How Many California Counties Use ‘Glitchy’ Dominion Voting System?
Do the 40 California counties which use Dominion software need to be audited?
By Katy Grimes, November 16, 2020 7:20 am
Across the country, recounts and legal challenges to vote results from November 3, 2020 Presidential Election are taking place in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona.
At issue in several states is the “glitchy” computer program in Michigan which turned 6,000 Trump votes into Biden votes in just one county, and was discovered in use in 47 Michigan counties.
That same computer system used in Michigan is also used in Georgia, in which the Secretary of State finally agreed to a hand recount after voting anomalies were discovered in the voting system.
Twitter has removed this Tweet by Kyle Becker, showing that Dominion Voting System is used in 30 states including the 7 states currently being challenged by the Trump campaign legal team:
The election software system in Michigan that switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden is called “Dominion.”
It is used in 30 states including:
☑️PennsylvaniaEvery single major swing state. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. pic.twitter.com/R6s2RnVmEF
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020
(American Thinker has the Tweet and several others from Becker)
Politico reported that a Georgia election official said the glitch that stopped voting in two counties was caused by a vendor uploading an update into their Dominion Voting system.
“Marcia Ridley of the Spalding County Board of Elections, had initially attributed the problem to a vendor’s 11th-hour update to the equipment. But log files for the devices — electronic poll books that poll workers use to sign in voters at precincts — show that no such update occurred to the devices the night before Election Day, Ridley said in a statement to POLITICO. However, she said she stands by her previous statements last week that a representative for the election technology vendor, Dominion Voting Systems, told her office that it had uploaded some kind of update the night before the election and that this had created the glitch.”
Computers don’t “glitch.” People program computers to glitch.
Ridley said she’s never seen them update anything the day before the election.
The American people need to know just how much cheating took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, regardless of the legitimate outcome, which is almost secondary at this point.
The left wants to keep this under wraps.
Even in California, which most of the rest of the country completely discounts as a leftist bastion and lost cause, cheating takes place and impacts national and congressional races, as California showed in the 2018 ballot harvesting slaughter, overturning 7 Republican congressional seats. California has been manipulating elections since before 2010, but has done so more brazenly in recent years.
In 2016, thousands of Republican and Democratic voters reported in the June 7, 2016 California Primary election they showed up at the polls across the state to discover their political party registrations had been changed, or dropped altogether… but only after they had received official sample ballots verifying their party registration in the mail. This only could have been done within the Secretary of State’s VoteCal system.
The Election Integrity Project found that most reported being re-registered “No Party Preference,” California’s version of “Decline to State.” Others said their registrations were dropped, or they received the wrong ballot, which in many cases prevented them from voting for President in the primary.
Back in 2018, Sacramento County excitedly announced it was moving to sending all registered voters a ballot in the mail, and would be using Dominion Voting Systems to process these newfangled ballots.
In 2019, San Francisco County announced it was switching to a new voting system in November “aimed at improving efficiency, security and transparency.”
KTVU San Francisco reported: “The new voting system is called ‘Democracy Suite’ and is made by Dominion Voting, a company that supplies voting systems throughout the nation. Voters will still receive a paper ballot and insert it into the new voting machines.”
Calling it “Voting modernization,” Fresno County also approved the all-mail-in-ballot voting process, and Dominion Voting Systems.
According to the California Secretary of State, the California Counties that use Dominion are:
Alameda, Butte, Contra Costa, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Marin, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura, and Yuba.

Here is what Sacramento County had to say in their announcement:
Beginning with the June 2018 Primary Election, Sacramento County will be one of five counties in California to implement the Voter’s Choice Act (VCA). Voters will notice many positive changes this year, including new voting technology.
After a comprehensive selection process, the Sacramento County Department of Voter Registration and Elections (VRE) has chosen Dominion Voting Systems as a voting system vendor. Dominion Voting System will support Sacramento County’s paper balloting method and bring new, easy-to-use, accessible voting devices.
“This is one of the most exciting aspects of our new voting system,” said Sacramento County Registrar of Voters, Jill LaVine. “As the first election under the new Vote Center Model, these new touchscreen devices will help enhance and modernize the voting process and improve voter experience for voters with disabilities.”
San Francisco’s Director of Elections John Arntz touted Dominion Voting System’s hack-free security aspects:
“There’s no way to actually hack into the system from the internet, because it will never hook up to the internet. It’s impossible. And also there’s nothing in the equipment that would receive a wireless signal, so you couldn’t hack in using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or something like that,” said Arntz.
