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Assemblyman Kevin Kiley. (Photo: Diana Martinez courtesy of Kevin Kiley)

Sac Bee Lectures Rep. Kevin Kiley on How to Do His New Job

Newspaper upset that Congressman Kevin Kiley is using his new position to ‘expose’ Gavin Newsom

By Katy Grimes, January 30, 2023 9:00 am

The Sacramento Bee, the State Capitol newspaper of record, has a real problem with newly elected Congressman Kevin Kiley (R-CA) – enough of a problem they wrote a hit piece wagging their finger at him, telling him how he is supposed to do his new job.

Notably, Kiley served in the California State Assembly for 6 years, prior to being elected to Congress in November. As an Assemblyman, Kiley was one of the very few Republicans who used his elected office to do as much as possible to oppose the bad policies coming from elected Democrats, despite being in the super-minority.

Perhaps the single most important action was when Assemblymen Kiley and James Gallagher sued Gov. Gavin Newsom to determine whether the governor has the emergency authority to make law without legislative authority, using his emergency powers during the COVID shutdown of the state. Gov. Gavin Newsom had issued 58 executive orders by the time Gallagher and Kiley filed their suit. Many of those decisions and executive orders were legally dubious if not outright unconstitutional, all under the guise of “public health.”

The Sacramento Bee, ignoring Kiley’s record as a very effective fighter, whined, “Now that he’s a congressman with a national megaphone, Kevin Kiley’s eager to describe over and over how he sees Gov. Gavin Newsom ruining California. Four days after taking office, the Rocklin Republican vowed on his blog, ‘I will continue to do everything I can to expose Newsom’s failures, using all the new tools at my disposal to hold him accountable. Our movement for sanity in California will continue to grow.’”

“There’s simply the platform of being able to communicate on the national level about how things have been going in California,” Kiley said.

It’s okay for Rep. Maxine Waters to use her congressional office as a megaphone, but not Rep. Kiley?

“Being a congressman involves balancing concern and getting help for constituents while working to shape federal policy so it benefits both the country and the member’s district,” the Bee lectured.

At least they acknowledged “In his first weeks in office, Kiley has spent much of his time traveling through his district, seeking help for storm victims.”

The Bee reported, “at the same time Kiley has:”

▪ Spoken on the House floor against how California has handled water policy. “California now finds itself in a drought emergency and a flood emergency at the same time,” Kiley said. “That absurdity underscores a fundamental failure of governance.”

▪ Criticized Newsom on Twitter, warning “My arrival in Congress is not going to make Gavin Newsom’s life easier. Quite the contrary.”

▪ Appeared on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show, saying Newsom “declared California is the true freedom state. You’d think this is a parody if you didn’t know better.”

▪ Reminded constituents he’s still fighting. “As for Newsom, accountability is on the way,” he said in his new blog post Tuesday.

Oh no! Rep. Kiley spoke on the House floor about how California has mishandled water policy? How dare he!

And he criticized Gov. Newsom on Twitter? Unthinkable.

Then came the lecture: “Analysts said that Kiley needs to concentrate on making the transition from state assemblyman to congressman.”

They found an “analyst” to confirm their position:

“He needs to switch his brain from Republican opposition in California” to helping the party’s loftier goals, said Wesley Hussey, professor of political science at California State University, Sacramento.

No, Rep. Kiley does not need to “switch his brain from Republican opposition in California” to helping the party’s loftier goals.

Here is what Rep. Kevin Kiley is doing for California:

Those are pretty specific goals: inflation reduction, reduce spending, secure the border and bring accountability.

Here is why:

“At the White House today, Rep. Kiley spoke to President Biden to request that he fulfill his promise to provide relief to victims of the Caldor Fire. On September 13th, 2021, after surveying damage with Governor Newsom, President Biden pledged ‘we’re going to take care of them… there’s a lot we can do, and it starts off being a federal responsibility, in my view.’”

“One year later, President Biden has yet to keep that promise by providing federal assistance under FEMA’s individual assistance program to the hundreds of individuals who lost their homes, their livelihoods, and their community,” Kiley said. “To the residents of Grizzly Flats, you are not forgotten. I will do everything in my power to secure the same federal aid that was provided to victims of similarly destructive wildfires, and I call on President Biden to immediately fulfill his promise of assistance. With the stroke of a pen, he can finally give victims of the Caldor Fire the relief they deserve.”

