Sweet potato farm. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
More Dire Climate (Weather) Predictions: Prophets of Doom and Gloom Agitating for Control
‘Why science is becoming more corrupt, and how it is being abused for political and economic gain’
By Katy Grimes, August 9, 2023 8:25 am
Earlier this week we reported that the Sacramento Bee was claiming “July was Earth’s hottest month ever.” The Bee used climate hype and propaganda from the World Meteorological Organization – an agency of the United Nations.
This week the Associated Press is spouting the same misleading agitprop, but they’ve moved on to the European Union as the source for their nonsense:
“July 2023 was Earth’s hottest month on record, by far.”
“July’s global average temperature of 16.95 degrees Celsius (62.51 degrees Fahrenheit) was a third of a degree Celsius (six tenths of a degree Fahrenheit) higher than the previous record set in 2019, Copernicus Climate Change Service, a division of the European Union’s space program, announced Tuesday. Normally global temperature records are broken by hundredths or a tenth of a degree, so this margin is unusual.”
If the six tenths of a degree Fahrenheit doesn’t put the fear of God in you, this should:
“We should not care about July because it’s a record, but because it won’t be a record for long,” said Imperial College of London climate scientist Friederike Otto. “It’s an indicator of how much we have changed the climate. We are living in a very different world, one that our societies are not adapted to live in very well.”
What do these climate scientists want Americans to do?
- Give up driving your cars and SUVs?
- Move out of your houses into a downtown apartment near transit?
- Eat more plant-based meals and stop eating meat?
- leave your cars at home and walk or cycle?
- choose public transport, preferably electric options?
- carpool?
- buy an electric car?
- Reduce the number of long-haul flights you take?
- Install solar panels on your roof?
- turn your heating/cooling down or up a degree or two?
- buy the most efficient appliances?
- grow your own fruit, vegetables and herbs?
- Set up a community garden?
- Make compost out of food waste?
- Buy fewer new clothes and wear them longer?
- Plant trees?
- Choose financial institutions that do not invest in carbon-polluting industries?
These are actual ways the UN says you can fight Climate Change.
In recent years media weather reporters overstate the heat – often exaggerating “extreme heat” as much hotter than the actual forecast. And when they are wrong, they never correct it or admit it.
Some governments have been caught taking temperature readings at ground surface which shows several degrees higher than the ambient temperature. Temperature reading is supposed to be taken 5 feet above the ground.
A Globe reader reported, “In my area (farming) they claim that we are in an extreme drought. But, we are getting rain every two or three days. All lies. I know that they are engineering a famine. It appears they want to convince people that climate change is the cause of everything they are lying about.”
I am not a scientist, but I have been blessed with an abundance of common sense, and an equally strong inner BS meter. Here’s more from the AP:
“Copernicus’ records go back to 1940. That temperature would be hotter than any month the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has recorded and their records go back to 1850. But scientists say it’s actually the hottest in a far longer time period.”
So despite records only going back to 1940, “scientists say it’s actually the hottest in a far longer time period.” Maybe EU and UN scientists do…
Marc Morano, founder of Climate Depot also disputes these climate pimps, and cites Physicist Dr. Ralph Alexander who wrote, “Hottest in 125,000 Years? Dishonest Claim Contradicts the Evidence.”
Alexander operates ‘Science Under Attack’ and debunks these claims:
“The claim, repeated mindlessly by newspapers, magazines and TV networks in lockstep, is blatantly wrong. Aside from the media confusing the temperature of the hotter ground with that of the air above, there is ample evidence that the earth’s climate has been as warm or warmer than today’s – and comparable to that 125,000 years ago – several times during the past 11,000 years after the last ice age ended.
Underlying the preposterous claim is an erroneous temperature graph featured in the 2021 Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). The report revives the infamous “hockey stick” – a reconstructed temperature graph for the past 2020 years resembling the shaft and blade of a hockey stick on its side, with no change or a slight decline in temperature for the first 1900 years, followed by a sudden, rapid upturn during the most recent 120 years.
The hockey stick, the creation of climate scientist and IPCC author Michael Mann, first appeared in the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report in 2001, but was conspicuously absent from the fourth and fifth reports. It disappeared after its 2003 debunking by mining analyst Stephen McIntyre and economist Ross McKitrick, who found that the graph was based on faulty statistical analysis, as well as preferential data selection (see here and here). The hockey stick was also discredited by a team of scientists and statisticians assembled by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
Plenty of evidence, including that presented here, shows that global temperatures were not relatively constant for centuries as the hockey stick would have one believe. Maximum temperatures were actually higher than now during the MWP, when Scandinavian Vikings farmed in Greenland and wine was grown in the UK, and then much lower during the LIA, when frost fairs on the UK’s frozen Thames River became a common sight.
Dr. Alexander has been debunking the faux climate scientists for years. “In a previous post, I presented evidence for a period even warmer than the MWP immediately following the last ice age, a period known as the Holocene Thermal Maximum,” he said.
In 2018, Dr. Alexander wrote “Science Under Attack: The Age of Unreason.”
“Dr. Alexander shows how science is being abused, sidelined or ignored, making it difficult or impossible for the public to form a reasoned opinion about important issues. Readers will learn why science is becoming more corrupt, and also how it is being abused for political and economic gain, support of activism, or the propping up of religious beliefs.”
Marc Moreno highlighted a “New York Times article which claims ‘climate change’ means ‘the end of the summer vacation as we know it’ – ‘Our relationship to travel has reached a tipping point.”
