Gov. Gavin Newsom during Dec. 3, 2020 press briefing. (Photo: gov.ca.gov screen capture)
Top 50 Disasters Gov. Gavin Newsom Has Ushered into California
With this list of epic policy failures, we are looking forward to the DeSantis/Newsom debate November 30th
By Katy Grimes, November 7, 2023 2:50 am
The blockbuster news this weekend that Obama Democratic Strategist David Axelrod advised President Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race after a damning poll showed him trailing behind former President Donald Trump, the New York Post reported. “David Axelrod pointed to Sunday polling from the New York Times and Siena College that shows the president lagging behind Trump in the five key battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania — states which Biden won when he faced Trump in 2020.”
This changes everything. Prepare for Candidate Gavin Newsom.
Last week, the Globe addressed “Watching in Real Time as Two-Term Gov. Gavin Newsom Destroys California With Devastating Policies.” We noted today’s “progressive” politicians advocate for Maoist policies while confident they will be immune from the effects, and we listed in detail, examples of this breakdown of society in actual recent headlines from numerous sources – Gavin Newsom’s California.
With Gavin Newsom trying desperately to appear more moderate and even pro-American to bolster his standing as a 2024 Presidential Candidate, it’s more important than ever to understand his real record.
As promised, the Top 50 Disasters Gov. Gavin Newsom Has Ushered into California.
The list of terribly important California issues, and bad policy decisions is long – Governor Newsom’s California, is reflected in this list of disastrous policy decisions:
- Water rationing: How can California have a water crisis when the state borders the Pacific Ocean, and the Sierra Nevada mountain range, 400 miles north-south and 50 miles to 80 miles east–west, drains into more than 15 rivers, 6 lakes, and numerous creeks? The Sierra Nevada snowpack is the major source of water and a significant source of electric power generation in California.
- Highest taxes in the nation: California Ranks Among 10 Worst in U.S. for High Taxes. Gavin Newsom’s state ranks in the bottom three for worst for individual taxes. Even with the highest taxes in the nation, Newsom and Democrats tried to pass legislation to force successful Californians to pay additional taxes on wealth and income that’s already been taxed – and vowed tax “avoidance” would not be allowed as California would tax them for the next ten years, despite what state they live in.
- 817,000 Californians left California in just 2022. Thousands of businesses have fled to other states
- Dramatically increasing crime wave: Gov. Newsom even announced in 2020 he planned to close two state prisons in the coming years, and all three state-run juvenile prisons. He’s also said he planned to increase sentencing credits to allow inmates to leave prison more quickly, shorten parole to a maximum of two years, down from five years for felonies, and let ex-felons earn their way off supervision in just a year, or 18 months for sex offenders.
- All big cities in California are in decline under Gov. Newsom
- multiple labor unions striking
- growing mentally-ill, drug addicted homeless population littering streets with feces and drug needles
- denied housing vouchers in Los Angeles
- reparations for descendants of slaves
- $7.00-per-gallon-gas
- Gov. Gavin Newsom has a problem with no-bid contracts to favored donors: details of these contracts here.
- porn in K-12 curriculum – school books show actual graphic sexual acts, and in cartoon form, clearly targeting kids
- State mandated secrecy of gender transitioning children from parents
- Gov. Newsom was the first Governor in the country to declare a COVID emergency, install himself as a virtual dictator by seizing this unilateral power, and completely ignore the democratic process.
- COVID mandatory vaccine bills
- Single Payer health coverage – Socialized medicine. Assembly Constitutional Amendment 11 was introduced in 2022 in the California Legislature to enact significant tax increases to fund universal single-payer health care coverage in California
- public school teachers strikes
- energy shortage, rolling blackouts by the state utility companies
- Newsom’s COVID State of Emergency order from March 2020 until the end of February 2023 – he hung on to his emergency powers three years, con scribing the state to a dictatorship.
- Newsom’s Vaccine mandates for school children, days after opposing one for prison guards
- AB 5 Newsom signed into law, killing off the state’s independent contractors.
- Gun control bills overturned by federal judges
- Rolling power blackouts: during the state’s heatwaves, and record temperatures throughout the state, rolling blackouts hit millions during the very hottest weather. While the governor said he was investigating the power outages, he also said Californians needed to get used to it.
- $4.5 Million Free Immigration Legal Services Pilot Program
- Newsom’s own Ministry of Truth – his new “Commission on the State of Hate,” he created via Executive Order also establishes the state’s first Racial Equity Commission.
