Gov. Newsom Announces California Can Take Over Hotels and Hospitals to Treat Coronavirus Patients in New Executive Order
‘Right now when we should be taking precautions he’s treating it like doomsday is here by having the state being allowed to take over hotels’
By Evan Symon, March 13, 2020 2:55 pm
Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order on Thursday night that allows the state to commandeer any hotel or medical facility in California and use it to treat those that have the COVID-19 coronavirus.
The state Health and Human Services Agency and the Office of Emergency Services have been put in charge of needed building and facility commandeering if the need arises. Officials will also be looking into unused facilities and state parks for temporary treatment centers.
The measure is designed to prepare California in case the virus spreads more rapidly and is currently in effect for one hotel in San Carlos, which has been assigned passengers from the Grand Princes cruise ship.
“This is where we need to go next and make sure we fully implement these protocols to slowdown the spread and get through a peak and get through the next few months, so we don’t overwhelm our health care delivery system,” said Governor Newsom explaining his executive order.
Newsom also added that his order will temporarily allow government officials to hold closed, teleconference meetings, despite open meeting laws, and that testing will be greatly increasing in California in the coming days.
Newsom’s order came only a few hours after his press conference where he announced that all meetings in the state with 250 or more people would be banned for the rest of the month. The extreme measure also follows the decision of numerous sport and entertainment entities announcing halts, delays, or full closures of events in March and April.
“California, like a lot of the country, just stopped many things dead in its tracks,” noted former California health official Jacob Brandt. “We’re not nearly at a large-scale outbreak, yet we’re treating this like the end of the world.”
“I helped prep hospitals for the SARS, Swine Flu, and other outbreaks. They were as bad in some cases, yet we got over that without having a huge panic or trying to make Motel 6’s into Cedars-Sinai.”
“His request isn’t unreasonable in a five alarm emergency. But right now when we should be taking precautions he’s treating it like doomsday is here by having the state being allowed to take over hotels. And the statistics simply don’t back up the need for it.”
“We were always told that the simple precautions, like washing hands and not touching others, could do more than anything the government would issue short of a cure. But now we’re way past that, and it only seems to be panicking people.”
According to the CDC, as of March 12 California has had 198 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus, with only 4 deaths being reported.
I don’t think he CAN legally do this but I guess we’ll see… What did everybody think this guy was going to do when the populace is in panic mode now and will obediently follow orders? Was he suddenly going to be reasonable and judicious? “Never let a crisis go to waste,” is his motto.
I haven’t heard the motto you attach to Gov. Newsom, before this!
There are laws that allow private homes to be commandeered by government, sold to it at a competitive price to benefit its owner. This is usually because the house is located where a highway is being built, & the house blocks that. The owner of the house must comply! So of course resentment among property owners occurs then.
In my opinion this situation is nowhere near being serious and dire enough — even though it has been made to look as though it is by certain entities who will benefit if this should become normalized and expanded — for a public takeover of private property as in (the highly abused in recent years) eminent domain that you describe.
If it takes, say, 90 days to implement a new rule like this, you really need to start 90 to 120 days BEFORE it becomes a mega-crisis, so that you can move quickly when the number of cases explodes and all the regular hospitals are full. They say this virus grows exponentially, as in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024.
If Newsom is smart, and I think he is, he will also be reaching out to the top hotel executives to enlist their cooperation and work ouut the procedure if hotel beds are needed.
Please just ask yourself this question:
Why would any leader ignore or respond inappropriately to THIS public health crisis, where 1,000 tortured souls die on the streets of L.A. every year and where the public is at risk of widespread disease…
“The Homeless Industrial Complex”
….But react with an overkill response to THIS one?
“Hysteria and Collusion as Governor Newsom Orders Large Gatherings Cancelled”
In California the common denominator is the cash infusion for each, when one is the polar opposite of the other.
As good citizens, we must be calm and not hysterical and put this new virus in perspective in order to maintain vigilance about politicians’ overreach when they might see opportunities to check off the items on their wish lists.
I wonder when he is gonna order the abortion clinics to shut down?
With so many poor people and a declining service economy……cash flow tight…..confiscation of property least of your worries……
What if it spreads to 100,000 homeless in the Golden State? They can stay right where they are, coughing , spitting , pooping . Just make sure they wash their hands.
OMG, and where is he going to find personnel to run a hotel cum hospital? Newsom is a disaster, why did you Californians vote this guy in?