California Governor Gavin Newsom speaking at the State of the State address in Sacramento, CA, Mar 8, 2022. (Photo: Sheila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock)
Possible Debate Between Newsom, DeSantis Strained Over Disagreements of Debate Terms
Proposed debate would by moderated by Fox News Host Sean Hannity sometime later this year
By Evan Symon, August 7, 2023 1:37 pm
The agreed-upon debate between Governor Gavin Newsom and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis faced planning strain over the weekend when Newsom balked at numerous proposed changes to the debate made by DeSantis and called them “a joke.”
A large, non-election debate between longtime rivals Newsom and DeSantis has been in the works since September 2022, when Governor Newsom first proposed such a debate following the Florida Governor’s controversial action of flying up several planes worth of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. While both candidates said that they would be ok with a such a debate, not much was done over the next several months. But, with DeSantis now a major Republican candidate for President and facing a steep challenge against former President Donald Trump, and Newsom a highly rumored candidate for either 2024 or 2028, the interest in a debate returned this summer.
When Fox News host Sean Hannity asked about a debate during an interview with Newsom in June, the Governor responded positively, saying “I’m all in. Count on it.”

This led to both Newsom and DeSantis agreeing to the debate last week. Under the debate terms outlined by Newsom in his letter to Fox News host Sean Hannity, the debate would only be between the two candidates with no audience, aired live, last for 90 minutes, be moderated by Hannity, with neither candidate allowed to use notes during the debate. In addition, each candidate would get a four minute opening for remarks and would have 90 seconds to respond to each question and initially rebut, with an additional 30 seconds for each subsequent rebuttal. A final 2 minute closing remark would also be given, with speaking order determined by coin flip.
Other matters were more open. The location of the debate was suggested by Newsom for being in either Nevada, Georgia, or North Carolina due to each of the states being considered a battleground state with strong Republican and Democratic ties. The date of the debate was also not certain, with Newsom proposing 2 dates in early November.
Last week, Hannity expounded that the debate would be policy-based, with these preliminary sample questions:
- Why is there mass immigration from blue states to red ones?
- How do you reconcile states with high income taxes against states that have low incomes tax rates or none at all like in Florida?
- What’s the difference between a sanctuary state and states that respect immigration laws?
- Should we remain energy independent or restrict the use of fossil fuels altogether?
Newsom/DeSantis debate terms become strained over differences
DeSantis subsequently did agree to a debate, telling Hannity last week that “I’m game. Let’s get it done. Just tell me when and where we’ll do it.” However, he also proposed several changes. According to the DeSantis camp, they want a live audience for the debate, with audience members having a ’50-50 split’ ideologically, as well as notes being allowed for the debaters. DeSantis also wants no opening remarks and instead wants a 2 minute long video for each candidate approved by Fox News beforehand. He also proposed several dates for the debate between September and November, with more GOP-friendlier debate locations and the policy-based debate including non-policy questions.
Both candidates did agree to Hannity being the only moderator, the debate lasting 90 minutes, two minute closing statements, and equal debate time. Also agreed was a common debate date of November 8th and Georgia as a debate location.
However, DeSantis’ changes enraged Newsom during the weekend, with Newsom Spokesman Nathan Click responding in a statement with “What a joke. DeSantis’ counterproposal is littered with crutches to hide his insecurity and ineptitude — swapping opening statements with a hype video, cutting down the time he needs to be on stage, adding cheat notes and a cheering section. Ron should be able to stand on his own two feet. It’s no wonder Trump is kicking his ass.”
With talks of a debate now being strained, many experts question if such a debate is possible, as both Governors have a certain style that they want infused into the debate.