How many of the congressional races in these 40 counties ended up with the unbelievably wide margins between Democrat incumbents and their Republican challengers, which California Globe reported on?
The 6th Congressional District in Sacramento, in which Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA) never even campaigned, is one. Matsui beat her challenger Chris Bish:
- Doris Matsui (D) 107,316 75.9%
- Chris Bish (R) 34,150 24.1%
Rep. Ami Bera’s 7th Congressional District is another, and Bera had no campaign to speak of against challenger Buzz Patterson. Bera beat Patterson:
- Ami Bera (D) 116,437 61%
- Buzz Patterson (R) 74,436 39%
As we reported, look at the wide margins in all of these California races – challengers didn’t even come close to the incumbents:
2nd District
- Jared Huffman (D) 202,135 78%
- Dale K. Mensing (R) 56,204 22%
3rd District
- John Garamendi (D) 123,527 58%
- Tamika Hamilton (R) 89,220 42%
12th District
- Shahid Buttar (D) 59,745 20.8%
- Nancy Pelosi (D) 227,989 79.2%
13th District
- Barbara Lee (D) 160,901 91.0%
- Nikka Piterman (R) 15,882. 9.0%
14th District
- Jackie Speier (D) 197,031 80.5%
- Ran S. Petel (R) 47,635 19.5%
15th District
- Eric Swalwell (D) 119,572 72.8%
- Alison Hayden (R) 44,752 27.2%
16th District
- Jim Costa (D) 92,921 60.5%
- Kevin Cookingham (R) 60,695 39.5%
17th District
- Ro Khanna (D) 125,258 74.1%
- Ritesh Tandon (R) 43,775 25.9%
19th District
- Zoe Lofgren (D) 135,927 74.1%
- Justin James Aguilera (R) 47,511 25.9%
20th District
- Jimmy Panetta (D) 186,617 78.2%
- Jeff Gorman (R) 52,132 21.8%
24th District
- Salud Carbajal (D) 169,061 62%
- Andy Caldwell (R) 104,016 38%
28th District
- Adam B. Schiff (D) 194,417 74%
- Eric Early (R) 68,110 26%
30th District
- Brad Sherman (D) 190,475 70.7%
- Mark S. Reed (R) 79,057 29.3%
40th District
- Lucille Royball-Allard (D) 90,612 72.8%
- C Antonio Delgado (R) 33,806 27.2%
41st District
- Mark Takano (D) 67,535 64.1%
- Aja Smith (R) 37,777 35.9%
43rd District
- Maxine Waters (D) 145,866 72.5%
- Joe Collins (R) 55,224 27.5%
51st District
- Juan Vargas (D) 70.1% (108,986)
- Juan Hidalgo (R) 29.9%. (46,581)
52nd District
- Scott Peters (D) 63.3% (200,919)
- Jim DeBello (R) 36.7% (116,606)
Does California need an audit of these 40 counties which use Dominion Voting System?
In Texas, Dominion Voting Systems was turned down THREE TIMES for certification in state elections. It listed numerous reasons why the system had major security issues.
Dominion is now linked to voting irregularities in both MI & GA.
TEXAS KNEW ????????️????https://t.co/WiT3i704th pic.twitter.com/fGdw5IwGoS
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020
A whistleblower inside Dominion Voting Systems has come forward. Claims software company changed 3.8 Million votes, stealing election for Biden
— Stonewall Jackson (@1776Stonewall) November 14, 2020
“We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Trump attorney Sydney Powell said on Fox Business, adding that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation. “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up,” Epoch Times reported.
Powell said a whistleblower has come forward alleging that the voting software was designed to “rig elections.”
“He saw it happen in other countries,” she said, apparently referring to election hardware and software by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, or perhaps other software and machines.
“We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose.” She declined to elaborate when prompted by Fox News host Maria Bartiromo.
“They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” Powell said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.”
“We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used—and planned to use from the beginning” that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell said.
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Does California 2020 voting results need to be audited because of Dominion Voting System’s? YES!!!
Why is California such a BLUE state? Why did Orange County California flip BLUE in 2018…. WEEKS after the election Republicans appeared to have won on Election Day? Does the COUNTING seem to follow a predetermined path???? How about early in the morning deliveries of LAST MINUTE FOUND VOTES, by unmarked vans? Gee that just happened in 2020, AGAIN! AUDIT, YOU BET, BUT WATCH THE COUNTERS!
verified audit please!
