Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary California Health and Human Services. (Photo: CHHS)
Gov. Newsom Extends CA Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate to February 15th Because ‘Omicron’
‘This is hurting everyone’
By Evan Symon, January 6, 2022 2:15 am
California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly announced on Wednesday that the statewide indoor mask mandate, set to end on January 15th, has been extended for another month.
Last month, due to concern over the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, Governor Gavin Newson and Dr. Ghaly reinstated the indoor mask mandate in California. While put in place to help reduce the spread of the virus, many businesses were hurt economically in the process, with many recalling the difficulties they faced with the first mandate in 2020 and early 2021.
However, the explosion of COVID cases in California has exploded since mid-December, with new daily cases reaching record-high numbers, topping even the previous record highs of new cases during the winter surge last year.
Dr. Ghaly reported on Wednesday hospitalizations are also facing record number, with that around 51,000 currently at hospitals due to COVID-19 – only 2,000 away from the record amount this time in January of 2021.
With worries about additional shutdowns, strains on hospitals, and eligible people still not receiving vaccines or vaccine boosters, Ghaly extended the indoor mask mandate on Wednesday.
“Omicron is here and it’s here now,” Dr. Ghaly said during conference call with the media. “At that time, we will again reevaluate the condition across California, our communities and our health-care delivery settings to make sure that we are taking the latest information into account to determine if there would be another extension, or if we’re prepared to lift that requirement across the state.”
“In California we have admitted more patients on a day-to-day basis over the last few days than we did even at the peak of last winter’s surge. A lot of people are not being admitted to the ICU and many have other underlying conditions.”
According to California’s COVID Dashboard, the state is now averaging over 28,000 new cases a day, with Los Angeles County alone sometimes reaching 20,000 new cases a day, representing the vast majority of new cases. Test positivity has also gone drastically up, now at around 21.3%.
While health officials were largely in favor of the mandates returning on Wednesday, especially with many people now having both COVID-19 and influenza at the same time in what has been dubbed “flurona”, many business leaders expressed concern at another month of masks.
“We want customers and employees all to remain safe, but another month of masks means another month of decreased income,” explained Sally Fraser, a manager of three office parks and strip malls in LA County, to the Globe on Wednesday. “We lost several companies last year, and with the new mandates, we have many asking us how much longer they will be in place because they need to know if they will survive this year.”
“One of our bigger tenants moved here from Tennessee last year, and they’ve set up as much as possible outside to avoid the masks.”
“This is hurting everyone. We’re losing tenants because of this, businesses are getting less money, and customers are resorting to alternate businesses or places to go. It’s hurting everyone.”
As of Wednesday, the new mandate is now extended to at least mid-February, with a further extension to be evaluated by state officials a month from now.
So Newsom wasn’t available to make this latest decree on his own, huh???
Must have pained his vanity-driven ego, but someone must have screwed up and actually given him one of the active ingredient lots, rather than the saline-lot placebo…
Here’s the gaslighting and mass hysteria psychosis piece of this article and the state report:
“Dr. Ghaly reported on Wednesday hospitalizations are also facing record number, with that around 51,000 currently at hospitals due to COVID-19 – only 2,000 away from the record amount this time in January of 2021.
With worries about additional shutdowns, strains on hospitals, and eligible people still not receiving vaccines or vaccine boosters, Ghaly extended the indoor mask mandate on Wednesday.”
The TRUTH of the matter is,the hospitals are not overrun with “Covid CASES” but rather with people experiencing cardiovascular or neurological side-effects from the nasties that are included in the active ingredients of the shots, as reported in the Conejo Guardian :
Wake up people, you’re being PLAYED, for political purposes and reasons, with underlying
corruption, but hey, that’s what the Biden crime family DOES…
Here comes W the Covid cheerleader in 3…2…1
Thanks for your compliment.
The Canejo Guardian did a follow up article as well but it’s amazing that virtually zero news agencies have picked up on this information. It’s almost as if they don’t care about the truth at all and have a huge vested interest in pushing the vaccine narrative…. Why else would they suppress the truth??
“However, the explosion of COVID cases in California has exploded since mid-December, with new daily cases reaching record-high numbers, topping even the previous record highs of new cases during the winter surge last year.”
That all happened during Newsom’s statewide *mask mandate* period.
If masking up works, then how come we’re setting new bad records when we do it?
Why would Newsom and Ghaly double-down on something we can all see is ineffective?
Correct. If “mask mandates” work, then how come “mask mandates” don’t work?
