ballot proposition with a summary written by a neutral person.
A ballot proposition with a LOT of money behind it because the National Democratic Party will throw every spare nickel toward its defeat.
Sign me up!
After election night all ballot dumps went to Tran. Improbable and statistically impossible. California counting ballots 30 days after the election is ridiculous. This is a state that doesn’t require voter ID, and has ballot boxes everywhere. Not to mention third party ballot harvesting. It’s no accident that California is deep blue.
Americans first began the custom of weekday voting in 1845, when Congress passed a federal law designating the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November as Election Day.
If we want to revive fair elections, we must enforce the election DAY law. This is a fight we can win. ITS THE LAW.
A recount should be demanded. I don’t believe these results.
Michelle Steele gave up too easily? So there’s not a peep from CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson and the RINO establishment about this blatantly stolen election and others?
The California Republicans are fulfilling their role as the designated losers – as always.
Concede in the face of blatant vote fraud? Apparently she was not the type of fighter we need in government.,
With a close race like this one all ballots should be recounted especially the mail-in-ones. Amazing how all these close races are concluded after 2-3 weeks. Fraud is the only reasonable explanation. Both Baugh or Tran races were decided by mail-in “ballots”.
You write the article as if it was a legitimate election.
Tran is leading Michelle Steel by .2%. Unless you believe there is 150% turnout. The Dems also probably stole senate elections in NV, MI, and AZ.
Paraphrasing Winston Churchill, “a Republican is someone who hopes the Dem Party vote fraud alligator eats him or her last,” but this needs to stop.
The Reps need to stop accepting Dem Party vote fraud. Call it out, even if we can’t overturn it. The people need to understand their right to elect their leaders is being stolen so they demand honest elections. “They did not steal my election, so I did not speak out” or “I was afraid they would call me an ‘election denier,’ so I did not speak out” can no longer be acceptable.
In addition, the question is not whether we can prove vote fraud in a given election, which is intentionally designed to be difficult, but whether the government can prove we can trust our elections. And the answer is a resounding “no.”
While the Dem Party cannot steal all of the elections all of the time, as long as the Dem Party can steal some of the elections some of the time, with impunity, they will continue doing so. The essence of and Republic is America citizens get to elect their leaders. The Republic will not survive without honest elections that are widely believed to be honest.
We need elections like in France, Argentina, Taiwan, and other countries:
-One day elections.
-Vote in person unless there is a good reason you can’t, e.g., deployed military.
-Show a photo ID.
-Hand count the ballots.
-And they know the winners election night.
We ALSO need secure and accurate voter rolls.
We can have honest elections if the people demand honest elections, but they first have to understand how crooked their elections are now.