Your comment was on point. We need to audit California. I Rememer when Orange county used to be Red.
Something is up
I agree! I’m not sure why they are not using in CA as well.
Yes California needs to be audited!
I’m in Tulare County and my county is Republicans majoritym I was told that Joe Biden won the presidential election this time which I don’t believe is correct. I think our county needs to be audited.
Republicans need to stop writing off California. There are more conservatives here than the fake vote shows. Stop believing the lies and fight!
Agree with you CW. Nothing on earth can make me believe what you say is not true. And it would have been glaringly evident to all if we hadn’t been cheated in this 2020 election, which would have shown a huge conservative presence, much better than the token stuff pundits have been pointing out in the state proposition battles (not knocking some of the wins but I think they would have been MUCH bigger without the cheating) and certain back-and-forth congressional seat squeakers which otherwise would have likely been blowouts for some of these Repub candidates. E.g. Mike Garcia still fighting in District 25 against CHRISTY SMITH? Are you kidding me?
We don’t need to expand GITMO Treason requires a death sentence….Pompeo tried to warn them but they persisted…I know this sound crazy but watch!! China is DONE….
Excellent points, all of them, to show that California DEFINITELY NEEDS an audit of our voting systems. This is ridiculous. We can’t vote the bums out now. They’ve seen to that. It will only get worse unless we get back to basics. It should have been a clue that in many counties expensive electronic machines were brought it FOR NO GOOD REASON for the 2018 election and systems were overhauled that made voting and ballot-counting LESS secure. “But it doesn’t hook up to the internet so it can’t be hacked!” they always say, purposely diverting our attention from what they were really up to. Then even before “all-mail” was forced down our throats they centralized voting so we had far fewer polling places, which produced so much chaos and had so many negatives, it would make a very long list. I think the main purpose of the resulting mess that came from that (from their perspective) was to get people to BEG for all-mail next election.
Gives whole new meaning to Voter Suppression, but the Dems have Always accused the ppl on the right side of the isle of Everything they have done & continue to do to us. We are on to you DNC-ChiDemMarxocrats !!!!
Yes it should be Audited and this is the reason why the Democrats keep winning every election cycle and the dominion software company keep switching votes and no wonder the republicans don’t have a chance. And with seizure of the server from the company in Germany will have all the evidence of the liberals trying to steal the election mark my word it will happen
Election security expert @RussRamsland has performed many investigations on US election voting computers.
Voting is done by private companies under contract with the county. We found that there are NO SECURITY STANDARDS on the software. There are no national standards that any voting company needs to meet as far as the security on their software.
It’s easy to change votes. The software is so bad that it can be changed so THAT YOU CAN’T PERFORM AN AUDIT TRAIL. That means you can’t find out if or how your vote was changed.
We could see malware that contained the credentials of the county workers so a hacker could go in and change the vote.
“because it will never hook up to the internet” It would appear that being hooked to the internet is not the problem. It is the black box inside that is programmed by people/company who are highly bias. Only they know what the black box is programmed to do.
Just because they “say” they’re not hooked up to the internet doesn’t mean much coming from a liberal or a democrat.
Exactly- how did a Dominion AI Rep gain access to the polling center to upgrade (?) install(?) the software? In every tabulating machine? Which was necessitated since they were not on the internet (allegedly)?
Good point.
Showantell … it’s never to late… if it can be proven the votes were rigged they should be disqualified and removed from the position they were “voted” into. Maybe the whole election done over !!!!!
Problem you have is a ton of ballots voted D-Biden for Presidency & then voted republican for senate & house down the entire bottom of ballot. So your saying they turned Trump a Rep to Biden D but then changed every others race on the ballot from Rep to Democrat? How does that even make sense? It blows you’re argument out of the water. I have bad news for Reps! Every ballot for Biden that’s disqualified, is a republican Senate & Rep House vote that’s disqualified. Wonder if Mc Connell, Graham, Rubio, & Mc Carthy realize that yet! We’ll have Trump for POTUS with entire Democrat Senate & House! This conspiracy theories ridiculous!
Who said they flipped the entire ballot? Think harder.
How can I see my recorded vote information? Everyone should be able to access their own recorded vote information from the SOS. Not just my demographics.
