Governor Gavin Newsom signs the 2020-2021 state budget. (Photo: CA.gov)
Gavin Newsom On the Run From His COVID Lockdown Record: He Should Never Again Hold Elected Office
Remember that for the first time in history, healthy people were locked down during the worldwide Coronavirus scare
By Katy Grimes, December 28, 2023 2:55 am
“A sable cloud turns forth its silverlining on the night,” John Milton wrote in Comus in 1634. We have simplified this to “every cloud has a silver lining,” meaning even the worst situations have some element of hope, some enlightenment or some other redeeming quality.
We have that “silverlining” with the COVID virus outbreak and subsequent lockdowns, business closures, school lockdowns, and mask and vaccine mandates ordered by government tyrants.
We know who the tyrants are… they told us who they were every day during the COVID outbreak – governors, state and local politicians, and public health officials, with their freakish television appearances demanding we “stay safe, stay home,” for our own good… while they moved about freely; while their lives went on relatively normally.

They ordered us to “mask up” despite knowing that masks don’t really prevent the spread of a virus. The Globe did an interview in January 2022 with Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, and one of America’s leading physicians on the early treatment of COVID-19, in which he explained at that time:
“There have been over one dozen studies of general masking which have shown it is basically not effective. I think the only people that need masks… I am a cardiologist and I wear a mask with patients.”
“Dentists, dental hygienists – and we wear them in the operating room. It’s not to prevent the spread of COVID, but it stops sneezes or coughs,” Dr. McCullough added. “But in general masks don’t work.”
They mandated vaccines as a condition to be able to return to work, despite that they were mRNA injections and not true vaccines, and despite that many in the U.S. already had contracted COVID and didn’t need a shot for protection from the virus.
They ordered children and babies be vaccinated despite that the virus did not infect children, nor were children vectors of the virus.
California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered the state locked down first in the country and extended out mask mandates and school and business lockdowns beyond all other states. This made little or no difference – other than to destroy two years of kids’ education and kill off as many of the state’s small businesses as possible.

There are those who now say many of the tyrants never even got the mRNA injection – they took a placebo.
We are hearing a lot of talk about the country being divided. The divisions were spurred during the COVID pandemic when the country was quite divided on how best to handle the virus.
In the early days of the pandemic when it was clear people were contracting the virus and there was a flu outbreak, by March 2020, one after another states began to issue lockdown orders, business closures, travel restrictions, and ordered people to stay home. But California Gov. Gavin Newsom was the first governor to issue a lockdown order of the entire state.
As the lockdowns wore on, Gov. Newsom was increasingly diabolical, offering an end date to the masking and lockdowns, only to either fully retract it claiming “positive tests were up,” or to attach a caveat – like the unvaccinated would have to continue to wear masks indefinitely.
In June 2021, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced he would end his COVID stay-at-home order, business lockdowns, and school closures after more than 15 months… but he also said a vaccination verification system would be coming in short order – which is to say, he wanted Californians to use an electronic vaccine passport to gain entrance to businesses, work and events.
The purpose of such an electronic system was to “allow” businesses to confirm that their customers have received their shots. And those who had not taken a vaccine would be required to continue to wear masks, as a form of a “Scarlet Letter.”
As the Globe reported, “It’s not the responsibility of businesses to confirm their clientele have been vaccinated for the coronavirus, any more than they are required to make sure their clientele have received an annual flu shot, or are boosting their immune systems by taking Echincea during cold and flu season. That’s not the job of the business, or the government; it’s solely the job of the individual.”
Newsom’s lifting of mask mandates for vaccinated individuals was just another cruel strategy to coerce compliance of the vaccination. “Get the vaccine and you can have your freedom; you can go back to normal,” was the plan. “Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton even came out and tweeted, ‘Get vaccinated or wear a mask.’ That’s it. These are the choices.”
“Coerced Compliance is not Freedom in Gov. Newsom’s Staged Re-Opening of California” the Globe reported.
What Newsom was proposing was a version of a social segregation system.
Remember that for the first time in history, healthy people were locked down during the worldwide Coronavirus scare – lockdowns of homes, schools and “non-essential” businesses, and governors issued mask mandates and vaccine mandates.
