Dr. Nadine Burke Harris (CHHS)
Deafening Silence by Gov. Newsom and New CA Surgeon General on California’s Growing Homeless Public Health Crisis
Typhoid fever, Typhus, Bubonic Plague, Tuberculosis and Measles turning California utopia into a nightmare
By Katy Grimes, November 8, 2019 11:43 am
All of this is because of homeless drug addicts who are allowed to defecate, urinate, have sex and bleed in the streets, along rivers and beaches, and in public parks.
In January, Gov. Gavin Newsom created the brand new position of California Surgeon General, and then announced the appointment of pediatrician San Francisco Dr. Nadine Burke Harris as California’s first-ever surgeon general.
In a press statement, Newsom said Harris will focus on combating the root causes of serious health conditions and use her office to reach young families across the state.

Burke Harris is founder and chief executive of the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco, “which aims to improve the health of children exposed to toxic stress and trauma early in life.” Her annual salary will be $200,000. She is a Democrat.
By April, Dr. Burke Harris launched a “listening tour” of the state. “As California’s first Surgeon General, one of my top priorities is to raise awareness that Adverse Childhood Experiences, like emotional abuse or witnessing domestic violence, can increase the risk of major health problems like asthma, diabetes and heart disease. But adversity is not destiny,” said Burke Harris. “The science is clear: early intervention improves outcomes.”
I can find no programs or even discussion by the Governor or his new Surgeon General of the burgeoning public health crisis caused by hundreds of thousands of homeless vagrants living in makeshift camps that generate a lot of garbage and feces on California’s streets, rivers, beaches and parks. It is now a well-known fact that the ocean off the coast of California contains dangerous amounts of fecal bacteria and feces.
Dr. Burke Harris doesn’t even have a dedicated page on the website of the California Health and Human Service Agency – there is just one press release about her. There is no contact information for her at all. Yet the Surgeon General of California is the leading spokesperson on matters of public health within the State of California.
California’s Burgeoning Public Health Crisis

Feces are contaminating Sacramento’s American and Sacramento Rivers. City and county officials say there are no reports of humans getting ill from the contaminated rivers, however, there are many reports of dogs becoming ill after swimming in the waters.
Meanwhile, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg will be asking the City Council next week to agree to loan the city’s new Major League Soccer investment group $27.2 million to pay for a stadium in the downtown Railyard.
LA Daily News reported studies found very high levels of fecal indicator bacteria in sections of the L.A. River, in the Sepulveda Basin in Lake Balboa and in the Elysian Valley north of downtown, at Rattlesnake and Steelhead parks in Elysian Valley, where federal officials have approved a $1.3 billion plan to revitalize 11 miles of river habitat to enhance recreation, the team found the bacteria enterococcus exceeded federal standards in 100 percent of water samples.
San Francisco has a no-kill, catch-and-release rat policy adding to its disease spreading issues: “Humane Wildlife Control addresses the problem by sealing holes in buildings that can create entry points for rodents, and then they set up live catch traps to capture rats,” SF Gate reported in 2017. “Once rats are caught, they’re released right in the backyard.”
Before San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer got a handle on his city’s homeless population, a rise in bacteria in San Diego’s beaches caused by urban runoff from storms prompted the San Diego Department of Environmental Health to issue health advisories.
All of this is because of homeless drug addicts who are allowed to defecate, urinate, have sex and bleed in the streets, along rivers and beaches, and in public parks. But the Mayors of California’s largest cities still claim the problem is only because of a housing shortage… and Gov. Newsom and Dr. Burke Harris are focused on early childhood trauma.
Homeless Vagrants: Mental Illness and Drug Addiction

California Globe has had many discussions about the “medieval conditions” in Los Angeles with Dr. Drew Pinsky, KABC radio talk show host and addiction medicine specialist. Pinsky has compared local Los Angeles politicians to Nero, the Roman Emperor who fiddled while his Rome burned.
“We have tens and tens of thousands of people living in tents. Horrible conditions. Sanitation. Rats have taken over the city. We’re the only city in the country, Los Angeles, without a rodent control program. We have multiple rodent-borne, flea-borne illnesses, plague, typhus. We’re gonna have louse-borne illness. If measles breaks into that population, we have tuberculosis exploding. Literally, our politicians are like Nero. It’s worse than Nero,” Pinsky said.
“I can’t believe I live in a city where — this is not third-world, this is Medieval. Third-world countries are insulted if they are accused of being like this. No city on earth tolerates on this. The entire population is at risk,” Dr. Drew said.
“California can’t handle the current situation, let alone allow tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with no health records to flood its major cities,” Pinsky said. “This is a population that’s suboptimally immunized. If measles gets in, I just have an image of myself on my knees in the gutter tending to people.”
“People are dying inhumanly in the streets. How many more people must die?” Dr. Drew said. “We have to ask the American Association for Rights and Freedoms [NGO funded by speculator George Soros] and the lawyers who continue to sue the city so it can do nothing,”
California’s largest cities are ground zero of the state’s expanding homeless population. Contrary to most city leaders’ claims that this is a housing problem, it is not that simple. While California’s housing costs are through the roof, many of those living on the streets are not even from California, but come here for the state’s liberal policies on drug use, easy theft opportunities because of laws preventing criminal convictions, generous welfare benefits, as well as the largely lawless “sanctuary” status – and the weather.
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Gov. Newsom et al have long ignored important issues in favor of trivial ones, thus it’s no surprise that he and his “surgeon general” Nadine Burke-Harris are ignoring the plight of the drug-addicted and mentally ill doomed to die on the streets — as well as the public health danger to the rest of us — in favor of some vague childhood “early trauma” agenda item. Predictably, Burke-Harris’ press release is all nonsense talk with nothing specific. She’s being paid $200,000 a year? For what?
Seems to me young children are experiencing “early trauma” and “toxic stress” simply from being exposed to the curriculum being pushed in today’s California public school system but somehow I doubt Burke-Harris will be addressing that.
What is it these Newsom acolytes want, anyway? Which special interest group’s bread is being buttered here? I’d really like to know. Under-qualified mental health hacks who will come to the “rescue” and be added to the state payroll and become good public employee union members?
It’s all such a stinking morass. But apparently they like the stink as long as there is ill-gotten money to be made from the sewer they’ve created.
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982 homeless people have died on the streets of Los Angeles so far this year. To Dr. Pinsky’s point, how many body bags have to be filled before Newsom or the mayor of LA acts – calls FEMA and asks for help.
What they’re doing isn’t enough.