- Gov. Newsom even officially created a new state website, abortion.ca.gov, to assist anyone needing financial assistance from a Red State, with abortion travel plans and financial assistance, to California for an abortion, or to commit infanticide if you’re 9 months along (It’s now legal in California), courtesy of the California taxpayers.
- Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 2098 by Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell), which will punish physicians and surgeons for “unprofessional conduct” for advocating for the potential benefits of early treatment with off-label drugs, or those who dare to ask questions about COVID vaccine safety – i.e. for “spreading Covid “misinformation.” A judge issued and injunction to halt implementation, and eventually Newsom had to push a bill through the Legislature to officially overturn AB 1098.
- Gov. Newsom Calls for Tax on ‘Windfall Profits’ on Oil Companies After Abandoning Gas Tax Pause
- Newsom, in 2021, largely killed hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in California as part of his overall plan to end oil extraction. He also announced his action to halt issuance of fracking permits by 2024.
- Gov. Newsom signed Senate Bill 1137, gut-and-amend legislation by Democrat Senators Lena Gonzalez and Monique Limón, would require 3,200-foot mandatory setbacks around California oil and gas wells.
- California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered letting another 76,000 prisoners out of state prisons – on his own authority through Executive Order, as violent crime is spiking in California’s cities.
- State Capitol staffers told the Globe in February 2022 that elected members of the Assembly and Senate were exempted from COVID vaccine mandates, but Capitol staffers were not, and in fact were required to receive a booster by March 1st, or be fired. Where was the media on this?
- Gavin Newsom’s French Laundry moment wasn’t confined to dining out – besides multiple vacations out of the country while he locked down Californians, in Feb. 2022 he starred in “MaskGate” at the NFC Championship game in Los Angeles – despite his own face mask mandates.
- Gov. Gavin Newsom defied the state’s voters within 6 weeks of being sworn in January 2019 when he announced in March 2019 he was granting reprieves for all death penalty murderers on California’s death row, calling the death penalty “ineffective, irreversible and immoral.”
- Gov. Newsom signed SB 152 quickly after its passage June 2021, which changed the rules of his own recall election by allowing Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis to set an earlier date for the recall election – exactly what Gavin Newsom decided would be best for Gavin Newsom. State officials bypassed one of the very steps in the recall election certification process they themselves put into law less than four years ago in order to protect a fellow state senator from his own recall defeat.
- Also by Executive Order, Newsom announced closure of San Quentin State Prison.
- Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 145 by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) which lowers the penalties for adults who have sex with same-sex minors – this means the new law allows a 24 year old to have sex with a 14 year old and escape a felony conviction and requirement to be a registered sex offender.
- Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Slew of Marijuana Bills.
- Governor approved AB 205, income-based utility billing, rather than using an all-of-the-above approach to abundant energy production in California: Oil, gas, coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, solar and wind.
- While Gov. Gavin Newsom sued the Orange County city of Huntington Beach for failing to provide enough additional “affordable housing,” his own home county of Marin is enjoying a moratorium on affordable housing building requirements until 2028. Coronado and Elk Grove have also been sued by the state.
- Gov. Newsom announced in 2022 he would be developing the state’s lithium reserves in the Salton Sea region, and create a Lithium Valley Commission. “Proponents of mandating unrealistic policies and tight deadlines to fight climate change are finally having to confront the consequences of those sweeping decisions against a backdrop of an unreliable global supply chain impacting our national security.”
- Newsom announced state-funded full scope Medi-Cal healthcare to 138,000 illegal immigrants
- Newsom reinstated the Obamacare individual mandate requiring everyone to buy health insurance or face tax fines
- Newsom signed an executive order that he would grant reprieves for all 737 death penalty murderers on California’s death row, calling the death penalty “ineffective, irreversible and immoral.”