The medical industry set aside all rationale, ignored their own training, as hospitals got on board with the dubious protocols recommended by the CDC and National Institutes of Health, according to Dr. Peter McCullough. Hospitals received hundreds of billions in funding for COVID patients for the full treatment including the controversial Remdesivir, ventilation, and eventual death. According to Alex Berenson:
“Hospital profit margins in 2020 and 2021 more than doubled compared to 2019, researchers reported in JAMA Health Forum last month. In all, hospitals made at least $16 billion more in profits during the two Covid years than they did in 2019, the researchers found.
…the 20 percent bonus they received for Covid patients and other special funding more than made up the difference for most hospitals.
The most profitable 600 American hospitals each posted annual operating income of at least $38 million during Covid…”
As it turned out, California wasn’t really reopening in 2020, 2021 or even 2022, as the governor frequently teased. And that was because the state was still under a statewide declaration of emergency, meaning Newsom retained his emergency authority to alter or suspend state laws – indefinitely. Which he did with great frequency. A state judge even ruled that Newsom abused his emergency authority when he issued an executive order for all voters to get mail-in ballots for the election – his own recall election, with many believe was manipulated.
“Indefinite” it felt; such cruelty from one man elected by the people of California. How quickly Gavin Newsom went from elected governor of one state to Totalitarian Tyrant.
As Totalitarian Tyrant, Gov. Newsom issued 58 executive orders – “one-man-rule” decrees – during his statewide lockdown.
The governor/Tyrant continued to require face coverings for unvaccinated people, in some version of a social segregation system, pitting citizens against one another.
A few other governors followed suit with imperious stay-at-home orders, “non-essential” business closures, masks and vaccines – Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Gov. Kate Brown of Oregon, Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Gov. Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, Gov. David Ige of Hawaii, Gov. JB Pritzker of Illinois, and Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington.
Remember those names.
After 22 states had already lifted mask and distancing restrictions, the CDC sort of reversed its mask order in May 2021 and announced that face masks would no longer be mandatory… for those who’ve been vaccinated…
Other states chose to remain open, allow the people to move about freely, run their businesses, send the kiddies to school, and treat those most vulnerable carefully.
USA Today reported, “Gov. Kristi Noem has repeatedly said she won’t issue a statewide mask requirement or lockdown and has voiced doubts about health experts who say face coverings prevent infections from spreading. Noem’s ‘Back to Normal Plan’ laid out actions for residents, employers, schools and health care providers once four criteria categories are met, including a downward trajectory of documented coronavirus cases for 14 days in an area with sustained community spread.”
Gov. Newsom’s choice was totalitarian, dictatorial, arbitrary and overbearing.
The other choice – the decision to remain open – embodied the American spirit, allowing people to assess their own risk.
California was a special case with Gov. Gavin Newsom first at the trough – particularly with Dr. Anthony Fauci endorsing stay at home orders in all 50 states, restricting people from leaving their homes for anything other than “essential activities” (which did not include going to work for most).
Within a day of the lockdown, the state of 40 million people looked like it had been deserted.
Only seven states – Utah, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wyoming, and Arkansas – did not order statewide lockdowns on schools and businesses, or force people to stay in their homes.
“Pro-lockdown states like New York, California, and Massachusetts saw catastrophic unemployment numbers, 15.9%, 13.3%, and 16.1% respectively, alongside high COVID-19 death rates,” AEIR reported in August 2020.
“Instead of being able to live out the pandemic in relative peace, the lockdown policies brought about economic devastation…”
California lost 35.9 percent of “non-essential” businesses, which remained closed after being ordered to. More than one-third of restaurants permanently closed. Many owners were unable to pay their bills or feed their families while Home Depot, Costco and Walmart remained open, deemed “essential” by Gov. Newsom.
And Gov. Newsom was caught living his best life, dining at the French Laundry in Napa, enjoying multiple vacations out of the country while he locked down Californians. In Feb. 2022 he starred in “MaskGate” at the NFC Championship game in Los Angeles – despite his own face mask mandates.
In California, the New York Times reported 40,000 small businesses had closed by September 2020, in an article about California voters’ recall election of Gov. Newsom.
