Voting sign in Pasadena, CA November 3, 2020 (Photo: Evan Symon for the California Globe)
2020 California General Election Results: UPDATED
California Globe gives results of all major and contended races in California
By Evan Symon, November 5, 2020 2:34 am
Updated: 4:10 AM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes
Updated 5:20AM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes
Updated 5:45AM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes*
Updated 1:40PM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes
Updated 2:00PM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes
The Presidency hinges on some very tight races in battleground states.
The counting is still going on in Philadelphia and Western PA. Nevada, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Georgia are still up for grabs, which is 87 Electoral votes. Some analysts say Arizona is still in play with its 11 Electoral votes.
Michigan, Arizona and Nevada are pivotal.
Bottom line is the Election is not over yet.
States with mail-in ballots say they results are delayed and will take days – until the end of the week – to finish counting. Lawyers have been dispatched to Michigan and Nevada. *Currently, 99% of the votes are in for Michigan and Trump has a 10,000 lead over Biden.
Democrats keep the U.S. House so far, with Republicans picking up two additional seats. Republicans keep the U.S. Senate.
The California Secretary of State reports results will be certified by December 11, 2020.
- Donald Trump (R) 3,878,862 33%
- Joe Biden (D) 7,707,301 65%
- Jo Jorgensen (L) 106,670 1%
- Howie Hawkins (G) 47,729
States Results:
- Trump: AL, AR, FL, IA, KY, LA, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NH, OH, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, WV, WY
- Biden: AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, HI, ID, IL, KN, MA, MD, MN, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OR, RI, VA, VT, WA
1st District
- Doug LaMalfa (R) 142,742 55%
- Audrey Denny (D) 116,985 45%
2nd District
- Jared Huffman (D) 202,135 78%
- Dale K. Mensing (R) 56,204 22%
3rd District
- John Garamendi (D) 123,527 58%
- Tamika Hamilton (R) 89,220 42%
- Tom McClintock (R) 173,324 53%
- Brynne S. Kennedy (D) 154,090 47%
5th Congressional District
- Mike Thompson (D) 193,191 78.6%
- Scott Giblin (R) 52,493 21.4%
6th District
- Doris Matsui (D) 107,316 75.9%
- Chris Bish (R) 34,150 24.1%
7th District
- Ami Bera (D) 116,437 61%
- Buzz Patterson (R) 74,436 39%
- Jay Obernolte (R) 82,619 52%
- Chris Bubser (D) 76,422 48%
9th District
- Jerry McNerney (D) 96,487 61.5%
- Antonio C. ‘Tony’ Amador (R) 60,318 38.5%
10th District
- Josh Harder (D) 105,695 59%
- Ted Howze (R) 72,701 41%
11th District
- Mark DeSaulnier (D) 178,219 75.3%
- Nisha Sharma (R) 58,338 24.7%
12th District
- Shahid Buttar (D) 59,745 20.8%
- Nancy Pelosi (D) 227,989 79.2%
13th District
- Barbara Lee (D) 160,901 91.0%
- Nikka Piterman (R) 15,882. 9.0%
14th District
- Jackie Speier (D) 197,031 80.5%
- Ran S. Petel (R) 47,635 19.5%
15th District
- Eric Swalwell (D) 119,572 72.8%
- Alison Hayden (R) 44,752 27.2%
16th District
- Jim Costa (D) 92,921 60.5%
- Kevin Cookingham (R) 60,695 39.5%
17th District
- Ro Khanna (D) 125,258 74.1%
- Ritesh Tandon (R) 43,775 25.9%
18th District
- Anna G. Eshoo (D) 151,540 65.7%
- Rishi Kumar (D) 79,028 34.3%
19th District
- Zoe Lofgren (D) 135,927 74.1%
- Justin James Aguilera (R) 47,511 25.9%
20th District
- Jimmy Panetta (D) 186,617 78.2%
- Jeff Gorman (R) 52,132 21.8%
- TJ Cox (D) 53,236 48.6%
- David Valadao (R) 56,269 51.4%
- Devin Nunes (R) 126,022 54%
- Phil Arballo (D) 109,596 46%
24th District
- Salud Carbajal (D) 169,061 62%
