NUSD Inderkum teacher Gabriel Gipe. (Photo: Project Veritas youtube screen capture)
Sacramento Parents Demand Prosecution of AP History Teacher who Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students
Natomas school board escapes out the back door during meeting
By Katy Grimes, September 2, 2021 8:06 am
Sacramento is in an uproar over the Inderkum High School teacher who proudly admitted to politically indoctrinating his students on a recent undercover Project Veritas video.
Gabriel Gipe said that his intention is to radicalize students into supporting Marxist ideas by using the public school system as an avenue to incentivize them to participate in fringe extracurricular events.
“I have 180 days to turn them [students] into revolutionaries…Scare the f*ck out of them,” Gipe said.
“I post a calendar every week…I’ve had students show up for protests, community events, tabling, food distribution, all sorts of things…When they go, they take pictures, write up a reflection — that’s their extra credit,” he said.
There are photos of China’s Chairman Mao Zedong posters in Gipe’s classroom, as well as an Antifa flag.
Natomas Unified School Superintendent Chris Evans sent a letter (below) to the community Wednesday saying the district will be taking the proper steps to terminate the teacher:
“As of today, this teacher was placed on paid leave because of his actions and choices in the classroom. Natomas Unified will be taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and fire the teacher. By taking a day and a half to investigate beyond the video, the district was able to learn more facts essential to the next steps.”
“From the evidence gathered so far, the teacher violated the district’s political action guidelines which are aligned with Board Policy and California Education Code. For example, in addition to inappropriate statements from the video, the teacher posted a sign supporting a personal decision for at least a local political issue, and possibly more.”
“The teacher, using his own money, purchased a series of rubber stamps. These stamps include an inappropriate image of Josef Stalin with an insensitive phrase, as well as other stamps with Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Un and others.”
“From the evidence gathered so far, the teacher violated the district’s political action guidelines which are aligned with Board Policy and California Education Code. For example, in addition to inappropriate statements from the video, the teacher posted a sign supporting a personal decision for at least local political issue, and possibly more. It has also been confirmed that he DID receive the 2020 September Political Action Guideline email and did open it.”
The Globe received a forwarded email sent to the Natomas school superintendent and entire school board from one outraged parent in response to the letter:
“You have allowed a radical to be teaching the children in our community since 2018?!?
Where is the oversight? Do you have any idea who our teachers are?
As parents, how can we have any confidence that the teachers you hire are safe to be around our kids?
Our community is so disgusted at NUSD right now.”
At the intense Natomas Unified School Board meeting Wednesday evening, parents showed up in droves demanding justice for their children, demanding the teacher be fired, and even demanding criminal prosecution.
Video of furious parents at the Natomas school board meeting is available, before the board took a recess during the meeting, came back, took another recess, and then disappeared out the back door before the meeting ended, according to several parents.
It was apparent the school board did not have control over the emotional board meeting.
“I blame the leadership from the top down,” one parent said, “because it’s not an isolated incident.” The same parent said he’d been in his child’s classroom and saw a Planned Parenthood sign in Spanish.

“We are gathered here today because we have teachers who have become’ indoctrinaires’ and not teachers,” Lance Christensen with the California Policy Center said. “One of the challenges I saw tonight is that the teachers union decided not to show up tonight and defend the teacher. The question is ‘how many other teachers and actions have they defended in the past that have not been appropriately dealt with?’ I would encourage all teachers within the sound of my voice to reevaluate their membership in the Natomas teachers Association and California Teachers Association. These two organizations do more harm to the education of our kids than most other organizations in this state.”
He encouraged teachers to leave their labor unions, and directed them to mypaymysay.com to opt out of the labor unions.
He also told the school board he hopes they locate and deal with the other teachers Gipe said are just like him, indoctrinating kids to communism.
Another parent told the board, “this does not begin and end with him… this went on for years. Complaints were filed and nothing was done.” The parent asked for a full investigation to root this out, not just at Inderkum High School, but in the entire district. “Without warning, my daughters Constitutional Law class was changed to a Social Justice class,” he added.

After the meeting Christensen told the Globe: “These teacher unions are cowards. While they didn’t show up to defend the revolutionary teacher in the boardroom, you can be sure they are fighting to preserve his job behind the scenes. Teacher unions have so long intimidated school administrators, covering for incompetent — and in this case — dangerous and predatory teachers. Teachers who support their unions in these circumstances become complicit in the damage. California lawmakers would do well to eliminate teachers unions and let parents and principals collaborate in the kind of instruction their children should receive.”
Teacher Gabriel Gipe told Project Veritas in the original video:
“I have an Antifa flag on my [classroom] wall and a student complained about that — he said it made him feel uncomfortable. Well, this [Antifa flag] is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn’t be aligning with the values that this [Antifa flag] is antithetical to.”
When asked about his views on the Chinese Communist Party, Gipe explained how lessons from China’s disastrous Cultural Revolution could be applied in the United States.
“You need a two-pronged system, which is exactly what Huey Newton and Fred Hampton [Black Panther Party] understood. You need propaganda of the deed — your economics — and cultural propaganda as well. You need to retrain the way people think. So, the Cultural Revolution in the 60s was fixing the problem that came about after the economic one,” he said.
Watch the PV video here, and read the transcript.
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Sad part is there are many like him that have not been uncovered. Indoctrination is happening everywhere under the shade of education and activitism. Just look at Sacramento State, many of their “required classes” lean toward developing activism.
Project Veritas had a video feed of the Natomas Unified School Board meeting on Wednesday evening that showed the arrogant school board members mostly ignoring the speakers and not engaging with them. The school board members later disappeared out the back door before the meeting ended without formally ending the meeting? It was unbelievable? Voters in the Natomas Unified School District need to pay closer attention to who they vote on to the school board?