By 2021, the color-coded tier system Newsom put in place in 2020 which set occupancy limits at businesses and imposed other rules, was still in place. USA Today kept a running tally of the states and their varying stages of lockdowns, mandates and re-openings. By June 2022, when they ended their series because nearly all states were re-opened, California was not. Their reporting shows that most states lifted the bulk of the restrictions in 2020 and some straggled into 2021.
But because the media was never shut down, California reporters just couldn’t fathom the toll lockdowns took on small business owners, on families, on children locked out of school – on people not allowed to go to work. Consequently, the analysis and critique of Gov. Newsom’s dictatorial policies was largely left to about three of the state’s political reporters.
It’s not as if Gov. Newsom didn’t have access to experts who could assess the long and short term effects of the virus and lockdowns. But he chose not to access these experts at Stanford, UC Irvine, and practicing physicians who saw patients, and were witnessing the human damage of his “one-man-rule” policies.
If Governor Gavin Newsom can lockdown a state the size of California for nearly three years, he, and the other tyrannical governors who chose to lock down their states and impose cruel, arbitrary mandates, should never again be allowed to hold public office.
The definition of a Tyrant is someone who dictates and oppresses.
- Gov. Newsom Hands Out Another $76M ‘Safeguarding Californians From Hate-Motivated Incidents’ - March 25, 2025
- San Francisco Assemblyman Proposes Tax Breaks for ‘Dying’ California Cannabis Industry - March 24, 2025
- Is Governor Gavin Newsom ‘Newsom-Proofing’ California for the Next Republican Governor? - March 24, 2025
Thank you for reiterating the list of horrors that we all surreally lived through in the early years of this decade, and the associated economic and emotional toll that Gavin Newsom INFLICTED on the California populace.
Let’s ALSO NEVER FORGET that Gavin Newsom was tapped as a “Young Global Leader” by the World Economic Forum early in his political career, and to my knowledge has NEVER repudiated that association.
The World Economic Forum is the group of “elites” nominated by Klaus Schwab, son of a WWII Nazi -supporting chemical company executive, and one who strongly advocates for a digital health passport and has associates like Yuval Harari, who advocate for horrific tracking and making “hackable humans” via technologies, like those found I, the mRNA injections that are central to their evil, centralized control plans.
Read their Agenda 2030 documentation that describes their fascist takeover of the global economy and removal of all personal liberties and independence….
Newsom followed their ( and by extension) the World Health Organization) directives and should NEVER BE ALLOWED ANYWHERE NEAR the White House.
It’s bad enough that this lying narcissist has made it to the California Governor’s office, let alone the Oval Office, and if it weren’t for electronic voting system tabulation manipulations as recently disclosed in the Georgia case against Raffensberger, LIKELY would have been RECALLED, had the true will of the people been allowed to have prevailed.
Newsom is a crafty, EVIL, CORRUPT and stupid man, and must be exposed for what he did, and this article is perfect for that purpose.
Greg Abbott, the Texas governor is also a WEF operative: Texas like California also going to hell.
Thankful for Katy Grimes and California Globe documenting Newsom’s three year lockdowns which were undemocratic, authoritarian, autocratic, oppressive and tyrannical. Newsom needs to be hauled before a tribunal and be held accountable for his many crimes against humanity that includes locking healthy Californians and small businesses down (while excluding himself and his cronies) during the Covid scamdemic and for mandating experimental mRNA shots that have injured and killed thousands of innocent Californians. He and his soul have a lot to atone for.
That Gavin Newsom is still governor and in the limelight is a testament to several disturbing realities. He is protected by a vanguard of powerful special interests. The public employee unions are the most visible and transparent but other powers that also protect the Democratic Party are in play. The other disturbing reality is the gullible and stupid general population. I keep trying to find a more sophisticated explanation for why so many people support the likes of Gavin Newsom in spite of the obvious misery he creates. However, I talk with so many people who fall for simplistic one-line statements like “We must protect Democracy” that the only logical conclusion is that most people are nothing more than mindless sheep being led to slaughter.
Keeping these memories on the front pages is vital to the defeat of Newsom and his conspirators.
It has been said that the general public’s (aka sheep) political memory is 6 months long.
Please continue to keep these and other historical facts of his transgressions alive so that this man goes no further in his political career.