- Andy Caldwell (R) 104,016 38%
25th District
- Christy Smith (D) 131,218 50.5%
- Mike Garcia (R) 128,462 49.5%
28th District
- Adam B. Schiff (D) 194,417 74%
- Eric Early (R) 68,110 26%
29th District
- Tony Cardenas (D) 86,173 57.3%
- Angélica María Dueñas (D) 62,988 42.2%
30th District
- Brad Sherman (D) 190,475 70.7%
- Mark S. Reed (R) 79,057 29.3%
31st District
- Pete Aguilar (D) 104,026 63.3%
- Agnes Gibboney (R) 60,389 36.7%
32nd District
- Grace F. Napolitano (D) 123,387 66.1%
- Joshua M. Scott (R) 63,380 33.9%
33rd District
- Ted W. Lieu (D) 211,426 69.%
- James P. Bradley (R) 95,130 31%
34th District
- Jimmy Gomez (D) 78,984 52.6%
- David Kim (R) 71,042 47.4%
35th District
- Norma J. Torres (D) 94,961 70.4%
- Mike Cargile (R) 40,000 29.6%
36th District
- Raul Ruiz (D) 93,477 62.3%
- Erin Cruz (R) 56,643 37.7%
37th District
- Karen Bass (D) 194,334 86.6%
- Errol Webber (R) 30,039 13.4%
38th District
- Linda T. Sánchez (D) 136,154 74.5%
- Michael Tolar (D) 46,642 25.5%
- Gil Cisneros (D) 132,951 49.8%. (133,263)
- Young Kim (R) 134,043 50.2% (134,556)
40th District
- Lucille Royball-Allard (D) 90,612 72.8%
- C Antonio Delgado (R) 33,806 27.2%
41st District
- Mark Takano (D) 67,535 64.1%
- Aja Smith (R) 37,777 35.9%
42nd District
- William “Liam” O’Mara (D) 67,331 44.6%
- Ken Calvert (R) 83,706 55.4%
43rd District
- Maxine Waters (D) 145,866 72.5%
- Joe Collins (R) 55,224 27.5%
44th District
- Nanette Diaz Barragan (D) 97,112. 68.9%
- Analilia Joya (D) 43,902 31.1%
- Katie Porter (D) 191,827 54%
- Greg Raths (R) 161,324 46%
- Harley Rouda (D) 167,229 49.7% (167,229)
- Michelle Steel (R) 169,179 50.3%. (169,179)
49th District
- Mike Levin (D) 170,925 55%
- Brian Maryott (R) 141,569 45%
50th District
- Ammar Campa-Najjar (D) 124,688 47.8%. (124,688)
- Darrell Issa (R) 136,322 52.2%. (136,322)
51st District
- Juan Vargas (D) 70.1% (108,986)
- Juan Hidalgo (R) 29.9%. (46,581)
52nd District
- Scott Peters (D) 63.3% (200,919)
- Jim DeBello (R) 36.7% (116,606)
53rd District
- Georgette Gomez (D) 104,867 40.5%
- Sara Jacobs (D) 153,993 59.5%
State Senate
- Brian Dahle (R) 207,954 57%
- Pamela Swartz (D) 157,719 43%
- Scott Wiener (D) 205,008 59%
- Jackie Fielder (D) 142,019 41%
- Dave Cortese (D) 128,004 54%
- Ann Ravel (D) 109,757 46%
- Monique Limon (D) 213,399 66%
- Gary Michaels (R) 110,990 34%
- Scott Wilk (R) 133,803 50%
- Kipp Mueller (D) 134,711 50%
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R) 108,238 49%
- Abigail Medina (D) 110,983 51%
- Ling Ling Chang (R) 158,934 48%
- Josh Newman (D) 169,446 52%
37th District
- John Moorlach (R) 215,387 48%
- Dave Min (D) 232,651 52%
State Assembly
- Megan Dahle (R) 96,630 58%
- Elizabeth Betancourt (D) 71,126 42%
- Ken Cooley (D) 66,028 60%
- Cathy Cook (R) 44,604 40%
13th District
- Kathy Miller (D) 40,236 54%
- Carlos Villapudua (D) 34,918 46%
- Jordan Cunningham (R) 86,328 52%
- Dawn Addis (D) 79,805 48%
- Tom Lackey (R) 71,611 55%
- Steve Fox (D) 59,104 45%
- Chad Mayes (I) 66,616 59%
- Andrew Kotyuk (R) 46,493 41%
55th District
- Phillip Chen (R) 94,235 55%
- Andrew Rodriguez (D) 78,477 45%
- Steven Choi (R) 113,133 52%
- Melissa Fox (D) 103,426 48%
72nd District
- Janet Nguyen (R) 101,875 54%
- Diedre Nguyen (D) 88,051 46%
73rd District
- Laurie Davies (R) 136,264 57%
- Scott Rhinehart (D) 101,723 43%
- Cottie Petrie-Norris (D) 116,377 51%
- Diane Dixon (R) 109,818 49%
76th District
- Tasha Horvath (D) 108,313 58%
- Melanie Burkholder (R) 79,991 42%
77th District
- Brian Maienschein (D) 125,011 58%
- June Yang Cutter (R) 91,447 42%
Pasadena Mayoral
- Terry Tornek
- Victor Gordo
- Todd Gloria 273,059 56%
- Barbara Bry 212,006 44%
Sacramento Strong Mayor – Measure A appears to be defeated.