- During COVID, Gov. Newsom issued a nine different sets of re-opening plans, moving the state re-opening goalposts over and over again
- Rampant and large scale pandemic unemployment assistance fraud was exposed November 2020 – upwards of $31 billion dollars in unemployment claims was fraudulently sent to prison inmates in California’s county jails, and state and federal prisons, out of state, and even out of the country, while legitimate claimants were been stiffed for months, or received late payments. Death row inmates, life and life without possibility of parole inmates, rapists, child molesters, human traffickers, and other violent criminals received California unemployment benefits
- Governor Gavin Newsom’s 58 ‘COVID’ Related Executive Orders from March 4, 2020 to November 2020 – running the state as a dictator (never let a crisis go to waste)
- Gov. Gavin Newsom Makes Hurried $1 Billion Deal With China’s BYD for Masks
- In March of 2020, CA Gov. Gavin Newsom Ordered 40 Million Californians to Shelter at Home Over Coronavirus
- When he was elected, Gov. Newsom, in January 2019, promised the world and a bag of chips to Californians.
- Newsom’s campaign promises included:
- Universal healthcare for everyone, regardless of ability to pay, including immigrants in the country illegally
- A “Marshall Plan” for affordable housing production of 3.5 million housing units over the next decade
- A master plan for aging with dignity
- A middle-class workforce strategy
- A cradle-to-college promise
- Universal pre-school
- An all-hands approach to ending child poverty
- “Audacious” and “bold” action on the homelessness crisis
How many campaign promises do you remember? How many have been enacted? Do voters even want what Newsom promised?
With this list of epic policy failures, we are looking forward to the DeSantis/Newsom debate November 30th.
- California Senator Tony Strickland Sworn in – Again - March 11, 2025
- California Voter ID Ballot Initiative Announced for 2026 Ballot - March 11, 2025
- Critics of Trump’s Reciprocal Tariffs are Missing the Economics Gene - March 11, 2025
Where else would we find such a compilation of Newsom-as-Governor wreckage except from Katy Grimes and the CA Globe archives? Reviewing this list —- which by the way I noticed can be read as headlines, or as headlines and summaries, or much more deeply by visiting the links —– is eye-watering. If we hadn’t lived it ourselves we would have trouble believing it, but it’s amazingly ALL TRUE. It needs to be extensively shared. Each item ON ITS OWN is bad enough to condemn a politician — any politician — but a bombardment of 50 items like this one? And as we know there are even MORE beyond 50 that could have been easily added to the list. But it has to end somewhere.
Coincidentally Katy Grimes took over as editor of California Globe at the same time Gavin Newsom was inaugurated as CA Gov — January 2019. Although it’s true that California had plenty of problems before 2019, Newsom-as-Gov seemed to have a Magic Wand of Disaster, the opposite of the “Midas Touch,” and from Jan 2019 on California quickly and precipitously went off a cliff to —- in record time —- become the stinking pit of a hellhole that now assaults us wherever we look. It’s only been just under 5 years, after all, but the wreckage under Newsom has been devastating.
Looking at the compilation above it becomes clear why this happened and who is to blame for it. The guy can’t help himself. Everything he touches turns to $%*@. EVERYTHING. God forbid Gavin Newsom should become president, or even the Dem nominee, which is a scary enough prospect. Hope everyone will share this article far and wide which will help to get this stuff on the Newsom-Desantis Nov 30 table and will help to inform and alert the nation. This potential for impending disaster needs to be nipped in the bud.
Could not agree more @ Show!
What would we do with out Katy Grimes keeping the receipts on our loathsome, dictator, Newsolini. This is a great compilation as to why this guy should NEVER be president.
Have we not had enough people occupying the White House to push neomarxist ideas? He would be the pin that launches the California Chaos on a national level.
Full Stop!
Imagine, we have had 4 years of Biden destruction and then Newsolini comes to finish the job!
We as a country need quite the opposite! Not a guy throwing down word salads, mowing down little children to throw a ball in a hoop! Yay! Imagine he could then mow down the citizens of the United States to bring an electric car to every garage subsidized by you the taxpayer! Then he can scream, “PROGRESS!” Yay!
Just roll the tape of news footage of California destruction, with the slogan, “ Newsom , He Was Bad For California and Will Be Bad For America!”
Lives and business have been permanently ruined thanks to Newsom’s covid diktats! His trail of destruction must end in California! He is just Kamala Harris in male form! Lots of word salads coming your way. Sorry but people have had enough!
He can take his ball (PROGRESS!) and go home! The children of today will thank us in the future.
A vote for Newsom or ANY democrat is a vote for national suicide.