“Newsom wants a more traditional, debate club sort of approach, which DeSantis is looking for a debate more tailored for showing off candidates before a major election to build back steam,” said Dean Campbell, a debate coach and advisor in Washington, to the Globe on Monday. “Both styles have been done on the national stage in the past several election cycles, and honestly, a hybrid would be the best case scenario if you want this debate to move forward. Like, for example, an audience being allowed, but with no cheering or clapping being allowed besides at the beginning and end of the debate. Quiet like how Newsom wants, but with many eyes still on them live like how DeSantis wants. If you have ever wondered how debates are agreed to behind the scenes in previous elections, this is just a taste at the back and forth.”
“My mentor helped set up the 1980 debate between Carter and Reagan, and he once showed me the boxes of phone transcripts and letters that both sides, plus a third party candidate named John Anderson, had sent in setting it up. It’s really a lot for a national debate, and this one is unique as it is a non-election year between two Governors who aren’t running against each other, at least not yet. So, yeah, this back and forth is normal, and is actually needed so everyone knows what the rules are going in.”
“DeSantis has been pushed out of the news cycle by Trump in recent months and has been suffering in the polls as a result. Similarily, Biden is outshining Newsom. Both DeSantis and Newsom have also been sniping each other for years, like Newsom blindsighting DeSantis by putting ads in his state praising California last year and DeSantis flying migrants into California earlier this year.”
“And now, with neither side agreeing to a debate, we’re seeing the sniping happen again, but, like how it often is, it’s now being done largely on Twitter, with Newsom going after Florida’s school curriculum earlier today.”
Florida’s latest curriculum—featuring cartoon Christopher Columbus explaining, “being taken as a slave is better than being killed!” and telling time-traveling kids that slavery was “no big deal.”
This is the kind of propaganda DeSantis and his friends at PragerU are teaching… pic.twitter.com/wPY8USFzhQ
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) August 7, 2023
“Overall, this back and forth is normal, but we’re seeing seemingly more of it because it is usually taken care of behind the scenes.”
Both Governors are expected to counter with updated debate itineraries in the coming days.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Governor Climate Change can’t have things his way so he starts his liberal whining! DeSantis will mop the floor with him just like Travis Allen and John Cox did.
Throughout the USA section 8 housing being built to house the hoard of illegals who are permanently here; you’ll be paying to birth their babies and care for them until America collapses then these new arrivals will turn on you.
A debate of feigned sincerity to argue the transporting of a few illegals is merely more diversion designed to saturate gullible minds with minutia while the comprehensive plan to dismantle America continues.
Folks, it’s the “Cloward Piven Strategy” on steroids facilitated by the conspiratorial republicans and democrats intended and implemented to destroy America.
Web search the Cloward Piven Strategy should you care.
This is a huge missing story that every one from each of our 58 counties can contribute to with pictures.
Look around in every single (?) county in CA. Its eye opening the scale of new and thoughtlessly, hideously out of place high rise rabbit hutches going up. Ruining the charm and beauty of our towns and landmarks-all on purpose.
People know and care. Things are brewing and its only a matter of time until we all put an end to all of this nonsense. The burden is on the criminals. Even the illegals know whats up but their own towns have already been desrtoyed. We all have the same enemy-and its not each other.
People know and people care. People are waking up they are not going back to sleep.
Unfortunately Laura I don’t share your optimism. That doesn’t mean I won’t work hard to help turn the state around but I have little confidence in any current election process. How stupid were the voters (or corrupt the election process) that the Newsom recall failed? A worse example was the people of Pennsylvania electing a person with verifiable brain damage to the US Senate. Perhaps Winston Churchill best knew the reason:
“The greatest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.”
Hannity let Newsom snow him with an avalanche of unverifiable facts and figures that completely avoided any attempt to provide information – we spent blah, blah, on this and not blah blah on that before blah blah spent this before blah blah spent that on this… and on and on.
Hannity sat there like a child being toilet trained.
Watch Newsom’s debate performance against Brian Dahle. I wouldn’t want to be seen on the national stage either.
What I was hoping for was for one of the proponents of the Recall Gavin 2020 campaign to get a hold of the DeSantis camp and give him tips for debating Newsom. I would want DeSantis so well prepared for this debate that he delivers several knock out punches to Newsom.