Welcome to California sign on California-Oregon border (Photo: Evan Symon for California Globe)
Crime is Not Down, Bidenflation is Real, the Border is Not Secure, and ‘Migrants’ are Illegal Aliens
A few thoughts from the peanut gallery: opinion backed by facts
By Katy Grimes, May 3, 2024 2:55 am
Crime is not down, Bidenflation is real, the Border is not secure, boys can’t be girls, progressives are not “progressive,” and “Migrants” are illegal aliens and some are terrorists.
It’s time to get a few things straight.
The pro-Hamas, pro-Palestine protests on universities are not peaceful, nor are they organic. They are being funded by corrupt elitists the way ACORN, BLM and the George Floyd mobs were.
Fentanyl from China has killed more Americans than died in the Vietnam War – more than 80,000 overdoses occurred in 2021 and approximately 77,415 between April 2022 and April 2023, according to the CDC.
“Climate Change” originated in the United Nations and is a redistribution-of-wealth scheme – even the BBC knows this.
Democrats are socialists and Marxists – the Democratic Socialists of America is theirs. (What is Democratic about them anyway?) Are there Republican Socialists of America within the Republican Party? Nope.
Today’s so-called “progressives” are not – they are antiquated emotional reactionaries.
Trans-kids and “Gender-affirming care” is being pushed by global elitists – and China. The Biden Administration has ordered men into women’s shelters, medically transitioned children, used school lunch programs for poor children as leverage to force schools to adopt the rainbow agenda, and let males into girls’ locker rooms, the Ethics in Public Policy Center acknowledges. “And, of course, pretty much every major left-wing group has followed the LGBT lobby into pushing a radical transgender agenda.”
Boys with male genitalia and the XY chromosome are not girls. In humans, sex is determined by specific chromosomes – XX female, XY male. That’s just science and should not require a link.
Title IX was passed in 1972 and prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government.
There is nothing about gender identity or trans persons in Title IX:
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
I have lived Title IX and know it intimately. Challenge me. Please.
California Governor Gavin Newsom is one of the corrupt elitists, part of the ruthless, sadistic ruling class, beholden to the UN, EU, WEF, WHO and China. He doesn’t govern California for the people; he is helping to destroy it. Human Events has reported extensively on the Young Global Leaders (YGLs) of the WEF:
“WEF doesn’t discriminate based on party – it recruits politicians from both sides. This is especially true in the United States. Dan Crenshaw, Gavin Newsom, Adam Kinzinger, Pete Buttigieg, Nikki Haley, Tulsi Gabbard, Texas Congressman Colin Allred, and Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego have all been named as YGLs.”
“Business leaders like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Sergey Brin are all listed as YGL alumni.”
Joe Biden is a tool of the sadistic global elite Marxists who want to break up the United States of America; as are many who currently hold elected office. Biden is helping destroy the U.S. with record deficit spending, Bidenflation, 10 million illegal aliens and terrorists crossing the border. The Heritage Foundation explains:
“Since taking office, President Joe Biden has created an illegal migration crisis, with more than 10 million illegal aliens entering the United States under his watch.”
Biden is destroying US energy, and is now proposing bringing Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News. This despite Hamas’ unprecedented attack across Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people, most of them civilians. Hamas militants also abducted more than 200 people, many of whom are still hostages.
Started by Barack Obama, and continued by Joe Biden, the U.S. military is in decline and “has become a woke, dysfunctional bureaucracy focused not on winning wars but on identity politics, gender ideology, climate change, and other favored causes of the leftist elite,” confirms Unfit to Fight author Amber Smith, a former US Army combat helicopter pilot and air mission commander in the 101st Airborne Division.
The Obama administration (now the Biden Administration) attacked the warrior class, and worked to neuter America’s men and boys, with some successes.
The Biden Administration is in fact using a weaponized government to target a political opponent, Donald Trump.
The Left isn’t interested in “saving our Democracy;” they are in fact destroying our Representative Republic and Democracy.
One of the aims of Marxisms is to dismantle institutions of education. How is your kid’s school doing?
NGOs – Non-governmental organizations – have become an untraceable, unaccountable shadow government with seemingly unlimited government funding. Untold billions of homeless funding has disappeared into NGOs. And in California, we have double the number of homeless after Gov. Newsom blew $24 billion on homelessness with nothing to show for it other than a 2X larger zombie apocalypse living on California’s streets.
NGOs are also being used, and funded by the government, to “process” border crossers. Longtime journalist Elizabeth Nickson reported:
“In Wisconsin”, says Jay Valentine of Omega4America, “we have discovered that the left there is flying in migrants by the planeload. They take them to homeless shelters, which aren’t even homeless shelters, they are offices. There they are given licenses, debit cards and are registered to vote. This is happening in every swing state. Of course, they don’t stay there. They don’t want to live in Wisconsin or Minnesota. Too cold.”
“We have tracked 141 NGO’s working on stealing the vote,” says Peter Bernegger, who has been working on the issue for the past three and a half years in Wisconsin, through Election Watch.