Does anyone believe that Newsom’s posturing and campaign stunts like visits to Israel and China (and the DeSantis debate) are NOT being encouraged and funded by Democrat elite power brokers? ALL of this is being planned to replace the Biden/Harris ticket in 2024. The only question that remains is whether Newsom will end up being number one or number two on the Democrat ticket. I suspect number two, with Michelle Obama as number one. Obama will only agree to serve a single term – she is reluctant to give up her privileged and unencumbered (un-scrutinized) lifestyle for very long – as she has little pride in the country (her words). Newsom will settle for number two IF they allow him to be the number one in 2028. Harris cannot object to Obama as number one; she can object to Newsom. Dumb Kamala is just a place holder for the Obamas; which is why Willie Brown told her not to take the job. The one thing that could derail the Democrat plan is the third party run of RFK.
Re; #’s34 and 44 The state of California has spent over $4 million of taxpayer money on gender surgeries for prisoners throughout the state, including several death row inmates.
Yep! That is Newsom’s kind of PROGRESS, paid by the hard working people of California!
No Thanks!
Thankfully we have Katy Grimes and California Globe to document the epic policy failures that Newsom and his deep state handlers have inflicted on Californians while the Democrat controlled propaganda media ignores them!
Great job Katy narrowing down the list to 50!! I know it wasn’t easy.
Great list. Newsom’s Executive Order to limit participation on in person church during covid was a huge infringement on the First Amendment as confirmed in Court.
After reading all 50 of Katy’s ‘Newsom Points of Malfeasance’, I did find that she did touch on one of my two biggest pet peeves. That is the impossible cost, and rising, of electricity in California.
Not on the list is the impossible result of homeowners insurance companies fleeing the state as quickly as the state’s law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are. While Gavin fanboys might say the insurance situation is not directly his fault, it’s obviously not as big a priority to him as shoving electric vehicles down our throats is.
Good point about insurance. This issue is a direct result of the left burning down the state. Both issues are part of their depopulation plan.
Excellent article. This list should be used as a roadmap to correct the issues that Newsom and the democrats have made. If these issues are corrected this state back to greatness again.
What, no mention of his disastrous water (mis)management policies, and lax oversight of the CA Water Board (many appointed by Newsom), which regularly allows and encourages wasteful water practices under the guise of “environmental stewardship”…
How many acre-feet of water has the state of California allowed to run out to the ocean, ostensibly to save the “Delta smelt”, a small baitfish???
The water issue is number 1.
I actually meant to mention that BEYOND rationing, the underlying reason for rationing is their policy of DRAINING THE RESERVOIRS for political reasons, but the point is well made and we’re in agreement – EVERYTHING related to Newsom’s water policies is detrimental to California….
You left out “ballots mailed to last known address, around 50% in 2020 remain unaccounted for.”
Free and fair elections are #1. With those we can fix all the other problems. Without them we cannot fix anything.
Newsom is without a doubt the worst Governor in California history, if not the history of the United States. He and the Democrats have literally destroyed this state, to the point where people are leaving. In just about every metric, this state is at or near the bottom: crime, unemployment, drug use and addiction, homelessness, school performance, energy prices, taxes. Single family home zoning has even been banned. Add it up, and Newsom is a FAIL.
Add one more to the list: Accurately proclaiming that (Los Angeles) “looks like a third world country,” when Hairgel visited areas where railroad cars had been looted while still in transit. California increasingly looks third world under his regime.
I don’t recall seeing the continuing the “crazy train” above.
Great and enraging list (note: #34 and #44 are the same). I seriously hope the people of America are exposed to this before he gets on another ballot anywhere.
Add in the fact that Gov. ‘Unelectable to Higher Office’ has a history of infidelity with subordinates, never got his own children vaccinated while mandating it for everyone else, appointed a Senator who didn’t even reside in the State and has been AWOL ever since, espouses to be part of the climate change cult yet maintains a rigorous internation travel schedule, and his First Cuckqueen’s reliance on PG&E funded puff pieces while he continues to allow them to escape liability for burning down their customer’s homes and/or killing them, and you have a recipe for disaster. Personally, I think it is unlkely that he could stand up to the scrutiny to be at the top of the ticket especially since he would not be able to contol the message like he has been able to do with the media in
Calfornia but stranger things have happened.
When I moved to California from Taxachusetts in 1985 I thought I was doing myself a favor. What is the expression? Out of the frying pan into the fire? Now I’m stuck here. Nobody to blame but myself. UGH!!
Since everything on the internet is forever, let’s add THIS link to the mismanagement of the EDD that took place on Governor Hairgel’s watch :