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California Cannabis. (Photo: cdfa.ca.gov/calcannabis)

Crazifornia: Amsterdam-Style Cannabis Cafes Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

Will we be legalizing prostitutes to sell their wares in store windows next?

By Katy Grimes, October 4, 2024 8:34 am

Sacramento is rolling out cannabis consumption lounges and cannabis cafes, under a bill just signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom. There will be permitted smoking lounges as well as edible lounges, similar to pot cafes in Amsterdam.

So lighting up a Marlborough light in a restaurant after a fine meal is illegal, but lighting up a doobie isn’t now?

Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1775 by Assemblyman Matt Haney (D-San Francisco), which allows cities in California to have marijuana dispensaries within marijuana cafes to prepare and serve hot food and nonalcoholic drinks, along with live entertainment, according to Newsom’s signing message.

“Lots of people want to enjoy legal cannabis in the company of others and many people want to do that while sipping coffee, eating a sandwich or listening to music,” Assemblyman Haney said Monday.

Sure. People “just want to enjoy cannabis in the company of others”… except “Smoke from marijuana is a mixture of many chemicals which may be dangerous. Marijuana smoke contains many of the same cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco smoke, and certain chemicals like cyanide and ammonia are significantly higher in marijuana smoke compared to cigarette smoke. Parents should keep their children away from marijuana smoke,” reports the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences.

Haney explains the justification for this new law:

California is famous for its cannabis culture driven by the state’s early adoption of medical cannabis and expertise in cultivation. But California fails to keep up with one city for the world title of cannabis culture: Amsterdam. In the Netherlands, Amsterdam’s cannabis cafes thrive as a part of the city’s unique social structure, and capitalizes on the social nature of cannabis through coffee, food, and live music – all opportunities that are currently illegal under California law. AB 1775 will allow cannabis retailers to diversify their business and move away from the struggling and limited dispensary model by selling non-cannabis-infused foods.

Ah, California needs to keep up with Amsterdam. Will we be legalizing prostitutes to sell their wares in store windows next?

In 2021, the Globe reported on California’s legal recreational and medicinal cannabis industry, which is not only “the biggest government-sanctioned market in the nation,” but also the “biggest legal marijuana market in the world,” a report issued by the Governmental Accountability Institute said.

  • Individual cannabis permits in the state have sold for as much as $17 million.
  • There were more than 7,500 active cannabis licenses in California in 2020, including 910 retail dispensaries.

And Sacramento was ground-zero for dubious public-private interactions between local and state regulators and the industry. “Sacramento has even attracted national headlines because of its connection to a scheme that violated federal election laws.”

The GAI said:

“…evidence suggests that the current California framework allows for increased corruption in a system where ‘money talks.’”

Where California’s pot industry gets dodgy is how many politicians and dozens of former government officials are involved. GAI found many left government to work for cannabis companies and the lobbying firms representing them. And the tangled web of state and local regulations has only boosted corruption.

“Part of the problem is rooted in California’s dual regulatory structure, which forces cannabis businesses to comply with state and local government requirements,” GAI reports. “With the approval of state cannabis licenses in the hands of city councils, ‘a conflicting patchwork of local laws’ has emerged. Ultimately, with this type of decentralized permitting, ‘corruption can span from the highest to the lowest level of public officials.’ Since then, California has become a focus in the FBI’s investigation. At issue is whether local officials have abused the cannabis regulatory systems that they helped create.”

Assemblyman Haney reintroduced the bill after last year’s veto, “with the support of the United Commercial and Food Workers to ensure cannabis lounge workers are protected from secondhand smoke impacts at work.”

How? According to Haney, “adequate ventilation and filtration systems,” and employees can “wear masks,” and “would be provided guidance regarding secondhand cannabis smoke.”

Totally colossal plan dude.

“The author believes this new language appropriately balances public health concerns with the intended benefits of the bill.”

Will patrons be offered masks as well, because we all know that masks don’t filter smoke…

In April 2021, the Globe reported on a Doctor who used vape clouds to illustrate how masks do not work.

The video is priceless.

Doctor uses vape clouds to illustrate how masks do not work. (Photo: screen capture, LewRockwell.com)

Haney said, “The bill levels the playing field for the highly taxed and regulated legal cannabis industry that is being forced to compete in California with a thriving cannabis black market.”

California is really only trying to squeeze out the unregulated, cheaper cannabis black market.

As we reported in 2021, the City of Sacramento announced it was awarded $1.8 million in state funding to increase “equity” in its local cannabis industry. The funding — part of the “Cannabis Equity Grants Program for Local Jurisdictions” — comes from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, in partnership with the Bureau of Cannabis Control.

This is bread and circuses – comes from Roman satirist Juvenal, meaning that spectator sports and mass spectacle can distract people from politics and society.

And California’s politicians want their cut and kickbacks.

California’s ridiculous, unserious politicians rival only the ridiculous, unserious members of Congress at this point.

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4 thoughts on “Crazifornia: Amsterdam-Style Cannabis Cafes Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

  1. As Katy Grimes pointed out, it’s hypocritical for Newsom and legislative Democrats like Assemblyman Matt Haney to allow marijuana to be smoked in “permitted smoking lounges” but not in restaurants, bars or other businesses? It’s laughably ridiculous that Democrat Assemblyman Matt Haney tried to claim that wearing masks and ventilation systems in “permitted smoking lounges” would protect workers and other patrons from the harmful impacts of secondhand smoke.

    Democrat Assemblyman Matt Haney is a radical far-left Stanford trained lawyer who represents Assembly District 17 which includes the eastern portion of San Francisco. Haney is also a member of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus but he didn’t issue a peep when hundreds of pro-Hamas terrorist demonstrators stormed the State Capitol in Sacramento and shut down the Assembly session back in January.

    Haney was the former National Policy Director for The Dream Corps which is a non-profit that he co-founded with with fellow radicals Van Jones and Jessica Jackson that that supposedly works to end “mass incarceration, climate change, and poverty.” He also co-founded #cut50, an Oakland-based national nonprofit that also supposedly works to end “mass incarceration.”

    While Haney was the president of the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education, he proposed that Washington High School in San Francisco be renamed because he said that “no schools named after slave owners.” Haney co-authored a resolution in 2018 to establish a panel to examine which schools to rename.

    Haney had previously teamed up with Democrat Senator Scott Wiener to push for legislation that would have allowed for the operation of open drug dens in Los Angeles and San Francisco Counties.

    Much like Democrat Senator Senator Scott Wiener, Democrat Assemblyman Matt Haney is a dangerous leftist ideologue from San Francisco? Who wouldn’t be surprised if both of them weren’t working for the WEF globalists to weaken and destroy the state? Maybe both are part of the criminal “Khazarian Mafia” who hide behind a Jewish identity?

  2. I don’t understand the outrage. California has been associated with marijuana for a very long time. Some of the finest weed in the world has been grown in places like Mendocino and Humboldt counties for decades. Who wouldn’t want to have a legal and taxed marijuana market rather than an untaxed black market? It works for alcohol, so why not bud? Legalized marijuana makes sense, illegalizing tobacco doesn’t. And why not legalized prostitution in designated places? Nevada does it with no problem. Ever been to Amsterdam? It’s a nice place! I’ll take more freedom over less any day, and I think most readers would agree with that.

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