NGOs act as facilitators, funders, brains trusts, and activists. The NGOs on the border discovered by Michael Yon, are in league with the NGOs helping to steal the vote.
“We think they have flown 325,000 migrants into red states,” said Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville in an interview with Steve Bannon last week.
Education has become indoctrination, and graduates are largely ignorant and gratuitously opinionated, unqualified for any job requiring critical thinking and basic math and English skills.
“Politicized faculty, infantilized students, and mediocre classes have combined to erode the prestige of college degrees, even at once elite colleges,” Victor Davis Hanson writes. “A degree from Columbia no longer guarantees either maturity or preeminent knowledge but is just as likely a warning to employers of a noisy, poorly educated graduate more eager to complain to Human Resources than to enhance a company’s productivity.”
The Great Replacement is no longer a theory – it’s reality, confirms Dutch Attorney Eva Vlaardingerbroek, at CPAC Hungary. “White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don’t turn things around.” She notes that “they are actively invited in by a corrupt elite, and they made the nation pay for it too.” Listen to her talk.
And in the US, so are White, Christian, Asian, Black, Hispanic and Jewish Americans being replaced – but only if we let them.
Democrats will try to burn down the country before allowing Donald Trump to win reelection. But we hold the power – which is why they try to silence us and replace us – which is why they tried to “depopulate” us – which is why they really fear us.
They know that we know what they are doing – expansionism, for a one world order. It’s happening in Europe as Eva Vlaardingerbroek described, and it is happening in the United States right under our noses, as President Joe Biden and his administration facilitate an “organized, structural attack on our civilization.”
Politicians won’t stop this.
It is time to be as strong as we have ever been.
Amen, Ms. Grimes.
That sums it up. Period.
All true, and so bad, that it would seem Biden has no chance, but…..
I suspect the Democrat “vote harvesting” operation is so strong that it is no longer necessary to “persuade” people to vote for your ideas. Just get the 30-40 % of hardcore Democrats, then harvest the mailed out ballots, print out the fakes to get you over the top to break the record”81 million” votes and control the counting. Then fight the inevitable lawsuits and marginalize all those who claim voter fraud. I also see that the Democrats are gearing up to block election certification in the House as their secondary plan, and after that impeachment.
Oh yeah-also nationwide riots to cause chaos.
Thank you so much for this column, Katy Grimes. Thank you for seeing what is happening in our state and our country in these dark times and having the courage and strength to stick your neck out and write about it. Thank you for being the kind of person that has scaled the heights of sitting down and interviewing a former president one-on-one while at the same time remaining a hometown reporter who writes honestly and tirelessly and with dignity not only about Sacramento politics but also every controversial California topic that Globe readers actually want and need to know about. Thank you for doing the research and giving us the facts. How fortunate we are to have you at the helm of the one-of-a-kind California Globe.
Showandtell, ditto!
Wow, spot on! Thankful that we have Katy Grimes and California Globe contributors exposing the raw facts and the sometimes overwhelming challenges that we face with this evil globalist cabal and their Democrat/RINO uniparty stooges that have been installed at the local, state and national levels that seeks to destroy us.
As Katy pointed out, education has often become nothing more than indoctrination? Be very wary of graduates from Ivy League schools (Harvard, Yale, Columbia, etc.) that are mostly indoctrination training camps for the deep-state globalist cabal–especially the public policy and law schools? California’s radical Democrat Attorney General Rob Bonta and his wife Democrat Assemblywoman Mia Bonta come to mind who are both graduates of Yale Law School.
Katy….first, thank you for writing this article!!! It is the most precise description without any wasted words of our state, country & the world. As dismal as the current landscape looks, it is refreshing & encouraging your ability to put what any reasonable person knows & sees. I heartily agree with your final statement “It is time to be as strong as we have ever been.”…….by GOD’s grace, strength & courage may this tide be changed to honor this Constitutional Representative Country that has been given to us to steward no matter what side of the aisle one stands.
Please publish the bio’s of Biden’s marionettes,aka kitchen cabinet.
Those people need the light of day to shine on them for all to see who is really running this country.
Katy, I love your heart! I love your hard, cold FACTS!
These marxists, corrupt, politicians want us to suspend disbelief and not believe our own eyes and lived experience.
Thank you for keeping it real. I pray that an average, everyday citizen stumbles upon your writing and this publication and comes to realize those in charge have steered this country and state and every blue city in the absolute wrong direction that is hurting families and destroying
businesses and the middle class!!
Katy, your article sums up why I am encouraged for the change that is about to happen. They are afraid of us as there is still more “normal” people than there are of them, and they know it. When it is the darkest God’s light always shines through, and this time period will be no exception. Look at all the confusion that is being brought about by the crazy class. While I believe there is a bit more confusion to come, they are running out of options and their plans are not working out as planned and they are losing control. It is time to be bold and courageous because our salvation is drawing near. If you don’t have a relationship with God, I would encourage you to visit a Bible believing church this Sunday. Leave your money at home (God doesn’t need it).
Hallelujah, Amen!
Look up, pray up.
Ephesians 6:10-11
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.