“Glitchy”. That’s one way of describing the software. Another would be “performing as designed” since Venezuela developed it for dear leader Chavez to ensure his victories. Yet another would be “corrupt” since it was designed to corrupt elections throughout the World on behalf of Marxists who really hate fair elections.
Can we get a recount started here in CA? Sign a petition to challenge the faulty results?
I second this question. What can be done?
Yes recount and audit!
There are two possibilities. The “glitch” is programmed in or there is external manipulation of the numbers.
What in the hell are you talking about? First of all, the issues with Dominion voting software were raised by DEMOCRATS, specifically Elizabeth Warren in 2018 and other democrats. You know what trump did? Nothing… 2. Second the DHS stated that this election was the safest in American History. Trump has plenty of appointees in the DHS and they are telling the truth about the election. 3. You call your self a trustable source of information when you can’t even write facts about what is going on in our election? How could you possible do that and still have a job? 4. The hand recount in Georgia is apart of the audit and also because the count is so close. Not because of the software. 5. That 6000 in Michigan, do you have proof that actually happened or are you gonna tell me that dead people voted in every state Trump lost? Do us a favor. Get some god damn integrity before you write another article, it will save your work from being trash
Droolin’ Joe said this – “We have put together one of the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organizations in the history of American politics.”
Yes, as Sidney Powell said the other day, “Demented Joe has no filter now so sometimes the truth slips out.” Droolin’ Dementia Joe didn’t “misspeak.”
The DHS also said that China is working to becoming a more free democratic country wherein all people will have freedom of speech and religion being there top two objectives. Fact check? Who are you relying on for these facts? What is there intent, and is it really true? Here is a fact? I know that God is real and lives. But, where did I get that information from? Do you believe me? Why do you believe me? Why don’t you? The real problem with many people is there inability to question that which they don’t hear or believe. Based off your tone of voice in your writing I would suggest the same is true for you. Just in case you didn’t know my comment about China is false but, the one about God is Real! I’m not arguing either way but, to raise questions is what all of us including this lady are doing. If there is no voter fraud that’s great! And that’s what we want. But, if there is than yours and mine ability to banter back and forth on this site is @ stake – and neither you nor I want to loose that!
You take your marching orders well grasshopper
Thank you for asserting everything I was thinking!
The fact that both Democrats and Republicans are agreeing that the voting software is vulnerable only bolsters the validity of these claims. The evidence will be presented in court to a judge, not to the media beforehand.
solution for 2020 voter fraud commited by Domonion software. Use an indepedent software system and recount every ballot. From that detgermine how many ballots were flipped from red to blue, county by county, district by district, and state by state. It will reveal the true voter fraud for 2020.
Not possible when the votes were diluted with “mail in” that weren’t actually mailed in. They were trucked in in middle of night from out of state in some instances. The reason for the late night “pause” in voting is because the powers that be did not count on such high in person turnout. IMHO.
California WAKE UP!
We have had crooked voting systems since 2010. By the Nov 2018 elections, California switched to Dominion Voting Systems in 40 counties. Before that, Sequoia, another corrupt system, was used in several counties. Select incumbent Dems became unbeatable. Dominion just made it worse.
My question to you is: How do we take our state back? A recount won’t do anything. Is an audit enough?
THE ONLY DROOLIN’ that is being done is by TRUMP AND HIS lackies who can’t face the fact he lost, it’s amazing to me the garbage HIS lackies COME up with TO feed his Broken ego. People were tired of his divisive rhetoric and wanted a return to normalcy. THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!
No, the Democrats have built a wall of deceit around their effort to rig the election. Cry “conspiracy” all you want. Why the intense pushback not to certify or recount if nothing is to hide? You’ve chosen not to accept contrary evidence. If Joe Biden gets in, and he and his party perform such as you and registered Democrats don’t like, what’ll you do then? You’re basically screwed in 2024 because Dominion (and their uh-um handlers) will see to it. Stop any fraud now. Investigate it now for future elections. Do you even understand that? This is not exclusively about Donald Trump regardless of what the MSM is spouting.
I bet if everybody came together & took to the streets & started demanding would help but Antifa & BLM would probably show up & cause chaos.