Just as I predicted the winter surge of Covid is here. Omicron is devastating. The hospitals are getting swamped. Worst then last winter. Gov Newsom needs to order an immediate lockdown and stay at home order now.
Actually, if you subtract the most highly vaccinated counties from the hospital status dashboard provided by the California Department of Public Health, things aren’t too bad at all: https://public.tableau.com/views/COVID-19HospitalsDashboard/Hospitals?:embed=y&:showVizHome=no
Influenza A symptoms are very similar to Covid/Omicron symptoms. According the the CDC reports of Influenza A are on the increase: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weeklyarchives2021-2022/WhoPHL51.html
The CDC surveillance reports for outpatient visits for respiratory visits for the 2021-22 season seem to be following the same curve as other flu seasons: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weeklyarchives2021-2022/ILI51.html
Here’s the full report from CDC, updated weekly: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm
No the winter surge of covid is not here. Omicron is not devastating despite the link to Forbes which you provided which is a “left wing propaganda” site! Hospitals are not getting “swamped”. During this time of the year hospitals have always been typically at 85% to 95% full because of flu and pneumonia. Lockdowns and mask mandates don’t work. We have tried that for two years. Covid is something we will have to learn to live with. Look at Florida and Texas where there are no mask and vaccine mandates. Governor Climate Change should look to those two states, he might get some sense but I doubt it.
It’s devastating because people are experiencing clotting adverse side-effects from the vaccines, not the virus itself…
You’re being played, fool…
DemocRATS and Newscum doubling and tripling down on failure is par for the course. And the L.A. Times reports on hospitalizations in L.A. County is nothing but LIES. And then there is the DemocRAT trolls with more lies that go unchallenged. There is NO TRUST in the media, government, and anything that comes out of them must be checked and re-checked for accuracy. Nothing can be taken at face value any longer. NOTHING.
If people still think masks and lockdowns work then there is no hope for them. They do not see the whole picture and are not in touch with facts. Why do so many of the these so called leaders get caught with their pan.. down, I mean masks down or run off to florida and Mexico to breathe freely? If they truly felt they were in danger of a virus they would be conducting all business at home, masked up waiting for their upteenth booster.
As repeatedly stated for 23 months, cases do not represent illness!!
I just wonder if such hyper focus on past flu seasons would have caused the same Mass Formation Psychosis.
As a result of these draconian measures, more children will be harmed, more isolation will take place and more businesses will be lost.
^^^ And that’s what the Davos crowd wants… a complete meltdown of the current economy so they can ramp up their “Great Reset”…
Resist at all costs….
Yes good Ol’ Klaus Schwab’s dystopian dream. It all sounds so nicey, nicey to some until you do a little digging. It is essentially is an end to autonomous governments and free markets. It is ONE WORLD CONTROL under powerful elitists who truly believe they are wiser than you, basically Newsom on a grander scale. Newsom is one of his pets. He was named a WEF young leader years ago.
Where’s Gavin…. really????
Yes, curious, for a guy who loves to announce decrees in front of the camera.
Masks don’t work and people simply need to stop complying or this nonsense will go on for ever.
Meanwhile Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell was spotted vacationing in Miami maskless this week just a few days after he blamed the GOP for ‘canceled vacations’ and for having to wear ‘masks everywhere’ again just before the new year. Swalwell was apparently able to go ahead with his holiday travel plans and ditch his mask just days later when he was spotted hanging out at the posh Loews Miami Beach Hotel. He was seen in exclusive DailyMail.com photos Tuesday chatting with a female friend at the lobby of the four-star hotel while looking after his infant son. The bigger story here is that Swalwell is not afraid of Covid. He even brought his newborn (unvaccinated) baby to mandate-free Florida. Another day, another Democrat hypocrite?
Exactly Samantha!
I always appreciate your comments.
If the virus were so deadly and he was sure that masks worked, he would be masked up in Miami and would have left his newborn with the nanny.
He likes to put on a show. Yet his bay area constituents drive around double masked alone in the car on their wait in a 4 hour long line to be tested for covid all the while showing no symptoms.
Racking up those case numbers for the exploiters like Swalwell.
The nonsense covid rules are destroying the small business in my office building housing mostly state workers. The cafe has great food at 2020 W. El Camino. Are these bureaucrats are completely oblivious to the consequences of their actions?
By the way, Gavin et al, masks don’t work, or haven’t you heard?
If Covid is so deadly, why hasn’t the state implemented a hazardous waste disposal protocol for the disgusting, bacteria-laden masks laying around all over the place?