Sexually explicit elementary school book. (Photo: Katy Grimes)
Devious New California Law Prohibits Libraries from ‘Banning’ Pornographic Library Books
The purpose is not to protect your kids from pornographic library books, but to prevent the pornographic, library books from being banned
By Katy Grimes, December 17, 2024 12:14 pm
A new law goes into effect January 1st ostensibly to prohibit school libraries from “banning” books.
But the new law is not what you may think it is. Its sole purpose is not to protect your kids from pornographic library books, but to prevent the pornographic, library books from being banned by parents and school boards.
The mainstream media and politicians claim parents are demanding “book banning” without providing any context – thus Assembly Bill 1825, authored by Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance), was jammed through the California Legislature, signed by Governor Gavin Newsom September 29, 2024, to shut parents up.
“I am introducing the California Freedom to Read Act to fight book bans at public libraries,” Assemblyman Muratsuchi said of his bill. “Unfortunately, there is a growing movement to ban books across the country, including in California. Book banning proponents are disproportionately targeting materials containing the voices and lived experiences of LGBTQ and communities of color. We need to fight this movement to ensure that Californians have access to books that offer diverse perspectives from people of all backgrounds, ideas, and beliefs.”
Here is what the bill actually says… (beware the government speak):
This bill would require every public library jurisdiction, as defined, that directly receives any state funding to establish, adopt, and maintain a written and publicly accessible collection development policy for its libraries by January 1, 2026, as specified. The bill would require the collection development policy to, among other things, (1) guide the selection and deselection of library materials, as defined, and (2) establish a process for community members to share their concerns regarding library materials and request materials be reconsidered for inclusion in the library’s collection.
The bill would require the adopted policy to be sent to the State Librarian, and would authorize the State Librarian or their designee to provide technical assistance to public libraries in developing their collection development policy.
Because parents were so outraged that the California State Board of Education approved highly controversial changes to the state’s health and sex education framework including teaching children about bondage, anal sex, pederasty, sex trafficking, sexual orientation and transgender and non-conforming students back in 2019, many ran for school boards across the state to get a handle on the sexual garbage being peddled to their kids, the Globe reported.
Notably, California has the nation’s lowest literacy rate, yet the radicalized California State Board of Education is focused on teaching inappropriate sexuality to young children.
Across the country, parents have protested the exposure of their children to obscene, pornographic books grooming their children, in school libraries and classrooms. At issue is exposing children to sexually explicit materials without parental knowledge or consent or ability to opt out – parents have to know about the materials first, in order to opt out.
According to the American Library Association, “during the 2023-2024 school year, over 10,000 books were removed from U.S. public schools.”
The number of reported book challenges in the United States increased 65 percent from 2022 to 2023, reaching the highest level documented by the ALA, FoxLA recently reported.
Guess why?
The two most challenged books on the American Library Association’s (ALA) top 10 list have been in the news often: Maia Kobabe’s graphic novel memoir about sexual identity, “Gender Queer,”and Jonathan Evison’s “Lawn Boy,” a coming-of-age novel narrated by a young gay man, USA Today reported. “Both have been singled out by Republican officials.”
The number of book titles targeted for censorship at public libraries increased by 92% over the previous year, while school libraries saw an 11% increase over 2022 numbers, the ALA reports.
Capitol Resource Institute posted the American Library Association’s list of the most challenged books. They note the American Library Association is not on parents’ side. “The ALA’s goal is to use your child in their social experiment meant to indoctrinate the next generation.” They also provide an eye-opening Remove Porn in Schools Kit for parents – it’s well worth your time.
What is being taught as sex ed to California school children ironically cannot be discussed on television or radio. The Federal Communications Commission’s Obscene, Indecent and Profane Broadcasts rules state, “Federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV.”
The state curriculum changes stem from the 2015 Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber (D), which was sold as “updating the HIV and AIDS prevention education to reflect today’s understanding of HIV and AIDS.”
The bill also made comprehensive sexual health education mandatory. “Current law does not mandate sexual health education, but places requirements on instruction that is voluntarily provided to students. While this instruction is voluntary, research has shown that nearly all (96%) school districts offer a program of sexual health education. In contrast, HIV/AIDS prevention education has been mandated since 1992,” bill analysis said. The bill was passed along party lines, and signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown.
Parents were livid when they discovered these books, and showed up at school board meetings to express their displeasure.
So the American Library Association created “The Banned Book Club.”
Readers can now freely access over 1,300 titles that have been forcibly removed from schools and libraries through the Palace Marketplace e-reader app. And it’s really easy to do: here’s how.
I signed up for a few California libraries. The Alameda County Library has a book section titled, “Read a Banned Book.” Most of these were offered:

The American Library Association has a downloadable list of the most “challenged” books including “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” which has cartoon drawings of oral sex, masturbation, and describes how to use sex toys; All Boys Aren’t Blue, Flamer, This Book is Gay, among other sexually explicit books.
Informed Parents of California pulled together the most objectionable portions of the 1,000 page state framework document in a 24 page summary with excerpts for K-6th grade health lessons, complete with pictures of some of the recommended supplemental materials, included in a California Globe article.
This information has been copied directly from the California Department of Education Website.