Katy Grimes is absolutely right to say that full exposure of our govt tyrants —– the most egregious of whom is our own dictator Gavin Newsom —- is the silver lining of the unprecedented nightmare imposed on us for more than three years (and it hasn’t ended, we’re living the fallout). Will exposure be enough, however, and will it help us, now that our voice has been taken from us (Vote by Mail imposed) and the populace weakened economically and psychologically by Gruesome and his Henchmen violently yanking us around like a dog on a choke chain for more than THREE YEARS?
Newsom & Co. employed Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste – on Steroids, during which all the tyrants checked off their lefty wish lists, unfortunately with the blessings of those of our fellow citizens who were NOT skeptical but swallowed ALL of it hook, line, and sinker. The gullible were not on board and were usually working against us and thus we were unable to mount a full-throated go-to-hell effort. With the help of our few honest reporter allies (Katy Grimes and others) and honest physician allies (Peter McCullough and so many others) we did pretty well compared to what MIGHT have happened, vaxxes for all and vaxx passports for all and the rest of it, but we were and still are ALWAYS at the mercy of our fellow gullible citizens. This is an old story, as old as time, but it still remains to be seen if enough Californians and Americans have seen the light and if this new strength is able to overcome how much we’ve been crippled by the tyrants so that we can save our formerly Golden State and once-free-and-magnificent country.
Covid and the shot along with the shutdown was an attack 10,000x worse than 911. Noisome and his henchmen hope we will all just forget the devastation and lives ruined by his deliberate attack on the people of this state. I have news for him, his Nuremberg style trial is coming soon.
Never Forget!
“I want to apologize to you because I need to preach and practice, not just preach and not practice, and I’ve done my best to do that. We’re all human. We all fall short sometimes.”
Gavin Newsome, after being caught going maskless attending a birthday party for his political advisor Jason Kinney, a registered lobbyist, at the Michelin-starred French Laundry restaurant in Yountville.
As Adam Corolla has said, “ This guy is a g*d damn, sociopath!”
Enough said!
Newsom should never be voted in as a local dog catcher!!
In addition to being a sociopath, Newsom suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I need to do some research to determine whether that makes two distinct mental disorders or are the two simply inseparable.
The comments thus far are spot on and well written. My only addition would be that Newsom and Co are peacefully coming down, it is not a question of if but when this event happens. My hope is that he won’t make it too far into 2024. Right minded folks should begin pondering what this state will look like without Newsom and the RINO establishment.
RINOs in California’s legislature mostly went along with Newsom acting like a tyrannical dictator? While he was in the Assembly, even Kevin Kiley voted to authorize $1 billion of emergency pandemic spending for Gov. Newsom in March 2020, saying that we needed “to trust in Governor Newsom’s leadership and listen to his guidance.”
The funny thing is when we tried to go thru the courts to pull off Newsom’s grip from California. His people went up and down Califronia dragging the state’s acting epiidemiologiist from Jan 2020 to June of 2020 in front of 40 different judges saying “This is the guy who has been advising the governor.” There was no cross examination. Once the case to open the churches went to SCOTUS. A cross examination of the state epidemiologist happened in a deposition. Mark Meusser was one of those lawyers. He askeed this guy “When did you know about the lockdown orders?” His anwer “Oh about the same time you did.” Mark Meusser asked him another question “When did you know about the stay at home orders?” The guy answered “Around the same time evreyone else did, but i may have gotten an e-mail about a day or two before they happneded.” Another lawyer took over from there. This caused Newsom to raise the white flag and the churches capacity went from restricted to recommended. Had the states epidemiologist been cross examined before this, I do think one of these judges would have releneted and put a stop to stop to Newsom’s draconian lockdown orders.
It is also kind of funny that you bring up the recall election being manipulated because some of the volunteers, such as me, believe trhe recall was rigged to favor Newsom. As to where the proponenst of the recall asked the question “Where were the other three million people who voted for Trump in 2020. ” and they also say “voter apathy does a lot more damage than voter fraud ever could.” I personally will not try and persuade the proponents of the recall election to see things from my point of view. I don’t even bring it up. I let bygones be bygones. and live peacefully.
Thank you for some of the background. I *DO* recall Newsom being sued *5* times in the Supreme Court for the restrictions placed upon churches before he finally gave up. That’s a LOT of tyranny and effort to squash our first amendment rights!