All things considered, these parents are actually lucky to live in a community that obviously supports the military and law enforcement and has many fierce and gutsy parents within it who are a part of that culture and are not afraid to express their fury at what should make us all furious until it is contained. We can SEE it and even in my own mumbling milquetoast school district the minority percentage who see the problems there must emulate this good example.
Turn away from any reality TV or other media rot you may be staring at. Parents speaking up at these meetings are the stars we should be following now. Watch the video linked above, folks —- it is not only compelling but it will restore your faith.
The public speakers start at the 20-minute marker, after all the Board formalities and B.S. The action and hellfire start shortly thereafter. God bless them all for speaking their mind.
Katy Grimes linked above to the video, but here is the link to it in case you passed over it while reading her article:
The Sacramento Bee labeled Project Veritas as a “far-right group” in an article on Monday after Project Veritas filmed the Natomas School District public high school teacher who was promoting far left propaganda in the classroom? Sadly The Sacramento Bee is nothing more than a far left propaganda rag for the Democrat Party?
Yes, the SacBee is exactly what you describe, Samantha. And, as you probably know, they have been for a long time now.
Yep, the Bee has been ‘far-left’ for at least 40 years. Back in the 80s loggers and foresters around Grass Valley had bumper stickers on their pickups: ‘Save a Tree, Cancel the Bee’.
The Bee is owned by McClatchy, all their publications are the same. That’s the problem with mergers and acquisitions, they get worse as they get bigger every time in every industry.
This goes far beyond “guidelines”. The US Constitution guarantees to ALL citizens of the several States a Republican form of government (meaning the rule of law is supreme – not the diktat of even a supermajority). This “public servant” has seen fit to replace approved curriculum for their own ideology, which is both false and inimical to Liberty. He should face prosecution for contributing to the delinquency of minors (or any other applicable charges) and also face financial ruin. These folks are almost all cowards who wouldn’t do ANY of this if they has any skin in the game.
Parents are awakening to the truth. Sadly, there are many more like Gabriel Gipe standing in front of your children right now! A lot of these teachers under the guise of “social justice” encouraged students to march in the defund police movements, side by side with paid criminals.
Gabriel Gipe quote:
“I have an Antifa flag on my [classroom] wall and a student complained about that — he said it made him feel uncomfortable. Well, this [Antifa flag] is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn’t be aligning with the values that this [Antifa flag] is antithetical to.”
I find it alarming, not one co worker, staff member, on-site administrator or student felt compelled to alert the district what this guy displayed on his walls or was espousing was disturbing?
Have we conditioned students/parents not to question people in leadership to keep the peace?
Just keep your head down and do what you are told? Seems so as most are willing to let go of their god given inalienable rights to be compelled to wear masks, stay home and take a shot that may or may not have long term effects or may or may not stop transmission!
I hope they recall all the members that scattered like cockroaches after the lights were turned on!
You go Natomas Mama and Papa bears! Hold their feet to the fire!
I would like to amend my comment above. After watching these concerned parents speak, it seems there were student complaints that went ignored, shameful. The teacher in question confronted a student for complaining, yet this teacher continued in his position.
These parents were very impressive with their comments, it was very moving.
I have a feeling, Cali Girl —- at least I certainly hope — that these parents will continue to strike while the iron is hot and scream until whoever is responsible for the degradation of this school district, whether it is members of the board, the superintendent, principals, or other administration, are flushed out of the system. Either voted out or fired or sued or even prosecuted themselves. It’s a long road, but now is the time. Not every student is able to go to private school or be home-schooled and is thus stuck with the public school system under the CTA and their horrifying curriculum.
Thanks again for your fine and forthright comments here, Cali Girl —- I don’t say it enough. I always find them heartening and wonderful.
Here’s the Cliff’s Notes version of this article :
“California lawmakers would do well to eliminate teachers unions …”
Hey GABE…. why don’t you have the people you were supporting so strongly…. support you during your time of need?
Ms. Grimes you have my unyielding respect for your work but if I may add this little bit from a book published in 1932 by William Z. Foster where he laid out their desires for the American Public School system. This Teacher, Mr. Gipe, is not a symptom nor a rarity he is just another solder in their army that has been marching for over 100 years. Pay attention to the middle full paragraph and I’d ask, “How much of this stated goal have they accomplished? The Link:https://archive.org/details/towardsovietamer00fostrich/page/316/mode/2up
Yes indeed, Hrwolfe. I would say that they are very close to accomplishing all of this. Can the trend be reversed?
So, this tattooed twerp bullies students into submission when they question his bogus Antifa flag in the classroom. I’m sure he belongs to the local Antifa affiliate. Where are all his twerpy fascist pals? Maybe they should come out and defend his actions. Let them and the parents have a peaceful discussion in front of Sac city hall.
No doubt this guy is an antifa rioter. He is probably wanted for dozens of felonies. Can you imagine a simpering little wimp like this guy in prison? Then again he might like it.
So typical of theses know nothing communists who have never even been to a communist country much less even been out of the USA. Uneducated in the very crap they preach. I hope he is sued for mental trauma of his students and the school board should be fired and sued for not taking any action for years. The state must step in punish the teachers union who are killing our kids with mask mandates.
Californias lost. The only way to stop the states influence and indoctrination over the country is for every sane person to leave it…theyll lose more house seats decreasing their voting power.
Non whites are turning the USA communist. Political correctness is having cancer and ignoring it so you don’t hurt its feelings. the vast majority of the non whites are cancer. The few who are not are not near worth the damage their cousins are doing. Deport them all or the USA will turn communist 3rd world.
No one has ever had a logical response that belies what I have written above.