Moreno warns, “This is the COVID PSYOP ending and the climate PSYOP beginning. This is the New York Times signaling that the ruling class is telling us that vacations are now a thing of the past. They’re trying to set our mindset to give up on vacations. And they’re giving up our freedom of movement…What the New York Times is claiming is that somehow people have to stay home, and it is literally in the article suggesting people need to huddle around their air conditioners at home because the weather is too extreme — because our previous travel has made the earth uninhabitable. This is insane, unscientific, silly.”
As we reported earlier this week, the Climate pimps are working overtime to convince everyone that there is a Climate Crisis worthy of another pandemic-level response – lockdowns, confinement, business closures, loss of rights and freedoms… and now we learn, no travel?
All you really need to look at is that all the “leaders” claiming environmental hysteria are being chauffeured in gas guzzling SUV’s, flying around the world in jet planes, consuming environmentally taxing products and services and have multiple, monster, houses, often times right on the beach. The day they give all that up and ride bikes everywhere I’ll start listening to them. It’s as simple as a group of narcissistic, delusional, psychopathic people who think they are better than everyone else and want to be treated like kings and queens while everyone else is their peasant!!
Funny how these climate fascists pushing this garbage all have beach houses.
Well, they’re sure trying hard to change the climate with geoengineering – also referred to as chem trails. One such technique they’re using is called Solar Radiation Management which is the spraying of heavy metals, such as Aluminum, Barium and Strontium, in the atmosphere to cause a cloud covering. See more at https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.
Yes Michael, weather warfare is upon us.
All I have go say to the B.S. climate alarmists such as Climate Czar John Kerry is I will give up my vacation and SUV when you give up the private jet you take to far away places and your Mansions.
Same goes for Leo Dicrapio partying hard on yachts with girls half his age, he also uses private jets to lecture us all.
Hilarious they all want to rocket into space to one day live on inhabitable Mars. Remember boys it is a one way ticket to Mars. The hottest ticket on the market.
All I have go say to the B.S. climate alarmists such as Climate Czar John Kerry is; I will give up my vacation and SUV when you give up the private jet you take to far away places and your Mansions.
Same goes for Leo Dicrapio partying hard on yachts with girls half his age, he also uses private jets to lecture us all.
Hilarious they all want to rocket into space to one day live on inhabitable Mars. Remember boys it is a one way ticket to Mars. The hottest ticket on the market.
“Angeles Don’t Play This HAARP” . An excellent read..
Web search HAARP Station Alaska.
For those unfamiliar with how modern science works at least 90% of published paper even in the hard sciences are junk papers. Its close to 99% in the soft sciences / bioscience that are not just a published record of experimental data. Either nothing new, bad math or the most common problem – paper’s conclusions do not match hard evidence provided in paper. I’ve seen various number but at least 95% of papers are read by no one but the authors and the peer reviewers. In some areas it around 99%.
Its not just that “climate science” is junk science. Basically made up stuff with little hard evidence behind it. As hard science as sociology. It the fact that none of its many critics who have the necessary scientific and math background have actually done a deep dive in the fundamental assumptions of “climate science” . I did a extensive search a while ago in the published literature and could find lots of papers and articles pointing out the junk models, junk data, sweeping assumptions etc but no one actually did a critical analysis of the core part of “climate science” – the Energy Balance Model of Sellers, Budyako et al. None I could find.
This is very basic old school science. The way science work before the 1960’s. You start at first principals and go from there. All the critics of AGW with a science background of the current generation it seems cannot do this. They belong to same junk paper science culture. and just concentrate on small scale problems rather than the first principles.
If you actually read the Sellers / Budyko Energy Balance Model papers and books from the 1960’s to 1980’s you will quickly discover that their model only deals with one system energy type (which is totally valid for weather forecasting) but they ignore all other energy sources that are most important for a full system model. In simple terms, they assume the surface of the earth has a temperature of zero and the earth has no independent energy source. Yes. Zero. The assume the earth has the same surface temperature and internal temperature as the somewhere like the moon. Which is easily disproved by Mt Shasta, Lassen etc.
So in a full system Energy Balance Model for the earth any possible atmospheric “Greenhouse Effect” drops from around 33C to maybe 4C. Max. So any AGW effect would be so small as to unobservable. Plus the actual hard specific evidence is we are near the end of the current Ice Age Interglacial and Global Cooling unlike Global Warming would truly be catastrophic for the whole world. Not that long ago California was artic tundra very like modern Greenland.
Thats how worthless most modern science has become. Even the critics of such a blatant pseudo science as “climate sciences” cant even do basic old school science it seems.
We coincidentally live in the time of the two greatest frauds ever perpetrated by man. They are Covid and Climate change.
Religion is one of the human activities that anthropologists study. Religious beliefs share similarities from culture to culture. They almost always include apocalyptic warnings. “Do what we tell you or God, Muhammed, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, etc., will strike you dead.”
These edicts come from “clergy” who are recognized as anointed people who profess to speak for their particular deities. In their respective cultures the priests are not to be questioned or you’ll be struck dead or tortured or banished. The lying so-called scientists (climate pimps per this article) serve as the clergy for the Climate religion.
It is astonishing how gullible lay (non-clergy) people are with respect to this fraud.
Right on Tfourier!
The brain washing of our children by the educators is where I have a real problem.
The educators are there to teach, not indoctrinate.
Mass murder in Maui.
What did people see in the skies?
People are more open in 2023 to the heart breaking reality of the level of evil that is reality.
The divide is us, the 8 billion vs them.