So while the Bee was solely focused on “Kiley’s ongoing disdain for all things Newsom,” and “Kiley’s main point is that Newsom has presided over a state where the quality of life has eroded badly,” Kiley has been very clear on why.

It sure appears that Kiley hit the ground running, and is very clearly focused on California – as the Bee said he should be.

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15 thoughts on “Sac Bee Lectures Rep. Kevin Kiley on How to Do His New Job

  1. The controlled media and Newsome have the same bosses. People are waking up to this fact and we will keep exposing them and eventually they will all be on the run,
    “Its a race between enslavement and expansion of global human consciousness” Zev Zelenko

    Once agaiin, and again,,,,,a huge THANK YOU to Kevin Kiley! The example of how its done.

    Mark your calendars today, 4pm PST
    “Never Again” from Holocaust survivor and director Vera Sharav

  2. Liberal/communism is a mental disorder. State of emergency (drought). State of emergency (flood) simultaneously. Has he rescinded the (fire) emergencies? COVID is still an (emergency)?

  3. If there is one thing we know it’s that when the Sac Bee says something, the opposite of what they say is the truth.
    Grateful to now-Congressman Kevin Kiley for stepping up and criticizing Gov Gav, and all of the ruinous “emergency edicts” and policies during Gav’s reckless “governance,” because, as we know very well, they have devastated Californians. Can’t think of even ONE that has been helpful. Can anyone?
    Even if Kiley’s criticism of Newsom doesn’t specifically change what Newsom does —- and it’s difficult at this point for the battle-weary who live here to imagine something that WOULD —- it will at least serve to warn the rest of the country, should You-Know-Who somehow manage to be installed as a Pres nominee (also difficult to imagine).
    Rep. Kiley really HAS “hit the ground running” in Congress and his energy and persistence on behalf of all Californians is very much appreciated.

  4. I grew up reading the Sacramento Bee. It has always had a Democrat biased bend as any Newspaper will, but like most media since Trump, it went full soy and has turned more into the California version of “The Daily Worker”. Many of its articles are more cringe than the LA Times. And how dare a representative from California still care about issues facing his constituents….in California. According to the Bee, I guess they think that the House of Representatives only worry about things that affect people in other parts of the nation which is beyond idiotic. They obviously failed Civics 101.

  5. We’re blessed to have Kevin Kiley in Congress! It’s refreshing to know he holds California in his heart and his
    actions are in our best interest, while Newsom (WEF) is polar opposite. Sac Bee is irrelevant, as Dem media
    is in complete and utter panic knowing they’ll be held accountable for their actions, and it’s licking at their heels!
    MUST WATCH: Australia One Party-The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth ~Rumble.com

  6. ” Kevin Kiley’s eager to describe over and over how he sees Gov. Gavin Newsom ruining California.”
    This absolutely needs to be done, and thank you Kevin Kiley for being willing to do it. With the possibility of Newsom throwing his hat in the ring for 2024, the nation needs to be aware of his egregious shortcomings as a “leader.”

  7. So the people who are supposed to expose the failings of the governor lecture someone who is doing the job they fail to do? Should he report on rescues of kittens instead?

    1. Right. The Bee – along with all local T.V. news channels (KCRA,KOVR, KXTV) – do little to nothing to call attention to what our Governor and lawmakers are doing.

  8. Our local Congressman(D) votes 100% with Nancy Pelosi.

    Only around re-election time does he become suddenly visible. Regardless of his growing seniority in his sure thing re-election position, he still distributes only dribbles of our own tax payer cash back to our district.

    His main claim to fame is looking ‘concerned” as wallpaper backdrop during various natural calamities. He has ignored the massive federal debt, our open borders, and the ruinous local impacts of his globalist “green agenda”.

    Where is the Sacramento Bee reviewing his pathetic performance, after he made his transition from local politics to national politics -as the chosen heir apparent of another Nancy Pelosi clone?

  9. The Sacramento Bee is just a worthless Democrat propaganda rag. No one in Sacramento with any common sense bothers to read it anymore.

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