I have been waiting for someone more powerful than my one little voice to call attention to our skewed results and vast fraud potential in CA. Please tell us what can be done.
butte county was red last year too and now its blue hard to believe audit the vote in california
I’ve been saying for months now that I believe California would turn red this year, just based on what I’ve seen and heard coming out of CA this election. Now that I see 40 out of 58 counties in CA actually used dominion software tells me that it probably woulda turned the state red IF there wasn’t SO MUCH fraudulent activity going on there in their blue lagoon. We SHOULD recount ALL the ballots there, and IN EVERY COUNTY just to be sure. I personally believe there was 100% fraudulent voting going on there but it’s been heavily covered up yet again. Maybe if it didn’t only happen in only heavily “democratic” strongholds then MAYBE I’d believe it was totally legit. But, it just so happens that dominion was used AGAIN in ONLY these areas, like in Nancy Pelosi’s district 12, and it just seems SO SUSPISH that the dems numbers are so high, esp when you tally the numbers of votes between the dems and the Republicans. I call total BS on that one folks. I mean, who REALLY wants to reelect Nancy Pelosi?! Even the Dems don’t really want her anymore, they just tolerate her only because they have to. She’s totally based at this point. If you’re 100% confident that the people back you no matter what, then WHY go outta your way to cheat, unless you KNOW that you couldn’t win w.o it?! I feel so bad for Cali residents. They’re the ones who’ll truly suffer from all of this election BS. #FIX.THE.VOTE. CA
Fraudulent data collection explains THESE skewed results :
28th District
Adam B. Schiff (D) 194,417 74%
Eric Early (R) 68,110 26%
30th District
Brad Sherman (D) 190,475 70.7%
Mark S. Reed (R) 79,057 29.3%
And that Mike Garcia is supposedly neck and neck with Christy Smith…
I’ve seen DOZENS of Garcia yard signs and only 2 or 3 for Smith and you’re telling me that it’s neck and neck???
This article confirms what I’ve sensed all along, thst something is fishy in CA election procedures…
I know. It’s NOT neck-and-neck. We can see what’s happening. We should be on fire with fury to have our votes taken away by these weasels and permanently resolved to GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT ASAP.
So true. At my polling place we took our own black pens and bubbled in our choice. What was different that I DIDN’T LIKE WAS it wasn’t sealed like past elections. We took it out the folder with a person trying to look over our shoulder( told him back up) where he would clearly be able to see the front because he said we had to slide it in that way, hummm, probably trained to look a few rolls down to see our Trump vote. Our ballots were always put in an envelope and then we put it in the box. Maybe we go back to punching a hole in our ballots, Don’t really know but CLEARLY something needs to be done ASAP!
why are my comments being monitored before it’s posted on this. what are you guys moderating here?
It is very surprising the Prop 15, which would have given millions to cities and counties in California for schools, firemen, police, hospitals, roads, …etc…. lost. It lost in every area except the Bay Area and Los Angeles. Not believable. Why would a city like Modesto, which went bankrupt a few years ago, vote down a proposition that would fund the city? I don’t think so. This was rigged. Too many corporations were going to lose money if Prop 15 passed.
It’s not surprising at all. When you think about the severe unintended consequences of the prop, Millions of Californians voted to save SMALL BUSINESSES. Prop 15 was designed poorly, the trickle down effect would have destroyed those businesses who rent from the people who own the properties and would pass the property tax judgements along, as required by law.
Rents are based on what the market will bear, not property taxes. Prop 15 would have helped small businesses by paying for city services.
You all are as delusional as Trump
I had been watching the voting results very carefully since election day.I was amazed the %s never fluctuated as real numbers would. This made me wary and then to hear of Dominion and of its history of one company bought by another, then merged and all the usual dark history, I am very upset and concerned that California has been bought and paid for again. I, too, want an audit and maybe a class action suit brought. Where do I get the legal help to do this?
I had been watching the voting results very carefully since election day.I was amazed the percentages never fluctuated as real numbers would. This made me wary and then to hear of Dominion and of its history of one company bought by another, then merged and all the usual dark history, I am very upset and concerned that California has been bought and paid for again. I, too, want an audit and maybe a class action suit brought. Where do I get the legal help to do this?
Thank you californiaglobal for being a platform…
Funny I stumbled on you while doing research. Look at how Nexsmax & OAN has become huge. Keep up the good work. I’ll bring more to your site.
Yes I saw the results numbers change from Cox to Newsom with my own eyes. Now they have that proof on those CNN videos from this election, Also Tamika Hamilton was shown as winning when I checked the Sacramento County site on 11/5/20. I just checked it now and it still says she won. WTH?