Propositions (Most not final)
Rundown: So far, it appears the Split Roll initiative failed. Ending cash bail appears to have failed. Local government rent control failed. Ending the ban on affirmative action failed. Allowing 17-year olds to vote failed. Labor union attempt to take over the dialysis industry failed.
Proposition 14 – Stem Cell Research
- Yes 5,805,277 51%
- No 5,559,414 49%
Proposition 15 – Education “Split Roll” commercial tax
- Yes 5,579,762 48%
- No 5,971,582 52%
Proposition 16 – Affirmative Action – Repeal Proposition 209
- Yes 5,011,566 44%
- No 6,386,497 56%
Proposition 17 – Parole voters
- Yes 6,801,038 59%
- No 4,716,853 41%
Proposition 18 – 17-year-old primary and special election voters
- Yes 5,182,240 45%
- No 6,359,580 55%
Proposition 19 – Inherited property taxes
- Yes 5,816,558 51%
- No 5,483,095 49%
Proposition 20 – Non-violent felony additions
- Yes 4,247,709 38%
- No 7,028,399 62%
Proposition 21 – Local rent control
- Yes 4,582,643 40%
- No 6,819,249 60%
Proposition 22 – AB 5 exemption for rideshare drivers
- Yes 6,699,382 58%
- No 4,767,485 42%
Proposition 23 – Increased Dialysis regulations
- Yes 4,102,011 36%
- No 7,294,402 64%
Proposition 24 – Personal data
- Yes 6,329,946 56%
- No 4,955,275 44%
Proposition 25 – Cash bail replacement
- Yes 5,010,582 45%
- No 6,221,264 55%
Christy Smith beats Mike Garcia???
If this is true, we need a recall and then an investigation into voter fraud….
How can CA have a record registered 21 million+ voters and yet only 11 million+ votes are counted? Where are the other 10 Million+ votes. I find it hard to believe that people would take the time to register to vote, yet not show up to VOTE.
More absentee/mail-in ballots on the street to cheat with. That was the whole point of mail-in to begin with and why Newsom used his ill-gotten COVID “emergency powers” to proclaim it by executive order. Every registered voter gets a ballot, or two or three or four or five. Whether you’re dead, moved 10 years ago to another state, underage, a dog, an illegal alien, etc. Stacks and stacks of mail-in ballots available to fill in by the Dem operatives and union hacks. Think of those ballots as counterfeit money out there that can then be injected into and blend into the system.
It was disappointing to see that so many Californians have not waken up to the fact that the Democrats are a lawless criminal party. Many of us have woken up and have finally walked away.
Unreal, in the county I live in it was a 45% percent voter turn out. Hold on to your hats, 81% voted Biden/Harris.
This state is lost, I hate saying it. Most of my neighbors are very happy to be shuttered in and masked up wherever they go.
Just let it sink in that only 45% in a highly populated SF bay area county voted.
Our local media has never reported the great accomplishments of Trump. I could list several but energy independence is huge and led to negotiations for peace in the middle east. If the media does report an accomplishment it is downplayed and argued against.
It seems as though Commifornians are content to continue wallowing in the swamp of despair. The brain dead loons returned the most egregious swamp rats to the congress.