Hopefully people can see past the slick hair, gleaming shark smile and propensity for lying, and keep this person from every attaining a higher office.
Tour de force, Katy. Thank you.
No, we will never forget what these partisan tyrants inflicted on us for their own political agenda in election year 2020 IMHO, Nancy Pelosi is getting off too easy in all of this. They drove this country into a cul de sac for their own agenda, and had absolutely no idea how to get out. So they kept wading into The Big Muddy.
I’ll say it again. when she tore up Trump’s SOTU address on live TV, I always felt she sent a dog whistle to unleash the hounds of “covid” hell in election year 2020. Get Trump was her only “health” concern.
There was covid, which realistically was just a bad flu season, when all the untainted data finally sorts out.
And there was Covid™ laden with hoax, hysteria, lies and full political manipulation. One simply cannot talk about “covid” any longer – because the same word means two vastly different experiences.
We are past argument. Democrats inflicted this “covid” holocaust on our country and the world, with far more tragic and deadly consequences than even LBJ’s Vietnam lethal hoax. God bless our fighting men who were the victims of the cynical Democrat Vietnam disinformation campaign.
Let my people go!
That’s a good one, Hal. And so true.
Thank you for the truth! What irks me is that my teacher colleagues disagree with everything you wrote and are most likely going to vote for him again!!!
Public school teachers comprise one of the stupidest groups of people in the country. Been there, seen and heard that. The NEA and CTA are nation destroying enterprises.
Look how people were relieved at Henry Kissinger’s passing. no doubt the swarm creatures noticed this.
The younger Kissinger’s-Soros, Newsom, Trudeau, ….how will we-Team humanity-remember them? “Good riddance to another criminal against humanity finally out of our daily lives” , or “what sad news, i will miss him/her, he helped so many people”
For how they made life so difficult for others by relentlessly pushing their lock step policies of control that lead the people into enslavement like the old, outdates and useless Agenda 30? People are fast coming out of the stupor of ignorance, finding out about the few who control the media that they previously thought was legitimate, finding the backbones to move away from group think in the worl places and use thier freedom to speak while we still have not had it stolen.Once awake, no longer controlled by tyrants, they wont shrink back into compliant despair and submission….this is not looking good for Newsom.
Does he see where we are heading? That its no longer ok to be aligned with the pedo people in the UN/WHO/WEF?
If Newsom wants to have any chance , now is the time. He needs to declare an eradication-effective immedietly-in all Ca counties from using foreign interference-agenda 2023- in how we run our counties. Time to rip that up once and for all.
An interesting study would be a comparison between the average IQ of today’s California voter with that of, say, 1980. My guess would be that it has dropped precipitously. How else does such a loathsome creature as this scumbag get elected and re-elected? California is more like a US Pacific-rim territory than an actual state of the union.
Because they control the levers by which the electorate are selected.
First of all, there was NO “epidemic” at all. The definition of an epidemic is a disease present in multiple countries for which there is NO CURE. Hundreds of doctors all over the country treated patients with Ivermectin, HCQ, and other remedies, which cured covid, so there was/is a cure. It was a made up “epidemic”, principally to get rid of a president who was also the leading presidential candidate.
Secondly, it’s puzzling to me why courts, especially the SCOTUS, didn’t smash all of the tyrannical mandates by governors, mayors, “health” officers, and others, which were blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL. It’s nobody’s business what I refuse to put in MY body, or how I live, or where I go, from the president on down. If I want to expose myself to a virus, I should be able to do that without interference from anyone. All the scare tactics used didn’t persuade me one bit that my life was in danger from a virus. I was exposed several times but never got the “dreaded killer”! No jab either!
In August, 2020 my husband and I traveled to Kansas and were pleasantly surprised at how free we felt after crossing the CA border into AZ and beyond. Too bad we had to come back! If my husband’s health was better, we’d have been out of here as soon as we sold all of our CA rental property last year!
When the stupid dipshits in CA couldn’t recall that hairgel, gay boy, I gave up on that idiot infected shit hole and moved out. CA is full of zombie commies and not worth investing anymore time and money into.
California is a lost cause. Get while you can.