Not possible when the votes were diluted with “mail in” that weren’t actually mailed in. They were trucked in in middle of night from out of state in some instances. The reason for the late night “pause” in voting is because the powers that be did not count on such high in person turnout. IMHO.
For all posting here that CA needs to be audited. CALL YOUR COUNTY REGISTRARS OFFICE, then follow up with a letter to the same, demanding an audit. If all we do is vent on blogs, nothing will ever change.
Is there a way to get the raw data drilled down, similar to what Dr. Shiva and The Gateway Pundit with the presidential race, for key Congress Calif. races and Calif. props (e.g. the stem cell bond), without an audit?
Is there a way to get the raw data drilled down, similar to what Dr. Shiva and The Gateway Pundit did with the presidential race, for key Congress Calif. races and Calif. props (e.g. the stem cell bond), without an audit?
People please go to the Sacramento County election site and look up the 3rd district final between Hamilton/Garamendi. It shows Hamilton winning by a good margin.
OMG I just went on there and they switched it to Garamendi now. I have the photos from just yesterday, wow. Blatant corruption.
Not happy about Prop 19 turned out. This will be an attack on 13 next time. Now that they know how to change the vote count.
I was shocked that passed and 15 didn’t. And it passed by 51.1%. I call BS on that…you know that was rigged.
Ca is running a campaign using covid as an excuse to shut down handicapped bathrooms and health club showers. Its a campaign against working poor living out of vehicles who cant afford there rediculous rent. Why?. Good question. How would the huge number of working poor that are angry at ca dems fit into this picture of ballot harvesting and people that change addresses a lot. How does the quantum fit in? I predicted in march when then started shutting down showers and handicapped bathrooms that the health clubs would open the showers when election happened and they did. As soon as the authorities realized they might lose? Ie be exposed… they went to code purple and shut everything diwn. In santa cruz they shut down clean handicapped bathrooms and replaced them with disgusting portable units that are discusting and not handicapped accessible. These people are up to no good. Fixing the election… totally believe it
I need to know my vote was counted ~ all of Ca needs to have a recount! I know a household of 3 who received 6 ballots I want fair votes!
CA has been cheating for decades! Audit now!!
Oh yes please. All Dominion elections should be trashed. Corrupt and fraud.
I was listening to the Georgia’s rally today and Lin Wood stated that Trump won California. We need an audit!!!!
With all of the Electoral votes in Ca. that would be where I would have started! I am so sick of everyone in govt. that ignore Ca. They are obviously so crooked here.
Does anyone know what we can do to take our state back? There are so many legal voters that feel that more of our population are Republicans and never get a fair chance for our vote to even make a difference. I know several people that are not even registered because they feel it is a blue state and their votes will not even count. Well who knows if the voters that are not registered had their votes stolen and someone else was able to vote for them. We need to do something and do it now. I feel our votes did not count. Does anyone know what we can do as concerned legal voters to get this election audited? New Mexico is doing so and we should demand to do the same.
I agree! Let’s do this!
This entire election in every state is reeking with fraud.
All Dominion Voting Machines and all software should be impounded by the USA Special OPS and complete forensic analysis audits must be taken and those involved with destroying America’s Elections…destroying the President Congressional Judges State Local elections must be prosecuted and convicted to the full extent of American Law to the levels of conspiring to overthrow the USA and the American People…..these are on the level of TREASON AGANIST THE OVERTHROW OF THE US CONSTITUTION
Anyone remember the petition to do away with the gas tax and increased DMV fees?
I’m thinking I know how the petition failed!
The king of California was upset that his cash cow was challenged even fighting the petition from reaching a ballot. I couldn’t understand how any middle class or low income person would vote for more taxes ( maybe they didn’t).
I was a victim of party switching in 2016 in California. I was switched from Republican to NPP. Fortunately I discovered it in enough time to switch it back and vote Republican in the primary.
However, I voted in person for Trump that November and discovered last month that someone deleted my in person vote and switched it to mail in. I have no idea how that criminal voted, but I’m sure it was for Hillary and all the Dems on the ballot.
California needs to be investigated.
Used to be, that Treason was an offense punishable by public hanging.
I say these actions clearly qualify for such punishment. Plenty of trees and rope to go around.
I don’t think California is a “blue” state