Kindergarten: “Students also learn about individual differences, including gender, from a very early age… students can still begin to challenge gender stereotypes in a way that is age appropriate. While students may not fully understand the concepts of gender expression and identity, some children in kindergarten and even younger have identified as transgender or understand they have a gender identity that is different from their sex assigned at birth. This may present itself in different ways including dress, activity preferences, experimenting with dramatic play, and feeling uncomfortable self-identifying with their sex assigned at birth.”
Grade 5: “Fifth-grade students will have an opportunity to learn that gender is not strictly defined by physical anatomy or sex assigned at
birth. Rather, students understand that gender refers to attitudes, feelings, characteristics, and behaviors that a given culture associates with being male or female, sometimes labeled “masculine” and “feminine.” Moreover, a person’s gender identity refers to their sense of self, while gender expression refers to their outward gender presentation including physical appearance and behaviors. Understanding individual differences will help students feel accepted and be more accepting.”
The California Department of Education Website curriculum also includes:
- Kindergarten books that introduce 5-year-olds to families with members who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.
- First grade gender vocabulary lessons on words such as third gender, trans, queergender, non-binary, gender fluid, gender neutral, agender, bigender, and two-spirits.
- Lessons for 1st graders that provide detailed descriptions of sex with these quotes such as: “The man’s penis goes inside the woman’s vagina,” and “sperm can swim out through the small opening in the man’s penis – and into the woman’s vagina.”
- Pictures in a book for third graders showing a cartoon drawing of a penis ejaculating sperm while inserted into a vagina.
- Lessons which teach third graders that sexual reproductive organs don’t always match a person’s gender.
- Recommendations that fifth graders are taught sexual health lessons that must include examples of same-sex sexual activity. Students should not be separated by sex during these lessons to avoid “misgendering” students.
- Books that introduce 10-year-olds to anal sex.
- The slang for male and female genitals.
Back in 2019, parents warned that if the state continued to push this sexualized curriculum on their kids without opt out options, they would pull their children out of school in protest, causing schools to lose the “Average Daily Attendance.” The state of California funds school districts based on each student’s daily-recorded attendance.
The California Legislature, which is required to provide oversight to the California Department of Education, didn’t read the room or listen to parents. They passed the ban on banning sexually-explicit library books instead.
Public education in California has become sinister, as have the state’s Democrat politicians.
Thanks Katy for your efforts to alert sleepy Californians. I say sleepy because many are. It’s a fact that the Library Association is not on the side of decency and honesty. They scream against “banning books.” Yet, they themselves ban books that expose, for example, Margaret Sanger. An example is the book “Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood” by Christian author George Grant (1988).
Gee , even Librarians need to be executed : but first , we need to execute Lawmakers that use “Lawfare” to destroy Decency and our White Christian Civilization .
The Government is The Enemy … as usual .
As Kay Grimes concluded, it’s sinister demonic Democrats in the legislature who are passing radical far-left legislation like this that’s causing California parents to pull their kids out of the state’s public schools which have become mostly indoctrination camps.
Ooops, typo…meant Katy instead of Kay
These Democrats who sexualize children are very sick people. Why would a 1st grader need to know about penises going into vaginas and ejaculating? What purpose does that serve?
I’ll place bets on what’s not being taught about sex education in school. I’ll bet they are not teaching kids that Herpes is an incurable disease and that condoms only reduce the rate of transmission by 50%. I’ll bet they are not teaching kids that HPV can cause cancer, including throat cancer for those who in engage in oral sex. In fact, I know someone who got throat cancer this very way. I’ll bet they are not teaching kids that STDs are becoming more resistant and harder to treat with antibiotics.
No, the Democrats are promoting sex as risk free. The Democrats go around and tell everyone all you need is a condom. They don’t mention that the condoms have a failure rate of 15%, meaning you have a one in six chance of getting pregnant with condom use in just one year. .They won’t tell girls that there is a good chance there is a mental price to pay for an abortion. A 2011 study in the British Journal of Psychiatry found that women who had an abortion were 81% more likely to experience mental health struggles, and a 34% increase risk of anxiety. That doesn’t fit into the abortion narrative by Democrats.
Sex education in California schools is a joke.
“I am introducing the California Freedom to Read Act to fight book bans at public libraries,” Assemblyman Muratsuchi [pompously] said of his bill.
Oh my, our noble Dem legislators and of course our even more noble Gov Gavin Newsom, how good and brave they are to “fight book bans.” Oh, brother! Could they be any more phony and embarrassing? Do any of them have a sincere bone in their bodies? No one is BUYING this stuff anymore, if they ever did, which is doubtful, you liars. Don’t you see that? Everyone is on to you. You are trying to sexualize kids at as early an age as possible by exposing them to PORNOGRAPHY. You know, so they will be confused, corrupted, and ruined for life. People have done serious prison time for less. Well, before you all changed the laws so that ANYTHING is allowed, no matter HOW wrong and destructive.
Sit down, be quiet! ONLY one question, but this one DOES count fully towards your immortal soul.
Which book title was burned by the Weimar Republic in the 1930’s?
1. 1984
2. Apollodorus 1.6.3
3. Pinchas’ Peculiar PeniParts
There is absolutely.no reason any parents should put their kids in any public school. They are nothing more than indoctrination camps for depravity and perversion.
Below is a website to explore for starter information about homeschooling, private schools, for parents interested in taking their kids out of this mad CA public school system.
“Rescue Your Child”
Frankfurt Schools have terrible consequences.